use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SBMLImporter method addReactions.
* addReactions:
protected void addReactions(VCMetaData metaData) {
if (sbmlModel == null) {
throw new SBMLImportException("SBML model is NULL");
ListOf<Reaction> reactions = sbmlModel.getListOfReactions();
final int numReactions = reactions.size();
if (numReactions == 0) {"No Reactions");
// all reactions
ArrayList<ReactionStep> vcReactionList = new ArrayList<>();
// just the fast ones
ArrayList<ReactionStep> fastReactionList = new ArrayList<>();
Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel();
ModelUnitSystem vcModelUnitSystem = vcModel.getUnitSystem();
SpeciesContext[] vcSpeciesContexts = vcModel.getSpeciesContexts();
try {
for (Reaction sbmlRxn : reactions) {
ReactionStep vcReaction = null;
String rxnName = sbmlRxn.getId();
boolean bReversible = true;
if (sbmlRxn.isSetReversible()) {
bReversible = sbmlRxn.getReversible();
// Check of reaction annotation is present; if so, does it have
// an embedded element (flux or simpleRxn).
// Create a fluxReaction or simpleReaction accordingly.
Element sbmlImportRelatedElement = sbmlAnnotationUtil.readVCellSpecificAnnotation(sbmlRxn);
Structure reactionStructure = getReactionStructure(sbmlRxn, vcSpeciesContexts, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
if (sbmlImportRelatedElement != null) {
Element embeddedRxnElement = getEmbeddedElementInAnnotation(sbmlImportRelatedElement, REACTION);
if (embeddedRxnElement != null) {
if (embeddedRxnElement.getName().equals(XMLTags.FluxStepTag)) {
// If embedded element is a flux reaction, set flux
// reaction's strucure, flux carrier, physicsOption
// from the element attributes.
String structName = embeddedRxnElement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.StructureAttrTag);
CastInfo<Membrane> ci = SBMLHelper.getTypedStructure(Membrane.class, vcModel, structName);
if (!ci.isGood()) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Appears that the flux reaction is occuring on " + ci.actualName() + ", not a membrane.");
vcReaction = new FluxReaction(vcModel, ci.get(), null, rxnName, bReversible);
// Set the fluxOption on the flux reaction based on
// whether it is molecular, molecular & electrical,
// electrical.
String fluxOptionStr = embeddedRxnElement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.FluxOptionAttrTag);
if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionMolecularOnly)) {
((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_MOLECULAR_ONLY);
} else if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionMolecularAndElectrical)) {
((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_MOLECULAR_AND_ELECTRICAL);
} else if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionElectricalOnly)) {
((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_ELECTRICAL_ONLY);
} else {
localIssueList.add(new Issue(vcReaction, issueContext, IssueCategory.SBMLImport_Reaction, "Unknown FluxOption : " + fluxOptionStr + " for SBML reaction : " + rxnName, Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING));
// logger.sendMessage(VCLogger.Priority.MediumPriority,
// VCLogger.ErrorType.ReactionError,
// "Unknown FluxOption : " + fluxOptionStr +
// " for SBML reaction : " + rxnName);
} else if (embeddedRxnElement.getName().equals(XMLTags.SimpleReactionTag)) {
// if embedded element is a simple reaction, set
// simple reaction's structure from element
// attributes
vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnName, bReversible);
} else {
vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnName, bReversible);
} else {
vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnName, bReversible);
// set annotations and notes on vcReactions[i]
sbmlAnnotationUtil.readAnnotation(vcReaction, sbmlRxn);
sbmlAnnotationUtil.readNotes(vcReaction, sbmlRxn);
// the limit on the reactionName length.
if (rxnName.length() > 64) {
String freeTextAnnotation = metaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(vcReaction);
if (freeTextAnnotation == null) {
freeTextAnnotation = "";
StringBuffer oldRxnAnnotation = new StringBuffer(freeTextAnnotation);
oldRxnAnnotation.append("\n\n" + rxnName);
metaData.setFreeTextAnnotation(vcReaction, oldRxnAnnotation.toString());
// Now add the reactants, products, modifiers as specified by
// the sbmlRxn
addReactionParticipants(sbmlRxn, vcReaction);
KineticLaw kLaw = sbmlRxn.getKineticLaw();
Kinetics kinetics = null;
if (kLaw != null) {
// Convert the formula from kineticLaw into MathML and then
// to an expression (infix) to be used in VCell kinetics
ASTNode sbmlRateMath = kLaw.getMath();
Expression kLawRateExpr = getExpressionFromFormula(sbmlRateMath);
Expression vcRateExpression = new Expression(kLawRateExpr);
// modifier (catalyst) to the reaction.
