use of catdata.opl.OplExp.OplTyMapping in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class OplOps method visit.
public OplObject visit(Program<OplExp> env, OplColim e) {
OplObject o = ENV.get(;
if (!(o instanceof OplGraph)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not a graph: " +;
OplGraph<String, String> shape = (OplGraph<String, String>) o;
OplObject base0 = ENV.get(e.base);
String typeSide;
if (base0 instanceof OplSig) {
typeSide = e.base;
OplUnion u0 = new OplUnion(new LinkedList<>(shape.nodes), typeSide);
OplObject u1 = u0.accept(env, this);
OplSchema<String, String, String> u = (OplSchema<String, String, String>) u1;
Map<String, Set<String>> equivs = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> equivs0 = new HashMap<>();
for (String schname : shape.nodes) {
OplSchema<String, String, String> sch = (OplSchema<String, String, String>) ENV.get(schname);
for (String ename : sch.entities) {
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
set.add(schname + "_" + ename);
equivs.put(schname + "_" + ename, set);
// : type check colimit
for (String mname : shape.edges.keySet()) {
Pair<String, String> mt = shape.edges.get(mname);
String s = mt.first;
String t = mt.second;
OplSchema<String, String, String> s0 = (OplSchema<String, String, String>) ENV.get(s);
OplTyMapping<String, String, String, String, String> m0 = (OplTyMapping<String, String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(mname);
if (!m0.src0.equals(s)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Source of " + m0 + " is " + m0.src + " and not " + s + "as expected");
if (!m0.dst0.equals(t)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Target of " + m0 + " is " + m0.dst + " and not " + t + "as expected");
for (String ob : s0.entities) {
String ob0 = m0.m.sorts.get(ob);
Set<String> set1 = equivs.get(s + "_" + ob);
Set<String> set2 = equivs.get(t + "_" + ob0);
equivs.put(s + "_" + ob, set1);
equivs.put(t + "_" + ob0, set1);
for (String k : equivs.keySet()) {
List<String> v = new LinkedList<>(equivs.get(k));
equivs0.put(k, Util.sep(v, "__"));
Set<String> entities = new HashSet<>(equivs0.values());
Map<String, Pair<List<String>, String>> edges = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Pair<List<String>, String>> attrs = new HashMap<>();
List<Triple<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>>> pathEqs = new LinkedList<>();
List<Triple<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>>> obsEqs = new LinkedList<>();
Function<String, String> fun = x -> {
if (equivs0.containsKey(x)) {
return equivs0.get(x);
return x;
for (String edge : u.toSchema0().edges.keySet()) {
Pair<List<String>, String> ty = u.toSchema0().edges.get(edge);
edges.put(edge, new Pair<>(, fun.apply(ty.second)));
for (String attr : u.toSchema0().attrs.keySet()) {
Pair<List<String>, String> ty = u.toSchema0().attrs.get(attr);
attrs.put(attr, new Pair<>(, fun.apply(ty.second)));
for (Triple<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>> eq : u.toSchema0().pathEqs) {
OplCtx<String, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(eq.first.values2().stream().map(x -> new Pair<>(x.first, fun.apply(x.second))).collect(Collectors.toList()));
pathEqs.add(new Triple<>(ctx, fun2(equivs0, eq.second), fun2(equivs0, eq.third)));
for (Triple<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>> eq : u.toSchema0().obsEqs) {
OplCtx<String, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(eq.first.values2().stream().map(x -> new Pair<>(x.first, fun.apply(x.second))).collect(Collectors.toList()));
obsEqs.add(new Triple<>(ctx, fun2(equivs0, eq.second), fun2(equivs0, eq.third)));
for (String mname : shape.edges.keySet()) {
Pair<String, String> mt = shape.edges.get(mname);
String s = mt.first;
String t = mt.second;
OplSchema<String, String, String> s0 = (OplSchema<String, String, String>) ENV.get(s);
// OplSchema<String, String, String> t0 = (OplSchema<String,
// String, String>) ENV.get(t);
OplTyMapping<String, String, String, String, String> m0 = (OplTyMapping<String, String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(mname);
for (String edge : s0.projE().symbols.keySet()) {
Pair<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>> edge2 = m0.m.symbols.get(edge);
List<OplTerm<String, String>> args = edge2.first.vars0.keySet().stream().map((Function<String, OplTerm<String, String>>) OplTerm::new).collect(Collectors.toList());
OplTerm<String, String> lhs = fun2(equivs0, new OplTerm<>(s + "_" + edge, args));
OplCtx<String, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(edge2.first.values2().stream().map(x -> new Pair<>(x.first, fun.apply(s + "_" + x.second))).collect(Collectors.toList()));
OplTerm<String, String> rhs = fun2(equivs0, prepend(t, edge2.second));
pathEqs.add(new Triple<>(ctx, lhs, rhs));
for (String edge : s0.projA().symbols.keySet()) {
Pair<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>> edge2 = m0.m.symbols.get(edge);
List<OplTerm<String, String>> args = edge2.first.vars0.keySet().stream().map((Function<String, OplTerm<String, String>>) OplTerm::new).collect(Collectors.toList());
OplTerm<String, String> lhs = fun2(equivs0, new OplTerm<>(s + "_" + edge, args));
