use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class PSMEval method exec.
public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
try {
Quad<Instance, Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>>, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>, Object>>> xxx = interp.exps2.get(AB);
Instance Jw = xxx.first;
Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>> map = xxx.second;
Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>> map2 = xxx.third;
FinCat<Node, Path> cat = Jw.thesig.toCategory2().first;
Instance abb = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(ABB, sig, state));
// Instance ab = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(AB, sig, state));
// //already have in interp
Instance a = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(A, sig, state));
Instance b = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(B, sig, state));
Transform fst = new Transform(abb, Jw, PSMGen.gather(ABB + "_fst", sig, state));
Transform snd = new Transform(abb, b, PSMGen.gather(ABB + "_snd", sig, state));
List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> data = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
List<Pair<Object, Object>> d = new LinkedList<>();
Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>> m2 = map2.get(n);
for (Pair<Object, Object> id : {
Object id_ab = lookup(, id.first);
Object x = lookup(, id.first);
Transform t = m2.get(id_ab).second;
LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> w = m2.get(id_ab).first;
Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>> m = map.get(new Pair<>(n, w));
Object y = m.third.get(n).get(new Pair<>(, x));
Object f = lookup(, y);
d.add(new Pair<>(id.first, f));
data.add(new Pair<>(n.string, d));
Transform curry = new Transform(abb, a, data);
PSMGen.shred(pre, curry, state);
} catch (FQLException fe) {
throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class JDBCBridge method maybeExecInstance.
private static List<PSM> maybeExecInstance(InstOps ops, FQLProgram prog, Statement Stmt, String k, InstExp v, PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> ret) throws SQLException {
List<PSM> psm = new LinkedList<>();
psm.addAll(PSMGen.makeTables(k, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), false));
switch(DefunctGlobalOptions.debug.fql.sqlKind) {
case NATIVE:
psm.addAll(v.accept(k, ops).first);
interp.interpX(psm, ret);
case H2:
case JDBC:
if (v instanceof InstExp.FullSigma) {
List<PSM> xxx = v.accept(k, ops).first;
if (xxx.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException();
FullSigma yyy = (FullSigma) xxx.get(0);
int theguid = getGuid(Stmt);
interp.guid = theguid;
yyy.exec(interp, ret);
Stmt.execute("SET @guid = " + interp.guid);
psm.addAll(makeInserts(k, ret, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), ((InstExp.FullSigma) v).F.toMap(prog).source));
} else if (v instanceof Exp) {
List<PSM> xxx = v.accept(k, ops).first;
if (xxx.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException();
ExpPSM yyy = (ExpPSM) xxx.get(0);
int theguid = getGuid(Stmt);
interp.guid = theguid;
yyy.exec(interp, ret);
Stmt.execute("SET @guid = " + interp.guid);
psm.addAll(makeInserts(k, ret, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), null));
} else if (v instanceof Two) {
List<PSM> xxx = v.accept(k, ops).first;
if (xxx.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException();
PropPSM yyy = (PropPSM) xxx.get(0);
int theguid = getGuid(Stmt);
interp.guid = theguid;
yyy.exec(interp, ret);
Stmt.execute("SET @guid = " + interp.guid);
psm.addAll(makeInserts(k, ret, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), null));
} else if (v instanceof Kernel) {
List<PSM> xxx = v.accept(k, ops).first;
if (xxx.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException();
PSMUnChi yyy = (PSMUnChi) xxx.get(0);
int theguid = getGuid(Stmt);
interp.guid = theguid;
yyy.exec(interp, ret);
Stmt.execute("SET @guid = " + interp.guid);
psm.addAll(makeInserts(k, ret, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), null));
Signature ooo = v.type(prog).toSig(prog);
for (Node n : ooo.nodes) {
psm.add(new SimpleCreateTable(k + "_trans_" + n.string, PSM.VARCHAR(), false));
for (Edge n : ooo.edges) {
psm.add(new SimpleCreateTable(k + "_trans_" +, PSM.VARCHAR(), false));
for (Attribute<Node> n : ooo.attrs) {
psm.add(new SimpleCreateTable(k + "_trans_" +,, false));
psm.addAll(makeInserts(k + "_trans", ret, v.type(prog).toSig(prog), null));
} else if (v instanceof External && DefunctGlobalOptions.debug.fql.sqlKind == SQLKIND.H2) {
} else {
psm.addAll(v.accept(k, ops).first);
for (PSM sql : psm) {
if (!(v instanceof InstExp.FullSigma) && !(v instanceof Exp) && !(v instanceof Two) && !(v instanceof Kernel)) {
gatherInstance(prog, ret, Stmt, k, v);
if (v instanceof Delta) {
gatherSubstInv(prog, ret, Stmt, k, v);
} else if (v instanceof Times) {
gatherTransform(prog, ret, Stmt, k + "_fst", v.type(prog).toConst(prog));
gatherTransform(prog, ret, Stmt, k + "_snd", v.type(prog).toConst(prog));
} else if (v instanceof One) {
gatherSubstInv2(prog, ret, Stmt, k, v);
return psm;
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class FinFunctor method toMapping.
