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Example 1 with Graph

use of cbit.util.graph.Graph in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SimpleGraphModel method setGraph.

 * Sets the graph property (cbit.vcell.mapping.potential.Graph) value.
 * @param graph The new value for the property.
 * @see #getGraph
public void setGraph(cbit.util.graph.Graph graph) {
    cbit.util.graph.Graph oldValue = fieldGraph;
    fieldGraph = graph;
    firePropertyChange("graph", oldValue, graph);
Also used : Graph(cbit.util.graph.Graph)

Example 2 with Graph

use of cbit.util.graph.Graph in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ElectricalCircuitGraph method getCircuitGraph.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (2/19/2002 11:24:04 AM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.mapping.potential.Graph
 * @param simContext cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext
public static Graph getCircuitGraph(SimulationContext simContext, AbstractMathMapping mathMapping) throws ExpressionException {
    Graph graph = new Graph();
    Model model = simContext.getModel();
    // add nodes to the graph (one for each Feature)
    Structure[] structures = model.getStructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        if (structures[i] instanceof Feature) {
            graph.addNode(new Node(structures[i].getName(), structures[i]));
    // add edges for all current clamp electrodes (always have dependent voltages)
    ElectricalStimulus[] stimuli = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
    Electrode groundElectrode = simContext.getGroundElectrode();
    for (int i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++) {
        ElectricalStimulus stimulus = stimuli[i];
        // get electrodes
        Electrode probeElectrode = stimulus.getElectrode();
        if (probeElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null electrode for electrical stimulus");
        if (groundElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null ground electrode for electrical stimulus");
        // if (!membraneMapping.getResolved()){
        Node groundNode = graph.getNode(groundElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        Node probeNode = graph.getNode(probeElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        if (stimulus instanceof CurrentDensityClampStimulus) {
            CurrentDensityClampStimulus ccStimulus = (CurrentDensityClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new CurrentClampElectricalDevice(ccStimulus, mathMapping);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
        } else if (stimulus instanceof TotalCurrentClampStimulus) {
            TotalCurrentClampStimulus ccStimulus = (TotalCurrentClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new CurrentClampElectricalDevice(ccStimulus, mathMapping);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
    // }
    // add edges for all membranes
    ElectricalTopology electricalTopology = simContext.getModel().getElectricalTopology();
    for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        if (structures[i] instanceof Membrane) {
            Membrane membrane = (Membrane) structures[i];
            MembraneMapping membraneMapping = (MembraneMapping) simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(membrane);
            Feature positiveFeature = electricalTopology.getPositiveFeature(membrane);
            Feature negativeFeature = electricalTopology.getNegativeFeature(membrane);
            if (positiveFeature != null && negativeFeature != null) {
                Node insideNode = graph.getNode(positiveFeature.getName());
                Node outsideNode = graph.getNode(negativeFeature.getName());
                // getTotalMembraneCurrent() already converts to "outwardCurrent" so that same convention as voltage
                Expression currentSource = getTotalMembraneCurrent(simContext, membrane, mathMapping);
                MembraneElectricalDevice device = new MembraneElectricalDevice(membraneMapping, mathMapping);
                Edge edge = new Edge(insideNode, outsideNode, device);
    for (int i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++) {
        ElectricalStimulus stimulus = stimuli[i];
        // get electrodes
        Electrode probeElectrode = stimulus.getElectrode();
        if (probeElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null electrode for electrical stimulus");
        if (groundElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null ground electrode for electrical stimulus");
        // if (!membraneMapping.getResolved()){
        Node groundNode = graph.getNode(groundElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        Node probeNode = graph.getNode(probeElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        if (stimulus instanceof VoltageClampStimulus) {
            VoltageClampStimulus vcStimulus = (VoltageClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new VoltageClampElectricalDevice(vcStimulus, mathMapping);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
    // }
    // System.out.println(graph);
    return graph;
Also used : MembraneMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.MembraneMapping) Electrode(cbit.vcell.mapping.Electrode) Node(cbit.util.graph.Node) ElectricalTopology(cbit.vcell.model.Model.ElectricalTopology) CurrentDensityClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.CurrentDensityClampStimulus) Feature(cbit.vcell.model.Feature) TotalCurrentClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.TotalCurrentClampStimulus) ElectricalStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.ElectricalStimulus) Graph(cbit.util.graph.Graph) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) VoltageClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.VoltageClampStimulus) Model(cbit.vcell.model.Model) Membrane(cbit.vcell.model.Membrane) Structure(cbit.vcell.model.Structure) Edge(cbit.util.graph.Edge)

Example 3 with Graph

use of cbit.util.graph.Graph in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class PotentialMapping method determineLumpedEquations.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (2/20/2002 9:02:42 AM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.mathmodel.MathModel
 * @param circuitGraph cbit.vcell.mapping.potential.Graph
private void determineLumpedEquations(Graph graph, double temperatureKelvin) throws ExpressionException, MatrixException, MappingException, MathException {
    // traverses graph and calculates RHS expressions for all capacitive devices (dV/dt)
    // calculate dependent voltages as functions of independent voltages.
