use of cbit.vcell.export.server.FileDataContainerManager.FileDataContainerID in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASCIIExporter method getPointsTimeSeries.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @return java.lang.String
* @throws IOException
private FileDataContainerID getPointsTimeSeries(OutputContext outputContext, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, VCDataIdentifier vcdID, String variableName, GeometrySpecs geometrySpecs, double[] allTimes, int beginIndex, int endIndex, boolean switchRowsColumns, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataAccessException, IOException {
org.vcell.util.document.TimeSeriesJobSpec timeSeriesJobSpec = new org.vcell.util.document.TimeSeriesJobSpec(new String[] { variableName }, new int[][] { geometrySpecs.getPointIndexes() }, null, allTimes[beginIndex], 1, allTimes[endIndex], VCDataJobID.createVCDataJobID(user, false));
org.vcell.util.document.TSJobResultsNoStats timeSeriesJobResults = (org.vcell.util.document.TSJobResultsNoStats) dataServerImpl.getTimeSeriesValues(outputContext, user, vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec);
// variableValues[0] is time array
// variableValues[1] is values for 1st spatial point.
// variableValues[2] is values for 2nd spatial point.
// variableValues[n] (n>=1) is values for nth spatial point.
// the length of variableValues should always be 1 + pointIndexes.length
// the length of variableValues[n] is allTimes.length
final double[][] variableValues = timeSeriesJobResults.getTimesAndValuesForVariable(variableName);
// put data in csv format
SpatialSelection[] pointSpatialSelections = geometrySpecs.getPointSpatialSelections();
FileDataContainerID fileDataContainerID = fileDataContainerManager.getNewFileDataContainerID();
// FileDataContainer container = fileDataContainerManager.getFileDataContainer(fileDataContainerID);
// buffer.append(
// "\"Time Series for variable '" + variableName + "'\" over the range " + allTimes[beginIndex] + " to " + allTimes[endIndex] + "\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\"variable ('" + variableName + "') times (" + allTimes[beginIndex] + " " + allTimes[endIndex] + ") " + /*+getSpatialSelectionDescription(curve)*/
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Coordinates\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Time,");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int k = 0; k < pointSpatialSelections.length; k++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + getSpatialSelectionDescription(pointSpatialSelections[k]));
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[k + 1][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Time\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Coordinates,");
for (int k = 0; k < pointSpatialSelections.length; k++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + getSpatialSelectionDescription(pointSpatialSelections[k]));
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < pointSpatialSelections.length; k++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[k + 1][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
return fileDataContainerID;
use of cbit.vcell.export.server.FileDataContainerManager.FileDataContainerID in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASCIIExporter method getCurveTimeSeries.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @return java.lang.String
* @throws IOException
private FileDataContainerID getCurveTimeSeries(OutputContext outputContext, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, VCDataIdentifier vcdID, String variableName, SpatialSelection curve, double[] allTimes, int beginIndex, int endIndex, boolean switchRowsColumns, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataAccessException, IOException {
int[] pointIndexes = null;
double[] distances = null;
int[] crossingMembraneIndexes = null;
if (curve instanceof SpatialSelectionVolume) {
SpatialSelection.SSHelper ssh = ((SpatialSelectionVolume) curve).getIndexSamples(0.0, 1.0);
pointIndexes = ssh.getSampledIndexes();
distances = ssh.getWorldCoordinateLengths();
crossingMembraneIndexes = ssh.getMembraneIndexesInOut();
} else if (curve instanceof SpatialSelectionMembrane) {
SpatialSelection.SSHelper ssh = ((SpatialSelectionMembrane) curve).getIndexSamples();
if (((SpatialSelectionMembrane) curve).getSelectionSource() instanceof SinglePoint) {
pointIndexes = new int[] { ssh.getSampledIndexes()[0] };
distances = new double[] { 0 };
} else {
pointIndexes = ssh.getSampledIndexes();
distances = ssh.getWorldCoordinateLengths();
org.vcell.util.document.TimeSeriesJobSpec timeSeriesJobSpec = new org.vcell.util.document.TimeSeriesJobSpec(new String[] { variableName }, new int[][] { pointIndexes }, new int[][] { crossingMembraneIndexes }, allTimes[beginIndex], 1, allTimes[endIndex], VCDataJobID.createVCDataJobID(user, false));
org.vcell.util.document.TSJobResultsNoStats timeSeriesJobResults = (org.vcell.util.document.TSJobResultsNoStats) dataServerImpl.getTimeSeriesValues(outputContext, user, vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec);
// variableValues[0] is time array
// variableValues[1] is values for 1st spatial point.
