use of boofcv.factory.geo.ConfigRansac in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleStereoTwoViewsOneCamera method estimateCameraMotion.
* Estimates the camera motion robustly using RANSAC and a set of associated points.
* @param intrinsic Intrinsic camera parameters
* @param matchedNorm set of matched point features in normalized image coordinates
* @param inliers OUTPUT: Set of inlier features from RANSAC
* @return Found camera motion. Note translation has an arbitrary scale
public static Se3_F64 estimateCameraMotion(CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic, List<AssociatedPair> matchedNorm, List<AssociatedPair> inliers) {
ModelMatcher<Se3_F64, AssociatedPair> epipolarMotion = FactoryMultiViewRobust.essentialRansac(new ConfigEssential(intrinsic), new ConfigRansac(200, 0.5));
if (!epipolarMotion.process(matchedNorm))
throw new RuntimeException("Motion estimation failed");
// save inlier set for debugging purposes
return epipolarMotion.getModelParameters();
use of boofcv.factory.geo.ConfigRansac in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class ExampleImageStitching method stitch.
* Given two input images create and display an image where the two have been overlayed on top of each other.
public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> void stitch(BufferedImage imageA, BufferedImage imageB, Class<T> imageType) {
T inputA = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFromSingle(imageA, null, imageType);
T inputB = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFromSingle(imageB, null, imageType);
// Detect using the standard SURF feature descriptor and describer
DetectDescribePoint detDesc = FactoryDetectDescribe.surfStable(new ConfigFastHessian(1, 2, 200, 1, 9, 4, 4), null, null, imageType);
ScoreAssociation<BrightFeature> scorer = FactoryAssociation.scoreEuclidean(BrightFeature.class, true);
AssociateDescription<BrightFeature> associate = FactoryAssociation.greedy(scorer, 2, true);
// fit the images using a homography. This works well for rotations and distant objects.
ModelMatcher<Homography2D_F64, AssociatedPair> modelMatcher = FactoryMultiViewRobust.homographyRansac(null, new ConfigRansac(60, 3));
Homography2D_F64 H = computeTransform(inputA, inputB, detDesc, associate, modelMatcher);
renderStitching(imageA, imageB, H);