    Graph[] spanningTrees = graph.getSpanningForest();
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("spanning tree(s):");
        for (int i = 0; i < spanningTrees.length; i++) {
            System.out.println(i + ") " + spanningTrees[i]);
    Path[] fundamentalCycles = graph.getFundamentalCycles();
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("fundamental cycles:");
        for (int i = 0; i < fundamentalCycles.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("   " + fundamentalCycles[i]);
    // print out basic device information
    fieldEdges = graph.getEdges();
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n applying KVL to <<ALL>> fundamental cycles\n");
    Path[] graphCycles = graph.getFundamentalCycles();
    RationalExpMatrix voltageMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(graphCycles.length, graph.getNumEdges());
    for (int i = 0; i < graphCycles.length; i++) {
        Edge[] cycleEdges = graphCycles[i].getEdges();
        Node[] nodesTraversed = graphCycles[i].getNodesTraversed();
        Expression exp = new Expression(0.0);
        for (int j = 0; j < cycleEdges.length; j++) {
            int edgeIndex = graph.getIndex(cycleEdges[j]);
            Expression voltage = new Expression(((ElectricalDevice) cycleEdges[j].getData()).getVoltageSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
            if (cycleEdges[j].getNode1().equals(nodesTraversed[j])) {
                // going same direction
                exp = Expression.add(exp, voltage);
                voltageMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, 1);
            } else {
                // going opposite direction
                exp = Expression.add(exp, Expression.negate(voltage));
                voltageMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, -1);
        if (!bSilent) {
            System.out.println(exp.flatten().infix() + " = 0.0");
    if (!bSilent) {;
    if (voltageMatrix.getNumRows() > 0) {
        RationalExpMatrix vPermutationMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(voltageMatrix.getNumRows(), voltageMatrix.getNumRows());
        if (!bSilent) {
            System.out.println("reduced matrix");
    } else {
        voltageMatrix = null;
    // declare dependent voltages as functions of independent voltages
    // 1) Always use Voltage-Clamps as independent voltages
    // 2) Try to use Capacitive devices as independent voltages
    // solve for current-clamp voltages and redundant/constrained capacitive voltages as function of (1) and (2).
