use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlHelper method exportSBML.
* Exports VCML format to another supported format (currently: SBML or CellML). It allows
* choosing a specific Simulation Spec to export.
* Creation date: (4/8/2003 12:30:27 PM)
* @return java.lang.String
public static String exportSBML(VCDocument vcDoc, int level, int version, int pkgVersion, boolean isSpatial, SimulationContext simContext, SimulationJob simJob) throws XmlParseException {
if (vcDoc == null) {
throw new XmlParseException("Invalid arguments for exporting SBML.");
if (vcDoc instanceof BioModel) {
try {
// clone BioModel
BioModel clonedBioModel = cloneBioModel(simContext.getBioModel());
// extract the simContext from new Biomodel. Apply overrides to *this* modified simContext
SimulationContext simContextFromClonedBioModel = clonedBioModel.getSimulationContext(simContext.getName());
SimulationContext clonedSimContext = applyOverridesForSBML(clonedBioModel, simContextFromClonedBioModel, simJob);
// extract sim (in simJob) from modified Biomodel, if not null
SimulationJob modifiedSimJob = null;
if (simJob != null) {
Simulation simFromClonedBiomodel = clonedSimContext.getSimulation(simJob.getSimulation().getName());
modifiedSimJob = new SimulationJob(simFromClonedBiomodel, simJob.getJobIndex(), null);
SBMLExporter sbmlExporter = new SBMLExporter(clonedBioModel, level, version, isSpatial);
String sbmlSTring = sbmlExporter.getSBMLString();
// cleanup the string of all the "sameAs" statements
sbmlSTring = SBMLAnnotationUtil.postProcessCleanup(sbmlSTring);
return sbmlSTring;
} catch (SbmlException | SBMLException | XMLStreamException e) {
throw new XmlParseException(e);
} else if (vcDoc instanceof MathModel) {
try {
return MathModel_SBMLExporter.getSBMLString((MathModel) vcDoc, level, version);
} catch (ExpressionException | IOException | SBMLException | XMLStreamException e) {
throw new XmlParseException(e);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported Document Type " + vcDoc.getClass().getName() + " for SBML export");
use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SBMLImporter method addGeometry.
protected void addGeometry() {
// get a Geometry object via SpatialModelPlugin object.
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.Geometry sbmlGeometry = getSbmlGeometry();
if (sbmlGeometry == null) {
int dimension = 0;
Origin vcOrigin = null;
Extent vcExtent = null;
// local code block
// get a CoordComponent object via the Geometry object.
ListOf<CoordinateComponent> listOfCoordComps = sbmlGeometry.getListOfCoordinateComponents();
if (listOfCoordComps == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have 0 coordinate compartments in geometry");
// coord component
double ox = 0.0;
double oy = 0.0;
double oz = 0.0;
double ex = 1.0;
double ey = 1.0;
double ez = 1.0;
for (CoordinateComponent coordComponent : listOfCoordComps) {
double minValue = coordComponent.getBoundaryMinimum().getValue();
double maxValue = coordComponent.getBoundaryMaximum().getValue();
switch(coordComponent.getType()) {
case cartesianX:
ox = minValue;
ex = maxValue - minValue;
case cartesianY:
oy = minValue;
ey = maxValue - minValue;
case cartesianZ:
oz = minValue;
ez = maxValue - minValue;
vcOrigin = new Origin(ox, oy, oz);
vcExtent = new Extent(ex, ey, ez);
// from geometry definition, find out which type of geometry : image or
// analytic or CSG
AnalyticGeometry analyticGeometryDefinition = null;
CSGeometry csGeometry = null;
SampledFieldGeometry segmentedSampledFieldGeometry = null;
SampledFieldGeometry distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry = null;
ParametricGeometry parametricGeometry = null;
for (int i = 0; i < sbmlGeometry.getListOfGeometryDefinitions().size(); i++) {
GeometryDefinition gd_temp = sbmlGeometry.getListOfGeometryDefinitions().get(i);
if (!gd_temp.isSetIsActive()) {
if (gd_temp instanceof AnalyticGeometry) {
analyticGeometryDefinition = (AnalyticGeometry) gd_temp;
} else if (gd_temp instanceof SampledFieldGeometry) {
SampledFieldGeometry sfg = (SampledFieldGeometry) gd_temp;
String sfn = sfg.getSampledField();
ListOf<SampledField> sampledFields = sbmlGeometry.getListOfSampledFields();
if (sampledFields.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("only one sampled field supported");
InterpolationKind ik = sampledFields.get(0).getInterpolationType();
switch(ik) {
case linear:
distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry = sfg;
case nearestNeighbor:
segmentedSampledFieldGeometry = sfg;
lg.warn("Unsupported " + sampledFields.get(0).getName() + " interpolation type " + ik);
} else if (gd_temp instanceof CSGeometry) {
csGeometry = (CSGeometry) gd_temp;
} else if (gd_temp instanceof ParametricGeometry) {
parametricGeometry = (ParametricGeometry) gd_temp;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported geometry definition type " + gd_temp.getClass().getSimpleName());
