use of cbit.vcell.solver.AnnotatedFunction in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionsPanel method addOutputFunction.
private void addOutputFunction() {
if (simulationWorkspace == null) {
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("refresh math description", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
MathMappingCallback mathMappingCallback = new MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter(getClientTaskStatusSupport());
if (simulationWorkspace.getSimulationOwner() instanceof SimulationContext) {
SimulationContext simulationContext = (SimulationContext) simulationWorkspace.getSimulationOwner();
simulationContext.refreshMathDescription(mathMappingCallback, NetworkGenerationRequirements.AllowTruncatedStandardTimeout);
// else, for mathModels, nothing to refresh.
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("show dialog", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
ArrayList<AnnotatedFunction> outputFunctionList = outputFunctionContext.getOutputFunctionsList();
String defaultName = null;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
boolean nameUsed = false;
defaultName = "func" + count;
for (AnnotatedFunction function : outputFunctionList) {
if (function.getName().equals(defaultName)) {
nameUsed = true;
if (!nameUsed) {
final boolean bSpatial = simulationWorkspace.getSimulationOwner().getGeometry().getDimension() > 0;
// for non-spatial application, set 'Next' to 'Finish'.
if (!bSpatial) {
} else {
getNextButton().setText("Next >>");
Set<String> autoCompList = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, SymbolTableEntry> entryMap = new HashMap<String, SymbolTableEntry>();
autoCompList = entryMap.keySet();
// Show the editor with a default name and default expression for the function
// If the OK option is chosen, get the new name and expression for the function and create a new
// function, add it to the list of output functions in simulationOwner
// Else, pop-up an error dialog indicating that function cannot be added.
//, funcNameAndExprPanel.getName());
DialogUtils.showModalJDialogOnTop(getAddFunctionDialog(), OutputFunctionsPanel.this);
ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(OutputFunctionsPanel.this, new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { task1, task2 });
use of cbit.vcell.solver.AnnotatedFunction in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionsPanel method addFunction.
private void addFunction() throws Exception {
String funcName = getFunctionNameTextField().getText();
Expression funcExp = null;
funcExp = new Expression(getFunctionExpressionTextField().getText());
Domain domain = null;
VariableType newFunctionVariableType = null;
boolean bSpatial = simulationWorkspace.getSimulationOwner().getGeometry().getDimension() > 0;
if (bSpatial) {
Object selectedItem = getSubdomainComboBox().getSelectedItem();
if (selectedItem instanceof GeometryClass) {
GeometryClass geoClass = (GeometryClass) selectedItem;
domain = new Domain(geoClass);
if (selectedItem instanceof SubVolume) {
newFunctionVariableType = VariableType.VOLUME;
} else if (selectedItem instanceof SurfaceClass) {
newFunctionVariableType = VariableType.MEMBRANE;
} else if (selectedItem instanceof VariableType) {
newFunctionVariableType = (VariableType) selectedItem;
} else {
newFunctionVariableType = VariableType.UNKNOWN;
} else {
newFunctionVariableType = VariableType.NONSPATIAL;
AnnotatedFunction tempFunction = new AnnotatedFunction(funcName, funcExp, domain, null, newFunctionVariableType, FunctionCategory.OUTPUTFUNCTION);
VariableType vt = outputFunctionContext.computeFunctionTypeWRTExpression(tempFunction, funcExp);
FunctionCategory category = FunctionCategory.OUTPUTFUNCTION;
if (vt.equals(VariableType.POSTPROCESSING)) {
category = FunctionCategory.POSTPROCESSFUNCTION;
AnnotatedFunction newFunction = new AnnotatedFunction(funcName, funcExp, domain, null, vt, category);
setSelectedObjects(new Object[] { newFunction });
use of cbit.vcell.solver.AnnotatedFunction in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OutputFunctionsPanel method deleteOutputFunction.