    Expression[] dependentVoltageExpressions = new Expression[fieldEdges.length];
    // make sure assumptions hold regarding edge ordering, otherwise wrong dependent voltages will be selected
    for (int i = 0; voltageMatrix != null && i < voltageMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
        // find first '1.0' element, this column is the next 'dependent' voltage
        int column = -1;
        for (int j = i; j < voltageMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
            RationalExp elem = voltageMatrix.get(i, j);
            if (elem.isConstant() && elem.getConstant().doubleValue() == 1.0) {
                column = j;
        if (column != -1) {
            // get electrical device of dependent voltage
            ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[column].getData();
            // form dependency expression
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            for (int j = column + 1; j < graph.getNumEdges(); j++) {
                if (!voltageMatrix.get_elem(i, j).isZero()) {
                    ElectricalDevice colDevice = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[j].getData();
                    Expression voltage = new Expression(colDevice.getVoltageSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
                    buffer.append(" + " + voltageMatrix.get(i, j).minus().infixString() + '*' + voltage.infix());
            dependentVoltageExpressions[column] = (new Expression(buffer.toString())).flatten();
    if (!bSilent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < dependentVoltageExpressions.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("dependentVoltageExpressions[" + i + "] = " + dependentVoltageExpressions[i]);
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n  1)  applying KVL to all fundamental \"capacitive\" and Voltage-clamp cycles (after current-clamp edges are removed)\n");
    Graph capacitorGraph = new Graph();
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[i].getData();
        if (device.hasCapacitance() || device.isVoltageSource()) {
    Path[] capacitorGraphCycles = capacitorGraph.getFundamentalCycles();
    RationalExpMatrix capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(capacitorGraphCycles.length, graph.getNumEdges());
    for (int i = 0; i < capacitorGraphCycles.length; i++) {
        Edge[] cycleEdges = capacitorGraphCycles[i].getEdges();
        Node[] nodesTraversed = capacitorGraphCycles[i].getNodesTraversed();
        Expression exp = new Expression(0.0);
        for (int j = 0; j < cycleEdges.length; j++) {
            int edgeIndex = graph.getIndex(cycleEdges[j]);
            Expression voltage = new Expression(((ElectricalDevice) cycleEdges[j].getData()).getVoltageSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
            if (cycleEdges[j].getNode1().equals(nodesTraversed[j])) {
                // going same direction
                exp = Expression.add(exp, voltage);
                capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, 1);
            } else {
                // going opposite direction
                exp = Expression.add(exp, Expression.negate(voltage));
                capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, -1);
        if (!bSilent) {
            System.out.println(exp.flatten().infix() + " = 0.0");
    if (!bSilent) {;
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n  2)  applying KCL to all nodes (except one) .. n-1 nodes of full graph  --- CONSERVATION OF TOTAL CURRENT\n");
    Node[] nodes = graph.getNodes();
    RationalExpMatrix kclMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(graph.getNumNodes() - 1, graph.getNumEdges());
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++) {
        if (graph.getDegree(nodes[i]) > 0) {
            Edge[] adjacentEdges = graph.getAdjacentEdges(nodes[i]);
            Expression exp = new Expression(0.0);
            for (int j = 0; j < adjacentEdges.length; j++) {
                int edgeIndex = graph.getIndex(adjacentEdges[j]);
                Expression totalCurrent = new Expression(((ElectricalDevice) adjacentEdges[j].getData()).getTotalCurrentSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
                if (adjacentEdges[j].getNode1().equals(nodes[i])) {
                    exp = Expression.add(exp, Expression.negate(totalCurrent));
                    kclMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, -1);
                } else {
                    exp = Expression.add(exp, totalCurrent);
                    kclMatrix.set_elem(i, edgeIndex, 1);
            if (!bSilent) {
                System.out.println(exp.flatten().infix() + " = 0.0");
        } else {
            throw new MappingException("compartment '" + nodes[i].getName() + "' is electrically isolated, cannot generate ciruit equations for application '" + fieldSimContext.getName() + "'.  \n\nPlease specify electrical properties for all membranes (see Structures tab in Physiology).");
    if (!bSilent) {;
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n  3)  form total 'current' matrix\n");
    int numNonCapacitiveEdges = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[i].getData();
        if (!device.hasCapacitance()) {
    int cmat_rows = kclMatrix.getNumRows() + capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.getNumRows() + numNonCapacitiveEdges;
    RationalExpMatrix currentMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(cmat_rows, 3 * graph.getNumEdges());
    // order edges for current elimination (unknown voltage-clamp currents as well as all total currents).
