use of cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeMolecules.
private void writeMolecules() throws ExpressionException, MathException {
// write molecules
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int max_mol = 0;
Enumeration<SubDomain> subDomainEnumeration = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (subDomainEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subDomain = subDomainEnumeration.nextElement();
for (ParticleProperties particleProperties : subDomain.getParticleProperties()) {
ArrayList<ParticleInitialCondition> particleInitialConditions = particleProperties.getParticleInitialConditions();
String variableName = getVariableName(particleProperties.getVariable(), subDomain);
for (ParticleInitialCondition pic : particleInitialConditions) {
if (pic instanceof ParticleInitialConditionCount) {
max_mol += writeInitialCount((ParticleInitialConditionCount) pic, subDomain, variableName, sb);
} else if (pic instanceof ParticleInitialConditionConcentration) {
max_mol += writeInitialConcentration((ParticleInitialConditionConcentration) pic, subDomain, particleProperties.getVariable(), variableName, sb);
if (lg.isDebugEnabled()) {
lg.debug("subdomain " + subDomain.getName() + ' ' + variableName + " processed, maximum mol estimate now " + max_mol);
if (max_mol > MAX_MOLECULE_LIMIT) {
throw new MathException(VCellErrorMessages.getSmoldynMaxMolReachedErrorMessage((long) max_mol, MAX_MOLECULE_LIMIT));
int max_adjusted = max_mol * MOLECULE_MAX_COEFFICIENT;
if (max_adjusted < MIN_MOLECULE_LIMIT) {
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {"adjusting computed max " + max_adjusted + " to minimum " + MIN_MOLECULE_LIMIT);
max_adjusted = MIN_MOLECULE_LIMIT;
if (max_adjusted > MAX_MOLECULE_LIMIT) {
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {"adjusting computed max " + max_adjusted + " to maximum " + MAX_MOLECULE_LIMIT);
max_adjusted = MAX_MOLECULE_LIMIT;
printWriter.println("# molecules");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_mol + " " + max_adjusted);
use of cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeReactions.
private void writeReactions() throws ExpressionException, MathException {
printWriter.println("# reactions");
Enumeration<SubDomain> subdomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (subdomains.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subdomain = subdomains.nextElement();
for (ParticleJumpProcess pjp : subdomain.getParticleJumpProcesses()) {
ArrayList<Variable> reactants = new ArrayList<Variable>();
ArrayList<Variable> products = new ArrayList<Variable>();
for (Action a : pjp.getActions().toArray(new Action[pjp.getActions().size()])) {
if (a.getOperation().equals(Action.ACTION_CREATE)) {
} else if (a.getOperation().equals(Action.ACTION_DESTROY)) {
Expression rateDefinition = null;
JumpProcessRateDefinition jprd = pjp.getParticleRateDefinition();
if (jprd instanceof MacroscopicRateConstant) {
rateDefinition = subsituteFlatten(((MacroscopicRateConstant) jprd).getExpression());
} else if (jprd instanceof InteractionRadius) {
rateDefinition = subsituteFlatten(((InteractionRadius) jprd).getExpression());
} else {
new RuntimeException("The jump process rate definition is not supported");
if (rateDefinition.isZero()) {
if (mathDesc.isSpatialHybrid()) {
String[] symbols = rateDefinition.getSymbols();
if (symbols != null) {
if (subdomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
rateDefinition = new Expression(FiniteVolumeFileWriter.replaceVolumeVariable(getSimulationTask(), (MembraneSubDomain) subdomain, rateDefinition));
} else {
try {
} catch (ExpressionException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException("reaction rate for jump process " + pjp.getName() + " is not a constant. Constants are required for all reaction rates.");
// Smoldyn takes maximum 2nd order reaction.
