use of cbit.vcell.solver.DefaultOutputTimeSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class DefaultODESolver method integrate.
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
protected void integrate() throws SolverException, UserStopException, IOException {
try {
SolverTaskDescription taskDescription = simTask.getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription();
double timeStep = taskDescription.getTimeStep().getDefaultTimeStep();
fieldCurrentTime = taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime();
// before computation begins, settle fast equilibrium
if (getFastAlgebraicSystem() != null) {
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(0, 1);
getFastAlgebraicSystem().initVars(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
getFastAlgebraicSystem().solveSystem(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(1, 0);
// check for failure
int iteration = 0;
while (fieldCurrentTime < taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime()) {
step(fieldCurrentTime, timeStep);
// update (old = new)
// compute fast system
if (getFastAlgebraicSystem() != null) {
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(0, 1);
getFastAlgebraicSystem().initVars(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
getFastAlgebraicSystem().solveSystem(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(1, 0);
// check for failure
// fieldCurrentTime += timeStep;
fieldCurrentTime = taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime() + iteration * timeStep;
// Print results if it coincides with a save interval...
if (taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
int keepEvery = ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec()).getKeepEvery();
if ((iteration % keepEvery) == 0) {
// store last time point
if (taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
int keepEvery = ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec()).getKeepEvery();
if ((iteration % keepEvery) != 0)
} catch (ExpressionException | MathException e) {
throw new SolverException("Solver failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of cbit.vcell.solver.DefaultOutputTimeSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class OdeFileWriter method write.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (3/8/00 10:31:52 PM)
public void write(String[] parameterNames) throws Exception {
Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getUseSymbolicJacobian()) {
throw new RuntimeException("symbolic jacobian option not yet supported in interpreted Stiff solver");
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
TimeBounds timeBounds = solverTaskDescription.getTimeBounds();
ErrorTolerance errorTolerance = solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance();
printWriter.println("SOLVER " + getSolverName());
printWriter.println("STARTING_TIME " + timeBounds.getStartingTime());
printWriter.println("ENDING_TIME " + timeBounds.getEndingTime());
printWriter.println("RELATIVE_TOLERANCE " + errorTolerance.getRelativeErrorTolerance());
printWriter.println("ABSOLUTE_TOLERANCE " + errorTolerance.getAbsoluteErrorTolerance());
printWriter.println("MAX_TIME_STEP " + simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep());
OutputTimeSpec ots = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getOutputTimeSpec();
if (ots.isDefault()) {
printWriter.println("KEEP_EVERY " + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) ots).getKeepEvery());
} else if (ots.isUniform()) {
printWriter.println("OUTPUT_TIME_STEP " + ((UniformOutputTimeSpec) ots).getOutputTimeStep());
} else if (ots.isExplicit()) {
printWriter.println("OUTPUT_TIMES " + ((ExplicitOutputTimeSpec) ots).getNumTimePoints());
printWriter.println(((ExplicitOutputTimeSpec) ots).toSpaceSeperatedMultiLinesOfString());
if (parameterNames != null && parameterNames.length != 0) {
printWriter.println("NUM_PARAMETERS " + parameterNames.length);
for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) {
HashMap<Discontinuity, String> discontinuityNameMap = new HashMap<Discontinuity, String>();
String eventString = null;
if (simulation.getMathDescription().hasEvents()) {
eventString = writeEvents(discontinuityNameMap);
String equationString = writeEquations(discontinuityNameMap);
if (discontinuityNameMap.size() > 0) {
printWriter.println("DISCONTINUITIES " + discontinuityNameMap.size());
for (Discontinuity od : discontinuityNameMap.keySet()) {
printWriter.println(discontinuityNameMap.get(od) + " " + od.getDiscontinuityExp().flatten().infix() + "; " + od.getRootFindingExp().flatten().infix() + ";");
if (eventString != null) {
printWriter.println("NUM_EQUATIONS " + getStateVariableCount());
use of cbit.vcell.solver.DefaultOutputTimeSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RungeKuttaFehlbergSolver method integrate.
protected void integrate() throws cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException, UserStopException, IOException {
try {
// Get machine epsilon
final double DBL_EPSILON = 1.0E-12;
final double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON;
final double twentySixEpsilon = 26 * epsilon;
SolverTaskDescription taskDescription = simTask.getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription();
double startingTime = taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime();
double endingTime = taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime();
double relativeErrorTolerance = taskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance();
double absoluteErrorTolerance = taskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getAbsoluteErrorTolerance();
fieldCurrentTime = taskDescription.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime();
double[] oldValues = getValueVector(0);
double[] newValues = getValueVector(1);
// The minimumRelativeError is the minimum acceptable value of
// relativeError. Attempts to obtain higher accuracy with this
// subroutine are usually very expensive and often unsuccessful.
final double minimumRelativeError = 1e-12;
// Check input parameters...