    int[] cIndex = new int[fieldEdges.length];
    int ci = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        if (((ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[i].getData()).isVoltageSource()) {
            cIndex[ci++] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        if (!((ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[i].getData()).isVoltageSource()) {
            cIndex[ci++] = i;
    if (ci != fieldEdges.length) {
        throw new RuntimeException("error computing current indexes");
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("reordered devices for current matrix elimination");
        for (int i = 0; i < cIndex.length; i++) {
            Expression voltage = new Expression(((ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[i]].getData()).getVoltageSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
            System.out.println(i + ") = device[" + cIndex[i] + "] = " + voltage.infix());
    int row = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < kclMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < kclMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
            // entry for i's
            currentMatrix.set_elem(row, j, kclMatrix.get(i, cIndex[j]));
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[i]].getData();
        if (!device.hasCapacitance()) {
            currentMatrix.set_elem(row, i, 1);
            currentMatrix.set_elem(row, i + graph.getNumEdges(), -1);
    // add current terms of (i - F)*1000/C form using KVL relationships from "capacitor graph"
    ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = fieldMathMapping.getSimulationContext().getModel().getUnitSystem();
    VCUnitDefinition potentialUnit = modelUnitSystem.getVoltageUnit();
    VCUnitDefinition timeUnit = modelUnitSystem.getTimeUnit();
    for (int i = 0; i < capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.getNumRows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.getNumCols(); j++) {
            ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[j]].getData();
            RationalExp coefficient = capacitorGraphVoltageMatrix.get(i, cIndex[j]);
            if (device.hasCapacitance()) {
                // replace dVi/dt  with   1000/Ci * Ii  +  1000/Ci * Fi
                SymbolTableEntry capacitanceParameter = ((MembraneElectricalDevice) device).getCapacitanceParameter();
                Expression capacitance = new Expression(capacitanceParameter, fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
                String Cname = capacitance.infix();
                VCUnitDefinition unitFactor = potentialUnit.divideBy(timeUnit).multiplyBy(capacitanceParameter.getUnitDefinition()).divideBy(device.getTotalCurrentSymbol().getUnitDefinition());
                RationalExp unitFactorExp = fieldMathMapping.getUnitFactorAsRationalExp(unitFactor);
                // entry for i's
                currentMatrix.set_elem(row, j, coefficient.mult(unitFactorExp.div(new RationalExp(Cname))));
                // entry for F's
                currentMatrix.set_elem(row, j + graph.getNumEdges(), coefficient.minus().mult(unitFactorExp).div(new RationalExp(Cname)));
            } else if (device.isVoltageSource()) {
                // directly insert "symbolic" dVi/dt into the new matrix
                currentMatrix.set_elem(row, j + 2 * graph.getNumEdges(), coefficient);
    if (!bSilent) {;
    if (currentMatrix.getNumRows() > 0) {
        RationalExpMatrix cPermutationMatrix = new RationalExpMatrix(currentMatrix.getNumRows(), currentMatrix.getNumRows());
        if (!bSilent) {
            System.out.println("reduced matrix");
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n total currents for each device\n");
    Expression[] totalCurrents = new Expression[fieldEdges.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[i]].getData();
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("0.0");
        for (int j = 0; j < graph.getNumEdges(); j++) {
            RationalExp coefficient = currentMatrix.get(i, j + graph.getNumEdges());
            if (!coefficient.isZero()) {
                ElectricalDevice colDevice = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[j]].getData();
                Expression source = new Expression(colDevice.getSourceSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
                buffer.append(" + " + coefficient.minus() + "*" + source.infix());
        for (int j = 0; j < graph.getNumEdges(); j++) {
            RationalExp coefficient = currentMatrix.get(i, j + 2 * graph.getNumEdges());
            if (!coefficient.isZero()) {
                VoltageClampElectricalDevice colDevice = (VoltageClampElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[cIndex[j]].getData();
                Expression timeDeriv = colDevice.getVoltageClampStimulus().getVoltageParameter().getExpression().differentiate("t");
                timeDeriv = timeDeriv.flatten();
                buffer.append(" + " + coefficient.minus() + "*" + timeDeriv.infix());
        totalCurrents[cIndex[i]] = (new Expression(buffer.toString())).flatten();
    if (!bSilent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < totalCurrents.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("totalCurrents[" + i + "] = " + totalCurrents[cIndex[i]].toString());
    if (!bSilent) {
        System.out.println("\n\n capacitive currents for each device\n");
    Expression[] capacitiveCurrents = new Expression[fieldEdges.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldEdges.length; i++) {
        ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice) fieldEdges[i].getData();
        if (device instanceof MembraneElectricalDevice) {
            MembraneElectricalDevice membraneElectricalDevice = (MembraneElectricalDevice) device;
            Expression source = new Expression(membraneElectricalDevice.getSourceSymbol(), fieldMathMapping.getNameScope());
            capacitiveCurrents[i] = Expression.add(totalCurrents[i], Expression.negate(source));
        // membraneElectricalDevice.setCapacitiveCurrentExpression(capacitiveCurrents[i]);
        } else {
        // device.setCapacitiveCurrentExpression(new Expression(0.0));
    if (!bSilent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < capacitiveCurrents.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("capacitiveCurrents[" + i + "] = " + ((capacitiveCurrents[cIndex[i]] == null) ? "0.0" : capacitiveCurrents[cIndex[i]].infix()));
// display equations for independent voltages.
