use of catdata.Ctx in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class SchExpRaw method eval.
// TODO: aql printing of contexts broken when conitain choices
public synchronized Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> eval(AqlEnv env) {
TypeSide<Ty, Sym> ts = typeSide.eval(env);
Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> col = new Collage<>(ts.collage());
Set<Triple<Pair<Var, En>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>>> eqs0 = new HashSet<>();
for (String k : imports) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> v = env.defs.schs.get(k);
col.ens.addAll( -> new En(x)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
for (Quad<String, String, RawTerm, RawTerm> eq : t_eqs) {
try {
Map<String, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx = Util.singMap(eq.first, eq.second == null ? null : Chc.inRight(new En(eq.second)));
Triple<Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>> eq0 = RawTerm.infer1x(ctx, eq.third, eq.fourth, null, col.convert(), "", ts.js).first3();
Chc<Ty, En> v = eq0.first.get(new Var(eq.first));
if (v.left) {
throw new RuntimeException(eq.first + " has type " + v.l + " which is not an entity");
En t = v.r;
eqs0.add(new Triple<>(new Pair<>(new Var(eq.first), t), eq0.second.convert(), eq0.third.convert()));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new LocException(find("obs equations", eq), "In equation " + eq.third + " = " + eq.fourth + ", " + ex.getMessage());
for (Pair<List<String>, List<String>> eq : p_eqs) {
try {
String vv = "v";
Var var = new Var(vv);
Map<String, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx = Util.singMap(vv, null);
RawTerm lhs = RawTerm.fold(col.fks.keySet(), col.ens, eq.first, vv);
RawTerm rhs = RawTerm.fold(col.fks.keySet(), col.ens, eq.second, vv);
Triple<Ctx<Var, Chc<Ty, En>>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>> eq0 = RawTerm.infer1x(ctx, lhs, rhs, null, col.convert(), "", ts.js).first3();
Chc<Ty, En> v = eq0.first.get(var);
if (v.left) {
throw new RuntimeException("the equation's source " + eq.first + " is type " + v.l + " which is not an entity");
En t = v.r;
if (eq0.first.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("java constants cannot be used ");
eqs0.add(new Triple<>(new Pair<>(var, t), eq0.second.convert(), eq0.third.convert()));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new LocException(find("path equations", eq), "In equation " + Util.sep(eq.first, ".") + " = " + Util.sep(eq.second, ".") + ", " + ex.getMessage());
for (Triple<Pair<Var, En>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void>> eq : eqs0) {
col.eqs.add(new Eq<>(new Ctx<>(eq.first).inRight(), eq.second, eq.third));
AqlOptions strat = new AqlOptions(options, col, env.defaults);
AqlOptions s = new AqlOptions(Util.singMap(AqlOption.prover.toString(),, col, env.defaults);
// forces type checking before prover construction
new Schema<>(ts, col.ens,,, eqs0, AqlProver.create(s, col, ts.js), false);
Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> ret = new Schema<>(ts, col.ens,,, eqs0, AqlProver.create(strat, col, ts.js), !((Boolean) strat.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe)));
return ret;
use of catdata.Ctx in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class QueryExpRaw method eval.