if (relativeErrorTolerance < 0.0 || absoluteErrorTolerance < 0.0 || startingTime >= endingTime) {
throw new SolverException("Invalid parameters");
// difficulties arising from impossible accuracy requests
if (relativeErrorTolerance < 2 * epsilon + minimumRelativeError) {
// Or just set relativeError = 2 * epsilon + minimumRelativeError???
throw new SolverException("Relative error too small");
// before computation begins, settle fast equilibrium
if (getFastAlgebraicSystem() != null) {
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(0, 1);
getFastAlgebraicSystem().initVars(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
getFastAlgebraicSystem().solveSystem(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(1, 0);
// check for failure
double timeRemaining = endingTime - fieldCurrentTime;
double tolerance = 0.0;
double maximumTolerance = 0.0;
final double maximumTimeStep = taskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep();
double h = Math.min(Math.abs(timeRemaining), taskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep());
for (int i = 0; i < getStateVariableCount(); i++) {
int I = getVariableIndex(i);
tolerance = relativeErrorTolerance * Math.abs(oldValues[I]) + absoluteErrorTolerance;
if (tolerance > 0.0) {
double yp = Math.abs(evaluate(oldValues, i));
if (yp * Math.pow(h, 5.0) > tolerance) {
h = Math.pow(tolerance / yp, 0.2);
maximumTolerance = Math.max(maximumTolerance, tolerance);
if (maximumTolerance <= 0.0)
h = 0.0;
h = Math.max(h, twentySixEpsilon * Math.max(timeRemaining, Math.abs(fieldCurrentTime)));
// To avoid premature underflow in the error
// tolerance function, scale the tolerances...
final double scale = 2.0 / relativeErrorTolerance;
final double scaledAbsoluteError = scale * absoluteErrorTolerance;
boolean previousStepFailed = false;
// Check for failure...
// Integrate...
int iteration = 0;
while (fieldCurrentTime < endingTime) {
// Set smallest allowable stepsize...
final double minimumTimeStep = Math.max(twentySixEpsilon * Math.abs(fieldCurrentTime), taskDescription.getTimeStep().getMinimumTimeStep());
h = Math.min(h, taskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep());
// Adjust stepsize if necessary to hit the output point.
// Look ahead two steps to avoid drastic changes in the stepsize and
// thus lessen the impact of output points on the code.
timeRemaining = endingTime - fieldCurrentTime;
if (timeRemaining < 2 * h) {
if (timeRemaining <= h) {
h = timeRemaining;
} else {
h = 0.5 * timeRemaining;
// If too close to output point, extrapolate and return
if (timeRemaining <= twentySixEpsilon * Math.abs(fieldCurrentTime)) {
for (int i = 0; i < getStateVariableCount(); i++) {
int I = getVariableIndex(i);
newValues[I] = oldValues[I] + timeRemaining * evaluate(oldValues, i);
// update (old = new)
// compute fast system
if (getFastAlgebraicSystem() != null) {
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(0, 1);
getFastAlgebraicSystem().initVars(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
getFastAlgebraicSystem().solveSystem(getValueVector(0), getValueVector(1));
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(1, 0);
// check for failure
fieldCurrentTime = endingTime;
} else {
// Advance an approximate solution over one step of length h
// RungeKuttaStep(Model,y,t,h,ss);
step(fieldCurrentTime, h);
// compute fast system
if (getFastAlgebraicSystem() != null) {
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(1, 2);
getFastAlgebraicSystem().initVars(getValueVector(1), getValueVector(2));
getFastAlgebraicSystem().solveSystem(getValueVector(1), getValueVector(2));
fieldValueVectors.copyValues(2, 1);
// check for failure
// Compute and test allowable tolerances versus local error estimates
// and remove scaling of tolerances. Note that relative error is
// measured with respect to the average of the magnitudes of the
// solution at the beginning and end of the step.
double estimatedErrorOverErrorTolerance = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < getStateVariableCount(); i++) {
int I = getVariableIndex(i);
double errorTolerance = Math.abs(oldValues[I]) + Math.abs(newValues[I]) + scaledAbsoluteError;
// Inappropriate error tolerance
if (errorTolerance <= 0.0) {
throw new SolverException("Error tolerance too small");
double estimatedError = Math.abs(calculateErrorTerm(i));
estimatedErrorOverErrorTolerance = Math.max(estimatedErrorOverErrorTolerance, estimatedError / errorTolerance);
double estimatedTolerance = h * estimatedErrorOverErrorTolerance * scale;
if (estimatedTolerance > 1.0) {
// Unsuccessful step. Reduce the stepsize and try again.
