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Example 11 with FDistort

use of boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class CommonFitPolygonChecks method renderDistortedRectangles.

public void renderDistortedRectangles(boolean blackShape, Class imageType) {
    orig = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(imageType, width, height);
    image = GeneralizedImageOps.createSingleBand(imageType, width, height);
    int white = blackShape ? this.white :;
    int black = blackShape ? : this.white;
    GImageMiscOps.fill(orig, white);
    GImageMiscOps.fill(image, white);
    for (Rectangle2D_I32 q : rectangles) {
        if (fittingToBinaryImage)
            GImageMiscOps.fillRectangle(orig, black, q.x0, q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0 + 1, q.y1 - q.y0 + 1);
            GImageMiscOps.fillRectangle(orig, black, q.x0, q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0);
        Polygon2D_F64 tran = new Polygon2D_F64(4);
        AffinePointOps_F64.transform(transform, q.x0, q.y0, tran.get(0));
        AffinePointOps_F64.transform(transform, q.x0, q.y1, tran.get(1));
        AffinePointOps_F64.transform(transform, q.x1, q.y1, tran.get(2));
        AffinePointOps_F64.transform(transform, q.x1, q.y0, tran.get(3));
    new FDistort(orig, image).border(white).affine(transform).apply();
    if (showRendered) {
        ListDisplayPanel panel = new ListDisplayPanel();
        panel.addImage(orig, "Original");
        panel.addImage(image, "Image");
        ShowImages.showWindow(panel, "Rendered");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
Also used : ListDisplayPanel(boofcv.gui.ListDisplayPanel) FDistort(boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort) Rectangle2D_I32(georegression.struct.shapes.Rectangle2D_I32) Polygon2D_F64(georegression.struct.shapes.Polygon2D_F64)

Example 12 with FDistort

use of boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class CreateFiducialSquareImage method drawPattern.

protected void drawPattern(int patternID) throws IOException {
    String imageName = new File(imagePaths.get(patternID)).getName();
    GrayU8 image = UtilImageIO.loadImage(imagePaths.get(patternID), GrayU8.class);
    if (image == null) {
        System.err.println("Can't read image.  Path = " + imagePaths.get(patternID));
    // } else {
    // System.out.println("  loaded "+imageName);
    // make sure the image is square and divisible by 8
    int s = image.width - (image.width % 8);
    if (image.width != s || image.height != s) {
        GrayU8 tmp = new GrayU8(s, s);
        new FDistort(image, tmp).scaleExt().apply();
        image = tmp;
    GrayU8 binary = ThresholdImageOps.threshold(image, null, threshold, false);
    if (showPreview)
        ShowImages.showWindow(VisualizeBinaryData.renderBinary(binary, false, null), "Binary Image");
    PixelMath.multiply(binary, 255, binary);
    BufferedImage buffered = new BufferedImage(binary.width, binary.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
    ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(binary, buffered, true);
    PDImageXObject pdImage = JPEGFactory.createFromImage(document, buffered);
    pcs.drawImage(pdImage, 0, 0, innerWidth, innerWidth);
Also used : PDImageXObject( FDistort(boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort) GrayU8(boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8) File( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ConvertBufferedImage(

Example 13 with FDistort

use of boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class FactorySteerable method gaussian.

 * Steerable filter for 2D Gaussian derivatives.  The basis is composed of a set of rotated kernels.
 * @param kernelType Specifies which type of 2D kernel should be generated.
 * @param orderX Order of the derivative in the x-axis.
 * @param orderY Order of the derivative in the y-axis.
 * @param sigma
 *@param radius Radius of the kernel.  @return Steerable kernel generator for the specified gaussian derivative.
public static <K extends Kernel2D> SteerableKernel<K> gaussian(Class<K> kernelType, int orderX, int orderY, double sigma, int radius) {
    if (orderX < 0 || orderX > 4)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("derivX must be from 0 to 4 inclusive.");
    if (orderY < 0 || orderY > 4)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("derivT must be from 0 to 4 inclusive.");
    int order = orderX + orderY;
    if (order > 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The total order of x and y can't be greater than 4");
    int maxOrder = Math.max(orderX, orderY);
    if (sigma <= 0)
        sigma = (float) FactoryKernelGaussian.sigmaForRadius(radius, maxOrder);
    else if (radius <= 0)
        radius = FactoryKernelGaussian.radiusForSigma(sigma, maxOrder);
    Class kernel1DType = FactoryKernel.get1DType(kernelType);
    Kernel1D kerX = FactoryKernelGaussian.derivativeK(kernel1DType, orderX, sigma, radius);
    Kernel1D kerY = FactoryKernelGaussian.derivativeK(kernel1DType, orderY, sigma, radius);
    Kernel2D kernel = GKernelMath.convolve(kerY, kerX);
    Kernel2D[] basis = new Kernel2D[order + 1];
    // convert it into an image which can be rotated
    ImageGray image = GKernelMath.convertToImage(kernel);
    ImageGray imageRotated = (ImageGray) image.createNew(image.width, image.height);
    basis[0] = kernel;
    // form the basis by created rotated versions of the kernel
    double angleStep = Math.PI / basis.length;
    for (int index = 1; index <= order; index++) {
        float angle = (float) (angleStep * index);
        GImageMiscOps.fill(imageRotated, 0);
        new FDistort(image, imageRotated).rotate(angle).apply();
        basis[index] = GKernelMath.convertToKernel(imageRotated);
    SteerableKernel<K> ret;
    if (kernelType == Kernel2D_F32.class)
        ret = (SteerableKernel<K>) new SteerableKernel_F32();
        ret = (SteerableKernel<K>) new SteerableKernel_I32();
    ret.setBasis(FactorySteerCoefficients.polynomial(order), basis);
    return ret;
Also used : Kernel1D(boofcv.struct.convolve.Kernel1D) SteerableKernel_F32(boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.impl.SteerableKernel_F32) ImageGray(boofcv.struct.image.ImageGray) FDistort(boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort) SteerableKernel(boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.SteerableKernel) SteerableKernel_I32(boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.impl.SteerableKernel_I32) Kernel2D(boofcv.struct.convolve.Kernel2D)

