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Example 66 with CameraPinhole

use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestSelfCalibrationLinearRotationSingle method checkLinearSystem.

void checkLinearSystem() {
    CameraPinhole intrinsic = new CameraPinhole(400, 420, 0.1, 450, 475, 0, 0);
    DMatrixRMaj K = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
    PerspectiveOps.pinholeToMatrix(intrinsic, K);
    DMatrixRMaj w = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
    CommonOps_DDRM.multTransB(K, K, w);
    // compute planes at infinity
    List<Homography2D_F64> homographies = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < listP.size(); i++) {
        // System.out.println("projective "+i);
        DMatrixRMaj P = listP.get(i);
        Equation eq = new Equation();
        eq.alias(P, "P", planeAtInfinity, "p", K, "K", w, "w");
        eq.process("H = P(:,0:2) - P(:,3)*p'");
        // eq.process("w2 = H*w*H'");
        // eq.process("w2 = w2 - w");
        // System.out.println("w");
        // eq.lookupDDRM("w").print();
        // System.out.println("w2");
        // eq.lookupDDRM("w2").print();
        Homography2D_F64 H = new Homography2D_F64();
        DConvertMatrixStruct.convert(eq.lookupDDRM("H"), H);
    // H.print();
    SelfCalibrationLinearRotationSingle alg = new SelfCalibrationLinearRotationSingle();
    int N = homographies.size();
    DMatrixRMaj A = new DMatrixRMaj(6 * N, 6);
    DMatrixRMaj X = new DMatrixRMaj(6, 1);
    DMatrixRMaj found = new DMatrixRMaj(A.numRows, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < homographies.size(); i++) {
        alg.add(i, homographies.get(i), A);
    }[0] =[0];[1] =[1];[2] =[2];[3] =[4];[4] =[5];[5] =[8];
    CommonOps_DDRM.mult(A, X, found);
    assertEquals(0, NormOps_DDRM.normF(found), UtilEjml.TEST_F64);
Also used : DMatrixRMaj( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Equation(org.ejml.equation.Equation) CameraPinhole(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole) Homography2D_F64(georegression.struct.homography.Homography2D_F64) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 67 with CameraPinhole

use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class TestSelfCalibrationLinearRotationSingle method one_axis.

 * One axis rotation will fail
void one_axis() {
    CameraPinhole intrinsic = new CameraPinhole(400, 420, 0.1, 450, 475, 0, 0);
Also used : CameraPinhole(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 68 with CameraPinhole

use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class CreateCloudFromDisparityImages method addDisparity.

