use of boofcv.alg.fiducial.qrcode.PositionPatternNode in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMicroQrCodeDecoderImage method transposed.
* Transposes the input image and sees if it can still be decoded by default
void transposed() {
MicroQrCode qr = new MicroQrCodeEncoder().addAutomatic("123LK").fixate();
GrayU8 image = render(qr);
GrayU8 imageTransposed = image.createSameShape();
ImageMiscOps.transpose(image, imageTransposed);
var patterns = new DogArray<>(PositionPatternNode::new);
addPositionPattern(qr, patterns);
var alg = new MicroQrCodeDecoderImage<>(null, "", GrayU8.class);
alg.process(patterns.toList(), imageTransposed);
assertEquals(1, alg.found.size());
assertEquals(0, alg.failures.size());
assertEquals("123LK", alg.found.get(0).message);
// It should fail now since it won't consider a transposed marker
alg.considerTransposed = false;
alg.process(patterns.toList(), imageTransposed);
assertEquals(0, alg.found.size());
assertEquals(1, alg.failures.size());
use of boofcv.alg.fiducial.qrcode.PositionPatternNode in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMicroQrCodeDecoderImage method simple_all_configs.
* Render then decode images with all possible versions, masks, and error correction levels.
void simple_all_configs() {
String message = "01234";
var engine = new FiducialImageEngine();
engine.configure(0, 100);
var generator = new MicroQrCodeGenerator();
generator.markerWidth = 100;
var alg = new MicroQrCodeDecoderImage<>(null, "", GrayU8.class);
var patterns = new DogArray<>(PositionPatternNode::new);
for (int version = 1; version <= 4; version++) {
ErrorLevel[] errors = MicroQrCode.allowedErrorCorrection(version);
for (ErrorLevel error : errors) {
// Generate the QR code
var encoder = new MicroQrCodeEncoder();
// encoder.setVerbose(System.out, null);
MicroQrCode qr = encoder.setVersion(version).setError(error).setMask(M00).addNumeric(message).fixate();
// Set up the "detected" position pattern
PositionPatternNode pp = patterns.grow();
pp.square = qr.pp;
pp.grayThreshold = (double) (engine.getWhite() / 2);
// ShowImages.showWindow(engine.getGray(), "Title");
// BoofMiscOps.sleep(10_000);
// Process the image
// alg.decoder.setVerbose(System.out, null);
alg.process(patterns.toList(), engine.getGray());
// Check results
assertEquals(1, alg.found.size());
assertEquals(0, alg.failures.size());
assertEquals(version, alg.found.get(0).version);
assertEquals(message, alg.found.get(0).message);
use of boofcv.alg.fiducial.qrcode.PositionPatternNode in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMicroQrCodeDecoderImage method simple_rotateSquare.
* Rotate the square and see if it can always decode it
void simple_rotateSquare() {
MicroQrCode qr = new MicroQrCodeEncoder().addAutomatic("123LK").fixate();
GrayU8 image = render(qr);
var patterns = new DogArray<>(PositionPatternNode::new);
PositionPatternNode pp = addPositionPattern(qr, patterns);
var alg = new MicroQrCodeDecoderImage<>(null, "", GrayU8.class);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
alg.process(patterns.toList(), image);
assertEquals(1, alg.found.size());
assertEquals(0, alg.failures.size());
assertEquals("123LK", alg.found.get(0).message);
// Rotate the polygon so that it now needs to compensate for that
use of boofcv.alg.fiducial.qrcode.PositionPatternNode in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMicroQrCodeDecoderImage method decode_byte.
* Decode a marker with byte encoded data
void decode_byte() {
MicroQrCode qr = new MicroQrCodeEncoder().addBytes("123LK%$63").fixate();
GrayU8 image = render(qr);
var patterns = new DogArray<>(PositionPatternNode::new);
addPositionPattern(qr, patterns);
var alg = new MicroQrCodeDecoderImage<>(null, "", GrayU8.class);
alg.process(patterns.toList(), image);
assertEquals(1, alg.found.size());
assertEquals(0, alg.failures.size());
assertEquals("123LK%$63", alg.found.get(0).message);
use of boofcv.alg.fiducial.qrcode.PositionPatternNode in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestMicroQrCodeDecoderImage method addPositionPattern.
private PositionPatternNode addPositionPattern(MicroQrCode qr, DogArray<PositionPatternNode> patterns) {
PositionPatternNode pp = patterns.grow();
pp.square = qr.pp;
pp.grayThreshold = 127;
return pp;