private void deleteOutputFunction() {
if (getSelectedFunction() != null) {
AnnotatedFunction function = getSelectedFunction();
String confirm = PopupGenerator.showOKCancelWarningDialog(this, "Deleting Output Function", "You are going to delete the Output Function '" + function.getName() + "'. Continue?");
if (confirm.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL)) {
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e1) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(this, " Deletion of function '" + function.getName() + "' failed." + e1.getMessage());
use of cbit.vcell.solver.AnnotatedFunction in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class DataSetControllerImpl method getTimeSeriesValues_private.
private TimeSeriesJobResults getTimeSeriesValues_private(OutputContext outputContext, final VCDataIdentifier vcdID, final TimeSeriesJobSpec timeSeriesJobSpec) throws DataAccessException {
double[] dataTimes = null;
boolean isPostProcessing = false;
try {
if (getVCData(vcdID) instanceof SimulationData && ((SimulationData) getVCData(vcdID)).isPostProcessing(outputContext, timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames()[0])) {
isPostProcessing = true;
dataTimes = ((SimulationData) getVCData(vcdID)).getDataTimesPostProcess(outputContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
if (dataTimes == null) {
dataTimes = getDataSetTimes(vcdID);
TimeInfo timeInfo = new TimeInfo(vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec.getStartTime(), timeSeriesJobSpec.getStep(), timeSeriesJobSpec.getEndTime(), dataTimes);
if (dataTimes.length <= 0) {
return null;
boolean[] wantsTheseTimes = new boolean[dataTimes.length];
double[] desiredTimeValues = null;
int desiredNumTimes = 0;
Arrays.fill(wantsTheseTimes, false);
double[] tempTimes = new double[dataTimes.length];
int stepCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataTimes.length; i += 1) {
if (dataTimes[i] > timeSeriesJobSpec.getEndTime()) {
if (dataTimes[i] == timeSeriesJobSpec.getStartTime()) {
tempTimes[desiredNumTimes] = dataTimes[i];
desiredNumTimes += 1;
stepCounter = 0;
wantsTheseTimes[i] = true;
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.getStep() == 0) {
} else if (desiredNumTimes > 0 && stepCounter % timeSeriesJobSpec.getStep() == 0) {
tempTimes[desiredNumTimes] = dataTimes[i];
desiredNumTimes += 1;
wantsTheseTimes[i] = true;
stepCounter += 1;
if (desiredNumTimes == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find startTime " + timeSeriesJobSpec.getStartTime());
desiredTimeValues = new double[desiredNumTimes];
System.arraycopy(tempTimes, 0, desiredTimeValues, 0, desiredNumTimes);
// Check timeInfo
if (desiredTimeValues.length != timeInfo.getDesiredTimeValues().length) {
throw new DataAccessException("timeInfo check failed");
for (int i = 0; i < desiredTimeValues.length; i++) {
if (desiredTimeValues[i] != timeInfo.getDesiredTimeValues()[i]) {
throw new DataAccessException("timeInfo check failed");
for (int i = 0; i < wantsTheseTimes.length; i++) {
if (wantsTheseTimes[i] != timeInfo.getWantsTheseTimes()[i]) {
throw new DataAccessException("timeInfo check failed");
try {
// See if we need special processing
TimeSeriesJobResults specialTSJR = getSpecialTimeSeriesValues(outputContext, vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec, timeInfo);
if (specialTSJR != null) {
return specialTSJR;
VCData vcData = getVCData(vcdID);
// Determine Memory Usage for this job to protect server
// No TimeSeries jobs larger than this
final long MAX_MEM_USAGE = 20000000;
long memUsage = 0;
// efficient function stats are not yet implemented so check to adjust calculation
boolean bHasFunctionVars = false;
for (int i = 0; i < timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length; i += 1) {
bHasFunctionVars = bHasFunctionVars || (getFunction(outputContext, vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames()[i]) != null);
for (int i = 0; i < timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices().length; i += 1) {
memUsage += (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && !bHasFunctionVars ? NUM_STATS : timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices()[i].length);
memUsage *= desiredNumTimes * 8 * 2;