if (reactants.size() > 2) {
throw new MathException("VCell spatial stochastic models support up to 2nd order reactions. \n" + "The reaction:" + pjp.getName() + " has more than 2 reactants.");
if (products.size() > 2) {
throw new MathException("VCell spatial stochastic models support up to 2nd order reactions. \n" + "The reaction:" + pjp.getName() + " has more than 2 products.");
String rateDefinitionStr = simulation.getMathDescription().isSpatialHybrid() ? rateDefinition.infix() + ";" : rateDefinition.evaluateConstant() + "";
if (subdomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
// 0th order reaction, product limited to one and we'll let the reaction know where it happens
if (reactants.size() == 0 && products.size() == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_cmpt + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
} else {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction + " " + /* + subdomain.getName() + " "*/
pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (subdomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
// 0th order reaction, product limited to one and it can be on mem or in vol
if (reactants.size() == 0 && products.size() == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // consuming of a species to nothing, limited to one reactant
if (reactants.size() == 1 && products.size() == 0) {
if (// consuming a mem species in mem reaction
getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // it equals to adsorption, species A from vol adsorbed to mem as again species A, and then we kill the speceis A on mem.
if (getVolumeVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
writeRateTransitionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
String speciesName = reactants.get(0).getName();
String killMolCmd = "cmd " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.E + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.killmol + " " + speciesName + "(" + SmoldynKeyword.up + ")";
} else // Use rate command for any membrane reactions with 1 reactant and 1 product
if ((reactants.size() == 1) && (products.size() == 1)) {
// Membrane reaction (1 react to 1 product).
if (getMembraneVariableCount(products) == 1 && getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // Other single molecular reactions
writeRateTransitionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else // membrane reactions which are not one to one, or 0th order, or consuming species
if (// membrane reaction has one membrane bound reactant
(getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 1)) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (// bimolecular membrane reaction
getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 2) {
if (jprd instanceof InteractionRadius) {
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionByInteractionRadius(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr, pjp.getName());
} else {
// throw new MathException("Error with reaction: " + pjp.getName() + ".\nVCell Spatial stochastic modeling requires macroscopic or microscopic kinetics for bimolecular membrane reactions.");
printWriter.print(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reaction_surface + " " + subdomain.getName() + " " + pjp.getName() + " ");
writeReactionCommand(reactants, products, subdomain, rateDefinitionStr);
} else if (getMembraneVariableCount(reactants) == 0) {
throw new MathException("Error with reaction: " + pjp.getName() + ".\nIn VCell spatial stochastic modeling, the membrane reaction requires at least one membrane bound reactant.");
use of cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeDrifts.
private void writeDrifts() throws ExpressionBindingException, ExpressionException, MathException {
// writer diffusion properties
printWriter.println("# drift properties");
Enumeration<SubDomain> subDomainEnumeration = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
while (subDomainEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subDomain = subDomainEnumeration.nextElement();
List<ParticleProperties> particlePropertiesList = subDomain.getParticleProperties();
for (ParticleProperties pp : particlePropertiesList) {
String variableName = null;
if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
variableName = getVariableName(pp.getVariable(), subDomain);
} else {
variableName = getVariableName(pp.getVariable(), null);
try {
double driftX = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftX() != null) {
driftX = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftX());
double driftY = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftY() != null) {
driftY = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftY());
double driftZ = 0.0;
if (pp.getDriftZ() != null) {
driftZ = subsituteFlattenToConstant(pp.getDriftZ());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.drift + " " + variableName + " " + driftX + " " + driftY + " " + driftZ);
} catch (NotAConstantException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException("diffusion coefficient for variable " + variableName + " is not a constant. Constants are required for all diffusion coefficients");
use of cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class Xmlproducer method getXML.
* This method returns a XML representation of a MathDescription object.