OplCtx<String, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(edge2.first.values2().stream().map(x -> new Pair<>(x.first, fun.apply(s + "_" + x.second))).collect(Collectors.toList()));
OplTerm<String, String> rhs = fun2(equivs0, prepend(t, edge2.second));
obsEqs.add(new Triple<>(ctx, lhs, rhs));
OplSCHEMA0<String, String, String> ret = new OplSCHEMA0<>(new HashMap<>(), entities, edges, attrs, pathEqs, obsEqs, typeSide);
OplSchema retsch = (OplSchema) ret.accept(env, this);
e.compiled.put("Colimit", ret);
for (String schname : shape.nodes) {
OplSchema<String, String, String> sch = (OplSchema<String, String, String>) ENV.get(schname);
Map<String, String> inj_sorts = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Pair<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<String, String>>> inj_symbols = new HashMap<>();
for (String ename : sch.entities) {
inj_sorts.put(ename, fun.apply(schname + "_" + ename));
for (String c1 : sch.projEA().symbols.keySet()) {
Pair<List<String>, String> t = sch.projEA().symbols.get(c1);
List<Pair<String, String>> l = new LinkedList<>();
List<OplTerm<String, String>> vs = new LinkedList<>();
for (String s1 : t.first) {
String v = (String);
vs.add(new OplTerm<>(v));
l.add(new Pair<>(v, fun.apply(schname + "_" + s1)));
OplCtx<String, String> ctx = new OplCtx<>(l);
OplTerm<String, String> value = fun2(equivs0, new OplTerm<>(schname + "_" + c1, vs));
inj_symbols.put(c1, new Pair<>(ctx, value));
OplMapping<String, String, String, String, String> mapping = new OplMapping<>(inj_sorts, inj_symbols, schname, "Colimit");
// : name of colimit
OplTyMapping<String, String, String, String, String> tm = new OplTyMapping<>(schname, "Colimit", sch, retsch, mapping);
tm.extend().validate(sch.sig, retsch.sig);
e.compiled.put(schname + "To" + "Colimit", mapping);
return e;
} else if (base0 instanceof OplSchema) {
OplSchema sch2 = (OplSchema) base0;
// OplSCHEMA0 sch = sch2.toSchema0();
List<Pair<OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>>> equations = new LinkedList<>();
// List<Pair<OplTerm<Object, String>, OplTerm<Object, String>>> equations1 = new LinkedList<>();
Map<String, String> gens = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> prec = new HashMap<>();
for (String s : shape.nodes) {
OplInst<String, String, String, String> toAdd = (OplInst<String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(s);
for (Object gen : toAdd.P.gens.keySet()) {
Object ty = toAdd.P.gens.get(gen);
gens.put(s + "_" + gen, ty.toString());
for (Object gen : toAdd.P.prec.keySet()) {
if (toAdd.P.gens.keySet().contains(gen)) {
if (toAdd.P.prec.containsKey(gen)) {
prec.put(s + "_" + gen, toAdd.P.prec.get(gen));
} else {
if (toAdd.P.prec.containsKey(gen)) {
prec.put(toAdd.P.S + "_" + gen, toAdd.P.prec.get(gen));
for (Pair<OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>, OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>> tr : toAdd.P.equations) {
OplTerm lhs1 = prepend3(s, tr.first);
OplTerm rhs1 = prepend3(s, tr.second);
equations.add(new Pair<>(lhs1, rhs1));
for (String mname : shape.edges.keySet()) {
Pair<String, String> mt = shape.edges.get(mname);
String s = mt.first;
String t = mt.second;
OplInst<String, String, String, String> s0 = (OplInst<String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(s);
// OplSchema<String, String, String> t0 = (OplSchema<String,
// String, String>) ENV.get(t);
OplPresTrans<String, String, String, String, String> m0 = (OplPresTrans<String, String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(mname);
for (String edge : s0.projE().gens.keySet()) {
Pair<OplCtx<String, String>, OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>> edge2 = m0.mapping.symbols.get(Chc.inRight(edge));
OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String> lhs = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(s + "_" + edge), new LinkedList<>());
equations.add(new Pair<>(lhs, prepend3(t, edge2.second)));
OplPres<String, String, String, String> pres = new OplPres<>(prec, e.base, sch2.sig, gens, equations);
OplInst<String, String, String, String> colimInst = new OplInst<>(e.base, "?", null);
colimInst.validate(sch2, pres, null);
e.compiled.put("ColimitInstance", colimInst);
for (String s : shape.nodes) {
OplInst<String, String, String, String> toAdd = (OplInst<String, String, String, String>) ENV.get(s);
Map<String, Map<String, OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>>> inj_map = new HashMap<>();
for (String entity : toAdd.S.entities) {
inj_map.put(entity, new HashMap<>());
for (Object gen : toAdd.P.gens.keySet()) {
Object ty = toAdd.P.gens.get(gen);
gens.put(s + "_" + gen, ty.toString());
Map<String, OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String>> m = inj_map.get(ty);
OplTerm<Chc<String, String>, String> term = new OplTerm<>(Chc.inRight(s + "_" + gen), new LinkedList<>());
m.put((String) gen, term);
// OplPresTrans
OplPresTrans<String, String, String, String, String> inj = new OplPresTrans<>(inj_map, s, "ColimitInstance", toAdd.P, pres);
e.compiled.put(s + "ToColimitInstance", inj);
return colimInst;
throw new RuntimeException("Report your program to Ryan");
use of catdata.opl.OplExp.OplTyMapping in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class OplOps method visit.