 * Add points from the disparity image which have not been masked out.
 * NOTE: The reason point and pixel transforms are used is that combined disparity images might include lens
 * distortion.
 * @param disparity (Input) Disparity image
 * @param mask (Input,Output) Mask that specifies which points in the disparity image are valid. When an existing
 * point in the cloud hits this image the mask is updated.
 * @param world_to_view (Input) Transform from world to view reference frame
 * @param parameters (Input) Describes how to interpret the disparity values
 * @param rectNorm_to_dispPixel (Input) Transform from rectified normalized image coordinates into disparity pixels
 * @param dispPixel_to_rectNorm (Input) Transform from disparity pixels into rectified normalized image coordinates.
 * @return The index of the view that can be used to retrieve the specified points added
public int addDisparity(GrayF32 disparity, GrayU8 mask, Se3_F64 world_to_view, DisparityParameters parameters, Point2Transform2_F64 rectNorm_to_dispPixel, PixelTransform<Point2D_F64> dispPixel_to_rectNorm) {
    InputSanityCheck.checkSameShape(disparity, mask);
    MultiViewStereoOps.maskOutPointsInCloud(cloud.toList(), disparity, parameters, world_to_view, rectNorm_to_dispPixel, disparitySimilarTol, mask);
    if (UtilEjml.isUncountable(ImageStatistics.sum(disparity)))
        throw new RuntimeException("BUG");
    // normalized image coordinates of disparity image
    final Point2D_F64 norm = new Point2D_F64();
    // 3D point in rectified stereo reference frame
    final Point3D_F64 rectP = new Point3D_F64();
    // 3D point in left stereo camera reference frame
    final Point3D_F64 leftP = new Point3D_F64();
    final CameraPinhole intrinsic = parameters.pinhole;
    final double baseline = parameters.baseline;
    final double disparityMin = parameters.disparityMin;
    for (int y = 0; y < disparity.height; y++) {
        int indexDisp = y * disparity.stride + disparity.startIndex;
        int indexMask = y * mask.stride + mask.startIndex;
        for (int x = 0; x < disparity.width; x++, indexDisp++, indexMask++) {
            // Check to see if it has been masked out as invalid
            if ([indexMask] != 0)
            // Get the disparity and see if it has a valid value
            double d =[indexDisp];
            if (d >= parameters.disparityRange)
            // Make sure there are no points at infinity. THose can't be handled here
            d += disparityMin;
            if (d <= 0.0)
            // Get normalized image coordinates.
            dispPixel_to_rectNorm.compute(x, y, norm);
            // Find 3D point in rectified reference frame
            rectP.z = baseline * intrinsic.fx / d;
            rectP.x = rectP.z * norm.x;
            rectP.y = rectP.z * norm.y;
            // Rectified left camera to native left camera
            GeometryMath_F64.multTran(parameters.rotateToRectified, rectP, leftP);
            // Left to world frame
            SePointOps_F64.transformReverse(world_to_view, leftP, cloud.grow());
    // Denote where this set of points end
    return this.viewPointIdx.size - 1;
Also used : Point3D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64) Point2D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64) CameraPinhole(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole)

Example 69 with CameraPinhole

use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class MultiBaselineDisparityMedian method addToFusedImage.

 * Adds valid disparity values inside of this into the fused image
 * @return true if successful and false if it failed
boolean addToFusedImage(DisparityImage image) {
    final GrayF32 disparity = image.disparity;
    final GrayU8 mask = image.mask;
    final DisparityParameters imageParam = image.parameters;
    // Only do the int to float and double to float conversion once
    final float imageRange = imageParam.disparityRange;
    final float imageMin = imageParam.disparityMin;
    final double imageFocalX = imageParam.pinhole.fx;
    final double imageBaseline = imageParam.baseline;
    final CameraPinhole imagePinhole = imageParam.pinhole;
    DConvertMatrixStruct.convert(image.undist_to_rect_px, rect);
    // fused image undistorted pixel coordinates
    Point2D_F64 undistPix = new Point2D_F64();
    // rectified image coordinates
    Point2D_F64 rectPix = new Point2D_F64();
    // To avoid sampling issues, go from fused image to disparity image
    for (int origPixY = 0; origPixY < fused.height; origPixY++) {
        for (int origPixX = 0; origPixX < fused.width; origPixX++) {
            // Go from distorted to undistorted pixels
            pixelOrig_to_Undist.compute(origPixX, origPixY, undistPix);
            // undistorted to rectified pixels
            HomographyPointOps_F64.transform(rect, undistPix.x, undistPix.y, rectPix);
            // tricked used below
            if (rectPix.x < 0.0 || rectPix.y < 0.0)
            // Discretize the point so that a pixel can be read. Round instead of floor to reduce error.
            int rectPixX = (int) (rectPix.x + 0.5);
            int rectPixY = (int) (rectPix.y + 0.5);
            // Make sure it's inside the disparity image before sampling
            if (rectPixX >= mask.width || rectPixY >= mask.height)
            // If marked as invalid don't sample here
            if (mask.unsafe_get(rectPixX, rectPixY) == 0)
            // Sample the disparity image and make sure it has a valid value
            float imageDisp = disparity.unsafe_get(rectPixX, rectPixY);
            if (imageDisp >= imageRange)
            // Don't trust the disparity if it's at the upper or lower extremes. It's likely that the true value
            // was above or below but it wasn't allowed to match there
            // if (imageDisp < 1.0f || imageDisp > imageRange-1.0f)
            // continue;  TODO consider in the future once there are metrics
            float d = imageDisp + imageMin;
            if (d != 0) {
                // Convert the disparity from "image" into "fused image"
                // First compute the 3D point in the rectified coordinate system
                double rectZ = imageBaseline * imageFocalX / d;
                double rectX = rectZ * (rectPixX - / imagePinhole.fx;
                double rectY = rectZ * (rectPixY - / imagePinhole.fy;
                // Go from rectified to left camera, which is the fused camera
                double worldZ = dotRightCol(imageParam.rotateToRectified, rectX, rectY, rectZ);
                // Now that we know Z we can compute the disparity
                float fusedDisp = (float) (fusedBaseline * fusedIntrinsic.fx / worldZ);
                fused.get(origPixX, origPixY).add(fusedDisp);
            } else {
                // Points at infinity are a special case. They will remain at infinity
                fused.get(origPixX, origPixY).add(0.0f);
    return true;
Also used : GrayF32(boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32) Point2D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64) GrayU8(boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8) CameraPinhole(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole) VerbosePrint(org.ddogleg.struct.VerbosePrint)

