use of boofcv.struct.feature.PackedTupleArray_F32 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TestSimilarImagesTrackThenMatch method simpleLoop.
* Faking the inputs, see if it can attack all frames to the first frame when tracking fails
void simpleLoop() {
int numViews = 6;
var alg = new SimilarImagesTrackThenMatch<>(new DummyDetector(), new AssociateDescriptionHashSets<>(FactoryAssociation.greedy(null, new ScoreAssociateEuclideanSq.F32())), new DummyRecognizerLoop(numViews), () -> new PackedTupleArray_F32(1));
// Remove any restriction on how many frames need to have past
alg.minimumRecognizeDistance = 0;
alg.initialize(10, 20);
// A dummy image
GrayU8 image = new GrayU8(10, 20);
// Create a set of tracks
int numTracks = 20;
DogArray<PointTrack> tracks = new DogArray<>(PointTrack::new);
for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) {
PointTrack t = tracks.grow();
t.pixel.setTo(i, 21 * (i + 1));
t.featureId = i;
// the frame-to-frame tracker will fail but the recognizer will match everything to frame 0
for (int frameID = 0; frameID < numViews; frameID++) {
alg.processFrame(image, tracks.toList(), frameID);
for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size; i++) {
PointTrack t = tracks.get(i);
t.pixel.setTo((frameID + 1) * numTracks, 21 * (i + 1));
// this will prevent the tracker from matching frames
t.featureId = i + (frameID + 1) * numTracks;
// Has to be called after frame to frame tracking
// Storage for association results
DogArray<AssociatedIndex> pairs = new DogArray<>(AssociatedIndex::new);
List<String> listImages = alg.getImageIDs();
List<String> listSimilar = new ArrayList<>();
// everything should be matched to the first frame
alg.findSimilar(listImages.get(0), null, listSimilar);
assertEquals(numViews - 1, listSimilar.size());
for (String similarID : listSimilar) {
assertTrue(alg.lookupAssociated(similarID, pairs));
assertEquals(numTracks, pairs.size);
// Other frames shouldn't be matched with each other
for (int frameIdx = 1; frameIdx < 6; frameIdx++) {
alg.findSimilar(listImages.get(frameIdx), null, listSimilar);
assertEquals(1, listSimilar.size());