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Example 61 with Simulation

use of cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class HybridSolverTester method runSim.

private static void runSim(UserLoginInfo userLoginInfo, VCSimulationIdentifier vcSimulationIdentifier, VCellConnectionHelper vcellConnectionHelper) throws Exception {
    SimulationStatusPersistent simulationStatus = vcellConnectionHelper.getSimulationStatus(vcSimulationIdentifier.getSimulationKey());
    System.out.println("initial status=" + simulationStatus);
    if (simulationStatus != null && simulationStatus.isRunning()) /*!simulationStatus.isNeverRan() && !simulationStatus.isCompleted()*/
        throw new Exception("Sim in unexpected state " + simulationStatus);
    int intialMaxTaskID = vcellConnectionHelper.getMaxTaskID(simulationStatus);
    BigString simXML = vcellConnectionHelper.getSimulationXML(vcSimulationIdentifier.getSimulationKey());
    Simulation sim = XmlHelper.XMLToSim(simXML.toString());
    int scanCount = sim.getScanCount();
    vcellConnectionHelper.startSimulation(vcSimulationIdentifier, scanCount);
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // wait until sim has stopped running
    while ((simulationStatus = vcellConnectionHelper.getSimulationStatus(vcSimulationIdentifier.getSimulationKey())) == null || (simulationStatus.isStopped() || simulationStatus.isCompleted() || simulationStatus.isFailed())) {
        MessageEvent[] messageEvents = vcellConnectionHelper.getMessageEvents();
        if (vcellConnectionHelper.getMaxTaskID(simulationStatus) > intialMaxTaskID) {
            // new sim must have started
        // }
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > 120000) {
            throw new Exception("Sim finished too fast or took too long to start");
    SimulationStatusPersistent lastSimStatus = simulationStatus;
    while (!simulationStatus.isStopped() && !simulationStatus.isCompleted() && !simulationStatus.isFailed()) {
        simulationStatus = vcellConnectionHelper.getSimulationStatus(vcSimulationIdentifier.getSimulationKey());
        if (simulationStatus != null && !simulationStatus.toString().equals(lastSimStatus.toString())) {
            lastSimStatus = simulationStatus;
            System.out.println("running status=" + simulationStatus);
        MessageEvent[] messageEvents = vcellConnectionHelper.getMessageEvents();
    // for(int i = 0;i<(messageEvents==null?0:messageEvents.length);i++){
    // System.out.println(messageEvents[i].toString());
    // }
    System.out.println("last run simStatus=" + simulationStatus);
Also used : Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) MessageEvent(cbit.rmi.event.MessageEvent) SimulationStatusPersistent(cbit.vcell.server.SimulationStatusPersistent) BigString(org.vcell.util.BigString) IOException( FileNotFoundException(