public OplObject visit(Program<OplExp> Env, OplDelta0 e) {
OplObject o = ENV.get(e.F0);
if (o instanceof OplTyMapping) {
OplTyMapping F = (OplTyMapping) o;
return e.toQuery();
throw new RuntimeException("Not a typed mapping: " + e.F0);
use of catdata.opl.OplExp.OplTyMapping in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class OplOps method visit.
public OplObject visit(Program<OplExp> env, OplSigma e) {
OplObject F = ENV.get(e.F);
OplObject I = ENV.get(e.I);
if (F instanceof OplMapping) {
OplMapping F0 = (OplMapping) F;
if (I instanceof OplPres) {
OplPres I0 = (OplPres) I;
return F0.sigma(I0);
} else if (I instanceof OplPresTrans) {
OplPresTrans h = (OplPresTrans) I;
return F0.sigma(h);
throw new RuntimeException("Not a presentation of an instance or transform: " + e.I);
if (F instanceof OplTyMapping) {
OplTyMapping F0 = (OplTyMapping) F;
if (I instanceof OplInst) {
OplInst I0 = (OplInst) I;
OplInst ret = new OplInst<>(F0.dst0, "?", I0.J0);
ret.validate(F0.dst, F0.extend().sigma(I0.P), I0.J);
return ret;
} else if (I instanceof OplPresTrans) {
OplPresTrans h = (OplPresTrans) I;
OplPresTrans z = F0.extend().sigma(h);
z.src1 = new OplInst<>("?", "?", h.src1.J0);
z.dst1 = new OplInst<>("?", "?", h.src1.J0);
z.src1.validate(F0.dst, z.src, h.src1.J);
z.dst1.validate(F0.dst, z.dst, h.src1.J);
return z;
throw new RuntimeException("Not an instance: " + e.I + "\n\n " + I.getClass());
throw new RuntimeException("Not a mapping: " + e.F);
use of catdata.opl.OplExp.OplTyMapping in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class OplOps method visit.
public OplObject visit(Program<OplExp> env, OplMapping e) {
OplObject src = ENV.get(e.src0);
OplObject dst = ENV.get(e.dst0);
if (src instanceof OplSig && dst instanceof OplSig) {
OplSig src0 = (OplSig) src;
OplSig dst0 = (OplSig) dst;
for (Object k2 : e.imports) {
String k = (String) k2;
OplExp o = env.exps.get(k);
if (!(o instanceof OplMapping)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not a mapping: " + k);
OplMapping a = (OplMapping) o;
Util.putAllSafely(e.sorts, a.sorts);
Util.putAllSafely(e.symbols, a.symbols);
e.validate(src0, dst0);
return e;
} else if (src instanceof OplSchema && dst instanceof OplSchema) {
OplSchema src0 = (OplSchema) src;
OplSchema dst0 = (OplSchema) dst;
for (Object k2 : e.imports) {
String k = (String) k2;
OplExp o = (OplExp) ENV.get(k);
if (!(o instanceof OplTyMapping)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not a typed mapping: " + k + o.getClass());
OplTyMapping a = (OplTyMapping) o;
Util.putAllSafely(e.sorts, a.m.sorts);
Util.putAllSafely(e.symbols, a.m.symbols);
// e.validate(src0.projEA(), dst0.projEA());
OplTyMapping ret = new OplTyMapping<>(e.src0, e.dst0, src0, dst0, e);
return ret;
throw new RuntimeException("Source or Target is not a theory/schema in " + e);