// if (!bSilent){
// for (int i = 0; i < graph.getNumEdges(); i++){
// ElectricalDevice device = (ElectricalDevice)graph.getEdges()[i].getData();
// //
// // membrane ode
// //
// if (device.hasCapacitance() && dependentVoltageExpressions[i]==null){
// Expression initExp = new Expression(0.0);
// System.out.println(device.getInitialVoltageFunction().getVCML());
// System.out.println((new cbit.vcell.math.OdeEquation(new cbit.vcell.math.VolVariable(device.getVName()),new Expression(device.getInitialVoltageFunction().getName()),new Expression(fieldCapacitiveCurrent[i].flatten().toString()+"*"+cbit.vcell.model.ReservedSymbol.KMILLIVOLTS.getName()+"/"+device.getCapName()))).getVCML());
// }
// //
// // membrane forced potential
// //
// if (device.hasCapacitance() && dependentVoltageExpressions[i]!=null){
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getVName(),dependentVoltageExpressions[i])).getVCML());
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getSourceName(),device.getCurrentSourceExpression()).getVCML()));
// }
// //
// // current clamp
// //
// if (!device.hasCapacitance() && !device.isVoltageSource()){
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getSourceName(),device.getCurrentSourceExpression()).getVCML()));
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getVName(),dependentVoltageExpressions[i])).getVCML());
// }
// //
// // voltage clamp
// //
// if (!device.hasCapacitance() && device.isVoltageSource()){
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getIName(),totalCurrents[i])).getVCML());
// System.out.println((new Function(device.getVName(),device.getInitialVoltageFunction().getExpression())).getVCML());
// }
// }
// }
Also used : Path(cbit.util.graph.Path) Node(cbit.util.graph.Node) RationalExp(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExp) MappingException(cbit.vcell.mapping.MappingException) VCUnitDefinition(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition) SymbolTableEntry(cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry) Graph(cbit.util.graph.Graph) RationalExpMatrix(cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExpMatrix) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) Edge(cbit.util.graph.Edge) ModelUnitSystem(cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)

Example 4 with Graph

use of cbit.util.graph.Graph in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class PotentialMapping method getCircuitGraph.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (2/19/2002 11:24:04 AM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.mapping.potential.Graph
 * @param simContext cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext
private static Graph getCircuitGraph(SimulationContext simContext, MathMapping_4_8 mathMapping_4_8) throws ExpressionException {
    Graph graph = new Graph();
    Model model = simContext.getModel();
    // add nodes to the graph (one for each Feature)
    Structure[] structures = model.getStructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        if (structures[i] instanceof Feature) {
            graph.addNode(new Node(structures[i].getName(), structures[i]));
    // add edges for all current clamp electrodes (always have dependent voltages)
    ElectricalStimulus[] stimuli = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
    Electrode groundElectrode = simContext.getGroundElectrode();
    for (int i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++) {
        ElectricalStimulus stimulus = stimuli[i];
        // get electrodes
        Electrode probeElectrode = stimulus.getElectrode();
        if (probeElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null electrode for electrical stimulus");
        if (groundElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null ground electrode for electrical stimulus");
        // if (!membraneMapping.getResolved()){
        Node groundNode = graph.getNode(groundElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        Node probeNode = graph.getNode(probeElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        if (stimulus instanceof CurrentDensityClampStimulus) {
            CurrentDensityClampStimulus ccStimulus = (CurrentDensityClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new CurrentClampElectricalDevice(ccStimulus, mathMapping_4_8);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
        } else if (stimulus instanceof TotalCurrentClampStimulus) {
            TotalCurrentClampStimulus ccStimulus = (TotalCurrentClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new CurrentClampElectricalDevice(ccStimulus, mathMapping_4_8);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