// variableValues[2] is values for 2nd spatial point.
// variableValues[n] (n>=1) is values for nth spatial point.
// the length of variableValues should always be 1 + pointIndexes.length
// the length of variableValues[n] is allTimes.length
final double[][] variableValues = timeSeriesJobResults.getTimesAndValuesForVariable(variableName);
// put data in csv format
FileDataContainerID fileDataContainerID = fileDataContainerManager.getNewFileDataContainerID();
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\"variable ('" + variableName + "') times (" + allTimes[beginIndex] + " " + allTimes[endIndex] + ") " + getSpatialSelectionDescription(curve) + "\"\n");
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Distances\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Times,");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int j = 0; j < distances.length; j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + distances[j]);
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[j + 1][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Times\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Distances,");
for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + distances[i]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < distances.length; j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[j + 1][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
return fileDataContainerID;
use of cbit.vcell.export.server.FileDataContainerManager.FileDataContainerID in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASCIIExporter method getODEDataValues.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (1/17/00 6:02:37 PM)
* @return java.lang.String
* @param odeSimData cbit.vcell.simdata.ODESimData
* @param variableNames java.lang.String[]
* @param beginIndex int
* @param endIndex int
* @param switchRowsColumns boolean
* @exception org.vcell.util.DataAccessException The exception description.
* @throws IOException
private FileDataContainerID getODEDataValues(long jobID, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, VCDataIdentifier vcdID, String[] variableNames, int beginIndex, int endIndex, boolean switchRowsColumns, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataAccessException, IOException {
ODESimData odeSimData = dataServerImpl.getODEData(user, vcdID);
double progress = 0.0;
boolean isTimeSeries = (odeSimData.findColumn("t") > -1) ? true : false;
boolean isMultiTrial = (odeSimData.findColumn("TrialNo") > -1) ? true : false;
// get arrays
double[] allTimes = null;
try {
if (isTimeSeries)
allTimes = odeSimData.extractColumn(odeSimData.findColumn("t"));
else if (isMultiTrial)
allTimes = odeSimData.extractColumn(odeSimData.findColumn("TrialNo"));
} catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
double[][] variableValues = new double[variableNames.length][endIndex - beginIndex + 1];
for (int k = 0; k < variableNames.length; k++) {
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
progress = (double) (i + k * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1)) / (2 * variableNames.length * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1));
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "CSV", progress);
try {
variableValues[k][i - beginIndex] = odeSimData.extractColumn(odeSimData.findColumn(variableNames[k]))[i];
} catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("error evaluating function in dataset: " + e.getMessage());
// put data in csv format
FileDataContainerID fileDataContainerID = fileDataContainerManager.getNewFileDataContainerID();
if (isTimeSeries) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Variable values over the time range " + allTimes[beginIndex] + " to " + allTimes[endIndex] + "\n\n");
} else if (isMultiTrial) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Variable values over the Trials " + allTimes[beginIndex] + " to " + allTimes[endIndex] + "\n\n");
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Variable\n");
if (isTimeSeries)
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Time,");
else if (isMultiTrial)
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Trial No,");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int k = 0; k < variableNames.length; k++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableNames[k]);
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
progress = 0.5 + (double) (i + k * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1)) / (2 * variableNames.length * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1));
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "CSV", progress);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[k][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
if (isTimeSeries)
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Time\n");
else if (isMultiTrial)
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, ",Trial No\n");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Variable,");