* Creation date: (3/2/2001 10:57:25 AM)
* @return Element
* @param mathdes cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription
Element getXML(MathDescription mathdes) throws XmlParseException {
Element math = new Element(XMLTags.MathDescriptionTag);
// Add attributes
math.setAttribute(XMLTags.NameAttrTag, mangle(mathdes.getName()));
// Add annotation
if (mathdes.getDescription() != null && mathdes.getDescription().length() > 0) {
Element annotationElem = new Element(XMLTags.AnnotationTag);
List<ParticleMolecularType> particleMolecularTypes = mathdes.getParticleMolecularTypes();
for (ParticleMolecularType particleMolecularType : particleMolecularTypes) {
// Add Constant subelements
Enumeration<Variable> enum1 = mathdes.getVariables();
/*java.util.Iterator k;
try {
VariableHash varHash = new VariableHash();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements())
Variable vars [] = varHash.getReorderedVariables();
k = new ArrayList(java.util.Arrays.asList(vars)).iterator();
} catch (cbit.vcell.mapping.MappingException e) {
return null;
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Variable var = enum1.nextElement();
Element element = null;
if (var instanceof Constant) {
element = getXML((Constant) var);
} else if (var instanceof FilamentRegionVariable) {
element = getXML((FilamentRegionVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof FilamentVariable) {
element = getXML((FilamentVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof PointVariable) {
element = getXML((PointVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof Function) {
element = getXML((Function) var);
} else if (var instanceof RandomVariable) {
element = getXML((RandomVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof InsideVariable) {
// *** for internal use! Ignore it ***
} else if (var instanceof MembraneRegionVariable) {
element = getXML((MembraneRegionVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof MemVariable) {
element = getXML((MemVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof OutsideVariable) {
// *** for internal use! Ignore it ****
} else if (var instanceof VolumeRegionVariable) {
element = getXML((VolumeRegionVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof VolVariable) {
element = getXML((VolVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof StochVolVariable) {
// added for stochastic volumn variables
element = getXML((StochVolVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof ParticleVariable) {
element = getXML((ParticleVariable) var);
} else if (var instanceof ParticleObservable) {
element = getXML((ParticleObservable) var);
} else {
throw new XmlParseException("An unknown variable type " + var.getClass().getName() + " was found when parsing the mathdescription " + mathdes.getName() + "!");
transcribeComments(var, element);
// this was moved to the simspec!
/* buffer.append("\n");
if (geometry != null){
// Add subdomains
Enumeration<SubDomain> enum2 = mathdes.getSubDomains();
while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
SubDomain subDomain = enum2.nextElement();
// Add Metadata (Version) if there is!
if (mathdes.getVersion() != null) {
math.addContent(getXML(mathdes.getVersion(), mathdes));
Iterator<Event> iter = mathdes.getEvents();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PostProcessingBlock postProcessingBlock = mathdes.getPostProcessingBlock();
if (postProcessingBlock.getNumDataGenerators() > 0) {
return math;
use of cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class StochMathMapping method refreshMathDescription.
* set up a math description based on current simulationContext.
protected void refreshMathDescription() throws MappingException, MatrixException, MathException, ExpressionException, ModelException {
// use local variable instead of using getter all the time.
SimulationContext simContext = getSimulationContext();
GeometryClass geometryClass = simContext.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes()[0];
Domain domain = new Domain(geometryClass);
// local structure mapping list
StructureMapping[] structureMappings = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMappings();
// We have to check if all the reactions are able to tranform to stochastic jump processes before generating the math.
String stochChkMsg = simContext.getModel().isValidForStochApp();
if (!(stochChkMsg.equals(""))) {
throw new ModelException("Problem updating math description: " + simContext.getName() + "\n" + stochChkMsg);
if (simContext.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0) {
throw new MappingException("nonspatial stochastic math mapping requires 0-dimensional geometry");
for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
if (structureMappings[i] instanceof MembraneMapping) {
if (((MembraneMapping) structureMappings[i]).getCalculateVoltage()) {
throw new MappingException("electric potential not yet supported for particle models");
// fail if any events
BioEvent[] bioEvents = simContext.getBioEvents();
if (bioEvents != null && bioEvents.length > 0) {
throw new MappingException("events not yet supported for particle-based models");
// verify that all structures are mapped to subvolumes and all subvolumes are mapped to a structure
Structure[] structures = simContext.getGeometryContext().getModel().getStructures();
for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(structures[i]);
if (sm == null || (sm instanceof FeatureMapping && ((FeatureMapping) sm).getGeometryClass() == null)) {
throw new MappingException("model structure '" + structures[i].getName() + "' not mapped to a geometry subVolume");