    // }
    // add edges for all membranes
    StructureTopology structTopology = simContext.getModel().getStructureTopology();
    for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
        if (structures[i] instanceof Membrane) {
            Membrane membrane = (Membrane) structures[i];
            MembraneMapping membraneMapping = (MembraneMapping) simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(membrane);
            // if (!membraneMapping.getResolved()){
            Feature insideFeature = structTopology.getInsideFeature(membrane);
            Feature outsideFeature = structTopology.getOutsideFeature(membrane);
            if (insideFeature != null && outsideFeature != null) {
                Node insideNode = graph.getNode(insideFeature.getName());
                Node outsideNode = graph.getNode(outsideFeature.getName());
                // double capacitance = getTotalMembraneCapacitance(simContext,membrane).evaluateConstant();
                // getTotalMembraneCurrent() already converts to "outwardCurrent" so that same convention as voltage
                Expression currentSource = getTotalMembraneCurrent(simContext, membrane, mathMapping_4_8);
                MembraneElectricalDevice device = new MembraneElectricalDevice(membraneMapping, mathMapping_4_8);
                Edge edge = new Edge(insideNode, outsideNode, device);
        // }
    for (int i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++) {
        ElectricalStimulus stimulus = stimuli[i];
        // get electrodes
        Electrode probeElectrode = stimulus.getElectrode();
        if (probeElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null electrode for electrical stimulus");
        if (groundElectrode == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("null ground electrode for electrical stimulus");
        // if (!membraneMapping.getResolved()){
        Node groundNode = graph.getNode(groundElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        Node probeNode = graph.getNode(probeElectrode.getFeature().getName());
        if (stimulus instanceof VoltageClampStimulus) {
            VoltageClampStimulus vcStimulus = (VoltageClampStimulus) stimulus;
            ElectricalDevice device = new VoltageClampElectricalDevice(vcStimulus, mathMapping_4_8);
            Edge edge = new Edge(probeNode, groundNode, device);
    // }
    // System.out.println(graph);
    return graph;
Also used : MembraneMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.MembraneMapping) Electrode(cbit.vcell.mapping.Electrode) StructureTopology(cbit.vcell.model.Model.StructureTopology) Node(cbit.util.graph.Node) CurrentDensityClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.CurrentDensityClampStimulus) Feature(cbit.vcell.model.Feature) TotalCurrentClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.TotalCurrentClampStimulus) ElectricalStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.ElectricalStimulus) Graph(cbit.util.graph.Graph) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) VoltageClampStimulus(cbit.vcell.mapping.VoltageClampStimulus) Model(cbit.vcell.model.Model) Membrane(cbit.vcell.model.Membrane) Structure(cbit.vcell.model.Structure) Edge(cbit.util.graph.Edge)

Example 5 with Graph

use of cbit.util.graph.Graph in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class RegionImage method calculateRegions.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (3/28/2002 10:30:20 AM)
 * @param image cbit.image.VCImage
private void calculateRegions(VCImage vcImage) throws cbit.image.ImageException {
    long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    RegionMask[][] regionMasks = new RegionMask[numZ][];
    for (int k = 0; k < vcImage.getNumZ(); k++) {
        regionMasks[k] = calculateRegions3D(vcImage.getPixels(), k * numXY, numX, numY);
    long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // RegionMask regionMasksFast[][] = new RegionMask[numZ][];
    // for (int k = 0; k < vcImage.getNumZ(); k++){
    // regionMasksFast[k] = calculateRegions3Dfaster(vcImage.getPixels(),k*numXY,numX,numY);
    // }
    // long time3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // System.out.println("4way recursive took "+((time2-time1)/1000.0)+" s, nonrecursive line took "+((time3-time2)/1000.0)+" s");
    // consolidate "off-plane contiguous" region indexes
    // build a graph of all 2D regions that touch
    // the final 3D regions are the set of nodes in each of the spanning trees.