* Converts a functor to a mapping by converting the source and target
* categories
* @return the mapping, and a bunch of isomorphisms
* @throws FQLException
public Triple<Mapping, Quad<Signature, Pair<Map<ObjA, String>, Map<String, ObjA>>, Pair<Map<Arr<ObjA, ArrowA>, String>, Map<String, Arr<ObjA, ArrowA>>>, Pair<Map<Attribute<ObjA>, String>, Map<String, Attribute<ObjA>>>>, Quad<Signature, Pair<Map<ObjB, String>, Map<String, ObjB>>, Pair<Map<Arr<ObjB, ArrowB>, String>, Map<String, Arr<ObjB, ArrowB>>>, Pair<Map<Attribute<ObjB>, String>, Map<String, Attribute<ObjB>>>>> toMapping(Map<String, Type> types) throws FQLException {
Quad<Signature, Pair<Map<ObjA, String>, Map<String, ObjA>>, Pair<Map<Arr<ObjA, ArrowA>, String>, Map<String, Arr<ObjA, ArrowA>>>, Pair<Map<Attribute<ObjA>, String>, Map<String, Attribute<ObjA>>>> src = srcCat.toSig(types);
Quad<Signature, Pair<Map<ObjB, String>, Map<String, ObjB>>, Pair<Map<Arr<ObjB, ArrowB>, String>, Map<String, Arr<ObjB, ArrowB>>>, Pair<Map<Attribute<ObjB>, String>, Map<String, Attribute<ObjB>>>> dst = dstCat.toSig(types);
Signature srcSig = src.first;
Signature dstSig = dst.first;
Map<Arr<ObjA, ArrowA>, String> srcM = src.third.first;
Map<ObjA, String> srcM2 = src.second.first;
Map<Attribute<ObjA>, String> srcMA = src.fourth.first;
Map<Arr<ObjB, ArrowB>, String> dstM = dst.third.first;
Map<ObjB, String> dstM2 = dst.second.first;
Map<Attribute<ObjB>, String> dstMA = dst.fourth.first;
List<Pair<String, String>> nm = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, List<String>>> em = new LinkedList<>();
for (Arr<ObjA, ArrowA> a : srcCat.arrows) {
if (srcCat.isId(a)) {
ObjA o = a.src;
ObjB u = objMapping.get(o);
nm.add(new Pair<>(srcM2.get(o), dstM2.get(u)));
} else {
Arr<ObjB, ArrowB> u = arrowMapping.get(a);
List<String> t = new LinkedList<>();
if (!dstCat.isId(u)) {
em.add(new Pair<>(srcM.get(a), t));
List<Pair<String, String>> am0 = new LinkedList<>();
for (Attribute<ObjA> k : am.keySet()) {
am0.add(new Pair<>(srcMA.get(k), dstMA.get(am.get(k))));
Mapping m = new Mapping(/*n,*/
srcSig, dstSig, nm, am0, em);
return new Triple<>(m, src, dst);
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CategoryOfElements method makePanel.
public static Pair<JPanel, JPanel> makePanel(String name, Instance i, Color c) {
try {
JPanel ret;
JPanel ret2;
Pair<Graph<Pair<Node, Object>, Pair<Path, Integer>>, HashMap<Pair<Node, Object>, Map<Attribute<Node>, Object>>> g = build(i);
ret = g.first.getVertexCount() == 0 ? new JPanel() : doView(c, i, g.first, g.second);
ret2 = dot(name, i, g.first, g.second);
return new Pair<>(ret, ret2);
} catch (FQLException e) {
JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
JTextArea a = new JTextArea(e.getMessage());
p.add(new JScrollPane(a));
return new Pair<>(p, p);
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class CategoryOfElements method doView.
private static JPanel doView(Color clr, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Instance inst, Graph<Pair<Node, Object>, Pair<Path, Integer>> sgv, Map<Pair<Node, Object>, Map<Attribute<Node>, Object>> map0) {
JPanel cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
Layout<Pair<Node, Object>, Pair<Path, Integer>> layout = new FRLayout<>(sgv);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
VisualizationViewer<Pair<Node, Object>, Pair<Path, Integer>> vv = new VisualizationViewer<>(layout);
Function<Pair<Node, Object>, Paint> vertexPaint = (Pair<Node, Object> i) -> clr;
DefaultModalGraphMouse<String, String> gm = new DefaultModalGraphMouse<>();
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelRenderer(new MyVertexT(cards));
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer((Pair<Path, Integer> t) -> t.first.toString());
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer((Pair<Node, Object> t) -> t.second.toString());
JPanel ret = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
JSplitPane pane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
for (Pair<Node, Object> n : sgv.getVertices()) {
Map<Attribute<Node>, Object> s = map0.get(n);
Object[] columnNames = new Object[s.keySet().size()];
Object[][] rowData = new Object[1][s.keySet().size()];
int i = 0;
for (Attribute<Node> a : s.keySet()) {
columnNames[i] =;
rowData[0][i] = s.get(a);
JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
JTable table = new JTable(rowData, columnNames);
JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(table);
p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(), "Attributes for " + n.second));
cards.add(p, n.second.toString());
cards.add(new JPanel(), "blank");
CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) (cards.getLayout());, "blank");
pane.add(new GraphZoomScrollPane(vv));
return ret;