if (analyticGeometryDefinition == null && segmentedSampledFieldGeometry == null && distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry == null && csGeometry == null) {
throw new SBMLImportException("VCell supports only Analytic, Image based (segmentd or distance map) or Constructed Solid Geometry at this time.");
GeometryDefinition selectedGeometryDefinition = null;
if (csGeometry != null) {
selectedGeometryDefinition = csGeometry;
} else if (analyticGeometryDefinition != null) {
selectedGeometryDefinition = analyticGeometryDefinition;
} else if (segmentedSampledFieldGeometry != null) {
selectedGeometryDefinition = segmentedSampledFieldGeometry;
} else if (distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry != null) {
selectedGeometryDefinition = distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry;
} else if (parametricGeometry != null) {
selectedGeometryDefinition = parametricGeometry;
} else {
throw new SBMLImportException("no geometry definition found");
Geometry vcGeometry = null;
if (selectedGeometryDefinition == analyticGeometryDefinition || selectedGeometryDefinition == csGeometry) {
vcGeometry = new Geometry("spatialGeom", dimension);
} else if (selectedGeometryDefinition == distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry || selectedGeometryDefinition == segmentedSampledFieldGeometry) {
SampledFieldGeometry sfg = (SampledFieldGeometry) selectedGeometryDefinition;
// get image from sampledFieldGeometry
// get a sampledVol object via the listOfSampledVol (from
// SampledGeometry) object.
// gcw gcw gcw
String sfn = sfg.getSampledField();
SampledField sf = null;
for (SampledField sampledField : sbmlGeometry.getListOfSampledFields()) {
if (sampledField.getSpatialId().equals(sfn)) {
sf = sampledField;
int numX = sf.getNumSamples1();
int numY = sf.getNumSamples2();
int numZ = sf.getNumSamples3();
int[] samples = new int[sf.getSamplesLength()];
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(sf.getSamples(), " ");
int count = 0;
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
int sample = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
samples[count++] = sample;
byte[] imageInBytes = new byte[samples.length];
if (selectedGeometryDefinition == distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry) {
for (int i = 0; i < imageInBytes.length; i++) {
// if (interpolation(samples[i])<0){
if (samples[i] < 0) {
imageInBytes[i] = -1;
} else {
imageInBytes[i] = 1;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < imageInBytes.length; i++) {
imageInBytes[i] = (byte) samples[i];
try {
// System.out.println("ident " + sf.getId() + " " + sf.getName());
VCImage vcImage = null;
CompressionKind ck = sf.getCompression();
DataKind dk = sf.getDataType();
if (ck == CompressionKind.deflated) {
vcImage = new VCImageCompressed(null, imageInBytes, vcExtent, numX, numY, numZ);
} else {
switch(dk) {
case UINT8:
case UINT16:
case UINT32:
vcImage = new VCImageUncompressed(null, imageInBytes, vcExtent, numX, numY, numZ);
if (vcImage == null) {
throw new SbmlException("Unsupported type combination " + ck + ", " + dk + " for sampled field " + sf.getName());
ListOf<SampledVolume> sampledVolumes = sfg.getListOfSampledVolumes();
final int numSampledVols = sampledVolumes.size();
if (numSampledVols == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have 0 sampled volumes in sampledField (image_based) geometry");
// check to see if values are uniquely integer , add set up scaling if necessary
double scaleFactor = checkPixelScaling(sampledVolumes, 1);
if (scaleFactor != 1) {
double checkScaleFactor = checkPixelScaling(sampledVolumes, scaleFactor);
VCAssert.assertTrue(checkScaleFactor != scaleFactor, "Scale factor check failed");
VCPixelClass[] vcpixelClasses = new VCPixelClass[numSampledVols];
// get pixel classes for geometry
for (int i = 0; i < numSampledVols; i++) {
SampledVolume sVol = sampledVolumes.get(i);
// from subVolume, get pixelClass?
final int scaled = (int) (scaleFactor * sVol.getSampledValue());
vcpixelClasses[i] = new VCPixelClass(null, sVol.getDomainType(), scaled);
// now create image geometry
vcGeometry = new Geometry("spatialGeom", vcImage);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create image from SampledFieldGeometry : " + e.getMessage());
GeometrySpec vcGeometrySpec = vcGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to set extent on VC geometry : " + e.getMessage(), e);
// get listOfDomainTypes via the Geometry object.
ListOf<DomainType> listOfDomainTypes = sbmlGeometry.getListOfDomainTypes();
if (listOfDomainTypes == null || listOfDomainTypes.size() < 1) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Cannot have 0 domainTypes in geometry");
// get a listOfDomains via the Geometry object.