public Query<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, En, Fk, Att> eval(AqlEnv env) {
Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> src0 = src.eval(env);
Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> dst0 = dst.eval(env);
Ctx<En, Triple<Ctx<Var, En>, Collection<Eq<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Var, Var>>, AqlOptions>> ens0 = new Ctx<>();
Ctx<Att, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Var, Var>> atts0 = new Ctx<>();
Ctx<Fk, Pair<Ctx<Var, Term<Void, En, Void, Fk, Void, Var, Void>>, Boolean>> fks0 = new Ctx<>();
Ctx<Var, Ty> xxx = new Ctx<>();
Ctx<Var, Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Void>> yyy = new Ctx<>();
for (String k : imports) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Query<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, En, Fk, Att> v = env.defs.qs.get(k);
for (Var var : v.params.keySet()) {
// allow benign collisions, v.params.get(var));
for (Var var : v.consts.keySet()) {, v.consts.get(var));
for (En En : v.ens.keySet()) {
ens0.put(En, new Triple<>(v.ens.get(En).gens, v.ens.get(En).eqs, v.ens.get(En).options));
for (Att Att : v.atts.keySet()) {
atts0.put(Att, v.atts.get(Att));
for (Fk Fk : v.fks.keySet()) {
fks0.put(Fk, new Pair<>(v.fks.get(Fk).gens(), v.doNotValidate.get(Fk)));
Ctx<En, Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Var, Var>> cols = new Ctx<>();
for (Block p : blocks) {
try {
if (!dst0.ens.contains(p.en)) {
throw new RuntimeException("the proposed target entity " + p.en + " does not actually appear in the target schema");
processBlock(options, env, src0, ens0, cols, p, params);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new LocException(b1.get(p.en), "In block for target entity " + p.en + ", " + ex.getMessage());
for (Pair<catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att, RawTerm> pp : p.atts) {
try {
processAtt(src0, dst0, ens0, atts0, cols, pp, params);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new LocException(b3.get(pp.first), "In return clause for " + pp.first + ", " + ex.getMessage());
// two loops bc need stuff in en to do this part
for (Block p : blocks) {
for (Pair<catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk, Trans> pp : p.fks) {
try {
Ctx<Var, Term<Void, En, Void, Fk, Void, Var, Void>> trans = new Ctx<>();
for (Pair<Var, RawTerm> v : pp.second.gens) {
Ctx<String, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx = unVar(ens0.get(dst0.fks.get(pp.first).first).first.inRight());
Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Var, Var> col = cols.get(dst0.fks.get(pp.first).first);
Chc<Ty, En> required = Chc.inRight(ens0.get(dst0.fks.get(pp.first).second).first.get(v.first));
Term<catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En, catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att, Gen, Sk> term = RawTerm.infer1x(, v.second, null, required, col.convert(), "in foreign key " + pp.first.str + ", ", src0.typeSide.js).second;
trans.put(v.first, freeze(term.convert(), params).convert());
boolean doNotCheckEqs = (Boolean) new AqlOptions(pp.second.options, null, env.defaults).getOrDefault(AqlOption.dont_validate_unsafe);
fks0.put(pp.first, new Pair<>(trans, doNotCheckEqs));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw new LocException(b2.get(pp.first), ex.getMessage());
boolean doNotCheckEqs = (Boolean) new AqlOptions(options, null, env.defaults).getOrDefault(AqlOption.dont_validate_unsafe);
boolean elimRed = (Boolean) new AqlOptions(options, null, env.defaults).getOrDefault(AqlOption.query_remove_redundancy);
for (String s : params.keySet()) {
xxx.put(new Var(s), new Ty(params.get(s)));
for (String s : consts.keySet()) {
Chc<Ty, En> required = Chc.inLeft(xxx.get(new Var(s)));
Term<catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Ty, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.En, catdata.aql.exp.TyExpRaw.Sym, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Fk, catdata.aql.exp.SchExpRaw.Att, Gen, Sk> term = RawTerm.infer1x(new HashMap<>(), consts.get(s), null, required, src0.collage().convert(), "", src0.typeSide.js).second;
yyy.put(new Var(s), term.convert());
return Query.makeQuery2(xxx, yyy, ens0, atts0, fks0, src0, dst0, doNotCheckEqs, elimRed);
use of catdata.Ctx in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class ColimSchExpModify method eval.