for (int k = 0; k < vcSpeciesContexts.length; k++) {
if (vcRateExpression.hasSymbol(vcSpeciesContexts[k].getName())) {
if ((vcReaction.getReactant(vcSpeciesContexts[k].getName()) == null) && (vcReaction.getProduct(vcSpeciesContexts[k].getName()) == null) && (vcReaction.getCatalyst(vcSpeciesContexts[k].getName()) == null)) {
// This means that the speciesContext is not a
// reactant, product or modifier : it has to be
// added to the VC Rxn as a catalyst
// set kinetics on VCell reaction
if (bSpatial) {
// if spatial SBML ('isSpatial' attribute set), create
// DistributedKinetics)
SpatialReactionPlugin ssrplugin = (SpatialReactionPlugin) sbmlRxn.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
// 'spatial'
if (ssrplugin != null && ssrplugin.getIsLocal()) {
kinetics = new GeneralKinetics(vcReaction);
} else {
kinetics = new GeneralLumpedKinetics(vcReaction);
} else {
kinetics = new GeneralLumpedKinetics(vcReaction);
// set kinetics on vcReaction
// If the name of the rate parameter has been changed by
// user, or matches with global/local param,
// it has to be changed.
resolveRxnParameterNameConflicts(sbmlRxn, kinetics, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
* Now, based on the kinetic law expression, see if the rate
* is expressed in concentration/time or substance/time : If
* the compartment_id of the compartment corresponding to
* the structure in which the reaction takes place occurs in
* the rate law expression, it is in concentration/time;
* divide it by the compartment size and bring in the rate
* law as 'Distributed' kinetics. If not, the rate law is in
* substance/time; bring it in (as is) as 'Lumped' kinetics.
ListOf<LocalParameter> localParameters = kLaw.getListOfLocalParameters();
for (LocalParameter p : localParameters) {
String paramName = p.getId();
KineticsParameter kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
if (kineticsParameter == null) {
// add unresolved for now to prevent errors in kinetics.setParameterValue(kp,vcRateExpression) below
KineticsParameter kp = kinetics.getAuthoritativeParameter();
if (lg.isDebugEnabled()) {
lg.debug("Setting " + kp.getName() + ": " + vcRateExpression.infix());
kinetics.setParameterValue(kp, vcRateExpression);
// If there are any global parameters used in the kinetics,
// and if they have species,
// check if the species are already reactionParticipants in
// the reaction. If not, add them as catalysts.
KineticsProxyParameter[] kpps = kinetics.getProxyParameters();
for (int j = 0; j < kpps.length; j++) {
if (kpps[j].getTarget() instanceof ModelParameter) {
ModelParameter mp = (ModelParameter) kpps[j].getTarget();
HashSet<String> refSpeciesNameHash = new HashSet<String>();
getReferencedSpeciesInExpr(mp.getExpression(), refSpeciesNameHash);
java.util.Iterator<String> refSpIterator = refSpeciesNameHash.iterator();
while (refSpIterator.hasNext()) {
String spName =;
org.sbml.jsbml.Species sp = sbmlModel.getSpecies(spName);
ArrayList<ReactionParticipant> rpArray = getVCReactionParticipantsFromSymbol(vcReaction, sp.getId());
if (rpArray == null || rpArray.size() == 0) {
// This means that the speciesContext is not
// a reactant, product or modifier : it has
// to be added as a catalyst
// model - local params cannot be defined by rules.
for (LocalParameter param : localParameters) {
String paramName = param.getId();
Expression exp = new Expression(param.getValue());
String unitString = param.getUnits();
VCUnitDefinition paramUnit = sbmlUnitIdentifierHash.get(unitString);
if (paramUnit == null) {
paramUnit = vcModelUnitSystem.getInstance_TBD();
// check if sbml local param is in kinetic params list;
// if so, add its value.
boolean lpSet = false;
KineticsParameter kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
if (kineticsParameter != null) {
if (lg.isDebugEnabled()) {
lg.debug("Setting local " + kineticsParameter.getName() + ": " + exp.infix());
lpSet = true;
} else {
UnresolvedParameter ur = kinetics.getUnresolvedParameter(paramName);
if (ur != null) {
kinetics.addUserDefinedKineticsParameter(paramName, exp, paramUnit);
lpSet = true;
if (!lpSet) {
// check if it is a proxy parameter (specifically,
// speciesContext or model parameter (structureSize
// too)).
