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Example 1 with JobInfoAndStatus

use of in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SlurmProxyTest method testSLURM.

// @Before
// public void setEnv() {
// //System.setProperty(PropertyLoader.htcSlurmHome,"/opt/slurm/");
// System.setProperty( PropertyLoader.htcLogDirExternal,"/home/htcLogs");
// System.setProperty( PropertyLoader.MPI_HOME_EXTERNAL,"/opt/mpich/");
// }
// private void write(String name, String text) {
// try {
// File f = new File(name);
// HtcProxy.writeUnixStyleTextFile(f, text);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// private void addExit(Container ctn) {
// final String eToken = "yada-yada";
// ExecutableCommand exitC = new ExecutableCommand(null,"echo",eToken);
// exitC.setExitCodeToken(eToken);
// ctn.add(exitC);
// }
// @Test
// public void tryIt( ) {
// Container ctn = new ExecutableCommand.Container();
// ExecutableCommand listdog = new ExecutableCommand(null,"ls");
// listdog.addArgument("dog");
// ctn.add(listdog);
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,"wc","dog"));
// SlurmProxy spProxy = new SlurmProxy(null, "gerard");
// String text = spProxy.generateScript("Q_3", ctn, 1, 10.0, null);
// write("",text);
// }
// @Test
// public void tryItWithExit( ) {
// Container ctn = new ExecutableCommand.Container();
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,"ls","dog"));
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,"wc","dog"));
// addExit(ctn);
// SlurmProxy spProxy = new SlurmProxy(null, "gerard");
// String text = spProxy.generateScript("Q_3", ctn, 1, 10.0, null);
// write("",text);
// }
// @Test(expected=UnsupportedOperationException.class)
// public void tryParallelBad( ) {
// Container ctn = new ExecutableCommand.Container();
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,true,true,"wc","dog"));
// SlurmProxy spProxy = new SlurmProxy(null, "gerard");
// spProxy.generateScript("Q_3", ctn, 1, 10.0, null);
// }
// @Test
// public void tryParallel( ) {
// Container ctn = new ExecutableCommand.Container();
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,"ls","dog"));
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,true,true,"wc","dog"));
// SlurmProxy spProxy = new SlurmProxy(null, "gerard");
// String text = spProxy.generateScript("Q_3", ctn, 4, 10.0, null);
// write("",text);
// }
// @Test
// public void tryParallelExit( ) {
// Container ctn = new ExecutableCommand.Container();
// addExit(ctn);
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,"ls","dog"));
// ctn.add(new ExecutableCommand(null,true,true,"wc","dog"));
// SlurmProxy spProxy = new SlurmProxy(null, "gerard");
// String text = spProxy.generateScript("Q_3", ctn, 4, 10.0, null);
// write("",text);
// }
public void testSLURM() throws IOException, ExecutableException {
    System.setProperty(PropertyLoader.vcellServerIDProperty, "Test2");
    System.setProperty(PropertyLoader.htcLogDirExternal, "/Volumes/vcell/htclogs");
    VCMongoMessage.enabled = false;
    CommandServiceSshNative cmd = null;
    try {
        // for (int i=0;i<10000;i++) {
        cmd = new CommandServiceSshNative("", "vcell", new File("/Users/schaff/.ssh/schaff_rsa"));
        SlurmProxy slurmProxy = new SlurmProxy(cmd, "vcell");
        Map<HtcJobID, JobInfoAndStatus> runningJobs = slurmProxy.getRunningJobs();
        for (HtcJobID job : runningJobs.keySet()) {
            HtcJobStatus jobStatus = runningJobs.get(job).status;
            System.out.println("job " + job.toString() + ", status=" + jobStatus.toString());
    // }
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (cmd != null) {
Also used : HtcJobStatus( HtcJobID(cbit.vcell.server.HtcJobID) File( CommandServiceSshNative(cbit.vcell.message.server.cmd.CommandServiceSshNative) JobInfoAndStatus( IOException( ExecutableException(org.vcell.util.exe.ExecutableException) Test(org.junit.Test)


CommandServiceSshNative (cbit.vcell.message.server.cmd.CommandServiceSshNative)1 HtcJobStatus ( JobInfoAndStatus ( HtcJobID (cbit.vcell.server.HtcJobID)1 File ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)1 ExecutableException (org.vcell.util.exe.ExecutableException)1