use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class PSMGen method pi.
public static Pair<List<PSM>, Map<String, Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[]>> pi(Mapping F0, String src, String dst) throws FQLException {
tempTables = 0;
Signature D0 =;
Signature C0 = F0.source;
Pair<FinCat<Node, Path>, Fn<Path, Arr<Node, Path>>> kkk = D0.toCategory2();
FinCat<Node, Path> D = kkk.first;
FinCat<Node, Path> C = C0.toCategory2().first;
FinFunctor<Node, Path, Node, Path> F = F0.toFunctor2().first;
List<PSM> ret = new LinkedList<>();
Map<String, Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[]> colmap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Attribute<Node>[]> amap = new HashMap<>();
List<Node> doNotDrop = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node d0 : D.objects) {
CommaCat<Node, Path, Node, Path, Node, Path> B = doComma(D, C, F, d0, D0);
Map<Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>, String> xxx1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Arr<Node, Path>>, String> xxx2 = new HashMap<>();
List<PSM> xxx3 = deltaX(src, xxx1, xxx2, B.projB);
Triple<Flower, Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[], Attribute<Node>[]> xxx = lim(src, C0, D, B, xxx1, xxx2);
// comma cat is empty, need unit for product
if (xxx == null) {
Map<String, String> attrs2 = new HashMap<>();
attrs2.put("guid", PSM.VARCHAR());
ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit", attrs2, false));
ret.add(new InsertEmptyKeygen(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit"));
ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" + d0.string, new SquishFlower(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit"), "c0", "c1"));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[] cols = new Triple[0];
colmap.put(d0.string, cols);
Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[] cols = xxx.second;
Flower r = xxx.first;
for (Attribute<Node> a : D0.attrsFor(d0)) {
List<Attribute<Node>> ls = new LinkedList<>();
for (Attribute<Node> aa : C0.attrs) {
if ( {
for (int jj = 1; jj < ls.size(); jj++) {
int xxx02 = cnamelkp(xxx.third, ls.get(0));
int xxx04 = cnamelkp(xxx.third, ls.get(jj));
r.where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>("t" + (xxx02 + xxx.second.length), "c1"), new Pair<>("t" + (xxx04 + xxx.second.length), "c1")));
colmap.put(d0.string, cols);
amap.put(d0.string, xxx.third);
Map<String, String> attrs1 = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < xxx.second.length; i++) {
attrs1.put("c" + i, PSM.VARCHAR());
for (int j = 0; j < xxx.third.length; j++) {
attrs1.put("c" + (xxx.second.length + j), xxx.third[j].target.psm());
Map<String, String> attrs2 = new HashMap<>(attrs1);
attrs2.put("guid", PSM.VARCHAR());
List<String> attcs = new LinkedList<>(attrs1.keySet());
ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limnoguid", attrs1, false));
ret.add(new InsertSQL2(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limnoguid", r, new LinkedList<>(;
ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit", attrs2, false));
ret.add(new InsertKeygen(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit", "guid", dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limnoguid", attcs));
// craeted by createTables
// ret.add(new CreateTable(dst + "_" + d0.string, twocol_attrs));
ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" + d0.string, new SquishFlower(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limit"), "c0", "c1"));
for (Edge s : {
Node dA = s.source;
Node dB =;
String q2 = dB.string;
String q1 = dA.string;
Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[] q2cols = colmap.get(q2);
Triple<Node, Node, Arr<Node, Path>>[] q1cols = colmap.get(q1);
if (q2cols == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find " + q2 + " in " + colmap);
List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = subset(D, kkk.second.of(new Path(D0, s)), dst, q2cols, q1cols, q2, q1);
Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
from.put(dst + "_" + q1 + "_limit_1", dst + "_" + q1 + "_limit");
from.put(dst + "_" + q2 + "_limit_2", dst + "_" + q2 + "_limit");
LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
select.put("c0", new Pair<>(dst + "_" + q1 + "_limit_1", "guid"));
select.put("c1", new Pair<>(dst + "_" + q2 + "_limit_2", "guid"));
Flower f = new Flower(select, from, where);
ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" +, f, "c0", "c1"));
for (Attribute<Node> a : {
int i = colmap.get(a.source.string).length;
Attribute<Node>[] y = amap.get(a.source.string);
if (y == null) {
throw new FQLException("Attribute mapping not surjective " + a.source.string);
boolean found = false;
int u = 0;
// int j = -1;
List<Pair<Pair<String, String>, Pair<String, String>>> where = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> select = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, String> from = new HashMap<>();
List<Integer> xxx = new LinkedList<>();
for (Attribute<Node> b : y) {
if (! {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new FQLException("Attribute mapping not found " + a);
from.put(dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit", dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit");
select.put("c0", new Pair<>(dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit", "guid"));
for (int jj = 1; jj < xxx.size(); jj++) {
where.add(new Pair<>(new Pair<>(dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit", "c" + (xxx.get(0) + i)), new Pair<>(dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit", "c" + (xxx.get(jj) + i))));
select.put("c1", new Pair<>(dst + "_" + a.source + "_limit", "c" + (xxx.get(0) + i)));
Flower f = new Flower(select, from, where);
ret.add(new InsertSQL(dst + "_" +, f, "c0", "c1"));
// project guid and u+i
for (Node d0 : D.objects) {
if (doNotDrop.contains(d0)) {
ret.add(new DropTable(dst + "_" + d0.string + "_limnoguid"));
for (int ii = 0; ii < tempTables; ii++) {
ret.add(new DropTable("temp" + ii));
return new Pair<>(ret, colmap);
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class PropPSM method exec.