if (sm != null && (sm instanceof MembraneMapping) && ((MembraneMapping) sm).getVolumeFractionParameter() != null) {
Expression volFractExp = ((MembraneMapping) sm).getVolumeFractionParameter().getExpression();
try {
if (volFractExp != null) {
double volFract = volFractExp.evaluateConstant();
if (volFract >= 1.0) {
throw new MappingException("model structure '" + (getSimulationContext().getModel().getStructureTopology().getInsideFeature(((MembraneMapping) sm).getMembrane()).getName() + "' has volume fraction >= 1.0"));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
SubVolume[] subVolumes = simContext.getGeometryContext().getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes();
for (int i = 0; i < subVolumes.length; i++) {
Structure[] mappedStructures = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructuresFromGeometryClass(subVolumes[i]);
if (mappedStructures == null || mappedStructures.length == 0) {
throw new MappingException("geometry subVolume '" + subVolumes[i].getName() + "' not mapped from a model structure");
// gather only those reactionSteps that are not "excluded"
ReactionSpec[] reactionSpecs = simContext.getReactionContext().getReactionSpecs();
Vector<ReactionStep> rsList = new Vector<ReactionStep>();
for (int i = 0; i < reactionSpecs.length; i++) {
if (!reactionSpecs[i].isExcluded()) {
for (ReactionStep reactionStep : rsList) {
Kinetics.UnresolvedParameter[] unresolvedParameters = reactionStep.getKinetics().getUnresolvedParameters();
if (unresolvedParameters != null && unresolvedParameters.length > 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < unresolvedParameters.length; j++) {
if (j > 0) {
buffer.append(", ");
throw new MappingException("In Application '" + simContext.getName() + "', " + reactionStep.getDisplayType() + " '" + reactionStep.getName() + "' contains unresolved identifier(s): " + buffer);
// create new MathDescription (based on simContext's previous MathDescription if possible)
MathDescription oldMathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
mathDesc = null;
if (oldMathDesc != null) {
if (oldMathDesc.getVersion() != null) {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(oldMathDesc.getVersion());
} else {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(oldMathDesc.getName());
} else {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(simContext.getName() + "_generated");
// temporarily place all variables in a hashtable (before binding) and discarding duplicates
VariableHash varHash = new VariableHash();
// conversion factors
Model model = simContext.getModel();
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getKMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getKMOLE().getExpression(), model.getKMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getN_PMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getN_PMOLE().getExpression(), model.getN_PMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getPI_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getPI_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getPI_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE().getExpression(), model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getGAS_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getTEMPERATURE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(new Expression(simContext.getTemperatureKelvin()), model.getTEMPERATURE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
Enumeration<SpeciesContextMapping> enum1 = getSpeciesContextMappings();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SpeciesContextMapping scm = enum1.nextElement();
if (scm.getVariable() instanceof StochVolVariable) {
// deals with model parameters
ModelParameter[] modelParameters = simContext.getModel().getModelParameters();
for (int j = 0; j < modelParameters.length; j++) {
Expression expr = getSubstitutedExpr(modelParameters[j].getExpression(), true, false);
expr = getIdentifierSubstitutions(expr, modelParameters[j].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass);
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(modelParameters[j], geometryClass), expr, geometryClass));
// added July 2009, ElectricalStimulusParameter electric mapping tab
ElectricalStimulus[] elecStimulus = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
if (elecStimulus.length > 0) {
throw new MappingException("Modles with electrophysiology are not supported for stochastic applications.");
for (int j = 0; j < structureMappings.length; j++) {
if (structureMappings[j] instanceof MembraneMapping) {
MembraneMapping memMapping = (MembraneMapping) structureMappings[j];
Parameter initialVoltageParm = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter();
try {
Expression exp = initialVoltageParm.getExpression();
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(memMapping.getMembrane().getMembraneVoltage(), memMapping.getGeometryClass()), getIdentifierSubstitutions(memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getExpression(), memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getUnitDefinition(), memMapping.getGeometryClass()), memMapping.getGeometryClass()));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new MappingException("Membrane initial voltage: " + initialVoltageParm.getName() + " cannot be evaluated as constant.");
for (ReactionStep rs : rsList) {
if (rs.getKinetics() instanceof LumpedKinetics) {
throw new RuntimeException("Lumped Kinetics not yet supported for Stochastic Math Generation");
