use of ca.corefacility.bioinformatics.irida.model.joins.impl.ProjectSampleJoin in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectSamplesController method getProjectSamples.
* Generate the {@link Sample}s for the {@link Project} table based on the filter criteria.
* @param projectId identifier for the current {@link Project}
* @param params for the current DataTable.
* @param sampleNames List of {@link Sample} names to filter by.
* @param associated List of associated {@link Project} identifiers currently displayed in the table.
* @param filter for specific {@link Sample} attributes.
* @param locale for the current user.
* @return {@link DTProjectSamples} that meet the requirements
@RequestMapping(value = "/projects/{projectId}/ajax/samples", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public DataTablesResponse getProjectSamples(@PathVariable Long projectId, @DataTablesRequest DataTablesParams params, @RequestParam(required = false, name = "sampleNames[]", defaultValue = "") List<String> sampleNames, @RequestParam(required = false, name = "associated[]", defaultValue = "") List<Long> associated, UISampleFilter filter, Locale locale) {
List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>();
// Check to see if any associated projects need to be added to the query.
if (!associated.isEmpty()) {
projects = (List<Project>) projectService.readMultiple(associated);
// This project is always in the query.
final Page<ProjectSampleJoin> page = sampleService.getFilteredSamplesForProjects(projects, sampleNames, filter.getName(), params.getSearchValue(), filter.getOrganism(), filter.getStartDate(), filter.getEndDate(), params.getCurrentPage(), params.getLength(), params.getSort());
// Create DataTables representation of the page.
List<DataTablesResponseModel> models = new ArrayList<>();
for (ProjectSampleJoin psj : page.getContent()) {
models.add(buildProjectSampleDataTablesModel(psj, locale));
return new DataTablesResponse(params, page, models);
use of ca.corefacility.bioinformatics.irida.model.joins.impl.ProjectSampleJoin in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectSamplesController method exportProjectSamplesTable.
* Export {@link Sample} from a {@link Project} as either Excel or CSV formatted.
* @param projectId identifier for the current {@link Project}
* @param type of file to export (.csv or .xlsx)
* @param params DataTable parameters.
* @param sampleNames List of {@link Sample} names the {@link Project} is filtered on
* @param associated List of acitve associated {@link Project} identifiers.
* @param filter {@link Sample} attribute filters applied.
* @param request {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param response {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @param locale of the current user.
* @throws IOException if the exported file cannot be written
@RequestMapping(value = "/projects/{projectId}/samples/export")
public void exportProjectSamplesTable(@PathVariable Long projectId, @RequestParam DataTablesExportTypes type, @DataTablesRequest DataTablesParams params, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "") List<String> sampleNames, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "") List<Long> associated, UISampleFilter filter, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Locale locale) throws IOException {
Project project =;
List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<>();
if (!associated.isEmpty()) {
projects = (List<Project>) projectService.readMultiple(associated);
final Page<ProjectSampleJoin> page = sampleService.getFilteredSamplesForProjects(projects, sampleNames, filter.getName(), params.getSearchValue(), filter.getOrganism(), filter.getStartDate(), filter.getEndDate(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, params.getSort());
// Create DataTables representation of the page.
List<DTProjectSamples> models = new ArrayList<>();
for (ProjectSampleJoin psj : page.getContent()) {
models.add(buildProjectSampleDataTablesModel(psj, locale));
List<String> headers = models.get(0).getExportableTableHeaders(messageSource, locale);
DataTablesExportToFile.writeFile(type, response, project.getLabel().replace(" ", "_"), models, headers);
use of ca.corefacility.bioinformatics.irida.model.joins.impl.ProjectSampleJoin in project irida by phac-nml.
the class ProjectSamplesController method shareSampleToProject.
* Share or move samples from one project to another
* @param projectId The original project id
* @param sampleIds the sample identifiers to share
* @param newProjectId The new project id
* @param remove true/false whether to remove the samples from the original project
* @param giveOwner whether to give ownership of the sample to the new project
* @param locale the locale specified by the browser.
* @return A list of warnings
@RequestMapping(value = "/projects/{projectId}/ajax/samples/copy", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Map<String, Object> shareSampleToProject(@PathVariable Long projectId, @RequestParam(value = "sampleIds[]") List<Long> sampleIds, @RequestParam Long newProjectId, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean remove, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean giveOwner, Locale locale) {
Project originalProject =;
Project newProject =;
Map<String, Object> response = new HashMap<>();
List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable<Sample> samples = sampleService.readMultiple(sampleIds);
List<ProjectSampleJoin> successful = new ArrayList<>();
try {
if (remove) {
successful = projectService.moveSamples(originalProject, newProject, Lists.newArrayList(samples), giveOwner);
} else {
successful = projectService.shareSamples(originalProject, newProject, Lists.newArrayList(samples), giveOwner);
} catch (EntityExistsException ex) {
logger.warn("Attempt to add project to sample failed", ex);
} catch (AccessDeniedException ex) {
logger.warn("Access denied adding samples to project " + newProjectId, ex);
String msg = remove ? "project.samples.move.sample-denied" : "project.samples.copy.sample-denied";
warnings.add(messageSource.getMessage(msg, new Object[] { newProject.getName() }, locale));
if (!warnings.isEmpty() || successful.size() == 0) {
response.put("result", "warning");
response.put("warnings", warnings);
} else {
response.put("result", "success");
// 2. Only one sample moved
if (successful.size() == 1) {
if (remove) {
response.put("message", messageSource.getMessage("project.samples.move-single-success-message", new Object[] { successful.get(0).getObject().getSampleName(), newProject.getName() }, locale));
} else {
response.put("message", messageSource.getMessage("project.samples.copy-single-success-message", new Object[] { successful.get(0).getObject().getSampleName(), newProject.getName() }, locale));
} else // 4. Multiple samples moved
if (successful.size() > 1) {
if (remove) {
response.put("message", messageSource.getMessage("project.samples.move-multiple-success-message", new Object[] { successful.size(), newProject.getName() }, locale));
} else {
response.put("message", messageSource.getMessage("project.samples.copy-multiple-success-message", new Object[] { successful.size(), newProject.getName() }, locale));
return response;
use of ca.corefacility.bioinformatics.irida.model.joins.impl.ProjectSampleJoin in project irida by phac-nml.
the class AssemblyFileProcessorTest method testAssemblyDisabled.
public void testAssemblyDisabled() {
Long sequenceFileId = 1L;
SequenceFilePair pair = new SequenceFilePair();
Sample sample = new Sample();
Project project = new Project();
when(ssoRepository.getSampleForSequencingObject(pair)).thenReturn(new SampleSequencingObjectJoin(sample, pair));
when(psjRepository.getProjectForSample(sample)).thenReturn(ImmutableList.of(new ProjectSampleJoin(project, sample, true)));
assertFalse("processor should not want to assemble file", processor.shouldProcessFile(sequenceFileId));