Example 70 with CameraPinhole

use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.

the class ImplMultiViewStereoOps method disparityToCloud.

public static void disparityToCloud(GrayF32 disparity, DisparityParameters parameters, PixelTransform<Point2D_F64> pixelToNorm, BoofLambdas.PixXyzConsumer_F64 consumer) {
    final CameraPinhole intrinsic = parameters.pinhole;
    final double baseline = parameters.baseline;
    final double disparityMin = parameters.disparityMin;
    final double[] R =;
    // pixel in normalized image coordinates
    final Point2D_F64 norm = new Point2D_F64();
    for (int pixY = 0; pixY < disparity.height; pixY++) {
        int indexDisp = disparity.startIndex + pixY * disparity.stride;
        for (int pixX = 0; pixX < disparity.width; pixX++, indexDisp++) {
            float d =[indexDisp];
            if (d >= parameters.disparityRange)
            // Converts the pixel into normalized image coordinate
            pixelToNorm.compute(pixX, pixY, norm);
            // Compute the point in rectified reference frame
            double Z = baseline * intrinsic.fx / (d + disparityMin);
            double X = Z * norm.x;
            double Y = Z * norm.y;
            // Rotate back into the camera reference frame
            // This is the transpose of the 3x3 rotation matrix.
            // It's in a row-major format (row,col) = R[row*3+col]
            double outX = R[0] * X + R[3] * Y + R[6] * Z;
            double outY = R[1] * X + R[4] * Y + R[7] * Z;
            double outZ = R[2] * X + R[5] * Y + R[8] * Z;
            consumer.process(pixX, pixY, outX, outY, outZ);
Also used : Point2D_F64(georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64) CameraPinhole(boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole)


CameraPinhole (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole)154 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)81 Se3_F64 ( DMatrixRMaj ( Point2D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 Point3D_F64 (georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64)19 Homography2D_F64 (georegression.struct.homography.Homography2D_F64)12 SceneStructureMetric (boofcv.abst.geo.bundle.SceneStructureMetric)11 CameraPinholeBrown (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeBrown)11 Test (org.junit.Test)10 GrayF32 (boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32)9 ConvertBufferedImage ( Point2Transform2_F32 (boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F32)8 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)8 Point2Transform2_F64 (boofcv.struct.distort.Point2Transform2_F64)7 VerbosePrint (org.ddogleg.struct.VerbosePrint)7 LensDistortionPinhole (boofcv.alg.distort.pinhole.LensDistortionPinhole)6 WorldToCameraToPixel (boofcv.alg.geo.WorldToCameraToPixel)6 CameraPinholeRadial (boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial)5