use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FrapDataUtils method saveImageDatasetAsExternalData.
public static void saveImageDatasetAsExternalData(FRAPData frapData, LocalWorkspace localWorkspace, ExternalDataIdentifier newImageExtDataID, int startingIndexForRecovery, CartesianMesh cartesianMesh) throws ObjectNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException {
ImageDataset imageDataset = frapData.getImageDataset();
if (imageDataset.getSizeC() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("FRAPData.saveImageDatasetAsExternalData(): multiple channels not yet supported");
Extent extent = imageDataset.getExtent();
ISize isize = imageDataset.getISize();
// not include the prebleach
int numImageToStore = imageDataset.getSizeT() - startingIndexForRecovery;
// original fluor data and back ground average
double[][][] pixData = new double[numImageToStore][2][];
double[] timesArray = new double[numImageToStore];
double[] bgAvg = frapData.getAvgBackGroundIntensity();
for (int tIndex = startingIndexForRecovery; tIndex < imageDataset.getSizeT(); tIndex++) {
// images according to zIndex at specific time points(tIndex)
short[] originalData = imageDataset.getPixelsZ(0, tIndex);
double[] doubleData = new double[originalData.length];
double[] expandBgAvg = new double[originalData.length];
for (int i = 0; i < originalData.length; i++) {
doubleData[i] = 0x0000ffff & originalData[i];
expandBgAvg[i] = bgAvg[tIndex];
pixData[tIndex - startingIndexForRecovery][0] = doubleData;
pixData[tIndex - startingIndexForRecovery][1] = expandBgAvg;
timesArray[tIndex - startingIndexForRecovery] = imageDataset.getImageTimeStamps()[tIndex] - imageDataset.getImageTimeStamps()[startingIndexForRecovery];
// changed in March 2008. Though biomodel is not created, we still let user save to xml file.
Origin origin = new Origin(0, 0, 0);
FieldDataFileOperationSpec fdos = new FieldDataFileOperationSpec();
fdos.opType = FieldDataFileOperationSpec.FDOS_ADD;
fdos.cartesianMesh = cartesianMesh;
fdos.doubleSpecData = pixData;
fdos.specEDI = newImageExtDataID;
fdos.varNames = new String[] { SimulationContext.FLUOR_DATA_NAME, "bg_average" };
fdos.owner = LocalWorkspace.getDefaultOwner();
fdos.times = timesArray;
fdos.variableTypes = new VariableType[] { VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME };
fdos.origin = origin;
fdos.extent = extent;
fdos.isize = isize;
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FrapDataUtils method saveROIsAsExternalData.
public static void saveROIsAsExternalData(FRAPData frapData, LocalWorkspace localWorkspace, ExternalDataIdentifier newROIExtDataID, int startingIndexForRecovery, CartesianMesh cartesianMesh) throws ObjectNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException {
ImageDataset imageDataset = frapData.getImageDataset();
Extent extent = imageDataset.getExtent();
ISize isize = imageDataset.getISize();
int NumTimePoints = 1;
// actually it is total number of ROIs(cell,bleached + 8 rings)+prebleach+firstPostBleach+lastPostBleach
int NumChannels = 13;
// dimensions: time points, channels, whole image ordered by z slices.
double[][][] pixData = new double[NumTimePoints][NumChannels][];
double[] temp_background = frapData.getAvgBackGroundIntensity();
double[] avgPrebleachDouble = calculatePreBleachAverageXYZ(frapData, startingIndexForRecovery);
// average of prebleach with background subtracted
pixData[0][0] = avgPrebleachDouble;
// first post-bleach with background subtracted
pixData[0][1] = createDoubleArray(imageDataset.getPixelsZ(0, startingIndexForRecovery), temp_background[startingIndexForRecovery], true);
// adjustPrebleachAndPostbleachData(avgPrebleachDouble, pixData[0][1]);
// last post-bleach image (at last time point) with background subtracted
pixData[0][2] = createDoubleArray(imageDataset.getPixelsZ(0, imageDataset.getSizeT() - 1), temp_background[imageDataset.getSizeT() - 1], true);
// below are ROIs, we don't need to subtract background for them.
