use of catdata.fql.decl.FullQueryExp.Comp in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class ToFullQueryExp method visit.
public FullQueryExp visit(FQLProgram env, Match e) {
try {
Const s = e.src.typeOf(env).toConst(env);
Const t = e.dst.typeOf(env).toConst(env);
Pair<Map<Set<Pair<String, String>>, String>, Map<Set<Pair<String, String>>, String>> xxx = computeEqCs(s, t, e.rel);
Map<Set<Pair<String, String>>, String> node_map = xxx.first;
Map<Set<Pair<String, String>>, String> attr_map = xxx.second;
Set<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>> eqs = new HashSet<>();
Set<Triple<String, String, String>> arrows = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<>();
Set<Triple<String, String, String>> attrs = new HashSet<>();
List<Pair<String, String>> inj1Node = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, String>> inj1Attrs = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, String>> inj2Node = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, String>> inj2Attrs = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, List<String>>> inj2Arrows = new LinkedList<>();
List<Pair<String, List<String>>> inj1Arrows = new LinkedList<>();
for (Triple<String, String, String> att : s.attrs) {
String eqc = lookupAttr("left", att, attr_map);
attrs.add(new Triple<>(eqc, lookupNode("left", att.second, node_map), att.third));
inj1Attrs.add(new Pair<>(att.first, eqc));
for (Triple<String, String, String> att : t.attrs) {
String eqc = lookupAttr("right", att, attr_map);
attrs.add(new Triple<>(eqc, lookupNode("right", att.second, node_map), att.third));
inj2Attrs.add(new Pair<>(att.first, eqc));
for (String n : s.nodes) {
String eqc = lookupNode("left", n, node_map);
inj1Node.add(new Pair<>(n, eqc));
for (String n : t.nodes) {
String eqc = lookupNode("right", n, node_map);
inj2Node.add(new Pair<>(n, eqc));
for (Triple<String, String, String> n : s.arrows) {
String eqc1 = lookupNode("left", n.second, node_map);
String eqc2 = lookupNode("left", n.third, node_map);
arrows.add(new Triple<>("left_" + n.first, eqc1, eqc2));
List<String> l = new LinkedList<>();
l.add("left_" + n.first);
inj1Arrows.add(new Pair<>(n.first, l));
for (Triple<String, String, String> n : t.arrows) {
String eqc1 = lookupNode("right", n.second, node_map);
String eqc2 = lookupNode("right", n.third, node_map);
arrows.add(new Triple<>("right_" + n.first, eqc1, eqc2));
List<String> l = new LinkedList<>();
l.add("right_" + n.first);
inj2Arrows.add(new Pair<>(n.first, l));
for (Pair<List<String>, List<String>> eq : s.eqs) {
List<String> lhs = new LinkedList<>();
lhs.add(lookupNode("left", eq.first.get(0), node_map));
for (int i = 1; i < eq.first.size(); i++) {
lhs.add("left_" + eq.first.get(i));
List<String> rhs = new LinkedList<>();
rhs.add(lookupNode("left", eq.second.get(0), node_map));
for (int i = 1; i < eq.second.size(); i++) {
rhs.add("left_" + eq.second.get(i));
eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
for (Pair<List<String>, List<String>> eq : t.eqs) {
List<String> lhs = new LinkedList<>();
lhs.add(lookupNode("right", eq.first.get(0), node_map));
for (int i = 1; i < eq.first.size(); i++) {
lhs.add("right_" + eq.first.get(i));
List<String> rhs = new LinkedList<>();
rhs.add(lookupNode("right", eq.second.get(0), node_map));
for (int i = 1; i < eq.second.size(); i++) {
rhs.add("right_" + eq.second.get(i));
eqs.add(new Pair<>(lhs, rhs));
Const x = new Const(new LinkedList<>(nodes), new LinkedList<>(attrs), new LinkedList<>(arrows), new LinkedList<>(eqs));
MapExp.Const inj1 = new MapExp.Const(inj1Node, inj1Attrs, inj1Arrows, s, x);
MapExp.Const inj2 = new MapExp.Const(inj2Node, inj2Attrs, inj2Arrows, t, x);
switch(e.kind) {
case "delta sigma forward":
FullQueryExp q = new Comp(new Sigma(inj2), new Delta(inj1));
return q;
case "delta pi forward":
FullQueryExp q = new Comp(new Pi(inj2), new Delta(inj1));
return q;
case "delta sigma backward":
FullQueryExp q = new Comp(new Sigma(inj1), new Delta(inj2));
return q;
case "delta pi backward":
FullQueryExp q = new Comp(new Pi(inj1), new Delta(inj2));
return q;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown kind: " + e.kind);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getLocalizedMessage());