System.out.println("DataSetControllerImpl.getTimeSeriesValues: job memory=" + memUsage);
if (memUsage > MAX_MEM_USAGE) {
throw new DataAccessException("DataSetControllerImpl.getTimeSeriesValues: Job too large" + (bHasFunctionVars ? "(has function vars)" : "") + ", requires approx. " + memUsage + " bytes of memory (only " + MAX_MEM_USAGE + " bytes allowed). Choose fewer datapoints or times.");
Vector<double[][]> valuesV = new Vector<double[][]>();
SpatialStatsInfo spatialStatsInfo = null;
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats()) {
spatialStatsInfo = calcSpatialStatsInfo(outputContext, timeSeriesJobSpec, vcdID);
final EventRateLimiter eventRateLimiter = new EventRateLimiter();
for (int k = 0; k < timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length; k += 1) {
double[][] timeSeries = null;
String varName = timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames()[k];
int[] indices = timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices()[k];
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && !bHasFunctionVars) {
timeSeries = new double[NUM_STATS + 1][desiredNumTimes];
} else {
timeSeries = new double[indices.length + 1][desiredNumTimes];
timeSeries[0] = desiredTimeValues;
ProgressListener progressListener = new ProgressListener() {
public void updateProgress(double progress) {
// System.out.println("Considering firing progress event at "+new Date());
if (eventRateLimiter.isOkayToFireEventNow()) {
// System.out.println("ACTUALLY firing Progress event at "+new Date());
fireDataJobEventIfNecessary(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVcDataJobID(), MessageEvent.DATA_PROGRESS, vcdID, new Double(progress), null, null);
public void updateMessage(String message) {
// ignore
AnnotatedFunction function = getFunction(outputContext, vcdID, varName);
if (function != null) {
if (vcData instanceof SimulationData) {
function = ((SimulationData) vcData).simplifyFunction(function);
} else {
throw new Exception("DataSetControllerImpl::getTimeSeriesValues_private(): has to be SimulationData to get time plot.");
MultiFunctionIndexes mfi = new MultiFunctionIndexes(vcdID, function, indices, wantsTheseTimes, progressListener, outputContext);
for (int i = 0; i < desiredTimeValues.length; i++) {
fireDataJobEventIfNecessary(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVcDataJobID(), MessageEvent.DATA_PROGRESS, vcdID, new Double(NumberUtils.formatNumber(100.0 * (double) (k * desiredTimeValues.length + i) / (double) (timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length * desiredTimeValues.length), 3)), null, null);
for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {
timeSeries[j + 1][i] = mfi.evaluateTimeFunction(outputContext, i, j);
} else {
double[][][] valuesOverTime = null;
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && !bHasFunctionVars) {
valuesOverTime = vcData.getSimDataTimeSeries(outputContext, new String[] { varName }, new int[][] { indices }, wantsTheseTimes, spatialStatsInfo, progressListener);
} else {
valuesOverTime = vcData.getSimDataTimeSeries(outputContext, new String[] { varName }, new int[][] { indices }, wantsTheseTimes, progressListener);
for (int i = 0; i < desiredTimeValues.length; i++) {
fireDataJobEventIfNecessary(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVcDataJobID(), MessageEvent.DATA_PROGRESS, vcdID, new Double(NumberUtils.formatNumber(100.0 * (double) (k * desiredTimeValues.length + i) / (double) (timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length * desiredTimeValues.length), 3)), null, null);
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && !bHasFunctionVars) {
// min
timeSeries[MIN_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][MIN_OFFSET];
// max
timeSeries[MAX_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][MAX_OFFSET];
// mean
timeSeries[MEAN_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][MEAN_OFFSET];
// wmean
timeSeries[WMEAN_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][WMEAN_OFFSET];
// sum
timeSeries[SUM_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][SUM_OFFSET];
// wsum
timeSeries[WSUM_OFFSET + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][WSUM_OFFSET];
