use of cbit.image.SourceDataInfo in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ImagePlaneManagerPanel method sourceDataInfo_set.
* Comment
private void sourceDataInfo_set() {
SourceDataInfo sdi = getSourceDataInfo();
getdisplayAdapterService1().setValueDomain(sdi != null ? sdi.getMinMax() : null);
if (sdi == null || sdi.getZSize() <= 1) {
} else {
use of cbit.image.SourceDataInfo in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RunFakeSimOp method runRefSimulation.
public ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> runRefSimulation(LocalWorkspace localWorkspace, Simulation simulation, double max_intensity, double bleachBlackoutStartTime, double bleachBlackoutStopTime, boolean hasNoise, ClientTaskStatusSupport progressListener) throws Exception {
User owner = LocalWorkspace.getDefaultOwner();
KeyValue simKey = LocalWorkspace.createNewKeyValue();
runFVSolverStandalone(new File(localWorkspace.getDefaultSimDataDirectory()), simulation, progressListener);
Extent extent = simulation.getMathDescription().getGeometry().getExtent();
Origin origin = simulation.getMathDescription().getGeometry().getOrigin();
VCDataIdentifier vcDataIdentifier = new VCSimulationDataIdentifier(new VCSimulationIdentifier(simulation.getKey(), simulation.getVersion().getOwner()), 0);
CartesianMesh mesh = localWorkspace.getDataSetControllerImpl().getMesh(vcDataIdentifier);
ISize isize = new ISize(mesh.getSizeX(), mesh.getSizeY(), mesh.getSizeZ());
double[] dataTimes = localWorkspace.getDataSetControllerImpl().getDataSetTimes(vcDataIdentifier);
DataProcessingOutputDataValues dataProcessingOutputDataValues = (DataProcessingOutputDataValues) localWorkspace.getDataSetControllerImpl().doDataOperation(new DataProcessingOutputDataValuesOP(vcDataIdentifier, SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME, TimePointHelper.createAllTimeTimePointHelper(), DataIndexHelper.createSliceDataIndexHelper(0), null, null));
ArrayList<SourceDataInfo> sourceDataInfoArr = dataProcessingOutputDataValues.createSourceDataInfos(new ISize(mesh.getSizeX(), mesh.getSizeY(), 1), origin, extent);
// find scale factor to scale up the data to avoid losing precision when casting double to short
double maxDataValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataTimes.length; i++) {
if (sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getMinMax() != null) {
maxDataValue = Math.max(maxDataValue, sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getMinMax().getMax());
} else {
double[] doubleData = (double[]) sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getData();
for (int j = 0; j < doubleData.length; j++) {
maxDataValue = Math.max(maxDataValue, doubleData[j]);
double scale = max_intensity / maxDataValue;
ArrayList<UShortImage> outputImages = new ArrayList<UShortImage>();
ArrayList<Double> outputTimes = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataTimes.length; i++) {
if (dataTimes[i] < bleachBlackoutStartTime || dataTimes[i] > bleachBlackoutStopTime) {
// saving each time step 2D double array to a UShortImage
double[] doubleData = (double[]) sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getData();
short[] shortData = new short[isize.getX() * isize.getY()];
for (int j = 0; j < shortData.length; j++) {
double dData = doubleData[j] * scale;
if (dData < 0 || dData > 65535.0) {
throw new RuntimeException("scaled pixel out of range of unsigned 16 bit integer, original simulated value = " + doubleData[j] + ", scale = " + scale + ", scaled value = " + dData);
short sData = (short) (0x0000ffff & ((int) dData));
if (hasNoise && dData > 0.0) {
if (dData > 20) {
shortData[j] = (short) (0x0000ffff & (int) RandomVariable.normal(dData, Math.sqrt(dData)));
} else {
shortData[j] = (short) (0x0000ffff & RandomVariable.poisson(dData));
} else {
shortData[j] = sData;
outputImages.add(new UShortImage(shortData, sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getOrigin(), sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getExtent(), sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getXSize(), sourceDataInfoArr.get(i).getYSize(), 1));
if (progressListener != null) {
int progress = (int) (((i + 1) * 1.0 / dataTimes.length) * 100);
double[] outputTimesArray = new double[outputTimes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < outputTimes.size(); i++) {
outputTimesArray[i] = outputTimes.get(i);
ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> fakeFluorTimeSeries = new ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage>(UShortImage.class, outputImages.toArray(new UShortImage[0]), outputTimesArray, 1);
return fakeFluorTimeSeries;
use of cbit.image.SourceDataInfo in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ImportRawTimeSeriesFromHdf5FluorOp method importTimeSeriesFromHDF5Data.
public ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> importTimeSeriesFromHDF5Data(File inputHDF5File, String fluorDataName, Double maxIntensity, boolean bNoise, int zSliceIndex) throws Exception {
// if(progressListener != null){
// progressListener.setMessage("Loading HDF5 file " + inputHDF5File.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
// }
DataOperationResults.DataProcessingOutputInfo dataProcessingOutputInfo = (DataOperationResults.DataProcessingOutputInfo) DataSetControllerImpl.getDataProcessingOutput(new DataOperation.DataProcessingOutputInfoOP(null, /*no vcDataIdentifier OK*/
false, null), inputHDF5File);
DataOperationResults.DataProcessingOutputDataValues dataProcessingOutputDataValues = (DataOperationResults.DataProcessingOutputDataValues) DataSetControllerImpl.getDataProcessingOutput(new DataOperation.DataProcessingOutputDataValuesOP(null, /*no vcDataIdentifier OK*/
SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME, TimePointHelper.createAllTimeTimePointHelper(), DataIndexHelper.createSliceDataIndexHelper(0), null, null), inputHDF5File);
ArrayList<SourceDataInfo> sdiArr = dataProcessingOutputDataValues.createSourceDataInfos(dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableISize(SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME), dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableOrigin(SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME), dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableExtent(SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME));
double[] times = dataProcessingOutputInfo.getVariableTimePoints();
if (sdiArr.size() != times.length) {
throw new ImageException("Error FRAPData.createFrapData: times array length must equal SourceDataInfo vector size");
// construct
int XY_SIZE = sdiArr.get(0).getXSize() * sdiArr.get(0).getYSize();
// slice always 2D data
int Z_SIZE = 1;
// find scale factor to scale up the data to avoid losing precision when casting double to short
double linearScaleFactor = 1;
if (maxIntensity != null) {
double maxDataValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
if (sdiArr.get(i).getMinMax() != null) {
maxDataValue = Math.max(maxDataValue, sdiArr.get(i).getMinMax().getMax());
} else {
double[] doubleData = (double[]) sdiArr.get(i).getData();
for (int j = 0; j < doubleData.length; j++) {
maxDataValue = Math.max(maxDataValue, doubleData[j]);
linearScaleFactor = maxIntensity.doubleValue() / maxDataValue;
// saving each time step 2D double array to a UShortImage
UShortImage[] dataImages1 = new UShortImage[times.length];
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
double[] doubleData = (double[]) sdiArr.get(i).getData();
short[] shortData = new short[XY_SIZE];
for (int j = 0; j < shortData.length; j++) {
shortData[j] = (short) (doubleData[j + (SLICE_OFFSET)] * linearScaleFactor);
dataImages1[i] = new UShortImage(shortData, sdiArr.get(i).getOrigin(), sdiArr.get(i).getExtent(), sdiArr.get(i).getXSize(), sdiArr.get(i).getYSize(), Z_SIZE);
// if(progressListener != null){
// int progress = (int)(((i+1)*1.0/times.length)*100);
// progressListener.setProgress(progress);
// }
ImageDataset imageDataSet = new ImageDataset(dataImages1, times, Z_SIZE);
UShortImage[] dataImages = imageDataSet.getAllImages();
double[] timeStamps = imageDataSet.getImageTimeStamps();
ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage> rawImageTimeSeries = new ImageTimeSeries<UShortImage>(UShortImage.class, dataImages, timeStamps, 1);
return rawImageTimeSeries;