Example 62 with Simulation

use of cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class CheckBeforeDelete method checkLostResults.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (6/1/2004 3:44:03 PM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.solver.SolverResultSetInfo[]
 * @param bioModel cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel
private Simulation[] checkLostResults(BioModel oldBioModel, BioModel newlySavedBioModel, cbit.vcell.clientdb.DocumentManager documentManager, Simulation[] submittedSimulations) throws Exception {
    // before deleting old version, prompt user if old simulation results will not be availlable in new edition
    Vector<Simulation> lostResultsSimulationList = new Vector<Simulation>();
    Simulation[] oldSimulations = oldBioModel.getSimulations();
    for (int i = 0; i < oldSimulations.length; i++) {
        Simulation oldSimulation = oldSimulations[i];
        SimulationStatus simStatus = null;
        SimulationInfo oldSimInfo = oldSimulation.getSimulationInfo();
        if (oldSimInfo != null) {
            // we need to ask for previous sim results (here we need possible translation to ask for parent's results).
            simStatus = documentManager.getServerSimulationStatus(oldSimInfo.getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier());
        if (simStatus != null && simStatus.getHasData()) {
            // results exist in old version (the BioModel to be deleted) for SimulationInfo "oldSimInfo"
            // Users should be warned when they are going to loose any simulation results in any unexpected way.
            // WARN if the lost data is because new simulation is not mathematically equivalent to old edition
            // (different MathDescription key)
            // IGNORE if the lost data is from edits of a Simulation only (same MathDescription)
            // (same MathDescription key, different Simulation key)
            // IGNORE if Simulation has been deleted
            // (Simulation not found in current BioModel)
            // IGNORE if Simulation has been submitted for running
            boolean bDataInNewEdition = false;
            Simulation[] newSimulations = newlySavedBioModel.getSimulations();
            Simulation correspondingSimulation = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < newSimulations.length; j++) {
                if (newSimulations[j].getName().equals(oldSimulation.getName())) {
                    correspondingSimulation = newSimulations[j];
                    if (correspondingSimulation.getKey().equals(oldSimulation.getKey())) {
                        // exactly same simulation (same key), so no lost data
                        bDataInNewEdition = true;
                    } else if (correspondingSimulation.getSimulationVersion().getParentSimulationReference() != null) {
                        // new simulation changed but points to same results
                        bDataInNewEdition = true;
            if (!bDataInNewEdition && correspondingSimulation != null) {
                // result set (for "rsInfo") will be lost, should we ignore this fact?
                boolean bIgnore = false;
                if (correspondingSimulation.getMathDescription().getKey().equals(oldSimulation.getMathDescription().getKey())) {
                    bIgnore = true;
                for (int j = 0; submittedSimulations != null && j < submittedSimulations.length; j++) {
                    if (correspondingSimulation.getName().equals(submittedSimulations[j].getName())) {
                        bIgnore = true;
                if (!bIgnore) {
    return (Simulation[]) BeanUtils.getArray(lostResultsSimulationList, Simulation.class);
Also used : Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) SimulationStatus(cbit.vcell.server.SimulationStatus) Vector(java.util.Vector) SimulationInfo(cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationInfo)