KineticsProxyParameter kpp = kinetics.getProxyParameter(paramName);
// and units to local param values
if (kpp != null && kpp.getTarget() instanceof ModelParameter) {
kinetics.convertParameterType(kpp, false);
kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
kinetics.setParameterValue(kineticsParameter, exp);
} else {
// sbmlKLaw was null, so creating a GeneralKinetics with 0.0
// as rate.
kinetics = new GeneralKinetics(vcReaction);
// end - if-else KLaw != null
// set the reaction kinetics, and add reaction to the vcell
// model.
// System.out.println("ADDED SBML REACTION : \"" + rxnName +
// "\" to VCModel");
if (sbmlRxn.isSetFast() && sbmlRxn.getFast()) {
// end - for vcReactions
ReactionStep[] array = vcReactionList.toArray(new ReactionStep[vcReactionList.size()]);
final ReactionContext rc = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getReactionContext();
for (ReactionStep frs : fastReactionList) {
final ReactionSpec rs = rc.getReactionSpec(frs);
} catch (ModelPropertyVetoException mpve) {
throw new SBMLImportException(mpve.getMessage(), mpve);
} catch (Exception e1) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e1.getMessage(), e1);
use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class DBReactionWizardPanel method applySelectedReactionElements.
* Comment
private void applySelectedReactionElements() {
AsynchClientTask getRXSourceModelTask = new AsynchClientTask("Get RX source model", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
// Get the complete original model the user selected reaction is from
Model fromModel = getDocumentManager().getBioModel(resolvedReaction.getVCellBioModelID()).getModel();
// find the user selected ReactionStep in the original model
ReactionStep fromRXStep = null;
ReactionStep[] rxArr = fromModel.getReactionSteps();
for (int i = 0; i < rxArr.length; i++) {
if (rxArr[i].getKey().equals(resolvedReaction.getVCellRXID())) {
fromRXStep = rxArr[i];
// Create user assignment preferences
BioCartoonTool.UserResolvedRxElements userResolvedRxElements = new BioCartoonTool.UserResolvedRxElements();
userResolvedRxElements.fromSpeciesContextArr = new SpeciesContext[resolvedReaction.elementCount()];
userResolvedRxElements.toSpeciesArr = new Species[resolvedReaction.elementCount()];
userResolvedRxElements.toStructureArr = new Structure[resolvedReaction.elementCount()];
StringBuffer warningsSB = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < resolvedReaction.elementCount(); i++) {
userResolvedRxElements.fromSpeciesContextArr[i] = fromModel.getSpeciesContext(resolvedReaction.getOrigSpeciesContextName(i));
userResolvedRxElements.toSpeciesArr[i] = (speciesAssignmentJCB[i].getSelectedItem() instanceof Species ? (Species) speciesAssignmentJCB[i].getSelectedItem() : null);
userResolvedRxElements.toStructureArr[i] = (Structure) structureAssignmentJCB[i].getSelectedItem();
if (userResolvedRxElements.toSpeciesArr[i] != null) {
SpeciesContext fromSpeciesContext = userResolvedRxElements.fromSpeciesContextArr[i];
Species toSpecies = userResolvedRxElements.toSpeciesArr[i];
if (fromSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getDBSpecies() != null && !Compare.isEqualOrNull(toSpecies.getDBSpecies(), fromSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getDBSpecies())) {
warningsSB.append((warningsSB.length() > 0 ? "\n" : "") + "'" + fromSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getCommonName() + "' formal(" + (fromSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getDBSpecies() != null ? fromSpeciesContext.getSpecies().getDBSpecies().getPreferredName() : "null") + ")" + "\nwill be re-assigned to\n" + "'" + toSpecies.getCommonName() + "' formal(" + (toSpecies.getDBSpecies() != null ? toSpecies.getDBSpecies().getPreferredName() : "null") + ")");
if (warningsSB.length() > 0) {
final String proceed = "Add reaction anyway";
final String cancel = "Cancel";
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(DBReactionWizardPanel.this, "A user choice selected under 'Assign to Model species' will force re-assignment of " + "the formal reference for one of the species in the reaction.\n" + warningsSB, new String[] { proceed, cancel }, cancel);