ListOf<Domain> listOfDomains = sbmlGeometry.getListOfDomains();
if (listOfDomains == null || listOfDomains.size() < 1) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Cannot have 0 domains in geometry");
// ListOfGeometryDefinitions listOfGeomDefns =
// sbmlGeometry.getListOfGeometryDefinitions();
// if ((listOfGeomDefns == null) ||
// (sbmlGeometry.getNumGeometryDefinitions() > 1)) {
// throw new
// RuntimeException("Can have only 1 geometry definition in geometry");
// }
// use the boolean bAnalytic to create the right kind of subvolume.
// First match the somVol=domainTypes for spDim=3. Deal witl spDim=2
// afterwards.
GeometrySurfaceDescription vcGsd = vcGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
Vector<DomainType> surfaceClassDomainTypesVector = new Vector<DomainType>();
try {
for (DomainType dt : listOfDomainTypes) {
if (dt.getSpatialDimensions() == 3) {
// subvolume
if (selectedGeometryDefinition == analyticGeometryDefinition) {
// will set expression later - when reading in Analytic
// Volumes in GeometryDefinition
vcGeometrySpec.addSubVolume(new AnalyticSubVolume(dt.getId(), new Expression(1.0)));
} else {
// add SubVolumes later for CSG and Image-based
} else if (dt.getSpatialDimensions() == 2) {
// analytic vol is needed to get the expression for subVols
if (selectedGeometryDefinition == analyticGeometryDefinition) {
// get an analyticVol object via the listOfAnalyticVol (from
// AnalyticGeometry) object.
ListOf<AnalyticVolume> aVolumes = analyticGeometryDefinition.getListOfAnalyticVolumes();
if (aVolumes.size() < 1) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Cannot have 0 Analytic volumes in analytic geometry");
for (AnalyticVolume analyticVol : aVolumes) {
// get subVol from VC geometry using analyticVol spatialId;
// set its expr using analyticVol's math.
SubVolume vcSubvolume = vcGeometrySpec.getSubVolume(analyticVol.getDomainType());
CastInfo<AnalyticSubVolume> ci = BeanUtils.attemptCast(AnalyticSubVolume.class, vcSubvolume);
if (!ci.isGood()) {
throw new RuntimeException("analytic volume '" + analyticVol.getId() + "' does not map to any VC subvolume.");
AnalyticSubVolume asv = ci.get();
try {
Expression subVolExpr = getExpressionFromFormula(analyticVol.getMath());
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to set expression on subVolume '" + asv.getName() + "'. " + e.getMessage(), e);
SampledFieldGeometry sfg = BeanUtils.downcast(SampledFieldGeometry.class, selectedGeometryDefinition);
if (sfg != null) {
ListOf<SampledVolume> sampledVolumes = sfg.getListOfSampledVolumes();
int numSampledVols = sampledVolumes.size();
if (numSampledVols == 0) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Cannot have 0 sampled volumes in sampledField (image_based) geometry");
VCPixelClass[] vcpixelClasses = new VCPixelClass[numSampledVols];
ImageSubVolume[] vcImageSubVols = new ImageSubVolume[numSampledVols];
// get pixel classes for geometry
int idx = 0;
for (SampledVolume sVol : sampledVolumes) {
// from subVolume, get pixelClass?
final String name = sVol.getDomainType();
final int pixelValue = SBMLUtils.ignoreZeroFraction(sVol.getSampledValue());
VCPixelClass pc = new VCPixelClass(null, name, pixelValue);
vcpixelClasses[idx] = pc;
// Create the new Image SubVolume - use index of this for
// loop as 'handle' for ImageSubVol?
ImageSubVolume isv = new ImageSubVolume(null, pc, idx);
vcImageSubVols[idx++] = isv;
if (selectedGeometryDefinition == csGeometry) {
ListOf<org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject> listOfcsgObjs = csGeometry.getListOfCSGObjects();
ArrayList<org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject> sbmlCSGs = new ArrayList<org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject>(listOfcsgObjs);
// we want the CSGObj with highest ordinal to be the first
// element in the CSG subvols array.
Collections.sort(sbmlCSGs, new Comparator<org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject>() {
public int compare(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject lhs, org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject rhs) {
// minus one to reverse sort
return -1 *, rhs.getOrdinal());
int n = sbmlCSGs.size();
CSGObject[] vcCSGSubVolumes = new CSGObject[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject sbmlCSGObject = sbmlCSGs.get(i);
CSGObject vcellCSGObject = new CSGObject(null, sbmlCSGObject.getDomainType(), i);
// Call geom.geomSurfDesc.updateAll() to automatically generate
// surface classes.
// vcGsd.updateAll();
vcGeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to create VC subVolumes from SBML domainTypes : " + e.getMessage(), e);
// should now map each SBML domain to right VC geometric region.