// The decrease is limited to a factor of 1/10...
previousStepFailed = true;
double s = 0.1;
if (estimatedTolerance < 59049.0) {
// s = 0.1 @ estimatedTolerance = 59049
s = 0.9 / Math.pow(estimatedTolerance, 0.2);
h *= s;
if (h < minimumTimeStep) {
throw new SolverException("Requested error unattainable at smallest allowable stepsize");
} else {
// Successful step. Store solution at t+h and evaluate derivatives there.
fieldCurrentTime += h;
if (taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
int keepEvery = ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec()).getKeepEvery();
if ((iteration % keepEvery) == 0)
// Choose next stepsize. The increase is limited to a factor of 5. If
// step failure has just occurred, next stepsize is not allowed to increase.
double s = 5;
if (estimatedTolerance > 0.0001889568) {
// s = 5 @ estimatedTolerance = 0.0001889568
s = 0.9 / Math.pow(estimatedTolerance, 0.2);
if (previousStepFailed) {
s = Math.min(1.0, s);
h = Math.min(Math.max(minimumTimeStep, s * h), maximumTimeStep);
previousStepFailed = false;
// store last time point
if (taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
int keepEvery = ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) taskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec()).getKeepEvery();
if ((iteration % keepEvery) != 0)
} catch (ExpressionException expressionException) {
throw new SolverException(expressionException.getMessage());
} catch (MathException mathException) {
throw new SolverException(mathException.getMessage());
use of cbit.vcell.solver.DefaultOutputTimeSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class NFSimSolver method getMathExecutableCommand.
protected String[] getMathExecutableCommand() {
String executableName = null;
try {
executableName = SolverUtilities.getExes(SolverDescription.NFSim)[0].getAbsolutePath();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to get executable for solver " + SolverDescription.NFSim.getDisplayLabel() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
String inputFilename = getInputFilename();
String outputFilename = getOutputFilename();
String speciesOutputFilename = getSpeciesOutputFilename();
NFsimSimulationOptions nfsso = simTask.getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription().getNFSimSimulationOptions();
ArrayList<String> adv = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean observableComputationOff = nfsso.getObservableComputationOff();
if (observableComputationOff == true) {
// false is by default, no need to specify
Integer moleculeDistance = nfsso.getMoleculeDistance();
if (moleculeDistance != null) {
adv.add(moleculeDistance + "");
boolean aggregateBookkeeping = nfsso.getAggregateBookkeeping();
if (aggregateBookkeeping == true || simTask.getSimulation().getMathDescription().hasSpeciesObservable()) {
// false is by default, no need to specify
Integer maxMoleculesPerType = nfsso.getMaxMoleculesPerType();
if (maxMoleculesPerType != null) {
adv.add(maxMoleculesPerType + "");
Integer equilibrateTime = nfsso.getEquilibrateTime();
if (equilibrateTime != null) {
adv.add(equilibrateTime + "");
boolean preventIntraBonds = nfsso.getPreventIntraBonds();
if (preventIntraBonds == true) {
// false is by default, no need to specify
TimeBounds tb = getSimulationJob().getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription().getTimeBounds();
double dtime = tb.getEndingTime() - tb.getStartingTime();
String timeSpecOption1 = "-oSteps";
String timeSpecOption2 = "10";
OutputTimeSpec outputTimeSpec = getSimulationJob().getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription().getOutputTimeSpec();
if (outputTimeSpec instanceof DefaultOutputTimeSpec) {
DefaultOutputTimeSpec dots = (DefaultOutputTimeSpec) outputTimeSpec;
int steps = dots.getKeepAtMost();
timeSpecOption1 = "-oSteps";
timeSpecOption2 = Integer.toString(steps);
} else if (outputTimeSpec instanceof UniformOutputTimeSpec) {
UniformOutputTimeSpec dots = (UniformOutputTimeSpec) outputTimeSpec;
double steps = dtime / dots.getOutputTimeStep();
timeSpecOption1 = "-oSteps";
int stepsi = (int) Math.round(steps);
timeSpecOption2 = Integer.toString(stepsi);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported output time spec class");
String[] baseCommands = { "-xml", inputFilename, "-o", outputFilename, "-sim", Double.toString(dtime), "-ss", speciesOutputFilename };
ArrayList<String> cmds = new ArrayList<String>();
Integer seed = nfsso.getRandomSeed();
if (seed != null) {
} else {
long randomSeed = System.currentTimeMillis();
randomSeed = randomSeed + simTask.getSimulationJob().getJobIndex();
// multiply with a large prime number to spread numbers that are too close and in sequence
randomSeed = randomSeed * 89611;
Integer rs = (int) randomSeed;
String str = rs.toString();
if (str.startsWith("-")) {
// NFSim wants a positive integer, for anything else is initializing with 0
str = str.substring(1);
// PrintWriter writer;
// try {
// writer = new PrintWriter("c:\\TEMP\\aaa\\" + randomSeed + ".txt", "UTF-8");
// writer.println(str);
// writer.close();
// } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// // Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
cmds.addAll(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(baseCommands)));
if (bMessaging) {
return cmds.toArray(new String[cmds.size()]);