pixData[0][3] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][4] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
if (frapData.getRoi( == null) {
// throw new RuntimeException("must first generate \"derived masks\"");
pixData[0][5] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][6] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][7] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][8] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][9] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][10] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][11] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
pixData[0][12] = new double[imageDataset.getISize().getXYZ()];
} else {
pixData[0][5] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][6] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][7] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][8] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][9] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][10] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][11] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
pixData[0][12] = createDoubleArray(frapData.getRoi(, 0, false);
Origin origin = new Origin(0, 0, 0);
FieldDataFileOperationSpec fdos = new FieldDataFileOperationSpec();
fdos.opType = FieldDataFileOperationSpec.FDOS_ADD;
fdos.cartesianMesh = cartesianMesh;
fdos.doubleSpecData = pixData;
fdos.specEDI = newROIExtDataID;
fdos.varNames = new String[] { "prebleach_avg", "postbleach_first", "postbleach_last", "bleached_mask", "cell_mask", "ring1_mask", "ring2_mask", "ring3_mask", "ring4_mask", "ring5_mask", "ring6_mask", "ring7_mask", "ring8_mask" };
fdos.owner = LocalWorkspace.getDefaultOwner();
fdos.times = new double[] { 0.0 };
fdos.variableTypes = new VariableType[] { VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME, VariableType.VOLUME };
fdos.origin = origin;
fdos.extent = extent;
fdos.isize = isize;
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class DisplayTimeSeries method displayImageTimeSeries.
public static void displayImageTimeSeries(final ImageTimeSeries<Image> imageTimeSeries, String title, WindowListener windowListener) throws ImageException, IOException {
ISize size = imageTimeSeries.getISize();
int dimension = (size.getZ() > 0) ? (3) : (2);
Extent extent = imageTimeSeries.getExtent();
Origin origin = imageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[0].getOrigin();
// don't care ... no surfaces
double filterCutoffFrequency = 0.5;
VCImage vcImage = new VCImageUncompressed(null, new byte[size.getXYZ()], extent, size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ());
RegionImage regionImage = new RegionImage(vcImage, dimension, extent, origin, filterCutoffFrequency);
final CartesianMesh mesh = CartesianMesh.createSimpleCartesianMesh(origin, extent, size, regionImage);
final DataIdentifier dataIdentifier = new DataIdentifier("var", VariableType.VOLUME, new Domain("domain"), false, "var");
final DataSetController dataSetController = new DataSetController() {
public ExportEvent makeRemoteFile(OutputContext outputContext, ExportSpecs exportSpecs) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public TimeSeriesJobResults getTimeSeriesValues(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, TimeSeriesJobSpec timeSeriesJobSpec) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public SimDataBlock getSimDataBlock(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, String varName, double time) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
double timePoint = time;
double[] timePoints = getDataSetTimes(vcdataID);
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < timePoints.length; i++) {
if (timePoint == timePoints[i]) {
index = i;
double[] data = imageTimeSeries.getAllImages()[index].getDoublePixels();
PDEDataInfo pdeDataInfo = new PDEDataInfo(null, null, varName, time, 0);
VariableType varType = VariableType.VOLUME;
return new SimDataBlock(pdeDataInfo, data, varType);
public boolean getParticleDataExists(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
return false;
public ParticleDataBlock getParticleDataBlock(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, double time) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
return null;
public ODESimData getODEData(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
return null;
public CartesianMesh getMesh(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
return mesh;
public PlotData getLineScan(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, String variable, double time, SpatialSelection spatialSelection) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public AnnotatedFunction[] getFunctions(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
return new AnnotatedFunction[0];
public double[] getDataSetTimes(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