GeometricRegion[] vcGeomRegions = vcGsd.getGeometricRegions();
ISize sampleSize = vcGsd.getVolumeSampleSize();
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = vcGsd.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
int numX = sampleSize.getX();
int numY = sampleSize.getY();
int numZ = sampleSize.getZ();
double ox = vcOrigin.getX();
double oy = vcOrigin.getY();
double oz = vcOrigin.getZ();
for (Domain domain : listOfDomains) {
String domainType = domain.getDomainType();
InteriorPoint interiorPt = domain.getListOfInteriorPoints().get(0);
if (interiorPt == null) {
DomainType currDomainType = null;
for (DomainType dt : sbmlGeometry.getListOfDomainTypes()) {
if (dt.getSpatialId().equals(domainType)) {
currDomainType = dt;
if (currDomainType.getSpatialDimensions() == 2) {
Coordinate sbmlInteriorPtCoord = new Coordinate(interiorPt.getCoord1(), interiorPt.getCoord2(), interiorPt.getCoord3());
for (int j = 0; j < vcGeomRegions.length; j++) {
if (vcGeomRegions[j] instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
int regionID = ((VolumeGeometricRegion) vcGeomRegions[j]).getRegionID();
for (int k = 0; k < regionInfos.length; k++) {
// (using gemoRegion regionID).
if (regionInfos[k].getRegionIndex() == regionID) {
int volIndx = 0;
Coordinate nearestPtCoord = null;
double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// represented by SBML 'domain[i]'.
for (int z = 0; z < numZ; z++) {
for (int y = 0; y < numY; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < numX; x++) {
if (regionInfos[k].isIndexInRegion(volIndx)) {
double unit_z = (numZ > 1) ? ((double) z) / (numZ - 1) : 0.5;
double coordZ = oz + vcExtent.getZ() * unit_z;
double unit_y = (numY > 1) ? ((double) y) / (numY - 1) : 0.5;
double coordY = oy + vcExtent.getY() * unit_y;
double unit_x = (numX > 1) ? ((double) x) / (numX - 1) : 0.5;
double coordX = ox + vcExtent.getX() * unit_x;
// for now, find the shortest dist
// coord. Can refine algo later.
Coordinate vcCoord = new Coordinate(coordX, coordY, coordZ);
double distance = sbmlInteriorPtCoord.distanceTo(vcCoord);
if (distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
nearestPtCoord = vcCoord;
// end - for x
// end - for y
// with domain name
if (nearestPtCoord != null) {
GeometryClass geomClassSBML = vcGeometry.getGeometryClass(domainType);
// we know vcGeometryReg[j] is a VolGeomRegion
GeometryClass geomClassVC = ((VolumeGeometricRegion) vcGeomRegions[j]).getSubVolume();
if (geomClassSBML.compareEqual(geomClassVC)) {
// end if (regInfoIndx = regId)
// end - for regInfo
// end for - vcGeomRegions
// deal with surfaceClass:spDim2-domainTypes
for (int i = 0; i < surfaceClassDomainTypesVector.size(); i++) {
DomainType surfaceClassDomainType = surfaceClassDomainTypesVector.elementAt(i);
// 'surfaceClassDomainType'
for (Domain d : listOfDomains) {
if (d.getDomainType().equals(surfaceClassDomainType.getId())) {
// get the adjacent domains of this 'surface' domain
// (surface domain + its 2 adj vol domains)
Set<Domain> adjacentDomainsSet = getAssociatedAdjacentDomains(sbmlGeometry, d);
// get the domain types of the adjacent domains in SBML and
// store the corresponding subVol counterparts from VC for
// adj vol domains
Vector<SubVolume> adjacentSubVolumesVector = new Vector<SubVolume>();
Vector<VolumeGeometricRegion> adjVolGeomRegionsVector = new Vector<VolumeGeometricRegion>();
Iterator<Domain> iterator = adjacentDomainsSet.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Domain dom =;
DomainType dt = getBySpatialID(sbmlGeometry.getListOfDomainTypes(), dom.getDomainType());
if (dt.getSpatialDimensions() == 3) {
// for domain type with sp. dim = 3, get
// correspoinding subVol from VC geometry.
GeometryClass gc = vcGeometry.getGeometryClass(dt.getId());
adjacentSubVolumesVector.add((SubVolume) gc);
// store volGeomRegions corresponding to this (vol)
// geomClass in adjVolGeomRegionsVector : this
// should return ONLY 1 region for subVol.