// TODO aql add options
public ColimitSchema<N> eval(AqlEnv env) {
boolean checkJava = !(Boolean) env.defaults.getOrDefault(options, AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe);
ColimitSchema<N> colim0 = colim.eval(env);
for (Pair<String, String> k : ens) {
colim0 = colim0.renameEntity(new En(k.first), new En(k.second), checkJava);
for (Pair<Pair<String, String>, String> k : fks0) {
colim0 = colim0.renameFk(new Fk(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second), new Fk(new En(k.first.first), k.second), checkJava);
for (Pair<Pair<String, String>, String> k : atts0) {
colim0 = colim0.renameAtt(new Att(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second), new Att(new En(k.first.first), k.second), checkJava);
for (Pair<Pair<String, String>, List<String>> k : fks) {
if (!colim0.schemaStr.fks.containsKey(new Fk(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not an fk: " + k.first + " in\n\n" + colim0.schemaStr);
String pre = "In processing " + k.first + " -> " + k.second + ", ";
Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> xxx = colim0.schemaStr.collage();
RawTerm term = RawTerm.fold(k.second, "v");
En tr = colim0.schemaStr.fks.get(new Fk(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second)).second;
Ctx<String, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx = new Ctx<>("v", Chc.inRight(new En(k.first.first)));
Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> t = RawTerm.infer1x(, term, null, Chc.inRight(tr), xxx.convert(), pre, colim0.schemaStr.typeSide.js).second;
// colim0 = colim0.removeAtt(new Att(k.first), new Var(k.second.first), t.convert(), checkJava);
colim0 = colim0.removeFk(new Fk(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second), t.toFkList(), checkJava);
for (Pair<Pair<String, String>, Triple<String, String, RawTerm>> k : atts) {
if (!colim0.schemaStr.atts.containsKey(new Att(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not an attribute: " + k.first + " in\n\n" + colim0.schemaStr);
String pre = "In processing " + k.first + " -> lambda " + k.second.first + "." + k.second.third + ", ";
Pair<En, Ty> r = colim0.schemaStr.atts.get(new Att(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second));
if (k.second.second != null && !k.second.second.equals(r.first)) {
throw new RuntimeException(pre + " given type is " + k.second.second + " but expected " + r.first);
Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Void, Void> xxx = colim0.schemaStr.collage();
Ctx<String, Chc<Ty, En>> ctx = new Ctx<>(k.second.first, Chc.inRight(r.first));
Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> t = RawTerm.infer1x(, k.second.third, null, Chc.inLeft(r.second), xxx.convert(), pre, colim0.schemaStr.typeSide.js).second;
colim0 = colim0.removeAtt(new Att(new En(k.first.first), k.first.second), new Var(k.second.first), t.convert(), checkJava);
return colim0;
use of catdata.Ctx in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class InstExpCsvQuotient method eval.
public Instance<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk, ID, Chc<Sk, Pair<ID, Att>>> eval(AqlEnv env) {
Instance<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk, X, Y> J = I.eval(env);
Collage<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> col = new Collage<>(J.collage());
AqlOptions strat = new AqlOptions(options, col, env.defaults);
Set<Pair<Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>, Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk>>> eqs0 = new HashSet<>(J.eqs());
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String q : queries) {
map.put(q, q);
try {
Map<En, List<String[]>> ret = InstExpCsv.start2(map, strat, J.schema(), true);
for (En q : ret.keySet()) {
for (String[] row : ret.get(q)) {
if (row.length != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("On " + q + ", encountered a row of length != 2: " + Arrays.toString(row));
Gen gen1 = (Gen) row[0];
Gen gen2 = (Gen) row[1];
if (gen1 == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered a NULL generator in column 1 of " + q);
if (gen2 == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered a NULL generator in column 2 of " + q);
if (!J.gens().containsKey(gen1)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot import record linkage: " + gen1 + " is not a generator in the input instance");
} else if (!J.gens().containsKey(gen2)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot import record linkage: " + gen2 + " is not a generator in the input instance");
Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> l = Term.Gen(gen1);
Term<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk> r = Term.Gen(gen2);
eqs0.add(new Pair<>(l, r));
col.eqs.add(new Eq<>(new Ctx<>(), l, r));
InitialAlgebra<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att, Gen, Sk, ID> initial0 = new InitialAlgebra<>(strat, J.schema(), col, new It(), Object::toString, Object::toString);
return new LiteralInstance<>(J.schema(),,, eqs0, initial0.dp(), initial0, (Boolean) strat.getOrDefault(AqlOption.require_consistency), (Boolean) strat.getOrDefault(AqlOption.allow_java_eqs_unsafe));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
use of catdata.Ctx in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class InstExpCsv method joinedEn.