return imageTimeSeries.getImageTimeStamps();
public DataSetTimeSeries getDataSetTimeSeries(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, String[] variableNames) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public DataSetMetadata getDataSetMetadata(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public DataIdentifier[] getDataIdentifiers(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
return new DataIdentifier[] { dataIdentifier };
public FieldDataFileOperationResults fieldDataFileOperation(FieldDataFileOperationSpec fieldDataFileOperationSpec) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public DataOperationResults doDataOperation(DataOperation dataOperation) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public VtuFileContainer getEmptyVtuMeshFiles(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, int timeIndex) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public double[] getVtuTimes(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public double[] getVtuMeshData(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdataID, VtuVarInfo var, double time) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public VtuVarInfo[] getVtuVarInfos(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcDataIdentifier) throws DataAccessException, RemoteProxyException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public NFSimMolecularConfigurations getNFSimMolecularConfigurations(VCDataIdentifier vcdataID) throws RemoteProxyException, DataAccessException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
DataSetControllerProvider dataSetControllerProvider = new DataSetControllerProvider() {
public DataSetController getDataSetController() throws DataAccessException {
return dataSetController;
VCDataManager vcDataManager = new VCDataManager(dataSetControllerProvider);
OutputContext outputContext = new OutputContext(new AnnotatedFunction[0]);
VCDataIdentifier vcDataIdentifier = new VCDataIdentifier() {
public User getOwner() {
return new User("nouser", null);
public KeyValue getDataKey() {
return null;
public String getID() {
return "mydata";
PDEDataManager pdeDataManager = new PDEDataManager(outputContext, vcDataManager, vcDataIdentifier);
ClientPDEDataContext myPdeDataContext = new ClientPDEDataContext(pdeDataManager);
PDEDataViewer pdeDataViewer = new PDEDataViewer();
JFrame jframe = new JFrame();
jframe.setSize(1000, 600);
if (windowListener != null) {
use of in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RunRefSimulationFastOp method getROIDataGenerator.
private ROIDataGenerator getROIDataGenerator(LocalContext localWorkspace, ROI[] rois) throws ImageException, IOException {
// create ROI image
short[] roiFieldData = null;
if (rois.length > 0) {
Origin origin = new Origin(0, 0, 0);
Extent extent = rois[0].getRoiImages()[0].getExtent();
ISize isize = rois[0].getISize();
int numROIX = rois[0].getISize().getX();
int numROIY = rois[0].getISize().getY();
roiFieldData = new short[numROIX * numROIY];
short regionCounter = 1;
for (int roiIdx = 0; roiIdx < rois.length; roiIdx++) {
short[] roiImg = rois[roiIdx].getPixelsXYZ();
for (int pixelIdx = 0; pixelIdx < (numROIX * numROIY); pixelIdx++) {
if (roiImg[pixelIdx] > 0) {
roiFieldData[pixelIdx] = regionCounter;
// create field data
int NumTimePoints = 1;
// 8 rois integrated into 1 image
int NumChannels = 1;
short[][][] pixData = new short[NumTimePoints][NumChannels][];
pixData[0][0] = roiFieldData;
// get extental data id
VCImage vcImage = new VCImageUncompressed(null, new byte[isize.getXYZ()], extent, isize.getX(), isize.getY(), isize.getZ());
RegionImage regionImage = new RegionImage(vcImage, 0, null, null, RegionImage.NO_SMOOTHING);
CartesianMesh simpleCartesianMesh = CartesianMesh.createSimpleCartesianMesh(origin, extent, isize, regionImage);
ExternalDataIdentifier newROIExtDataID = createNewExternalDataInfo(localWorkspace, ROI_SUMDATA_NAME).getExternalDataIdentifier();
try {
FieldDataFileOperationSpec fdos = new FieldDataFileOperationSpec();
fdos.opType = FieldDataFileOperationSpec.FDOS_ADD;
fdos.cartesianMesh = simpleCartesianMesh;
fdos.shortSpecData = pixData;
fdos.specEDI = newROIExtDataID;
fdos.varNames = new String[] { "roiSumDataVar" };
fdos.owner = LocalWorkspace.getDefaultOwner();
fdos.times = new double[] { 0.0 };
fdos.variableTypes = new VariableType[] { VariableType.VOLUME };
fdos.origin = origin;
fdos.extent = extent;
fdos.isize = isize;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return new ROIDataGenerator(ROI_EXTDATA_NAME, /*name*/
new int[] { 0 }, /* volumePoints*/
new int[0], /* membranePoints*/
regionCounter, /*numRegions*/
0, /*zSlice*/
newROIExtDataID.getKey(), /* fieldDataKey, sample image*/
new FieldFunctionArguments(ROI_SUMDATA_NAME, ROI_SUMDATA_VARNAME, new Expression(0), VariableType.VOLUME), /*FieldFunctionArguments, sample image*/
return null;