Search in sources :

Example 1 with ObservationURI

use of ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI in project caom2db by opencadc.

the class ObservationDAO method getStateImpl.

private ObservationState getStateImpl(ObservationURI uri, UUID id) {
    if (uri == null && id == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("args cannot be null");
    log.debug("GET: " + uri + " | " + id);
    long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        String sql = null;
        if (uri != null) {
            sql = gen.getSelectSQL(uri, 1, false);
        } else {
            sql = gen.getSelectSQL(id, 1, false);
        log.debug("GET: " + sql);
        JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
        // ObservationSkeleton skel = (ObservationSkeleton) jdbc.query(sql, new ObservationSkeletonExtractor());
        Observation obs = (Observation) jdbc.query(sql, gen.getObservationExtractor());
        if (obs != null) {
            ObservationState ret = new ObservationState(obs.getURI());
   = obs.getID();
            ret.accMetaChecksum = obs.getAccMetaChecksum();
            ret.maxLastModified = obs.getMaxLastModified();
            // ret.maxLastModified = skel.maxLastModified;
            return ret;
        return null;
    } finally {
        long dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
        log.debug("GET: " + uri + " | " + id + " " + dt + "ms");
Also used : Observation(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Observation) DeletedObservation(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.DeletedObservation) ObservationState(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationState) JdbcTemplate(org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate)

Example 2 with ObservationURI

use of ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI in project caom2db by opencadc.

the class SQLGeneratorTest method testSelectObservationSQL.

public void testSelectObservationSQL() {
    try {
        ObservationURI uri = new ObservationURI("FOO", "NoSuchObservation");
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
            String sql = gen.getSelectSQL(uri, i, false);
            log.debug("SQL [" + sql.length() + "] " + sql);
            for (int t = 0; t < i; t++) Assert.assertTrue(tables[t], sql.contains(tables[t]));
            for (int t = i; t < 5; t++) Assert.assertFalse(tables[t], sql.contains(tables[t]));
    } catch (Exception unexpected) {
        log.error("unexpected exception", unexpected);"unexpected exception: " + unexpected);
Also used : ObservationURI(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with ObservationURI

use of ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI in project caom2db by opencadc.

the class ArtifactValidator method getLogicalMetadata.

private TreeSet<ArtifactMetadata> getLogicalMetadata() throws Exception {
    TreeSet<ArtifactMetadata> result = new TreeSet<>(ArtifactMetadata.getComparator());
    if (StringUtil.hasText(source)) {
        // use database <server.database.schema>
        // HarvestSkipURI table is not supported in 'diff' mode, i.e. reportOnly = true
        this.supportSkipURITable = !reportOnly;
        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        List<ObservationState> states = observationDAO.getObservationList(collection, null, null, null);
        long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long dt = t2 - t1;"get-state-list: size=" + states.size() + " in " + dt + " ms");
        int depth = 3;
        ListIterator<ObservationState> iter = states.listIterator();
        t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            ObservationState s =;
            // GC
            ObservationResponse resp = observationDAO.getObservationResponse(s, depth);
            if (resp == null) {
                log.error("Null response from Observation DAO, ObservationURI: " + s.getURI().toString() + ", depth: " + depth);
            } else if (resp.observation == null) {
                log.error("Observation is null, ObservationURI: " + s.getURI().toString() + ", depth: " + depth);
            } else {
                for (Plane plane : resp.observation.getPlanes()) {
                    for (Artifact artifact : plane.getArtifacts()) {
                        String observationID = s.getURI().getObservationID();
                        result.add(getMetadata(observationID, artifact, plane.dataRelease, plane.metaRelease));
        }"Finished logical metadata query in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) + " ms");
    } else {
        this.supportSkipURITable = false;
        if (caomTapResourceID != null) {
            // source is a TAP resource ID
            AuthMethod authMethod = AuthenticationUtil.getAuthMethodFromCredentials(AuthenticationUtil.getCurrentSubject());
            TapClient tapClient = new TapClient(caomTapResourceID);
            try {
                this.caomTapURL = tapClient.getSyncURL(authMethod);
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) {
                if (ex.getMessage().contains("with password")) {
                    throw new ResourceNotFoundException("TAP service for " + caomTapResourceID + " does not support password authentication.", ex);
        // source is a TAP service URL or a TAP resource ID
        String adql = "select distinct(a.uri), a.contentChecksum, a.contentLength, a.contentType, o.observationID, " + "a.productType, a.releaseType, p.dataRelease, p.metaRelease " + "from caom2.Artifact a " + "join caom2.Plane p on a.planeID = p.planeID " + "join caom2.Observation o on p.obsID = o.obsID " + "where o.collection='" + collection + "'";
        log.debug("logical query: " + adql);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        result = query(caomTapURL, adql);"Finished caom2 query in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
    return result;
Also used : Plane(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Plane) Artifact(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Artifact) AuthMethod(ca.nrc.cadc.auth.AuthMethod) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) ObservationResponse(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationResponse) TapClient(org.opencadc.tap.TapClient) ObservationState(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationState) ResourceNotFoundException( ArtifactMetadata(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.artifact.ArtifactMetadata)

