use of carbon.recycler.ArrayAdapter in project Carbon by ZieIony.
the class PopupMenu method update.
public void update() {
if (getAnchorView() == null)
setClippingEnabled(popupMode == DropDown.PopupMode.Fit);
final Resources res = getContentView().getContext().getResources();
int margin = (int) res.getDimension(R.dimen.carbon_margin);
int itemHeight = (int) res.getDimension(R.dimen.carbon_dropdownMenuItemHeight);
int marginHalf = (int) res.getDimension(R.dimen.carbon_paddingHalf);
int selectedItem = 0;
ArrayAdapter adapter = (ArrayAdapter) menuStrip.getAdapter();
if (getAnchorView() instanceof android.widget.TextView) {
android.widget.TextView textView = (TextView) getAnchorView();
String text = textView.getText().toString();
for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) {
if (adapter.getItem(i).toString().equals(text)) {
selectedItem = i;
Rect windowRect = new Rect();
int hWindow = windowRect.bottom -;
int wWindow = windowRect.right - windowRect.left;
int[] location = new int[2];
if (popupMode == DropDown.PopupMode.Over) {
int maxHeightAbove = location[1] - - marginHalf * 2;
int maxItemsAbove = maxHeightAbove / itemHeight;
int maxHeightBelow = hWindow - location[1] - marginHalf * 2;
int maxItemsBelow = Math.max(1, maxHeightBelow / itemHeight);
int itemsBelow = Math.min(adapter.getItemCount() - selectedItem, maxItemsBelow);
int itemsAbove = Math.min(selectedItem, maxItemsAbove);
int popupX = location[0] - margin - marginHalf;
int popupY = location[1] - marginHalf * 2 - itemsAbove * itemHeight - (itemHeight - (getAnchorView().getHeight() - getAnchorView().getPaddingTop() - getAnchorView().getPaddingBottom())) / 2 + getAnchorView().getPaddingTop();
int popupWidth = getAnchorView().getWidth() + margin * 2 + marginHalf * 2 - getAnchorView().getPaddingLeft() - getAnchorView().getPaddingRight();
int popupHeight = marginHalf * 4 + Math.max(1, itemsAbove + itemsBelow) * itemHeight;
popupWidth = Math.min(popupWidth, wWindow - marginHalf * 2);
if (popupX < 0) {
popupWidth -= Math.min(-popupX, margin);
popupX = 0;
if (popupX + popupWidth > wWindow) {
int diff = popupX + popupWidth - wWindow;
diff = Math.min(margin, diff);
popupWidth -= diff;
popupX = wWindow - popupWidth;
popupY = MathUtils.constrain(popupY, 0, hWindow - popupHeight);
LinearLayoutManager manager = (LinearLayoutManager) menuStrip.getLayoutManager();
manager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(selectedItem - itemsAbove, 0);
update(popupX, popupY, popupWidth, popupHeight);
} else {
int maxItems = (hWindow - marginHalf * 2 - margin * 2) / itemHeight;
int popupX = location[0] - margin - marginHalf;
int popupY = location[1] - marginHalf * 2 - (itemHeight - (getAnchorView().getHeight() - getAnchorView().getPaddingTop() - getAnchorView().getPaddingBottom())) / 2 + getAnchorView().getPaddingTop();
int popupWidth = getAnchorView().getWidth() + margin * 2 + marginHalf * 2 - getAnchorView().getPaddingLeft() - getAnchorView().getPaddingRight();
int popupHeight = marginHalf * 4 + Math.min(menuStrip.getAdapter().getItemCount(), maxItems) * itemHeight;
LinearLayoutManager manager = (LinearLayoutManager) menuStrip.getLayoutManager();
update(popupX, popupY, popupWidth, popupHeight);
menuStrip.layout(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());