Example 14 with FDistort

use of boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestPyramidFloatGaussianScale method _update.

public void _update(GrayF32 img) {
    InterpolatePixelS<GrayF32> interp = FactoryInterpolation.bilinearPixelS(img, BorderType.EXTENDED);
    PyramidFloatGaussianScale<GrayF32> alg = new PyramidFloatGaussianScale<>(interp, scales, sigmas, imageType);
    // test the first layer
    BlurFilter<GrayF32> blur = FactoryBlurFilter.gaussian(ImageType.single(GrayF32.class), 3, -1);
    GrayF32 blurrImg = new GrayF32(width, height);
    blur.process(img, blurrImg);
    GrayF32 expected = new GrayF32((int) Math.ceil(width / 3.0), (int) Math.ceil(height / 3.0));
    new FDistort(blurrImg, expected).scaleExt().apply();
    GrayF32 found = alg.getLayer(0);
    BoofTesting.assertEquals(expected, found, 1e-4);
    // test the second layer
    blur = FactoryBlurFilter.gaussian(ImageType.single(GrayF32.class), sigmas[0], -1);
    blurrImg = new GrayF32(expected.width, expected.height);
    blur.process(expected, blurrImg);
    expected = new GrayF32((int) Math.ceil(width / 5.0), (int) Math.ceil(height / 5.0));
    new FDistort(blurrImg, expected).scaleExt().apply();
    found = alg.getLayer(1);
    BoofTesting.assertEquals(expected, found, 1e-4);
Also used : GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) FDistort(boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort)

Example 15 with FDistort

use of boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestDetectChessboardFiducial method renderTarget.

public GrayF32 renderTarget(int numRows, int numCols) {
    GrayF32 gray = new GrayF32(w, h);
    float backgroundValue = 150f;
    float squareValue = 20f;
    ImageMiscOps.fill(gray, backgroundValue);
    int numCols2 = numCols / 2;
    int numRows2 = numRows / 2;
    numCols = numCols / 2 + numCols % 2;
    numRows = numRows / 2 + numRows % 2;
    // create the grid
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numCols; x++) {
            int pixelY = 2 * y * squareLength + offsetY;
            int pixelX = 2 * x * squareLength + offsetX;
            ImageMiscOps.fillRectangle(gray, squareValue, pixelX, pixelY, squareLength, squareLength);
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows2; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numCols2; x++) {
            int pixelY = 2 * y * squareLength + offsetY + squareLength;
            int pixelX = 2 * x * squareLength + offsetX + squareLength;
            ImageMiscOps.fillRectangle(gray, squareValue, pixelX, pixelY, squareLength, squareLength);
    if (transform != null) {
        GrayF32 distorted = new GrayF32(gray.width, gray.height);
        FDistort f = new FDistort(gray, distorted);
        f.border(backgroundValue).affine(transform.c, -transform.s, transform.s, transform.c, transform.T.x, transform.T.y).apply();
        gray = distorted;
    if (showRendered) {
        ShowImages.showWindow(gray, "Rendered");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    return gray;
Also used : GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) FDistort(boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort)


FDistort (boofcv.abst.distort.FDistort)23 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)11 ConvertBufferedImage ( GrayF32 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32)8 GrayU8 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8)3 Kernel1D (boofcv.struct.convolve.Kernel1D)2 Kernel2D (boofcv.struct.convolve.Kernel2D)2 ImageGray (boofcv.struct.image.ImageGray)2 Point2D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64)2 File ( DMatrixRMaj ( Estimate1ofEpipolar (boofcv.abst.geo.Estimate1ofEpipolar)1 SteerableKernel (boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.SteerableKernel)1 SteerableKernel_F32 (boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.impl.SteerableKernel_F32)1 SteerableKernel_I32 (boofcv.alg.filter.kernel.impl.SteerableKernel_I32)1 RectifyCalibrated (boofcv.alg.geo.rectify.RectifyCalibrated)1 ListDisplayPanel (boofcv.gui.ListDisplayPanel)1 PanelGridPanel (boofcv.gui.PanelGridPanel)1 PointCloudViewer (boofcv.gui.d3.PointCloudViewer)1 AnimatePanel (boofcv.gui.image.AnimatePanel)1