GeometricRegion[] geomRegion = vcGsd.getGeometricRegions(gc);
adjVolGeomRegionsVector.add((VolumeGeometricRegion) geomRegion[0]);
// there should be only 2 subVols in this vector
if (adjacentSubVolumesVector.size() != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have more or less than 2 subvolumes that are adjacent to surface (membrane) '" + d.getId() + "'");
// get the surface class with these 2 adj subVols. Set its
// name to that of 'surfaceClassDomainType'
SurfaceClass surfacClass = vcGsd.getSurfaceClass(adjacentSubVolumesVector.get(0), adjacentSubVolumesVector.get(1));
// get surfaceGeometricRegion that has adjVolGeomRegions as
// its adjacent vol geom regions and set its name from
// domain 'd'
SurfaceGeometricRegion surfaceGeomRegion = getAssociatedSurfaceGeometricRegion(vcGsd, adjVolGeomRegionsVector);
if (surfaceGeomRegion != null) {
// end if - domain.domainType == surfaceClassDomainType
// end for - numDomains
// structureMappings in VC from compartmentMappings in SBML
try {
// set geometry first and then set structureMappings?
// update simContextName ...
vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).setName(vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getName() + "_" + vcGeometry.getName());
Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel();
ModelUnitSystem vcModelUnitSystem = vcModel.getUnitSystem();
Vector<StructureMapping> structMappingsVector = new Vector<StructureMapping>();
SpatialCompartmentPlugin cplugin = null;
for (int i = 0; i < sbmlModel.getNumCompartments(); i++) {
Compartment c = sbmlModel.getCompartment(i);
String cname = c.getName();
cplugin = (SpatialCompartmentPlugin) c.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
CompartmentMapping compMapping = cplugin.getCompartmentMapping();
if (compMapping != null) {
// final String id = compMapping.getId();
// final String name = compMapping.getName();
CastInfo<Structure> ci = SBMLHelper.getTypedStructure(Structure.class, vcModel, cname);
if (ci.isGood()) {
Structure struct = ci.get();
String domainType = compMapping.getDomainType();
GeometryClass geometryClass = vcGeometry.getGeometryClass(domainType);
double unitSize = compMapping.getUnitSize();
Feature feat = BeanUtils.downcast(Feature.class, struct);
if (feat != null) {
FeatureMapping featureMapping = new FeatureMapping(feat, vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0), vcModelUnitSystem);
if (geometryClass instanceof SubVolume) {
featureMapping.getVolumePerUnitVolumeParameter().setExpression(new Expression(unitSize));
} else if (geometryClass instanceof SurfaceClass) {
featureMapping.getVolumePerUnitAreaParameter().setExpression(new Expression(unitSize));
} else if (struct instanceof Membrane) {
MembraneMapping membraneMapping = new MembraneMapping((Membrane) struct, vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0), vcModelUnitSystem);
if (geometryClass instanceof SubVolume) {
membraneMapping.getAreaPerUnitVolumeParameter().setExpression(new Expression(unitSize));
} else if (geometryClass instanceof SurfaceClass) {
membraneMapping.getAreaPerUnitAreaParameter().setExpression(new Expression(unitSize));
StructureMapping[] structMappings = structMappingsVector.toArray(new StructureMapping[0]);
// if type from SBML parameter Boundary Condn is not the same as the
// boundary type of the
// structureMapping of structure of paramSpContext, set the boundary
// condn type of the structureMapping
// to the value of 'type' from SBML parameter Boundary Condn.
ListOf<Parameter> listOfGlobalParams = sbmlModel.getListOfParameters();
for (Parameter sbmlGlobalParam : sbmlModel.getListOfParameters()) {
SpatialParameterPlugin spplugin = (SpatialParameterPlugin) sbmlGlobalParam.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
ParameterType paramType = spplugin.getParamType();
if (!(paramType instanceof BoundaryCondition)) {
BoundaryCondition bCondn = (BoundaryCondition) paramType;
if (bCondn.isSetVariable()) {
// get the var of boundaryCondn; find appropriate spContext
// in vcell;
SpeciesContext paramSpContext = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel().getSpeciesContext(bCondn.getVariable());
if (paramSpContext != null) {
Structure s = paramSpContext.getStructure();
StructureMapping sm = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(s);
if (sm != null) {
BoundaryConditionType bct = null;
switch(bCondn.getType()) {
case Dirichlet:
bct = BoundaryConditionType.DIRICHLET;
case Neumann:
bct = BoundaryConditionType.NEUMANN;
case Robin_inwardNormalGradientCoefficient:
case Robin_sum:
case Robin_valueCoefficient:
throw new RuntimeException("boundary condition type " + bCondn.getType().name() + " not supported");
for (CoordinateComponent coordComp : getSbmlGeometry().getListOfCoordinateComponents()) {
if (bCondn.getSpatialRef().equals(coordComp.getBoundaryMinimum().getSpatialId())) {
switch(coordComp.getType()) {
case cartesianX:
case cartesianY:
case cartesianZ:
if (bCondn.getSpatialRef().equals(coordComp.getBoundaryMaximum().getSpatialId())) {
switch(coordComp.getType()) {
case cartesianX:
case cartesianY:
case cartesianZ:
} else // sm != null
logger.sendMessage(VCLogger.Priority.MediumPriority, VCLogger.ErrorType.OverallWarning, "No structure " + s.getName() + " requested by species context " + paramSpContext.getName());
// end if (paramSpContext != null)
// end if (bCondn.isSetVar())
// end for (sbmlModel.numParams)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to create VC structureMappings from SBML compartment mappings : " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SBMLImporter method translateSBMLModel.
