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Example 6 with Nutrient

use of ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient in project Nutrition by WesCook.

the class EffectsList method parseJson.

// Parse JSON data into more useful objects
public static void parseJson() {
    for (JsonEffect effectRaw : jsonEffects) {
        // Skip if effect is not enabled, or if field omitted (null)
        if (effectRaw.enabled != null && !effectRaw.enabled)
        // Get potion from config
        Potion potion = Potion.getPotionFromResourceLocation(effectRaw.potion);
        if (potion == null) {
            Log.error("Potion '" + effectRaw.potion + "' is not valid (" + + ").");
        // Copying and cleaning data
        Effect effect = new Effect(); =;
        effect.potion = potion;
        effect.minimum = effectRaw.minimum;
        effect.maximum = effectRaw.maximum;
        effect.detect = effectRaw.detect;
        // Amplifier defaults to 0 if undefined
        effect.amplifier = (effectRaw.amplifier != null) ? effectRaw.amplifier : 0;
        // Default the cumulative modifier to 1 if not defined
        effect.cumulativeModifier = (effectRaw.cumulative_modifier != null) ? effectRaw.cumulative_modifier : 1;
        // If nutrients are unspecified in file, this defaults to include every nutrient
        if (effectRaw.nutrients.size() == 0) {
        } else {
            // Field has been set, so fetch nutrients by name
            for (String nutrientName : effectRaw.nutrients) {
                Nutrient nutrient = NutrientList.getByName(nutrientName);
                if (nutrient != null)
                    // Nutrient checks out, add to list
                    Log.error("Nutrient " + nutrientName + " not found (" + + ").");
        // Register effect
Also used : Potion(net.minecraft.potion.Potion) Nutrient(ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient)

Example 7 with Nutrient

use of ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient in project Nutrition by WesCook.

the class EffectsManager method getEffectsInThreshold.

// Returns which effects match threshold conditions
private static List<Effect> getEffectsInThreshold(EntityPlayer player) {
    // Get info
    Map<Nutrient, Float> playerNutrition = player.getCapability(CapProvider.NUTRITION_CAPABILITY, null).get();
    // Effects being turned on
    List<Effect> effectsInThreshold = new ArrayList<>();
    // Read in list of potion effects to apply
    for (Effect effect : EffectsList.get()) {
        // Apply effect based on "detect" condition
        switch(effect.detect) {
            // If any nutrient is within the threshold
            case "any":
                    // Loop relevant nutrients
                    for (Nutrient nutrient : effect.nutrients) {
                        // If any are found within threshold
                        if (playerNutrition.get(nutrient) >= effect.minimum && playerNutrition.get(nutrient) <= effect.maximum) {
                            // Add effect, once
            // If the average of all nutrients is within the threshold
            case "average":
                    // Reset counter each new loop
                    Float total = 0f;
                    Float average;
                    // Loop relevant nutrients
                    for (Nutrient nutrient : effect.nutrients) // Add each value to total
                    total += playerNutrition.get(nutrient);
                    // Divide by number of nutrients for average (division by zero check)
                    int size = playerNutrition.size();
                    average = (size != 0) ? total / size : -1f;
                    // Check average is inside the threshold
                    if (average >= effect.minimum && average <= effect.maximum)
            // If all nutrients are within the threshold
            case "all":
                    // Condition starts true, and must be triggered to fail
                    boolean allWithinThreshold = true;
                    // Loop relevant nutrients
                    for (Nutrient nutrient : effect.nutrients) {
                        if (// If nutrient isn't within threshold
                        !(playerNutrition.get(nutrient) >= effect.minimum && playerNutrition.get(nutrient) <= effect.maximum))
                            // Fail check
                            allWithinThreshold = false;
                    // If check wasn't failed, set effect
                    if (allWithinThreshold)
            // For each nutrient within the threshold, the amplifier increases by one
            case "cumulative":
                    // Reset counter each new loop
                    int cumulativeCount = 0;
                    // Loop relevant nutrients
                    for (Nutrient nutrient : effect.nutrients) {
                        // For each nutrient found within threshold
                        if (playerNutrition.get(nutrient) >= effect.minimum && playerNutrition.get(nutrient) <= effect.maximum)
                    // Save number of nutrients found as amplifier
                    // We're saving this for the entire effect, which is crazy hacky.
                    // However it's otherwise unused, and the simplest way of storing this information.
                    effect.amplifier = (cumulativeCount * effect.cumulativeModifier) - 1;
                    // If any were found, set effect
                    if (cumulativeCount > 0) {
                        // Add effect, once
    return effectsInThreshold;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Nutrient(ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient) PotionEffect(net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect)