for (int k = 0; k < variableNames.length; k++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableNames[k]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + allTimes[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < variableNames.length; k++) {
progress = 0.5 + (double) (i + k * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1)) / (2 * variableNames.length * (endIndex - beginIndex + 1));
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, vcdID, "CSV", progress);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "," + variableValues[k][i - beginIndex]);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
return fileDataContainerID;
use of cbit.vcell.export.server.FileDataContainerManager.FileDataContainerID in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASCIIExporter method getSlice.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @return
* @param variable java.lang.String
* @param time double
* @throws IOException
private FileDataContainerID getSlice(OutputContext outputContext, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, VCDataIdentifier vcdID, String variable, int timeIndex, String slicePlane, int sliceNumber, boolean switchRowsColumns, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataAccessException, IOException {
double[] allTimes = dataServerImpl.getDataSetTimes(user, vcdID);
double timepoint = allTimes[timeIndex];
SimDataBlock simDataBlock = dataServerImpl.getSimDataBlock(outputContext, user, vcdID, variable, timepoint);
double[] data = simDataBlock.getData();
cbit.vcell.solvers.CartesianMesh mesh = dataServerImpl.getMesh(user, vcdID);
int[] sizeXYZ = { mesh.getSizeX(), mesh.getSizeY(), mesh.getSizeZ() };
FileDataContainerID fileDataContainerID = fileDataContainerManager.getNewFileDataContainerID();
if (simDataBlock.getVariableType().equals(VariableType.VOLUME) || simDataBlock.getVariableType().equals(VariableType.POSTPROCESSING)) {
// put data in csv format
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "2D Slice for variable " + variable + " at time " + timepoint);
if (slicePlane.equals(Coordinate.getNormalAxisPlaneName(Coordinate.Z_AXIS))) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, " in plane XY at Z = " + sliceNumber + "\n\n");
int start = sliceNumber * sizeXYZ[0] * sizeXYZ[1];
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "X in rows, Y in columns\n");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[0]; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[1]; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + i * sizeXYZ[0] + j] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "X in columns, Y in rows\n");
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[1]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[0]; j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + i * sizeXYZ[0] + j] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
if (slicePlane.equals(Coordinate.getNormalAxisPlaneName(Coordinate.Y_AXIS))) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, " in plane XZ at Y = " + sliceNumber + "\n\n");
int start = sliceNumber * sizeXYZ[0];
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "X in rows, Z in columns\n");
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[0]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[2]; j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + j * sizeXYZ[0] * sizeXYZ[1] + i] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "X in columns, Z in rows\n");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[2]; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[0]; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + j * sizeXYZ[0] * sizeXYZ[1] + i] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
if (slicePlane.equals(Coordinate.getNormalAxisPlaneName(Coordinate.X_AXIS))) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, " in plane YZ at X = " + sliceNumber + "\n\n");
int start = sliceNumber;
if (switchRowsColumns) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Y in rows, Z in columns\n");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[1]; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[2]; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + i * sizeXYZ[0] * sizeXYZ[1] + j * sizeXYZ[0]] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
} else {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Y in columns, Z in rows\n");
for (int i = 0; i < sizeXYZ[2]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sizeXYZ[1]; j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[start + i * sizeXYZ[0] * sizeXYZ[1] + j * sizeXYZ[0]] + ",");
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "\n");
// } else if (mesh.getGeometryDimension() < 3) {
} else {
// membrane variable; we export the data by index
// for 3D one gets the whole dataset for now... warning at the client level... will get more sophisticated later...