public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
try {
IntRef ref = new IntRef(interp.guid);
Signature sigX = new Signature(sig.nodes, sig.edges, new LinkedList<>(), sig.eqs);
Map<Node, List<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>>> obs = sig.obs();
Pair<FinCat<Node, Path>, Fn<Path, Arr<Node, Path>>> ooo = sig.toCategory2();
Fn<Path, Arr<Node, Path>> fn = ooo.second;
Pair<Pair<Map<Node, Triple<Instance, Map<Object, Path>, Map<Path, Object>>>, Map<Edge, Transform>>, Pair<Instance, Map<Node, Pair<Map<Object, Instance>, Map<Instance, Object>>>>> xxx =;
interp.prop1.put(pre, xxx.first);
interp.prop2.put(pre, xxx.second);
Instance old = xxx.second.first;
Map<Node, List<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>> m = sig.obsbar();
Map<String, Set<Pair<Object, Object>>> data = new HashMap<>();
Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>>> m1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<Node, Map<Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Object>> m2 = new HashMap<>();
for (Node n : sig.nodes) {
Map<Object, Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>> map1 = new HashMap<>();
Map<Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Object> map2 = new HashMap<>();
Set<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new HashSet<>();
m1.put(n, map1);
m2.put(n, map2);
for (Pair<Object, Object> i1 : {
for (LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> i2 : m.get(n)) {
Object o = Integer.toString(++ref.i);
map1.put(o, new Pair<>(i1.first, i2));
map2.put(new Pair<>(i1.first, i2), o);
set.add(new Pair<>(o, o));
data.put(n.string, set);
for (Attribute<Node> a : sig.attrs) {
Set<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new HashSet<>();
for (Pair<Object, Object> k : data.get(a.source.string)) {
Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>> kk = m1.get(a.source).get(k.first);
// Object old_id = kk.first;
LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id = kk.second;
set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, new_id.get(new Pair<>(new Arr<>(new Path(sig, a.source), a.source, a.source), a))));
data.put(, set);
for (Edge a : sig.edges) {
Set<Pair<Object, Object>> set = new HashSet<>();
for (Pair<Object, Object> k : data.get(a.source.string)) {
Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>> kk = m1.get(a.source).get(k.first);
Object old_id = kk.first;
Object old_id0 = lookup(, old_id);
LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id = kk.second;
LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> new_id0 = truncate2(sig, new_id, fn.of(new Path(sig, a)), obs.get(;
Object o = m2.get( Pair<>(old_id0, new_id0));
set.add(new Pair<>(k.first, o));
data.put(, set);
interp.prop3.put(pre, m1);
interp.prop4.put(pre, m2);
Instance ne = new Instance(sig, data);
PSMGen.shred(pre, ne, state);
interp.guid = ref.i;
} catch (FQLException fe) {
throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class PSMAnd method exec.
