use of cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ObservableTreeModel method valueForPathChanged.
public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {
Object obj = path.getLastPathComponent();
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof BioModelNode)) {
BioModelNode selectedNode = (BioModelNode) obj;
BioModelNode parentNode = (BioModelNode) selectedNode.getParent();
Object userObject = selectedNode.getUserObject();
try {
if (newValue instanceof String) {
String inputString = (String) newValue;
if (inputString == null || inputString.length() == 0) {
String mangled = TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(inputString);
if (!mangled.equals(inputString)) {
String errMsg = ((Displayable) userObject).getDisplayType() + " '" + inputString + "' not legal identifier, try '" + mangled + "'";
throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);
if (userObject instanceof RbmObservable) {
// TODO: untested!!!
((RbmObservable) userObject).setName(inputString);
} else if (newValue instanceof MolecularComponentPattern) {
MolecularComponentPattern newMcp = (MolecularComponentPattern) newValue;
Object parentObject = parentNode == null ? null : parentNode.getUserObject();
if (parentObject instanceof MolecularTypePattern) {
MolecularTypePattern mtp = (MolecularTypePattern) parentObject;
MolecularComponent mc = newMcp.getMolecularComponent();
MolecularComponentPattern mcp = mtp.getMolecularComponentPattern(mc);
BondType bp = mcp.getBondType();
BondType newbp = newMcp.getBondType();
// specified -> specified
if (bp == BondType.Specified && newbp == BondType.Specified) {
// bond didn't change
} else if (bp == BondType.Specified && newbp != BondType.Specified) {
// specified -> non specified
// change the partner to possible
} else if (bp != BondType.Specified && newbp == BondType.Specified) {
// non specified -> specified
int newBondId = newMcp.getBondId();
for (SpeciesPattern sp : observable.getSpeciesPatternList()) {
} else {
} catch (Exception ex) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(ownerTree, ex.getMessage());
use of cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ObservableTreeModel method createMolecularComponentPatternNode.
private BioModelNode createMolecularComponentPatternNode(MolecularComponentPattern molecularComponentPattern) {
MolecularComponent mc = molecularComponentPattern.getMolecularComponent();
BioModelNode node = new BioModelNode(molecularComponentPattern, true);
ComponentStatePattern csp = molecularComponentPattern.getComponentStatePattern();
// }
return node;
use of cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RbmMolecularTypeTreeCellEditor method getTreeCellEditorComponent.
public Component getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row) {
Component component = null;
realEditor = defaultCellEditor;
if (value instanceof BioModelNode) {
BioModelNode node = (BioModelNode) value;
Object userObject = node.getUserObject();
String text = null;
Icon icon = null;
if (userObject instanceof MolecularType) {
text = ((MolecularType) userObject).getName();
icon = VCellIcons.rbmMolecularTypeIcon;
} else if (userObject instanceof MolecularComponent) {
BioModelNode parentNode = (BioModelNode) node.getParent();
Object parentObject = parentNode == null ? null : parentNode.getUserObject();
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentErrorIcon;
text = ((MolecularComponent) userObject).getName();
} else if (userObject instanceof ComponentStateDefinition) {
text = ((ComponentStateDefinition) userObject).getName();
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentStateIcon;
} else {
System.out.println("unexpected thing here " + userObject);
component = super.getTreeCellEditorComponent(tree, value, isSelected, expanded, leaf, row);
if (editingComponent instanceof JTextField) {
JTextField textField = (JTextField) editingComponent;
return component;
use of cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RbmMolecularTypeTreeCellRenderer method getTreeCellRendererComponent.
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, sel, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
if (value instanceof BioModelNode) {
BioModelNode node = (BioModelNode) value;
Object userObject = node.getUserObject();
String text = null;
String toolTip = null;
Icon icon = null;
if (userObject instanceof MolecularType) {
MolecularType mt = (MolecularType) userObject;
text = toHtml(mt, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(mt, true);
if (owner == null) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmMolecularTypeSimpleIcon;
} else {
Graphics gc = owner.getGraphics();
icon = new MolecularTypeSmallShape(1, 4, mt, null, gc, mt, null, issueManager);
} else if (userObject instanceof MolecularComponent) {
BioModelNode parentNode = (BioModelNode) node.getParent();
MolecularComponent mc = (MolecularComponent) userObject;
text = toHtml(mc, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(mc, true);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenIcon;
if (mc.getComponentStateDefinitions().size() > 0) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenStateIcon;
// here is how to set the cell minimum size !!!
FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
int width = fm.stringWidth(text);
setMinimumSize(new Dimension(width + 50, fm.getHeight() + 5));
} else if (userObject instanceof ComponentStateDefinition) {
ComponentStateDefinition cs = (ComponentStateDefinition) userObject;
text = toHtml(cs);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(cs);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentStateIcon;
} else {
System.out.println("unknown thingie " + userObject);
setToolTipText(toolTip == null ? text : toolTip);
return this;
use of cbit.vcell.desktop.BioModelNode in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RbmReactionParticipantTreeCellRenderer method getTreeCellRendererComponent.
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, sel, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
if (value instanceof BioModelNode) {
BioModelNode node = (BioModelNode) value;
Object userObject = node.getUserObject();
obj = userObject;
String text = null;
Icon icon = null;
String toolTip = null;
if (userObject instanceof ReactionRule) {
ReactionRule rr = (ReactionRule) userObject;
text = toHtml(rr);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(rr);
icon = rr.isReversible() ? VCellIcons.rbmReactRuleReversIcon : VCellIcons.rbmReactRuleDirectIcon;
} else if (userObject instanceof ReactionRuleParticipantLocal) {
ReactionRuleParticipantLocal rrp = (ReactionRuleParticipantLocal) userObject;
text = toHtml(rrp, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(rrp, true);
icon = rrp.type == ReactionRuleParticipantType.Reactant ? VCellIcons.rbmReactantIcon : VCellIcons.rbmProductIcon;
} else if (userObject instanceof MolecularTypePattern) {
MolecularTypePattern molecularTypePattern = (MolecularTypePattern) userObject;
text = toHtml(molecularTypePattern, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(molecularTypePattern, true);
if (owner == null) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmMolecularTypeSimpleIcon;
} else {
Graphics gc = owner.getGraphics();
icon = new MolecularTypeSmallShape(1, 5, molecularTypePattern.getMolecularType(), null, gc, molecularTypePattern.getMolecularType(), null, issueManager);
} else if (userObject instanceof MolecularComponentPattern) {
MolecularComponentPattern mcp = (MolecularComponentPattern) userObject;
text = toHtml(mcp, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(mcp, true);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGrayIcon;
if (mcp.getMolecularComponent().getComponentStateDefinitions().size() > 0) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGrayStateIcon;
if (mcp.isbVisible()) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenIcon;
if (mcp.getMolecularComponent().getComponentStateDefinitions().size() > 0) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenStateIcon;
ComponentStatePattern csp = mcp.getComponentStatePattern();
if (csp != null && !csp.isAny()) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenIcon;
if (mcp.getMolecularComponent().getComponentStateDefinitions().size() > 0) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentGreenStateIcon;
BioModelNode parent = (BioModelNode) ((BioModelNode) value).getParent().getParent().getParent();
if (parent == null) {
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentErrorIcon;
return this;
} else if (userObject instanceof StateLocal) {
StateLocal sl = (StateLocal) userObject;
text = toHtml(sl, true);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(sl, true);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmComponentStateIcon;
} else if (userObject instanceof BondLocal) {
BondLocal bl = (BondLocal) userObject;
text = toHtml(bl, sel);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(bl, true);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmBondIcon;
} else if (userObject instanceof ParticipantMatchLabelLocal) {
ParticipantMatchLabelLocal pmll = (ParticipantMatchLabelLocal) userObject;
text = toHtml(pmll, sel);
toolTip = toHtmlWithTip(pmll, true);
icon = VCellIcons.rbmBondIcon;
} else {
if (userObject != null) {
text = userObject.toString();
} else {
text = "null user object";
setToolTipText(toolTip == null ? text : toolTip);
return this;