use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class CalibrateStereoPlanar method process.
* Compute stereo calibration parameters
* @return Stereo calibration parameters
public StereoParameters process() {
// calibrate left and right cameras
CameraPinholeRadial leftParam = calibrateMono(calibLeft, viewLeft);
CameraPinholeRadial rightParam = calibrateMono(calibRight, viewRight);
// fit motion from right to left
Se3_F64 rightToLeft = computeRightToLeft();
return new StereoParameters(leftParam, rightParam, rightToLeft);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class CalibrateStereoPlanar method calibrateMono.
* Compute intrinsic calibration for one of the cameras
private CameraPinholeRadial calibrateMono(CalibrateMonoPlanar calib, List<Se3_F64> location) {
CameraPinholeRadial intrinsic = calib.process();
Zhang99AllParam zhangParam = calib.getZhangParam();
for (Zhang99AllParam.View v : zhangParam.views) {
Se3_F64 pose = new Se3_F64();
ConvertRotation3D_F64.rodriguesToMatrix(v.rotation, pose.getR());
return intrinsic;
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestLensDistortionOps method transformChangeModel_F32_EXPAND_modified.
* Sees if the adjusted intrinsic parameters is correct but computing normalized image coordinates first
* with the original distorted image and then with the adjusted undistorted image.
public void transformChangeModel_F32_EXPAND_modified() {
// distorted pixel in original image
float pixelX = 12.5f, pixelY = height - 3;
CameraPinholeRadial orig = new CameraPinholeRadial().fsetK(300, 320, 0, 150, 130, width, height).fsetRadial(0.1, 0.05);
CameraPinhole desired = new CameraPinhole(orig);
Point2Transform2_F32 distToNorm = LensDistortionOps.narrow(orig).undistort_F32(true, false);
Point2D_F32 norm = new Point2D_F32();
distToNorm.compute(pixelX, pixelY, norm);
CameraPinholeRadial adjusted = new CameraPinholeRadial();
Point2Transform2_F32 distToAdj = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.EXPAND, orig, desired, false, adjusted);
Point2D_F32 adjPixel = new Point2D_F32();
Point2D_F32 normFound = new Point2D_F32();
distToAdj.compute(pixelX, pixelY, adjPixel);
PerspectiveOps.convertPixelToNorm(adjusted, adjPixel, normFound);
// see if the normalized image coordinates are the same
assertEquals(norm.x, normFound.x, 1e-3);
assertEquals(norm.y, normFound.y, 1e-3);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestLensDistortionOps method transformChangeModel_F32_EXPAND.
* Checks the border of the returned transform. Makes sure that no none-visible portion is visible.
* Also makes sure that the requested inverse transform is actually the inverse.
public void transformChangeModel_F32_EXPAND() {
CameraPinholeRadial param = new CameraPinholeRadial().fsetK(300, 320, 0, 150, 130, width, height).fsetRadial(0.1, 1e-4);
CameraPinhole desired = new CameraPinhole(param);
Point2Transform2_F32 adjToDist = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.EXPAND, param, desired, true, null);
Point2Transform2_F32 distToAdj = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.EXPAND, param, desired, false, null);
checkInside(adjToDist, distToAdj);
// distort it in the other direction
param = new CameraPinholeRadial().fsetK(300, 320, 0, 150, 130, width, height).fsetRadial(-0.1, -1e-4);
adjToDist = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.EXPAND, param, desired, true, null);
distToAdj = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.EXPAND, param, desired, false, null);
checkInside(adjToDist, distToAdj);
use of boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinholeRadial in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestLensDistortionOps method transformChangeModel_F32_FULLVIEW.
* Checks the border of the returned transform. Makes sure that the entire original image is visible.
* Also makes sure that the requested inverse transform is actually the inverse.
public void transformChangeModel_F32_FULLVIEW() {
CameraPinholeRadial param = new CameraPinholeRadial().fsetK(300, 320, 0, 150, 130, width, height).fsetRadial(0.1, 0.05);
CameraPinhole desired = new CameraPinhole(param);
Point2Transform2_F32 adjToDist = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW, param, desired, true, null);
Point2Transform2_F32 distToAdj = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW, param, desired, false, null);
checkBorderOutside(adjToDist, distToAdj);
param = new CameraPinholeRadial().fsetK(300, 320, 0, 150, 130, width, height).fsetRadial(-0.1, -0.05);
desired = new CameraPinhole(param);
adjToDist = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW, param, desired, true, null);
distToAdj = LensDistortionOps.transformChangeModel_F32(AdjustmentType.FULL_VIEW, param, desired, false, null);
checkBorderOutside(adjToDist, distToAdj);