public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
try {
Signature sig0 = new Signature(sig.nodes, sig.edges, new LinkedList<>(), sig.eqs);
Pair<Map<Node, Triple<Instance, Map<Object, Path>, Map<Path, Object>>>, Map<Edge, Transform>> H1 = interp.prop1.get(prop);
Pair<Instance, Map<Node, Pair<Map<Object, Instance>, Map<Instance, Object>>>> H2 = interp.prop2.get(prop);
// Instance old = H2.first;
Instance prp = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(prop, sig, state));
Instance prd = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(prod, sig, state));
Transform fst = new Transform(prd, prp, PSMGen.gather(prod + "_fst", sig, state));
Transform snd = new Transform(prd, prp, PSMGen.gather(prod + "_snd", sig, state));
Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>>> I1 = interp.prop3.get(prop);
Map<Node, Map<Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Object>> I2 = interp.prop4.get(prop);
List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> data = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node c : sig.nodes) {
List<Pair<Object, Object>> data0 = new LinkedList<>();
Triple<Instance, Map<Object, Path>, Map<Path, Object>> Hc = H1.first.get(c);
for (Object idp : prd.getNode(c)) {
Object id0 = lookup(, idp);
Object id1 = lookup(, idp);
Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>> idl = I1.get(c).get(id0);
Instance A = H2.second.get(c).first.get(idl.first);
Pair<Object, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>> idr = I1.get(c).get(id1);
Instance B = H2.second.get(c).first.get(idr.first);
if (!idl.second.equals(idr.second)) {
throw new RuntimeException("bad");
Instance nA;
switch(kind) {
case "and":
nA = isect(A, B);
case "or":
nA = union(A, B);
case "implies":
nA = implies(sig0, H1, Hc, A, B);
throw new RuntimeException();
Object notId = H2.second.get(c).second.get(nA);
Object x = I2.get(c).get(new Pair<>(notId, idl.second));
data0.add(new Pair<>(idp, x));
data.add(new Pair<>(c.string, data0));
Transform ret = new Transform(prd, prp, data);
PSMGen.shred(pre, ret, state);
} catch (FQLException fe) {
throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class PSMCurry method exec.
public void exec(PSMInterp interp, Map<String, Set<Map<Object, Object>>> state) {
try {
Instance IJ = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(trans_src, sig, state));
Instance K = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(trans_dst, sig, state));
Transform t = new Transform(IJ, K, PSMGen.gather(trans, sig, state));
Instance I = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(inst_src, sig, state));
Instance J = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(exp, sig, state));
Instance JK = new Instance(sig, PSMGen.gather(inst_dst, sig, state));
Transform trans_src0_fst = new Transform(IJ, I, PSMGen.gather(trans_src + "_fst", sig, state));
Transform trans_src0_snd = new Transform(IJ, J, PSMGen.gather(trans_src + "_snd", sig, state));
Map<Node, List<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>>> obs = I.thesig.obs();
List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> l = new LinkedList<>();
Quad<Instance, Map<Pair<Node, LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>>, Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>>>, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object>, Transform>, Object>>> kkk = interp.exps2.get(inst_dst);
for (Node c : sig.nodes) {
List<Pair<Object, Object>> s = new LinkedList<>();
for (Pair<Object, Object> xx : {
Object x = xx.first;
LinkedHashMap<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Attribute<Node>>, Object> w = I.flag(c, x);
Triple<Instance, Map<Node, Map<Object, Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>>>, Map<Node, Map<Pair<Arr<Node, Path>, Object>, Object>>> HcJ = kkk.second.get(new Pair<>(c, w));
// construct transform depending on x, lookup in kkk.second
List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Object, Object>>>> tx = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node d : sig.nodes) {
List<Pair<Object, Object>> tx0 = new LinkedList<>();
for (Arr<Node, Path> f : sig.toCategory2().first.hom(c, d)) {
for (Pair<Object, Object> y : {
// only if y(p.a) = w(p.a)
if (!PropPSM.truncate2(I.thesig, w, f, obs.get(d)).equals(J.flag(d, y.first))) {
Object Ifx = lookup(I.evaluate(f.arr), x);
// Object Ifx = lookup(HcJ.first.evaluate(f.arr), x);
Object u = find(d, trans_src0_fst, trans_src0_snd, Ifx, y.first);
Object v = lookup(, u);
Object iii = HcJ.third.get(d).get(new Pair<>(f, y.first));
tx0.add(new Pair<>(iii, v));
// I*J -> K
tx.add(new Pair<>(d.string, tx0));
Transform xxx = new Transform(HcJ.first, K, tx);
Object yyy = kkk.fourth.get(c).get(new Pair<>(w, xxx));
s.add(new Pair<>(x, yyy));
l.add(new Pair<>(c.string, s));
Transform zzz = new Transform(I, JK, l);
PSMGen.shred(ret, zzz, state);
} catch (FQLException fe) {
throw new RuntimeException(fe.getMessage());
use of catdata.fql.decl.Attribute in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class LeftKanSigma method delta.
private static Pair<Instance, Map<Attribute<Node>, Map<Object, Object>>> delta(Mapping f0, Mapping f, Pair<Instance, Map<Attribute<Node>, Map<Object, Object>>> p) throws FQLException {
Map<String, Set<Pair<Object, Object>>> data = new HashMap<>();
for (Node n : f.source.nodes) {
for (Edge e : f.source.edges) {
data.put(, p.first.evaluate(f.em.get(e)));
Instance J = new Instance(f.source, data);
Map<Attribute<Node>, Map<Object, Object>> m = new HashMap<>();
for (Attribute<Node> a : f0.source.attrs) {
m.put(a, p.second.get(;
return new Pair<>(J, m);