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, "Data for membrane variable " + variable + " at time " + timepoint + "\nEntire datablock by index\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID, data[i] + "\n");
// buffer.append("\n");
// } else {
// throw new RuntimeException("3D export for membrane or region variables not supported yet");
return fileDataContainerID;
use of cbit.vcell.export.server.FileDataContainerManager.FileDataContainerID in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ASCIIExporter method exportPDEData.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
* @throws IOException
private List<ExportOutput> exportPDEData(OutputContext outputContext, long jobID, User user, DataServerImpl dataServerImpl, final VCDataIdentifier orig_vcdID, VariableSpecs variableSpecs, TimeSpecs timeSpecs, GeometrySpecs geometrySpecs, ASCIISpecs asciiSpecs, String contextName, FileDataContainerManager fileDataContainerManager) throws DataAccessException, IOException {
ExportSpecs.SimNameSimDataID[] simNameSimDataIDs = asciiSpecs.getSimNameSimDataIDs();
Vector<ExportOutput[]> exportOutputV = new Vector<ExportOutput[]>();
double progressCounter = 0;
final int SIM_COUNT = simNameSimDataIDs.length;
final int PARAMSCAN_COUNT = (asciiSpecs.getExportMultipleParamScans() != null ? asciiSpecs.getExportMultipleParamScans().length : 1);
final int endTimeIndex = timeSpecs.getEndTimeIndex();
final int beginTimeIndex = timeSpecs.getBeginTimeIndex();
final int TIME_COUNT = endTimeIndex - beginTimeIndex + 1;
switch(geometrySpecs.getModeID()) {
TOTAL_EXPORTS_OPS = SIM_COUNT * PARAMSCAN_COUNT * variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length * (geometrySpecs.getCurves().length + (geometrySpecs.getPointCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0));
TOTAL_EXPORTS_OPS = SIM_COUNT * PARAMSCAN_COUNT * variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length * TIME_COUNT;
if (asciiSpecs.getCSVRoiLayout() == ASCIISpecs.csvRoiLayout.time_sim_var) {
exportOutputV.add(new ExportOutput[] { sofyaFormat(outputContext, jobID, user, dataServerImpl, orig_vcdID, variableSpecs, timeSpecs, geometrySpecs, asciiSpecs, contextName, fileDataContainerManager) });
} else {
for (int v = 0; v < SIM_COUNT; v++) {
int simJobIndex = simNameSimDataIDs[v].getDefaultJobIndex();
VCDataIdentifier vcdID = simNameSimDataIDs[v].getVCDataIdentifier(simJobIndex);
// 3. simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo() != null and asciiSpecs.getExportMultipleParamScans() != null, parameter scan use simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo().getParamScanJobIndexes() loop through
for (int ps = 0; ps < PARAMSCAN_COUNT; ps++) {
if (asciiSpecs.getExportMultipleParamScans() != null) {
simJobIndex = simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo().getParamScanJobIndexes()[asciiSpecs.getExportMultipleParamScans()[ps]];
vcdID = simNameSimDataIDs[v].getVCDataIdentifier(simJobIndex);
// Get times for each sim{paramscan} because they may be different
final double[] allTimes = dataServerImpl.getDataSetTimes(user, vcdID);
if (allTimes.length <= beginTimeIndex || allTimes.length <= endTimeIndex) {
throw new DataAccessException("Sim '" + simNameSimDataIDs[v].getSimulationName() + "' id=" + vcdID.getID() + " simJob=" + simJobIndex + ", time array length=" + allTimes.length + " has no endTimeIndex=" + endTimeIndex);
String paramScanInfo = "";
if (simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo().getParamScanConstantNames().length; i++) {
String psName = simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo().getParamScanConstantNames()[i];
paramScanInfo = paramScanInfo + " '" + psName + "'=" + simNameSimDataIDs[v].getExportParamScanInfo().getParamScanConstantValues()[simJobIndex][i];
String simID = vcdID.getID();
String dataType = ".csv";
FileDataContainerID fileDataContainerID_header = fileDataContainerManager.getNewFileDataContainerID();
SimulationDescription simulationDescription = new SimulationDescription(outputContext, user, dataServerImpl, vcdID, false, null);
fileDataContainerManager.append(fileDataContainerID_header, "\"" + "Model: '" + contextName + "'\"\n\"Simulation: '" + simNameSimDataIDs[v].getSimulationName() + "' (" + paramScanInfo + ")\"\n" + simulationDescription.getHeader(dataType));
switch(geometrySpecs.getModeID()) {
// Set mesh on SpatialSelection because mesh is transient field because it's too big for messaging
SpatialSelection[] spatialSelections = geometrySpecs.getSelections();
CartesianMesh mesh = dataServerImpl.getMesh(user, vcdID);
for (int i = 0; i < spatialSelections.length; i++) {
if (spatialSelections[i].getMesh() == null) {
} else if (!spatialSelections[i].getMesh().getISize().compareEqual(mesh.getISize()) || spatialSelections[i].getMesh().getNumMembraneElements() != mesh.getNumMembraneElements()) {
// check just sizes not areas,normals,etc...