if (result.equals(cancel)) {
throw UserCancelException.CANCEL_GENERIC;
hashTable.put("fromRXStep", fromRXStep);
hashTable.put("userResolvedRxElements", userResolvedRxElements);
AsynchClientTask pasteReactionTask = new AsynchClientTask("Paste reaction", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Model pasteToModel = DBReactionWizardPanel.this.getModel();
Structure pasteToStructure = DBReactionWizardPanel.this.getStructure();
BioCartoonTool.pasteReactionSteps(DBReactionWizardPanel.this, new ReactionStep[] { (ReactionStep) hashTable.get("fromRXStep") }, pasteToModel, pasteToStructure, false, (UserResolvedRxElements) hashTable.get("userResolvedRxElements"), rxPasteInterface);
ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(this, new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { getRXSourceModelTask, pasteReactionTask }, false, false, null, true);
use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class BNGWindowManager method importSbml.
* Comment
public void importSbml(String bngSbmlStr) {
if (bngSbmlStr == null || bngSbmlStr.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("SBMl string is empty, cannot import into VCell.");
// 1. Convert SBML string from BNG to SBML model, add unitDefintions to SBML model using VCell sbml compatible unit system
// 2. Import unit modified SBML model into VCell as biomodel
// 3. Enforce "cleaner" (looking) units on this imported biomodel (can use the units added to the sbml model above)
// 4. Convert all LumpedKinetics reactions into DistributedKinetics.
// 4. Convert this biomodel into vcml string and pass it into XMLInfo and then to RequestManager to open document.
ModelUnitSystem mus = ModelUnitSystem.createDefaultVCModelUnitSystem();
ModelUnitSystem sbmlCompatibleVCModelUnitSystem = ModelUnitSystem.createSBMLUnitSystem(mus.getVolumeSubstanceUnit(), mus.getVolumeUnit(), mus.getAreaUnit(), mus.getLengthUnit(), mus.getTimeUnit());
// display to user to change units if desired.
UnitSystemSelectionPanel unitSystemSelectionPanel = new UnitSystemSelectionPanel(true);
int retcode = DialogUtils.showComponentOKCancelDialog(getBngOutputPanel(), unitSystemSelectionPanel, "Select new unit system to import into VCell");
ModelUnitSystem forcedModelUnitSystem = null;
while (retcode == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
try {
forcedModelUnitSystem = unitSystemSelectionPanel.createModelUnitSystem();
} catch (Exception e) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(getBngOutputPanel(), e.getMessage(), e);
retcode = DialogUtils.showComponentOKCancelDialog(getBngOutputPanel(), unitSystemSelectionPanel, "Select new unit system to import into VCell");
if (forcedModelUnitSystem == null) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(getBngOutputPanel(), "Units are required for import into Virtual Cell.");
try {
// SBMLUnitTranslator.addUnitDefinitionsToSbmlModel(bngSbmlStr, forcedModelUnitSystem);
String modifiedSbmlStr = bngSbmlStr;
// Create a default VCLogger - SBMLImporter needs it
cbit.util.xml.VCLogger logger = new cbit.util.xml.VCLogger() {
public void sendMessage(Priority p, ErrorType et, String message) throws Exception {
System.err.println("LOGGER: msgLevel=" + p + ", msgType=" + et + ", " + message);
if (p == VCLogger.Priority.HighPriority) {
throw new RuntimeException("Import failed : " + message);
public void sendAllMessages() {
public boolean hasMessages() {
return false;
// import sbml String into VCell biomodel
File sbmlFile = File.createTempFile("temp", ".xml");
XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(modifiedSbmlStr, sbmlFile.getAbsolutePath(), true);
org.vcell.sbml.vcell.SBMLImporter sbmlImporter = new SBMLImporter(sbmlFile.getAbsolutePath(), logger, false);
BioModel bioModel = sbmlImporter.getBioModel();
// enforce 'cleaner looking' units on vc biomodel (the process of adding unit defintion to sbml model messes up the units, though they are correct units (eg., 1e-6m for um).