* translateSBMLModel:
private void translateSBMLModel() {
// Add Function Definitions (Lambda functions).
// Check for SBML features not supported in VCell; stop import process if present.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e.getMessage(), e);
// Create Virtual Cell Model with species, compartment, etc. and read in the 'values' from the SBML model
// Add compartmentTypes (not handled in VCell)
// Add spciesTypes (not handled in VCell)
// when sbml non-spatial model uses a vCell reserved symbols x,y,z as
Map<String, String> vcToSbmlNameMap = new HashMap<>();
// species or reaction name (ex: in the BMDB database), we rename it
Map<String, String> sbmlToVcNameMap = new HashMap<>();
// could be defined by assignment rules
try {
// we just read and place them in a hash
} catch (SBMLImportException sie) {
throw sie;
} catch (Exception ee) {
throw new SBMLImportException(ee.getMessage(), ee);
// Add features/compartments
VCMetaData vcMetaData = vcBioModel.getVCMetaData();
Map<String, Expression> deferredStructureExpression = new HashMap<>();
addCompartments(vcMetaData, deferredStructureExpression);
// Add species/speciesContexts
addSpecies(vcMetaData, vcToSbmlNameMap, sbmlToVcNameMap);
// Add Parameters
try {
addParameters(vcToSbmlNameMap, sbmlToVcNameMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e.getMessage(), e);
// If species variables were renamed from x,y,z, apply corrections to the hash
try {
} catch (ExpressionException | PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e.getMessage(), e);
// Set initial conditions on species
// assignment rules must be present already because initConc set by an assignment rule
// takes precedence over initConc value set on species
// Add InitialAssignments
addInitialAssignments(deferredStructureExpression, sbmlToVcNameMap);
// Add constraints (not handled in VCell)
// Add Reactions
addReactions(vcMetaData, vcToSbmlNameMap, sbmlToVcNameMap);
// Check if we found and renamed successfully any reserved symbols used as species or reaction name
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sbmlToVcNameMap.entrySet()) {
String sbmlName = entry.getKey();
String vcName = entry.getValue();
localIssueList.add(new Issue(vcBioModel, issueContext, IssueCategory.SBMLImport_ReservedSymbolUsed, "Reserved vCell symbol '" + sbmlName + "' found and replaced with '" + vcName + "' during import. Please check for correctness.", Issue.Severity.WARNING));
// for those vars can be read in).
try {
} catch (ExpressionException | SBMLException | XMLStreamException | PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e.getMessage(), e);
// now that we have the parameters loaded, we can bind
// TODO: use BMDB model Whitcomb to test comp size initialized with expression
// Sort VCell-model Structures in structure array according to reaction
// adjacency and parentCompartment.
Structure[] sortedStructures = StructureSorter.sortStructures(vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel());
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e1) {
throw new SBMLImportException("Error while sorting compartments: " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
// Add Events
// (say, > 64), if so give warning.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SBMLImportException(e.getMessage(), e);
// Add geometry, if sbml model is spatial
if (bSpatial) {
// post processing
use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationServiceImpl method getSBML.
public String getSBML(String vcml, String applicationName) throws ThriftDataAccessException, TException {
try {
BioModel bioModel = XmlHelper.XMLToBioModel(new XMLSource(vcml));
SimulationContext simContext = bioModel.getSimulationContext(applicationName);
SBMLExporter exporter = new SBMLExporter(simContext, 3, 1, simContext.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0);
VCellSBMLDoc sbmlDoc = exporter.convertToSBML();
return sbmlDoc.xmlString;
} catch (SBMLException | XmlParseException | SbmlException | XMLStreamException e) {
throw new ThriftDataAccessException("failed to generate SBML document: " + e.getMessage());
use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SBMLExporter method addSpecies.
* addSpecies comment.
* @throws XMLStreamException
* @throws SbmlException
protected void addSpecies() throws XMLStreamException, SbmlException {
Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getModel();
SpeciesContext[] vcSpeciesContexts = vcModel.getSpeciesContexts();
for (int i = 0; i < vcSpeciesContexts.length; i++) {
org.sbml.jsbml.Species sbmlSpecies = sbmlModel.createSpecies();
if (vcSpeciesContexts[i].getSbmlName() != null) {
// Assuming that at this point, the compartment(s) for the model are already filled in.
Compartment compartment = sbmlModel.getCompartment(TokenMangler.mangleToSName(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure().getName()));
if (compartment != null) {
// 'hasSubstanceOnly' field will be 'true', since export to SBML is done by converting to initial amounts.