protected void joinedEn(Map<En, List<String[]>> rows, En en0, Pair<List<Pair<String, String>>, List<Pair<String, String>>> s, Schema<Ty, En, Sym, Fk, Att> sch) throws Exception {
String en = en0.str;
Map<String, String> inner;
if (s == null) {
inner = new HashMap<>();
} else {
inner = Util.toMapSafely(s.second);
boolean autoGenIds = (Boolean) op.getOrDefault(inner, AqlOption.csv_generate_ids);
for (En en2 : rows.keySet()) {
if (rows.get(en2).size() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("No header in CSV file for " + en2);
// index of each column name
Ctx<String, Integer> m = new Ctx<>();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.get(en0).get(0).length; i++) {
m.put(rows.get(en0).get(0)[i], i);
boolean prepend = (boolean) op.getOrDefault(inner, AqlOption.csv_prepend_entity);
String sep = (String) op.getOrDefault(inner, AqlOption.import_col_seperator);
String pre = (String) op.getOrDefault(inner, AqlOption.csv_import_prefix);
// System.out.println("prefix is " + pre);
Map<String, String> map;
if (s != null) {
map = new Ctx<>(Util.toMapSafely(s.first)).map;
} else {
map = new HashMap<>();
Function<String, String> mediate = x -> {
if (map.containsKey(x)) {
return map.get(x);
String z = map.containsKey(x) ? map.get(x) : x;
if (prepend) {
int i = x.indexOf(en + sep);
if (i != 0) {
return pre + z;
String temp = x.substring((en + sep).length());
return pre + temp;
return pre + z;
int startId = 0;
for (String[] row : rows.get(en0).subList(1, rows.get(en0).size())) {
Gen l0;
String idCol = map.containsKey(en) ? map.get(en) : (String) op.getOrDefault(inner, AqlOption.id_column_name);
if (autoGenIds && !m.containsKey(idCol)) {
l0 = toGen(en0, "" + startId++);
} else if (!autoGenIds && !m.containsKey(idCol)) {
throw new RuntimeException("On " + en + ", ID column " + idCol + " not found in headers " + m.keySet() + ". \n\nPossible solution: provide a mapping.\n\nPossible solution: set csv_generate_ids=true to auto-generate IDs.\n\nPossible solution: rename the headers in the CSV file.\n\nPossible solution: add an ID column to the CSV file.");
} else {
l0 = toGen(en0, row[m.get(idCol)]);
for (Fk fk : sch.fksFrom(en0)) {
if (!fks0.containsKey(l0)) {
fks0.put(l0, new Ctx<>());
Gen g = toGen(sch.fks.get(fk).second, row[m.get(mediate.apply(fk.str))]);
fks0.get(l0).put(fk, g);
for (Att att : sch.attsFrom(en0)) {
if (!atts0.containsKey(l0)) {
atts0.put(l0, new Ctx<>());
String zz = mediate.apply(att.str);
if (!m.containsKey(zz)) {
throw new RuntimeException("No column " + att + " in file for " + en + " nor explicit mapping for " + att + " given. Tried " + zz + " and options are " + m.keySet());
int z = m.get(zz);
if (z >= row.length) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get index " + z + " from " + Arrays.toString(row));
String o = row[z];
Term<Ty, Void, Sym, Void, Void, Void, Null<?>> r = objectToSk(sch, o, l0, att, tys0, extraRepr, true, nullOnErr);
atts0.get(l0).put(att, r);