BioModel modifiedBiomodel = ModelUnitConverter.createBioModelWithNewUnitSystem(bioModel, forcedModelUnitSystem);
// convert any reaction that has GeneralLumpedKinetics to GeneralKinetics
for (ReactionStep rs : modifiedBiomodel.getModel().getReactionSteps()) {
Kinetics kinetics = rs.getKinetics();
if (kinetics instanceof LumpedKinetics) {
rs.setKinetics(DistributedKinetics.toDistributedKinetics((LumpedKinetics) kinetics));
// convert biomodel to vcml string
String vcmlString = XmlHelper.bioModelToXML(modifiedBiomodel);
ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo = new ExternalDocInfo(vcmlString);
if (externalDocInfo != null) {
getRequestManager().openDocument(externalDocInfo, this, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cound not convert BNG sbml string to VCell biomodel : ", e);
use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionCartoonTool method getLineTypeFromAttachment.
private LineType getLineTypeFromAttachment(SpeciesContext speciesContext, Point worldPoint) throws Exception {
Shape mouseOverShape = getReactionCartoon().pickWorld(worldPoint);
if (mouseOverShape instanceof ReactionStepShape) {
// check if the ReactionStep already has a ReactionParticipant for
// this SpeciesContext
ReactionStep reactionStep = (ReactionStep) mouseOverShape.getModelObject();
ReactionParticipant[] rps = reactionStep.getReactionParticipants();
if (mouseOverShape instanceof SimpleReactionShape) {
switch(mouseOverShape.getAttachmentFromAbs(worldPoint)) {
case Shape.ATTACH_LEFT:
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
if (rps[i] instanceof Reactant && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.REACTANT;
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
if (rps[i] instanceof Catalyst && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.CATALYST;
case Shape.ATTACH_RIGHT:
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
if (rps[i] instanceof Product && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.PRODUCT;
} else if (mouseOverShape instanceof FluxReactionShape) {
switch(mouseOverShape.getAttachmentFromAbs(worldPoint)) {
case Shape.ATTACH_LEFT:
// return LineType.FLUX;
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
if (rps[i] instanceof Reactant && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.REACTANT;
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
if (rps[i] instanceof Catalyst && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.CATALYST;
case Shape.ATTACH_RIGHT:
for (int i = 0; i < rps.length; i++) {
// return LineType.FLUX;
if (rps[i] instanceof Product && rps[i].getSpeciesContext() == speciesContext) {
return LineType.NULL;
return LineType.PRODUCT;
return LineType.NULL;
use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionCartoonTool method mouseReleased.
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {
if (getReactionCartoon() == null) {
try {
if (dragStructTimer != null) {
endPointWorld = getReactionCartoon().getResizeManager().unzoom(event.getPoint());
Shape endShape = getReactionCartoon().pickWorld(endPointWorld);
if (event.isPopupTrigger() && mode == Mode.SELECT) {
// win, linux popup
popupMenu(getReactionCartoon().getSelectedShape(), event.getX(), event.getY());
if (mode == Mode.SELECT && bStartRxContainerLabel) {
resetDropTargets(null, mode == Mode.STRUCTURE);
if (endShape != null && endShape instanceof ReactionContainerShape) {
Rectangle labelOutlineRectangle = ((ReactionContainerShape) endShape).getLabelOutline(endShape.getAbsX(), endShape.getAbsY());
boolean bLabel = labelOutlineRectangle.contains(startPointWorld.x, startPointWorld.y);
getGraphPane().setCursor((bLabel ? Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR) : Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)));
bStartRxContainerLabel = false;
RXContainerDropTargetInfo trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo = getSelectedContainerDropTargetInfo();
lastRXContainerDropTargetInfoMap = null;
if (trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo == null) {
// turn off rxDropTargetRectangles
StructureSuite structureSuite = null;
structureSuite = getReactionCartoon().getStructureSuite();
if (structureSuite != null) {
Structure[] originalOrderedStructArr = structureSuite.getStructures().toArray(new Structure[0]);
// find where user wants to put the structure
try {
if (trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo != null) {
ArrayList<Structure> newStructOrderList = new ArrayList<Structure>(Arrays.asList(originalOrderedStructArr));
newStructOrderList.remove(((ReactionContainerShape) startShape).getStructure());
int indexEnd = newStructOrderList.indexOf(((ReactionContainerShape) trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo.dropShape).getStructure());
int indexClosestNeighbor = (trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo.closestNeighborShape == null ? (trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo.insertFlag == RXContainerDropTargetInfo.INSERT_BEGINNING ? 0 : newStructOrderList.size()) : newStructOrderList.indexOf(((ReactionContainerShape) trueRXContainerDropTargetInfo.closestNeighborShape).getStructure()));
