use of boofcv.alg.structure.MockLookupSimilarImagesRealistic in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestEstimateViewSelfCalibrate method computeCalibratingHomography.
* Check the calibrating homography computation by feeding it noise three data from 3 views
void computeCalibratingHomography() {
var db = new MockLookupSimilarImagesRealistic().setIntrinsic(new CameraPinhole(400, 400, 0, 0, 0, 800, 800)).pathLine(5, 0.3, 1.5, 2);
PairwiseImageGraph pairwise = db.createPairwise();
var alg = new EstimateViewSelfCalibrate();
alg.workGraph = db.createWorkingGraph(pairwise);
alg.pairwiseUtils = new PairwiseGraphUtils();
alg.pairwiseUtils.seed = pairwise.nodes.get(0);
alg.pairwiseUtils.viewB = pairwise.nodes.get(1);
alg.pairwiseUtils.viewC = pairwise.nodes.get(2);
int[] viewIdx = new int[] { 1, 0, 2 };
// P1 might not be identity
DMatrixRMaj P1 = db.views.get(viewIdx[0]).camera;
// make sure P1 is identity, which is what it would be coming out of the trifocal tensor
List<DMatrixRMaj> cameras = BoofMiscOps.asList(P1.copy(), alg.pairwiseUtils.P2, alg.pairwiseUtils.P3);
MultiViewOps.projectiveMakeFirstIdentity(cameras, null);
// Create the pixel observations
db.createTripleObs(viewIdx, alg.pairwiseUtils.matchesTriple, new DogArray_I32());
// Compute the homography
// Test it by seeing it it returns the expected camera matrix
DMatrixRMaj H = alg.projectiveHomography.getCalibrationHomography();
DMatrixRMaj foundK = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
Se3_F64 view_0_to_2 = new Se3_F64();
MultiViewOps.projectiveToMetric(alg.pairwiseUtils.P3, H, view_0_to_2, foundK);
assertEquals(db.intrinsic.fx, foundK.get(0, 0), 1e-7);
assertEquals(db.intrinsic.fy, foundK.get(1, 1), 1e-7);
assertEquals(, foundK.get(0, 2), 1e-7);
assertEquals(, foundK.get(1, 2), 1e-7);
assertEquals(db.intrinsic.skew, foundK.get(0, 1), 1e-7);
use of boofcv.alg.structure.MockLookupSimilarImagesRealistic in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestEstimateViewKnownCalibration method simpleKnownScenario.
* Generate a known scene and pass in everything but the location of the 3rd view. Make sure
* it's able to estimate it. A couple of outliers will be added and checked to make sure they are removed.
void simpleKnownScenario() {
var db = new MockLookupSimilarImagesRealistic().pathLine(5, 0.3, 1.5, 2);
PairwiseImageGraph pairwise = db.createPairwise();
SceneWorkingGraph scene = db.createWorkingGraph(pairwise);
var pairwiseUtils = new PairwiseGraphUtils();
pairwiseUtils.dbSimilar = db;
pairwiseUtils.dbCams = db.createLookUpCams();
// Specify the 3-views it should use. viewC = target that's estimated
pairwiseUtils.seed = pairwise.nodes.get(1);
pairwiseUtils.viewB = pairwise.nodes.get(2);
pairwiseUtils.viewC = pairwise.nodes.get(3);
// Use truth for the priors
// Specifies the observations for the 3-views
SceneWorkingGraph.View wviewA = scene.listViews.get(1);
db.addInlierInfo(pairwise, wviewA, 2, 3);
// Create the triplet of pixel observations using the "inlier" set created above
SceneWorkingGraph.InlierInfo info = Objects.requireNonNull(wviewA.getBestInliers());
int numInliers = info.getInlierCount();
pairwiseUtils.inlierIdx.resize(numInliers, (idx) -> idx);
assertTrue(numInliers > 20);
for (int i = 0; i < numInliers; i++) {
int obs1 = info.observations.get(0).get(i);
int obs2 = info.observations.get(1).get(i);
int obs3 = info.observations.get(2).get(i);
AssociatedTriple a = new AssociatedTriple();
// Pixels must be centered at (0,0)
for (int i = 0; i < numInliers; i++) {
AssociatedTriple a = pairwiseUtils.inliersThreeView.get(i);
a.p1.x -=;
a.p1.y -=;
a.p2.x -=;
a.p2.y -=;
a.p3.x -=;
a.p3.y -=;
var alg = new EstimateViewKnownCalibration();
// alg.setVerbose(System.out, BoofMiscOps.hashSet(BoofVerbose.RECURSIVE));
var solution = new MetricExpandByOneView.Solution();
assertTrue(alg.process(pairwiseUtils, scene, solution));
// See if the transforms are the same
Se3_F64 expected = scene.listViews.get(3).world_to_view;
assertEquals(0.0, expected.T.distance(solution.world_to_target.T), 1e-2);
// NOTE: The tolerance does seem a bit high for noise free observations. Could there be numeric issues?