// Get (and set) the initial concentration value
if (getSelectedSimContext() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No simcontext (application) specified; Cannot proceed.");
// Get the speciesContextSpec in the simContext corresponding to the 'speciesContext'; and extract its initial concentration value.
SpeciesContextSpec vcSpeciesContextsSpec = getSelectedSimContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(vcSpeciesContexts[i]);
// since we are setting the substance units for species to 'molecule' or 'item', a unit that is originally in uM (or molecules/um2),
// we need to convert concentration from uM -> molecules/um3; this can be achieved by dividing by KMOLE.
// for now we don't do this here and defer to the mechanisms built into the SimContext to convert and set amount instead of concentration
// TO-DO: change to export either concentrations or amounts depending on the type of SimContext and setting
SpeciesContextSpecParameter initCount = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getInitialCountParameter();
if (initCount.getExpression() == null) {
try {
} catch (MappingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
Expression initCountExpr = initCount.getExpression();
try {
} catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
// If exporting to L2V3, if species concentration is not an expr with x, y, z or other species, add as InitialAssignment, else complain.
if (initCountExpr != null) {
if ((sbmlLevel == 2 && sbmlVersion >= 3) || (sbmlLevel > 2)) {
// L2V3 and above - add expression as init assignment
cbit.vcell.mapping.AssignmentRule vcellAs = getSelectedSimContext().getAssignmentRule(vcSpeciesContexts[i]);
if (vcellAs == null) {
// we don't create InitialAssignment for an AssignmentRule variable (Reference: L3V1 Section 4.8)
ASTNode initAssgnMathNode = getFormulaFromExpression(initCountExpr);
InitialAssignment initAssignment = sbmlModel.createInitialAssignment();
} else {
// L2V1 (or L1V2 also??)
// do nothing - we no longer support export to level <3
// // L2V1 (and L1V2?) and species is 'fixed' (constant), and not fn of x,y,z, other sp, add expr as assgn rule
// ASTNode assgnRuleMathNode = getFormulaFromExpression(initCountExpr);
// AssignmentRule assgnRule = sbmlModel.createAssignmentRule();
// assgnRule.setVariable(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getName());
// assgnRule.setMath(assgnRuleMathNode);
// Get (and set) the boundary condition value
boolean bBoundaryCondition = getBoundaryCondition(vcSpeciesContexts[i]);
// mandatory for L3, optional for L2
// set species substance units as 'molecules' - same as defined in the model; irrespective of it is in surface or volume.
UnitDefinition unitDefn = getOrCreateSBMLUnit(sbmlExportSpec.getSubstanceUnits());
// need to do the following if exporting to SBML spatial
if (bSpatial) {
// Required for setting BoundaryConditions : structureMapping for vcSpeciesContext[i] & sbmlGeometry.coordinateComponents
StructureMapping sm = getSelectedSimContext().getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure());
SpatialModelPlugin mplugin = (SpatialModelPlugin) sbmlModel.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.Geometry sbmlGeometry = mplugin.getGeometry();
CoordinateComponent ccX = sbmlGeometry.getListOfCoordinateComponents().get(vcModel.getX().getName());
CoordinateComponent ccY = sbmlGeometry.getListOfCoordinateComponents().get(vcModel.getY().getName());
CoordinateComponent ccZ = sbmlGeometry.getListOfCoordinateComponents().get(vcModel.getZ().getName());
// add diffusion, advection, boundary condition parameters for species, if they exist
Parameter[] scsParams = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getParameters();
if (scsParams != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < scsParams.length; j++) {
if (scsParams[j] != null) {
SpeciesContextSpecParameter scsParam = (SpeciesContextSpecParameter) scsParams[j];
// no need to add parameters in SBML for init conc or init count
int role = scsParam.getRole();
switch(role) {
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXm:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXp:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYm:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYp:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZm:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZp:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_DiffusionRate:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialConcentration:
// done elsewhere??
// break;
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_InitialCount:
// done elsewhere??