if (indexClosestNeighbor < indexEnd) {
newStructOrderList.add(indexEnd, ((ReactionContainerShape) startShape).getStructure());
} else {
newStructOrderList.add(indexClosestNeighbor, ((ReactionContainerShape) startShape).getStructure());
if (structureSuite instanceof AllStructureSuite) {
((AllStructureSuite) structureSuite).setModelStructureOrder(true);
ArrayList<Diagram> newDiagramOrderList = new ArrayList<Diagram>();
for (Structure structure : newStructOrderList) {
getModel().setDiagrams(newDiagramOrderList.toArray(new Diagram[0]));
} catch (Exception e) {
// else do select and move
switch(mode) {
case SELECT:
if (bMoving) {
((JViewport) getGraphPane().getParent()).revalidate();
} else if (bRectStretch) {
Point absLoc = rectShape.getSpaceManager().getRelPos();
Dimension size = rectShape.getSpaceManager().getSize();
// remove temporary rectangle
rectShape = null;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(absLoc.x, absLoc.y, size.width, size.height);
boolean bShift = (event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) == InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK;
boolean bCntrl = (event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) == InputEvent.CTRL_MASK;
selectEventFromWorld(rect, bShift, bCntrl);
bMoving = false;
movingShape = null;
bRectStretch = false;
rectShape = null;
if (bLineStretch && getDragDistanceSquared() >= MIN_DRAG_DISTANCE_TO_CREATE_NEW_ELEMENTS_SQUARED) {
bLineStretch = false;
// set label and color for line depending on which shape the edge started.
// (rather than attachment area on ReactionStepShape)
LineType lineType = getLineTypeFromDirection(startShape, endPointWorld);
if (endShape instanceof SimpleReactionShape) {
SimpleReaction simpleReaction = (SimpleReaction) endShape.getModelObject();
Object startShapeObject = null;
if (startShape != null) {
startShapeObject = startShape.getModelObject();
if (startShapeObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
SpeciesContext speciesContext = (SpeciesContext) startShapeObject;
lineAction(speciesContext, simpleReaction);
} else if (startShapeObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure structure = (Structure) startShapeObject;
lineActon(structure, simpleReaction);
} else if (endShape instanceof SpeciesContextShape) {
SpeciesContext speciesContextEnd = (SpeciesContext) endShape.getModelObject();
Object startShapeObject = null;
if (startShape != null) {
startShapeObject = startShape.getModelObject();
if (startShapeObject instanceof SimpleReaction) {
SimpleReaction simpleReaction = (SimpleReaction) startShapeObject;
lineAction(simpleReaction, speciesContextEnd);
} else if (startShapeObject instanceof FluxReaction) {
FluxReaction fluxReaction = (FluxReaction) startShapeObject;
lineAction(fluxReaction, speciesContextEnd);
} else if (startShapeObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
SpeciesContext speciesContextStart = (SpeciesContext) startShapeObject;
if (!speciesContextStart.equals(speciesContextEnd)) {
lineAction(speciesContextStart, speciesContextEnd);
} else if (startShapeObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure startStructure = (Structure) startShapeObject;
lineAction(startStructure, speciesContextEnd);
} else if (endShape instanceof FluxReactionShape) {
FluxReaction fluxReaction = (FluxReaction) endShape.getModelObject();
Object startShapeObject = null;
if (startShape != null) {
startShapeObject = startShape.getModelObject();
if (startShapeObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
SpeciesContext speciesContext = (SpeciesContext) startShapeObject;
lineAction(speciesContext, fluxReaction);
} else if (startShapeObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure structure = (Structure) startShapeObject;
lineActon(structure, fluxReaction);
// remove temporary edge
edgeShape = null;
} else if (endShape instanceof ReactionContainerShape) {
Structure endStructure = (Structure) endShape.getModelObject();
Object startObject = null;
if (startShape != null) {
startObject = startShape.getModelObject();
if (startObject instanceof SimpleReaction) {
SimpleReaction reaction = (SimpleReaction) startObject;
lineAction(reaction, endStructure);
} else if (startObject instanceof FluxReaction) {
FluxReaction reaction = (FluxReaction) startObject;
lineAction(reaction, endStructure);
} else if (startObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
SpeciesContext speciesContextStart = (SpeciesContext) startObject;
lineAction(speciesContextStart, endStructure);
} else if (startObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure startStructure = (Structure) startObject;
lineAction(startStructure, endStructure, endShape);
if (bLineStretch && getDragDistanceSquared() >= MIN_DRAG_DISTANCE_TO_CREATE_NEW_ELEMENTS_SQUARED) {
bLineStretch = false;
// set label and color for line depending on which shape the edge started.