    // build graph with 1 node per 2d region
    Graph connectionGraph = new Graph();
    for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < regionMasks[k].length; i++) {
            Node node = new Node(k + "," + i, new org.vcell.util.ObjectReferenceWrapper(regionMasks[k][i]));
    // add edges for any slice-slice touching of regions with same pixel value
    BitSet zeroBitSet = new BitSet();
    BitSet intersection = new BitSet(numXY);
    for (int k = 0; k < numZ - 1; k++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < regionMasks[k].length; i++) {
            Node node_i = connectionGraph.getNode(k + "," + i);
            for (int j = 0; j < regionMasks[k + 1].length; j++) {
                if (regionMasks[k][i].pixelValue == regionMasks[k + 1][j].pixelValue) {
                    // clear mask
                    intersection.and(regionMasks[k + 1][j].mask);
                    if (!intersection.equals(zeroBitSet)) {
                        Node node_j = connectionGraph.getNode((k + 1) + "," + j);
                        connectionGraph.addEdge(new Edge(node_i, node_j));
    // get spanning forest, and for each spanning tree, assign a single regionID to each contained 2d mask
    Tree[] spanningForest = connectionGraph.getSpanningForest();
    regionInfos = new RegionInfo[spanningForest.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < spanningForest.length; i++) {
        Node[] nodes = spanningForest[i].getNodes();
        int pixelValue = -1;
        int numPixels = 0;
        BitSet fullMask = new BitSet(numXY * numZ);
        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
            RegionMask regionMask = (RegionMask) ((ObjectReferenceWrapper) nodes[j].getData()).getObject();
            pixelValue = regionMask.pixelValue;
            for (int k = 0; k < numXY; k++) {
                if (regionMask.mask.get(k)) {
                    fullMask.set(regionMask.offset + k);
        regionInfos[i] = new RegionInfo(pixelValue, numPixels, i, fullMask);
    long time3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("4way recursive on slices took " + ((time2 - time1) / 1000.0) + " s, total RegionImage time " + ((time3 - time1) / 1000.0) + " s");
Also used : Node(cbit.util.graph.Node) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) ObjectReferenceWrapper(org.vcell.util.ObjectReferenceWrapper) Graph(cbit.util.graph.Graph) Tree(cbit.util.graph.Tree) Edge(cbit.util.graph.Edge)


Graph (cbit.util.graph.Graph)14 Edge (cbit.util.graph.Edge)12 Node (cbit.util.graph.Node)12 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)5 Tree (cbit.util.graph.Tree)4 Path (cbit.util.graph.Path)3 Membrane (cbit.vcell.model.Membrane)3 Model (cbit.vcell.model.Model)3 Structure (cbit.vcell.model.Structure)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 CurrentDensityClampStimulus (cbit.vcell.mapping.CurrentDensityClampStimulus)2 ElectricalStimulus (cbit.vcell.mapping.ElectricalStimulus)2 Electrode (cbit.vcell.mapping.Electrode)2 MappingException (cbit.vcell.mapping.MappingException)2 MembraneMapping (cbit.vcell.mapping.MembraneMapping)2 SpeciesContextSpecParameter (cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter)2 TotalCurrentClampStimulus (cbit.vcell.mapping.TotalCurrentClampStimulus)2 VoltageClampStimulus (cbit.vcell.mapping.VoltageClampStimulus)2 RationalExp (cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExp)2 RationalExpMatrix (cbit.vcell.matrix.RationalExpMatrix)2