// This will throw fail message
Vector<ExportOutput> outputV = new Vector<ExportOutput>();
if (geometrySpecs.getPointCount() > 0) {
// assemble single point data together (uses more compact formatting)
String dataID = "_Points_vars(" + geometrySpecs.getPointCount() + ")_times(" + (endTimeIndex - beginTimeIndex + 1) + ")";
// StringBuilder data1 = new StringBuilder(data.toString());
ExportOutput exportOutput1 = new ExportOutput(true, dataType, simID, dataID, /* + variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[i]*/
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), fileDataContainerID_header);
for (int i = 0; i < variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length; i++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), getPointsTimeSeries(outputContext, user, dataServerImpl, vcdID, variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[i], geometrySpecs, allTimes, beginTimeIndex, endTimeIndex, asciiSpecs.getSwitchRowsColumns(), fileDataContainerManager));
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), "\n");
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, orig_vcdID, "CSV", progressCounter / TOTAL_EXPORTS_OPS);
if (geometrySpecs.getCurves().length != 0) {
// assemble curve (non-single point) data together
String dataID = "_Curves_vars(" + (geometrySpecs.getCurves().length) + ")_times(" + (endTimeIndex - beginTimeIndex + 1) + ")";
// StringBuilder data1 = new StringBuilder(data.toString());
ExportOutput exportOutput1 = new ExportOutput(true, dataType, simID, dataID, /* + variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[i]*/
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), fileDataContainerID_header);
for (int i = 0; i < variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length; i++) {
for (int s = 0; s < geometrySpecs.getCurves().length; s++) {
if (!GeometrySpecs.isSinglePoint(geometrySpecs.getCurves()[s])) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), getCurveTimeSeries(outputContext, user, dataServerImpl, vcdID, variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[i], geometrySpecs.getCurves()[s], allTimes, beginTimeIndex, endTimeIndex, asciiSpecs.getSwitchRowsColumns(), fileDataContainerManager));
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), "\n");
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, orig_vcdID, "CSV", progressCounter / TOTAL_EXPORTS_OPS);
exportOutputV.add(outputV.toArray(new ExportOutput[0]));
String dataID = "_Slice_" + Coordinate.getNormalAxisPlaneName(geometrySpecs.getAxis()) + "_" + geometrySpecs.getSliceNumber() + "_";
ExportOutput[] output = new ExportOutput[variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length * TIME_COUNT];
for (int j = 0; j < variableSpecs.getVariableNames().length; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < TIME_COUNT; i++) {
StringBuilder inset = new StringBuilder(Integer.toString(i + beginTimeIndex));
String dataID1 = dataID + variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[j] + "_" + inset.toString();
ExportOutput exportOutput1 = new ExportOutput(true, dataType, simID, dataID1, /* + variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[i]*/
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), fileDataContainerID_header);
fileDataContainerManager.append(exportOutput1.getFileDataContainerID(), getSlice(outputContext, user, dataServerImpl, vcdID, variableSpecs.getVariableNames()[j], i + beginTimeIndex, Coordinate.getNormalAxisPlaneName(geometrySpecs.getAxis()), geometrySpecs.getSliceNumber(), asciiSpecs.getSwitchRowsColumns(), fileDataContainerManager));
output[j * TIME_COUNT + i] = exportOutput1;
exportServiceImpl.fireExportProgress(jobID, orig_vcdID, "CSV", progressCounter / TOTAL_EXPORTS_OPS);
// data1.cleanup();
// data2.cleanup();
throw new DataAccessException("Unexpected geometry modeID");
if (exportOutputV.size() == 1) {
// geometry_slice
return Arrays.asList(exportOutputV.elementAt(0));
// geometry_selections (all are same length as first element)
ArrayList<ExportOutput> combinedExportOutput = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < exportOutputV.elementAt(0).length; i++) {
String DATATYPE = exportOutputV.elementAt(0)[i].getDataType();
String DATAID = exportOutputV.elementAt(0)[i].getDataID();
ExportOutput eo = new ExportOutput(true, DATATYPE, "MultiSimulation", DATAID, fileDataContainerManager);
// FileDataContainer container = fileDataContainerManager.getFileDataContainer(combinedExportOutput[i].getFileDataContainerID());
for (int j = 0; j < exportOutputV.size(); j++) {
fileDataContainerManager.append(eo.getFileDataContainerID(), exportOutputV.elementAt(j)[i].getFileDataContainerID());
fileDataContainerManager.append(eo.getFileDataContainerID(), "\n");
return combinedExportOutput;