use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class VisOdomMonoDepthPnP method addObservationsOfInliersToScene.
private void addObservationsOfInliersToScene(List<PointTrack> active) {
// mark tracks as being inliers and add to inlier list
int N = motionEstimator.getMatchSet().size();
long frameID = getFrameID();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int index = motionEstimator.getInputIndex(i);
PointTrack pt = active.get(index);
Track bt = pt.getCookie();
bt.lastUsed = frameID;
bt.hasBeenInlier = true;
bundleViso.addObservation(frameCurrent, bt, pt.pixel.x, pt.pixel.y);
use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity method sortTracksForEstimation.
* Splits the set of active tracks into on plane and infinity sets. For each set also perform specific sanity
* checks to make sure basic constraints are still being meet. If not then the track will not be considered for
* motion estimation.
private void sortTracksForEstimation() {
// reset data structures
// list of active tracks
List<PointTrack> active = tracker.getActiveTracks(null);
for (PointTrack t : active) {
// lint:forbidden ignore_line
VoTrack p = t.getCookie();
// compute normalized image coordinate
pixelToNorm.compute(t.pixel.x, t.pixel.y, n);
// rotate pointing vector into plane reference frame
pointing.setTo(n.x, n.y, 1);
GeometryMath_F64.mult(cameraToPlane.getR(), pointing, pointing);
if (p.onPlane) {
// see if it still intersects the plane
if (pointing.y > 0) {
// create data structure for robust motion estimation
PlanePtPixel ppp = planeSamples.grow();
} else {
// if the point is not on the plane visually and (optionally) if it passes a strict y-axis rotation
// test, consider using the point for estimating rotation.
boolean allGood = pointing.y < 0;
if (strictFar) {
allGood = isRotationFromAxisY(t, pointing);
// is it still above the ground plane and only has motion consistent with rotation on ground plane axis
if (allGood) {
computeAngleOfRotation(t, pointing);
use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity method addNewTracks.
* Requests that new tracks are spawned, determines if they are on the plane or not, and computes other required
* data structures.
private void addNewTracks() {
List<PointTrack> spawned = tracker.getNewTracks(null);
// estimate 3D coordinate using stereo vision
for (PointTrack t : spawned) {
// lint:forbidden ignore_line
// System.out.println("track spawn "+t.x+" "+t.y);
VoTrack p = t.getCookie();
if (p == null) {
t.cookie = p = new VoTrack();
// compute normalized image coordinate
pixelToNorm.compute(t.pixel.x, t.pixel.y, n);
// See if the point ever intersects the ground plane or not
if (planeProjection.normalToPlane(n.x, n.y, p.ground)) {
// the line above computes the 2D plane position of the point
p.onPlane = true;
} else {
// Handle points at infinity which are off plane.
// rotate observation pointing vector into plane reference frame
pointing.setTo(n.x, n.y, 1);
GeometryMath_F64.mult(cameraToPlane.getR(), pointing, pointing);
// save value of y-axis in pointing vector
double normXZ = Math.sqrt(pointing.x * pointing.x + pointing.z * pointing.z);
p.pointingY = pointing.y / normXZ;
// save the angle as a vector
p.ground.x = pointing.z;
p.ground.y = -pointing.x;
// normalize to make later calculations easier
p.ground.x /= normXZ;
p.ground.y /= normXZ;
p.onPlane = false;
p.lastInlier = tracker.getFrameID();
use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity method dropUnusedTracks.
* Removes tracks which have not been included in the inlier set recently
* @return Number of dropped tracks
private int dropUnusedTracks() {
List<PointTrack> all = tracker.getAllTracks(null);
int num = 0;
long frameID = tracker.getFrameID();
for (PointTrack t : all) {
// lint:forbidden ignore_line
VoTrack p = t.getCookie();
if (frameID - p.lastInlier > thresholdRetire) {
return num;
use of boofcv.abst.tracker.PointTrack in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class VisOdomMonoPlaneInfinity method estimateFar.
* Estimates only rotation using points at infinity. A robust estimation algorithm is used which finds an angle
* which maximizes the inlier set, like RANSAC does. Unlike RANSAC this will produce an optimal result.
private void estimateFar() {
// do nothing if there are objects at infinity
farInlierCount = 0;
if (farAngles.size == 0)
// find angle which maximizes inlier set
farAngle = maximizeCountInSpread(, farAngles.size, 2 * thresholdFarAngleError);
// mark and count inliers
for (int i = 0; i < tracksFar.size(); i++) {
PointTrack t = tracksFar.get(i);
VoTrack p = t.getCookie();
if (UtilAngle.dist(farAngles.get(i), farAngle) <= thresholdFarAngleError) {
p.lastInlier = tracker.getFrameID();