// break;
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityX:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityY:
case SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityZ:
throw new RuntimeException("SpeciesContext Specification parameter with role " + SpeciesContextSpec.RoleNames[role] + " not yet supported for SBML export");
// if diffusion is 0 && vel terms are not specified, boundary condition not present
if (vcSpeciesContextsSpec.isAdvecting() || vcSpeciesContextsSpec.isDiffusing()) {
Expression diffExpr = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getDiffusionParameter().getExpression();
boolean bDiffExprNull = (diffExpr == null);
boolean bDiffExprIsZero = false;
if (!bDiffExprNull && diffExpr.isNumeric()) {
try {
bDiffExprIsZero = (diffExpr.evaluateConstant() == 0.0);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to evalute numeric value of diffusion parameter for speciesContext '" + vcSpeciesContexts[i] + "'.");
boolean bDiffusionZero = (bDiffExprNull || bDiffExprIsZero);
Expression velX_Expr = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityXParameter().getExpression();
SpatialQuantity[] velX_Quantities = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityQuantities(QuantityComponent.X);
boolean bVelX_ExprIsNull = (velX_Expr == null && velX_Quantities.length == 0);
Expression velY_Expr = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityYParameter().getExpression();
SpatialQuantity[] velY_Quantities = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityQuantities(QuantityComponent.Y);
boolean bVelY_ExprIsNull = (velY_Expr == null && velY_Quantities.length == 0);
Expression velZ_Expr = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityZParameter().getExpression();
SpatialQuantity[] velZ_Quantities = vcSpeciesContextsSpec.getVelocityQuantities(QuantityComponent.Z);
boolean bVelZ_ExprIsNull = (velZ_Expr == null && velZ_Quantities.length == 0);
boolean bAdvectionNull = (bVelX_ExprIsNull && bVelY_ExprIsNull && bVelZ_ExprIsNull);
if (bDiffusionZero && bAdvectionNull) {
// for example, if scsParam is BC_Zm and if coordinateComponent 'ccZ' is null, no SBML parameter should be created for BC_Zm
if ((((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXm) || (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXp)) && (ccX == null)) || (((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYm) || (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYp)) && (ccY == null)) || (((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZm) || (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZp)) && (ccZ == null))) {
org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter sbmlParam = createSBMLParamFromSpeciesParam(vcSpeciesContexts[i], (SpeciesContextSpecParameter) scsParams[j]);
if (sbmlParam != null) {
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Xm = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeXm();
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Xp = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeXp();
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Ym = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeYm();
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Yp = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeYp();
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Zm = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeZm();
BoundaryConditionType vcBCType_Zp = vcSelectedSimContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getStructure()).getBoundaryConditionTypeZp();
SpatialParameterPlugin spplugin = (SpatialParameterPlugin) sbmlParam.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
if (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_DiffusionRate) {
// set diffusionCoefficient element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
DiffusionCoefficient sbmlDiffCoeff = new DiffusionCoefficient();
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXm) && (ccX != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Xm element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCXm = new BoundaryCondition();
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueXp) && (ccX != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Xp element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCXp = new BoundaryCondition();
// sbmlBCXp.setType(sm.getBoundaryConditionTypeXp().boundaryTypeStringValue());
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYm) && (ccY != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Ym element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCYm = new BoundaryCondition();
// sbmlBCYm.setType(sm.getBoundaryConditionTypeYm().boundaryTypeStringValue());
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueYp) && (ccY != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Yp element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCYp = new BoundaryCondition();
// sbmlBCYp.setType(sm.getBoundaryConditionTypeYp().boundaryTypeStringValue());
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZm) && (ccZ != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Zm element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCZm = new BoundaryCondition();
// sbmlBCZm.setType(sm.getBoundaryConditionTypeZm().boundaryTypeStringValue());
if ((role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_BoundaryValueZp) && (ccZ != null)) {
// set BoundaryCondn Zp element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
BoundaryCondition sbmlBCZp = new BoundaryCondition();
// sbmlBCZp.setType(sm.getBoundaryConditionTypeZp().boundaryTypeStringValue());
if (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityX) {
// set advectionCoeff X element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
AdvectionCoefficient sbmlAdvCoeffX = new AdvectionCoefficient();
if (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityY) {
// set advectionCoeff Y element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
AdvectionCoefficient sbmlAdvCoeffY = new AdvectionCoefficient();
if (role == SpeciesContextSpec.ROLE_VelocityZ) {
// set advectionCoeff Z element in SpatialParameterPlugin for param
AdvectionCoefficient sbmlAdvCoeffZ = new AdvectionCoefficient();
// if sbmlParam != null
// if scsParams[j] != null
// end for scsParams
// end scsParams != null
// end if (bSpatial)
// Add the common name of species to annotation, and add an annotation element to the species.
// This is required later while trying to read in fluxes ...
// new Element(XMLTags.VCellRelatedInfoTag, sbml_vcml_ns);
Element sbmlImportRelatedElement = null;
// Element speciesElement = new Element(XMLTags.SpeciesTag, sbml_vcml_ns);
// speciesElement.setAttribute(XMLTags.NameAttrTag, TokenMangler.mangleToSName(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getSpecies().getCommonName()));
// sbmlImportRelatedElement.addContent(speciesElement);
// Get RDF annotation for species from SBMLAnnotationUtils
sbmlAnnotationUtil.writeAnnotation(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getSpecies(), sbmlSpecies, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
// Now set notes,
sbmlAnnotationUtil.writeNotes(vcSpeciesContexts[i].getSpecies(), sbmlSpecies);