Example 8 with Nutrient

use of ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient in project Nutrition by WesCook.

the class ChatCommand method commandSetNutrition.

private void commandSetNutrition(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) {
    // If missing parameter, offer help
    if (args.length != 3) {
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Invalid format.  /nutrition set <nutrient> <value>"));
    // Valid number check
    Float newValue;
    if (NumberUtils.isCreatable(args[2]))
        newValue = Float.parseFloat(args[2]);
    else {
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Value is not a number."));
    // Range check (don't sue me Oracle)
    if (!(newValue >= 0 && newValue <= 100)) {
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Value is not between 0 and 100."));
    // Write nutrient name and percentage to chat
    EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) sender;
    Nutrient nutrient = NutrientList.getByName(args[1]);
    if (nutrient != null) {
        player.getCapability(CapProvider.NUTRITION_CAPABILITY, null).set(nutrient, newValue, true);
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString( + " updated!"));
    } else
        // Write error message
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("'" + args[1] + "' is not a valid nutrient."));
Also used : EntityPlayer(net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer) Nutrient(ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient) TextComponentString(net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString)

Example 9 with Nutrient

use of ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient in project Nutrition by WesCook.

the class EventTooltip method tooltipEvent.

public void tooltipEvent(ItemTooltipEvent event) {
    ItemStack itemStack = event.getItemStack();
    String tooltip = null;
    // Get out if not a food item
    if (!NutrientUtils.isValidFood(itemStack))
    // Create readable list of nutrients
    StringJoiner stringJoiner = new StringJoiner(", ");
    List<Nutrient> foundNutrients = NutrientUtils.getFoodNutrients(itemStack);
    for (// Loop through nutrients from food
    Nutrient nutrient : // Loop through nutrients from food
    foundNutrients) stringJoiner.add(I18n.format("nutrient." + Nutrition.MODID + ":" +;
    String nutrientString = stringJoiner.toString();
    // Get nutrition value
    float nutritionValue = NutrientUtils.calculateNutrition(itemStack, foundNutrients);
    // Build tooltip
    if (!nutrientString.equals("")) {
        tooltip = I18n.format("tooltip." + Nutrition.MODID + ":nutrients") + " " + TextFormatting.DARK_GREEN + nutrientString + TextFormatting.DARK_AQUA + " (" + String.format("%.1f", nutritionValue) + "%)";
    // Add to item tooltip
    if (tooltip != null)
Also used : Nutrient(ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) StringJoiner(java.util.StringJoiner) SubscribeEvent(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent)

Example 10 with Nutrient

use of ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient in project Nutrition by WesCook.

the class CapStorage method readNBT.

// Load serialized data from disk
public void readNBT(Capability<CapInterface> capability, CapInterface instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt) {
    HashMap<Nutrient, Float> clientNutrients = new HashMap<Nutrient, Float>();
    Float value;
    // Read in nutrients from file
    for (Nutrient nutrient : NutrientList.get()) {
        // For each nutrient
        if (// If it's found in player file
        ((NBTTagCompound) nbt).hasKey(
            // Read value in
            value = ((NBTTagCompound) nbt).getFloat(;
            // Set to default
            value = (float) Config.startingNutrition;
        // Add to map
        clientNutrients.put(nutrient, value);
    // Replace nutrient data with map
    // Note: Syncing throws network errors at this stage
    instance.set(clientNutrients, false);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NBTTagCompound(net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound) Nutrient(ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient)


Nutrient (ca.wescook.nutrition.nutrients.Nutrient)10 EntityPlayer (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)3 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)2 TextComponentString (net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString)2 SubscribeEvent (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent)2 PacketNutritionRequest ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 StringJoiner (java.util.StringJoiner)1 BlockCake (net.minecraft.block.BlockCake)1 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)1 GuiButton (net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton)1 GuiLabel (net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiLabel)1 Item (net.minecraft.item.Item)1 NBTTagCompound (net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound)1 Potion (net.minecraft.potion.Potion)1 PotionEffect (net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect)1 World (