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Example 6 with PointTrack

use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class VisOdomDualTrackPnP method selectCandidateStereoTracks.

 * Searches for tracks which are active and meet the epipolar constraints
private void selectCandidateStereoTracks() {
    final long frameID = getFrameID();
    // mark tracks in right frame that are active
    List<PointTrack> activeRight = trackerRight.getActiveTracks(null);
    for (PointTrack t : activeRight) {
        // lint:forbidden ignore_line
        TrackInfo bt = t.getCookie();
        // If the visual track is null then it got dropped earlier
        if (bt.visualTrack == null)
        bt.lastSeenRightFrame = frameID;
    List<PointTrack> activeLeft = trackerLeft.getActiveTracks(null);
    for (PointTrack left : activeLeft) {
        // lint:forbidden ignore_line
        TrackInfo bt = left.getCookie();
        if (bt.lastSeenRightFrame != frameID) {
        if (bt.visualTrack == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG!!! Should have been skipped over in the right camera");
        // check epipolar constraint and see if it is still valid
        if (stereoCheck.checkPixel(bt.visualTrack.pixel, bt.visualRight.pixel)) {
            bt.lastStereoFrame = frameID;
    if (verbose != null)
        verbose.println("Visual Tracks: Left: " + activeLeft.size() + " Right: " + activeRight.size() + " Candidates: " + candidates.size());
Also used : PointTrack(boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack)

Example 7 with PointTrack

use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class VisOdomDualTrackPnP method addInlierObservationsToScene.

private void addInlierObservationsToScene() {
    // mark tracks that are in the inlier set and add their observations to the scene
    int N = matcher.getMatchSet().size();
    if (verbose != null)
        verbose.println("Total Inliers " + N + " / " + candidates.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        int index = matcher.getInputIndex(i);
        TrackInfo bt = candidates.get(index).getCookie();
        if (bt.visualTrack == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("BUG!");
        bt.lastInlier = getFrameID();
        bt.hasBeenInlier = true;
        PointTrack l = bt.visualTrack;
        PointTrack r = bt.visualRight;
        bundleViso.addObservation(currentLeft, bt, l.pixel.x, l.pixel.y);
        bundleViso.addObservation(currentRight, bt, r.pixel.x, r.pixel.y);
Also used : PointTrack(boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack)

Example 8 with PointTrack

use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class VisOdomDualTrackPnP method estimateMotion.

 * Given the set of active tracks, estimate the cameras motion robustly
 * @return true if successful
private boolean estimateMotion() {
    CameraModel leftCM = cameraModels.get(CAMERA_LEFT);
    CameraModel rightCM = cameraModels.get(CAMERA_RIGHT);
    // Perform motion estimation relative to the most recent key frame
    // Put observation and prior knowledge into a format the model matcher will understand
    for (int candidateIdx = 0; candidateIdx < candidates.size(); candidateIdx++) {
        PointTrack l = candidates.get(candidateIdx);
        Stereo2D3D stereo = listStereo2D3D.grow();
        // Get the track location
        TrackInfo bt = l.getCookie();
        PointTrack r = bt.visualRight;
        // Get the 3D coordinate of the point in the 'previous' frame
        SePointOps_F64.transform(world_to_prev, bt.worldLoc, prevLoc4);
        PerspectiveOps.homogenousTo3dPositiveZ(prevLoc4, 1e8, 1e-8, stereo.location);
        // compute normalized image coordinate for track in left and right image
        leftCM.pixelToNorm.compute(l.pixel.x, l.pixel.y, stereo.leftObs);
        rightCM.pixelToNorm.compute(r.pixel.x, r.pixel.y, stereo.rightObs);
    // TODO Could this transform be done just once?
    // Robustly estimate left camera motion
    if (!matcher.process(listStereo2D3D.toList()))
        return false;
    if (modelRefiner != null) {
        modelRefiner.fitModel(matcher.getMatchSet(), matcher.getModelParameters(), previous_to_current);
    } else {
    // Convert the found transforms back to world
    current_to_previous.concat(previousLeft.frame_to_world, currentLeft.frame_to_world);
    right_to_left.concat(currentLeft.frame_to_world, currentRight.frame_to_world);
    return true;
Also used : PointTrack(boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack) Stereo2D3D(boofcv.struct.sfm.Stereo2D3D)

Example 9 with PointTrack

use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity method changeCurrToReference.

 * Updates the relative position of all points so that the current frame is the reference frame. Mathematically
 * this is not needed, but should help keep numbers from getting too large.
private void changeCurrToReference() {
    Se2_F64 keyToCurr = currToKey.invert(null);
    List<PointTrack> all = tracker.getAllTracks(null);
    for (PointTrack t : all) {
        // lint:forbidden ignore_line
        VoTrack p = t.getCookie();
        if (p.onPlane) {
            SePointOps_F64.transform(keyToCurr, p.ground, p.ground);
        } else {
            GeometryMath_F64.rotate(keyToCurr.c, keyToCurr.s, p.ground, p.ground);
Also used : PointTrack(boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack) Se2_F64(

Example 10 with PointTrack

use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestImageMotionPointTrackerKey method testPrune.

 * See if tracks are pruned after not being in inlier set for X time
void testPrune() {
    Se2_F32 computed = new Se2_F32(4, 5, 6);
    Se2_F32 model = new Se2_F32();
    DummyTracker tracker = new DummyTracker();
    DummyModelMatcher<Se2_F32> matcher = new DummyModelMatcher<>(computed, 5);
    GrayU8 input = new GrayU8(20, 30);
    ImageMotionPointTrackerKey<GrayU8, Se2_F32> alg = new ImageMotionPointTrackerKey<>(tracker, matcher, null, model, 5);
    // create tracks such that only some of them will be dropped
    tracker.frameID = 9;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        PointTrack t = new PointTrack();
        AssociatedPairTrack a = new AssociatedPairTrack();
        a.lastUsed = i;
        t.cookie = a;
    // update
    // check to see how many were dropped
    assertEquals(6, tracker.numDropped);
Also used : PointTrack(boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack) GrayU8(boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8) Se2_F32( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


PointTrack (boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack)44 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)11 Frame (boofcv.alg.similar.SimilarImagesFromTracks.Frame)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 BTrack (boofcv.alg.sfm.d3.structure.VisOdomBundleAdjustment.BTrack)3 AssociatedIndex (boofcv.struct.feature.AssociatedIndex)3 Point2D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64)3 Point3D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64)3 DetectDescribePoint (boofcv.abst.feature.detdesc.DetectDescribePoint)2 Match (boofcv.alg.similar.SimilarImagesFromTracks.Match)2 CameraPinhole (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole)2 GrayU8 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8)2 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 DogArray (org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray)2 ScoreAssociateEuclideanSq (boofcv.abst.feature.associate.ScoreAssociateEuclideanSq)1 ConfigPointDetector (boofcv.abst.feature.detect.interest.ConfigPointDetector)1 AssociatedPairTrack (boofcv.alg.sfm.d2.AssociatedPairTrack)1 VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity (boofcv.alg.sfm.d3.VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity)1 ConfigPKlt (boofcv.alg.tracker.klt.ConfigPKlt)1 ImagePanel (boofcv.gui.image.ImagePanel)1