Example 4 with ObservationURI

use of ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI in project caom2db by opencadc.

the class GetActionTest method testDoIt.

public void testDoIt() throws Exception {
    // test the doIt method when it returns 2 observations
    HttpServletRequest mockRequest = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
    GetAction getAction = new TestGetAction(mockDao);
    TestSyncOutput out = new TestSyncOutput();
    // build the list of observations for the mock dao to return
    List<ObservationState> obsList = new ArrayList<ObservationState>();
    DateFormat df = DateUtil.getDateFormat(DateUtil.IVOA_DATE_FORMAT, DateUtil.UTC);
    ObservationState os1 = new ObservationState(new ObservationURI("TEST", "1234"));
    os1.maxLastModified = df.parse("2010-10-10T10:10:10.10");
    os1.accMetaChecksum = URI.create("md5:5b71d023d4729575d550536dce8439e6");
    ObservationState os2 = new ObservationState(new ObservationURI("TEST", "6789"));
    os2.maxLastModified = df.parse("2011-11-11T11:11:11.111");
    os2.accMetaChecksum = URI.create("md5:aedbcf5e27a17fc2daa5a0e0d7840009");
    Enumeration<String> params = Collections.emptyEnumeration();
    // since no maxRec argument given, expect the default one
    expect(mockDao.getObservationList("TEST", null, null, RepoAction.MAX_LIST_SIZE, true)).andReturn(obsList);
    replay(mockDao, mockRequest);
    getAction.setSyncInput(new SyncInput(mockRequest, getAction.getInlineContentHandler()));;
    String expected = "TEST" + "\t" + "1234" + "\t" + df.format(os1.maxLastModified) + "\t" + os1.accMetaChecksum.toString() + "\n" + "TEST" + "\t" + "6789" + "\t" + df.format(os2.maxLastModified) + "\t" + os2.accMetaChecksum.toString() + "\n";
    String content = out.getContent();
    log.debug("\n--list content start--\n" + content + "\n--list content end--");
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, content);
    // repeat test when start, end, maxRec and ascendingOrder specified
    getAction = new TestGetAction(mockDao);
    // get a new OutSync
    out = new TestSyncOutput();
    // build the list of observations for the mock dao to return
    List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
    params = Collections.enumeration(keys);
    String startDate = "2010-10-10T10:10:10.1";
    String endDate = "2011-11-11T11:11:11.111";
    expect(mockRequest.getParameterValues("MAXREC")).andReturn(new String[] { "3" });
    expect(mockRequest.getParameterValues("Start")).andReturn(new String[] { startDate });
    expect(mockRequest.getParameterValues("end")).andReturn(new String[] { endDate });
    // all arguments given
    expect(mockDao.getObservationList("TEST", df.parse(startDate), df.parse(endDate), 3, true)).andReturn(obsList);
    replay(mockDao, mockRequest);
    getAction.setSyncInput(new SyncInput(mockRequest, getAction.getInlineContentHandler()));;
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, out.getContent());"Finished testDoIt.");
Also used : TestSyncOutput(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.repo.TestSyncOutput) ObservationURI(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) ObservationState(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationState) SyncInput( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ObservationURI

use of ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI in project caom2db by opencadc.

the class DeleteAction method doAction.

public void doAction() throws Exception {
    ObservationURI uri = getURI();
    log.debug("START: " + uri);
    ObservationDAO dao = getDAO();
    ObservationState s = dao.getState(uri);
    if (s == null) {
        throw new ResourceNotFoundException("not found: " + uri);
    log.debug("DONE: " + uri);
Also used : ObservationURI(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI) ObservationDAO(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.persistence.ObservationDAO) ObservationState(ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationState) ResourceNotFoundException(


ObservationURI (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationURI)26 ObservationState (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationState)15 Test (org.junit.Test)12 DeletedObservation (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.DeletedObservation)10 Observation (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Observation)10 ObservationResponse (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.ObservationResponse)8 ResourceNotFoundException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Plane (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Plane)5 Date (java.util.Date)5 JdbcTemplate (org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate)5 DerivedObservation (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.DerivedObservation)4 SimpleObservation (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.SimpleObservation)4 ObservationDAO (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.persistence.ObservationDAO)4 TestSyncOutput (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.repo.TestSyncOutput)4 Point (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.types.Point)4 URISyntaxException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 UUID (java.util.UUID)4 Artifact (ca.nrc.cadc.caom2.Artifact)3