Kinetics.KineticsParameter[] parameters = rs.getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
for (KineticsParameter parameter : parameters) {
if ((parameter.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_CurrentDensity) && (parameter.getExpression() == null || parameter.getExpression().isZero())) {
// don't add rate, we'll do it later when creating the jump processes
// if (parameter.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate) {
// continue;
// }
// don't add mass action reverse parameter if irreversible
// if (!rs.isReversible() && parameters[i].getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_KReverse){
// continue;
// }
Expression expr = getSubstitutedExpr(parameter.getExpression(), true, false);
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(parameter, geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(expr, parameter.getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), geometryClass));
// the parameter "Size" is already put into mathsymbolmapping in refreshSpeciesContextMapping()
for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
StructureMapping sm = structureMappings[i];
StructureMapping.StructureMappingParameter parm = sm.getParameterFromRole(StructureMapping.ROLE_Size);
if (parm.getExpression() != null) {
try {
double value = parm.getExpression().evaluateConstant();
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(parm, sm.getGeometryClass()), new Expression(value)));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
// varHash.addVariable(new Function(getMathSymbol0(parm,sm),getIdentifierSubstitutions(parm.getExpression(),parm.getUnitDefinition(),sm)));
throw new MappingException("Size of structure:" + sm.getNameScope().getName() + " cannot be evaluated as constant.");
SpeciesContextSpec[] speciesContextSpecs = getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpecs();
addInitialConditions(domain, speciesContextSpecs, varHash);
// constant species (either function or constant)
enum1 = getSpeciesContextMappings();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SpeciesContextMapping scm = (SpeciesContextMapping) enum1.nextElement();
if (scm.getVariable() instanceof Constant) {
if (simContext.getGeometryContext().getGeometry() != null) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new MappingException("failure setting geometry " + e.getMessage());
} else {
throw new MappingException("Geometry must be defined in Application " + simContext.getName());
// create subDomains
SubVolume subVolume = simContext.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes()[0];
SubDomain subDomain = new CompartmentSubDomain(subVolume.getName(), 0);
// functions: species which is not a variable, but has dependency expression
enum1 = getSpeciesContextMappings();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SpeciesContextMapping scm = (SpeciesContextMapping) enum1.nextElement();
if (scm.getVariable() == null && scm.getDependencyExpression() != null) {
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(scm.getSpeciesContext().getStructure());
Expression exp = scm.getDependencyExpression();
SpeciesCountParameter spCountParam = getSpeciesCountParameter(scm.getSpeciesContext());
varHash.addVariable(new Function(getMathSymbol(spCountParam, sm.getGeometryClass()), getIdentifierSubstitutions(exp, spCountParam.getUnitDefinition(), sm.getGeometryClass()), domain));
addJumpProcesses(varHash, geometryClass, subDomain);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldMathMappingParameters.length; i++) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof UnitFactorParameter) {
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass()));
// set Variables to MathDescription all at once with the order resolved by "VariableHash"
// set up variable initial conditions in subDomain
SpeciesContextSpec[] scSpecs = simContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpecs();
for (int i = 0; i < speciesContextSpecs.length; i++) {
// get stochastic variable by name
SpeciesCountParameter spCountParam = getSpeciesCountParameter(speciesContextSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext());
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(speciesContextSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext().getStructure());
String varName = getMathSymbol(spCountParam, sm.getGeometryClass());
StochVolVariable var = (StochVolVariable) mathDesc.getVariable(varName);
// stochastic use initial number of particles
SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter initParm = scSpecs[i].getInitialCountParameter();
// stochastic variables initial expression.
if (initParm != null) {
VarIniCondition varIni = null;
if (!scSpecs[i].isConstant() && getSimulationContext().isRandomizeInitCondition()) {
varIni = new VarIniPoissonExpectedCount(var, new Expression(getMathSymbol(initParm, sm.getGeometryClass())));
} else {
varIni = new VarIniCount(var, new Expression(getMathSymbol(initParm, sm.getGeometryClass())));
for (int i = 0; i < fieldMathMappingParameters.length; i++) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof UnitFactorParameter) {
Variable variable = newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass());
if (mathDesc.getVariable(variable.getName()) == null) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof ObservableCountParameter) {
Variable variable = newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass());
if (mathDesc.getVariable(variable.getName()) == null) {
if (!mathDesc.isValid()) {
throw new MappingException("generated an invalid mathDescription: " + mathDesc.getWarning());