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {
timeSeries[j + 1][i] = valuesOverTime[i][0][j];
if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && !bHasFunctionVars) {
double[][] min = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
double[][] max = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
double[][] mean = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
double[][] wmean = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
double[][] sum = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
double[][] wsum = new double[timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames().length][desiredTimeValues.length];
for (int i = 0; i < valuesV.size(); i += 1) {
double[][] timeStat = (double[][]) valuesV.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < desiredTimeValues.length; j += 1) {
min[i][j] = timeStat[MIN_OFFSET + 1][j];
max[i][j] = timeStat[MAX_OFFSET + 1][j];
mean[i][j] = timeStat[MEAN_OFFSET + 1][j];
wmean[i][j] = timeStat[WMEAN_OFFSET + 1][j];
sum[i][j] = timeStat[SUM_OFFSET + 1][j];
wsum[i][j] = timeStat[WSUM_OFFSET + 1][j];
return new TSJobResultsSpaceStats(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames(), timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices(), desiredTimeValues, min, max, mean, (spatialStatsInfo.bWeightsValid ? wmean : null), sum, (spatialStatsInfo.bWeightsValid ? wsum : null), (spatialStatsInfo.bWeightsValid ? spatialStatsInfo.totalSpace : null));
} else if (timeSeriesJobSpec.isCalcSpaceStats() && bHasFunctionVars) {
double[][][] timeSeriesFormatedValuesArr = new double[valuesV.size()][][];
return calculateStatisticsFromWhole(timeSeriesJobSpec, timeSeriesFormatedValuesArr, desiredTimeValues, spatialStatsInfo);
} else {
double[][][] timeSeriesFormatedValuesArr = new double[valuesV.size()][][];
TSJobResultsNoStats tsJobResultsNoStats = new TSJobResultsNoStats(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames(), timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices(), desiredTimeValues, timeSeriesFormatedValuesArr);
if (!isPostProcessing && timeSeriesJobSpec.getCrossingMembraneIndices() != null && timeSeriesJobSpec.getCrossingMembraneIndices().length > 0) {
adjustMembraneAdjacentVolumeValues(outputContext, tsJobResultsNoStats.getTimesAndValuesForVariable(timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames()[0]), true, null, timeSeriesJobSpec.getIndices()[0], timeSeriesJobSpec.getCrossingMembraneIndices()[0], vcdID, timeSeriesJobSpec.getVariableNames()[0], getMesh(vcdID), timeInfo);
return tsJobResultsNoStats;
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new DataAccessException("DataSetControllerImpl.getTimeSeriesValues: " + (e.getMessage() == null ? e.getClass().getName() : e.getMessage()));
use of cbit.vcell.solver.AnnotatedFunction in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class DataSetControllerImpl method getDataIdentifiers.
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
* @return java.lang.String[]
public DataIdentifier[] getDataIdentifiers(OutputContext outputContext, VCDataIdentifier vcdID) throws DataAccessException, IOException, FileNotFoundException {
if (lg.isTraceEnabled())
lg.trace("DataSetControllerImpl.getDataIdentifiers(" + vcdID.getID() + ")");
VCData simData = getVCData(vcdID);
// filter names with _INSIDE and _OUTSIDE
DataIdentifier[] dataIdentifiersIncludingOutsideAndInside = simData.getVarAndFunctionDataIdentifiers(outputContext);
Vector<DataIdentifier> v = new Vector<DataIdentifier>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataIdentifiersIncludingOutsideAndInside.length; i++) {
DataIdentifier di = dataIdentifiersIncludingOutsideAndInside[i];
if (!di.getName().endsWith(InsideVariable.INSIDE_VARIABLE_SUFFIX) && !di.getName().endsWith(OutsideVariable.OUTSIDE_VARIABLE_SUFFIX)) {
if (di.getVariableType() == null || di.getVariableType().equals(VariableType.UNKNOWN)) {
if (di.isFunction()) {
AnnotatedFunction f = getFunction(outputContext, vcdID, di.getName());
VariableType varType = getVariableTypeForFieldFunction(outputContext, vcdID, f);
di = new DataIdentifier(di.getName(), varType, di.getDomain(), di.isFunction(), f.getDisplayName());
DataIdentifier[] ids = new DataIdentifier[v.size()];
return ids;