// (rather than attachment area on ReactionStepShape)
Object startObject = startShape.getModelObject();
Object endObject = endShape.getModelObject();
ReactionStep reactionStep = null;
SpeciesContext speciesContext = null;
if (startObject instanceof ReactionStep) {
reactionStep = (ReactionStep) startObject;
if (endObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(reactionStep.getStructure(), ((SpeciesContext) endObject).getStructure())) {
speciesContext = (SpeciesContext) endObject;
} else if (endObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure endStructure = (Structure) endObject;
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(reactionStep.getStructure(), endStructure)) {
speciesContext = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSpeciesContext(endStructure);
Point endPos = edgeShape.getEnd();
positionShapeForObject(endStructure, speciesContext, endPos);
} else if (startObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
speciesContext = (SpeciesContext) startObject;
if (endObject instanceof ReactionStep) {
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(((ReactionStep) endObject).getStructure(), speciesContext.getStructure())) {
reactionStep = (ReactionStep) endObject;
} else if (endObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure endStructure = (Structure) endObject;
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(endStructure, speciesContext.getStructure())) {
reactionStep = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSimpleReaction(endStructure);
Point endPos = edgeShape.getEnd();
positionShapeForObject(endStructure, reactionStep, endPos);
} else if (startObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure startStructure = (Structure) startObject;
if (endObject instanceof ReactionStep) {
reactionStep = (ReactionStep) endObject;
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(reactionStep.getStructure(), startStructure)) {
speciesContext = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSpeciesContext(startStructure);
positionShapeForObject(startStructure, speciesContext, startPointWorld);
} else if (endObject instanceof SpeciesContext) {
speciesContext = (SpeciesContext) endObject;
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(startStructure, speciesContext.getStructure())) {
reactionStep = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSimpleReaction(startStructure);
positionShapeForObject(startStructure, reactionStep, startPointWorld);
} else if (endObject instanceof Structure) {
Structure endStructure = (Structure) endObject;
if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(startStructure, endStructure)) {
speciesContext = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSpeciesContext(endStructure);
reactionStep = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSimpleReaction(startStructure);
Point endPos = edgeShape.getEnd();
positionShapeForObject(endStructure, speciesContext, endPos);
positionShapeForObject(startStructure, reactionStep, startPointWorld);
} else if (StructureUtil.reactionHereCanHaveParticipantThere(endStructure, startStructure)) {
speciesContext = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSpeciesContext(startStructure);
reactionStep = getReactionCartoon().getModel().createSimpleReaction(endStructure);
positionShapeForObject(startStructure, speciesContext, startPointWorld);
Point endPos = edgeShape.getEnd();
positionShapeForObject(endStructure, reactionStep, endPos);
if (reactionStep != null && speciesContext != null) {
Catalyst catalyst = null;
for (ReactionParticipant participant : reactionStep.getReactionParticipants()) {
if (participant instanceof Catalyst && participant.getSpeciesContext().equals(speciesContext)) {
catalyst = (Catalyst) participant;
if (catalyst == null) {
// add reactionParticipant to model
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("CartoonTool.mouseReleased: uncaught exception");