Example 63 with Simulation

use of cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ExportDocument method run.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (5/31/2004 6:04:14 PM)
 * @param hashTable java.util.Hashtable
 * @param clientWorker cbit.vcell.desktop.controls.ClientWorker
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws java.lang.Exception {
    VCDocument documentToExport = (VCDocument) hashTable.get("documentToExport");
    File exportFile = fetch(hashTable, EXPORT_FILE, File.class, true);
    ExtensionFilter fileFilter = fetch(hashTable, FILE_FILTER, ExtensionFilter.class, true);
    DocumentManager documentManager = fetch(hashTable, DocumentManager.IDENT, DocumentManager.class, true);
    String resultString = null;
    FileCloseHelper closeThis = null;
    try {
        if (documentToExport instanceof BioModel) {
            if (!(fileFilter instanceof SelectorExtensionFilter)) {
                throw new Exception("Expecting fileFilter type " + SelectorExtensionFilter.class.getName() + " but got " + fileFilter.getClass().getName());
            BioModel bioModel = (BioModel) documentToExport;
            SimulationContext chosenSimContext = fetch(hashTable, SIM_CONTEXT, SimulationContext.class, false);
            ((SelectorExtensionFilter) fileFilter).writeBioModel(documentManager, bioModel, exportFile, chosenSimContext);
        /*		DELETE this after finishing validation testing
			// check format requested
			if (fileFilter.getDescription().equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_MATLABV6.getDescription())){
				// matlab from application; get application
				SimulationContext chosenSimContext = fetch(hashTable,SIM_CONTEXT,SimulationContext.class, true);
				// regenerate a fresh MathDescription
				MathMapping mathMapping = chosenSimContext.createNewMathMapping();
				MathDescription mathDesc = mathMapping.getMathDescription();
				if(mathDesc != null && !mathDesc.isSpatial() && !mathDesc.isNonSpatialStoch()){
					// do export
					resultString = exportMatlab(exportFile, fileFilter, mathDesc);
					throw new Exception("Matlab export failed: NOT an non-spatial deterministic application!");
			} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_PDF)) {   
				FileOutputStream fos = null;
				try {
					fos = new FileOutputStream(exportFile);
					documentManager.generatePDF(bioModel, fos);				
				} finally {
					if(fos != null) {
				return; 									//will take care of writing to the file as well.
			//Export a simulation to Smoldyn input file, if there are parameter scans
			//in simulation, we'll export multiple Smoldyn input files.
			else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SMOLDYN_INPUT)) 
				Simulation selectedSim = (Simulation)hashTable.get("selectedSimulation");
				if (selectedSim != null) {
					int scanCount = selectedSim.getScanCount();
					if(scanCount > 1) // has parameter scan
						String baseExportFileName = exportFile.getPath().substring(0, exportFile.getPath().indexOf("."));
						for(int i=0; i<scanCount; i++)
							SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(selectedSim, i, null),0);
							// Need to export each parameter scan into a separate file
							String newExportFileName = baseExportFileName + "_" + i + SMOLDYN_INPUT_FILE_EXTENSION;
							exportFile = new File(newExportFileName);
							PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(exportFile);
							SmoldynFileWriter smf = new SmoldynFileWriter(pw, true, null, simTask, false);
					else if(scanCount == 1)// regular simulation, no parameter scan
						SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(selectedSim, 0, null),0);
						// export the simulation to the selected file
						PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(exportFile);
						SmoldynFileWriter smf = new SmoldynFileWriter(pw, true, null, simTask, false);
						throw new Exception("Simulation scan count is smaller than 1.");
			} else {
				// convert it if other format
				if (!fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_VCML)) {
					// SBML or CellML; get application name
					if ((fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_12)) || (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_21)) || 
						(fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_22)) || (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_23)) || 
						(fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_24)) || (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_31_CORE)) || 
						(fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_31_SPATIAL)) ) {
						SimulationContext selectedSimContext = (SimulationContext)hashTable.get("selectedSimContext");
						Simulation selectedSim = (Simulation)hashTable.get("selectedSimulation");
						int sbmlLevel = 0;
						int sbmlVersion = 0;
						int sbmlPkgVersion = 0;
						boolean bIsSpatial = false;
						if ((fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_12))) {
							sbmlLevel = 1;
							sbmlVersion = 2;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_21)) {
							sbmlLevel = 2;
							sbmlVersion = 1;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_22)) {
							sbmlLevel = 2;
							sbmlVersion = 2;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_23)) {
							sbmlLevel = 2;
							sbmlVersion = 3;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_24)) {
							sbmlLevel = 2;
							sbmlVersion = 4;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_31_CORE)) {
							sbmlLevel = 3;
							sbmlVersion = 1;
						} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_31_SPATIAL)) {
							sbmlLevel = 3;
							sbmlVersion = 1;
							sbmlPkgVersion = 1;
							bIsSpatial = true;
						if (selectedSim == null) {
							resultString = XmlHelper.exportSBML(bioModel, sbmlLevel, sbmlVersion, sbmlPkgVersion, bIsSpatial, selectedSimContext, null);
							XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(resultString, exportFile.getAbsolutePath(), true);
						} else {
							for (int sc = 0; sc < selectedSim.getScanCount(); sc++) {
								SimulationJob simJob = new SimulationJob(selectedSim, sc, null);
								resultString = XmlHelper.exportSBML(bioModel, sbmlLevel, sbmlVersion, sbmlPkgVersion, bIsSpatial, selectedSimContext, simJob);
								// Need to export each parameter scan into a separate file 
								String newExportFileName = exportFile.getPath().substring(0, exportFile.getPath().indexOf(".xml")) + "_" + sc + ".xml";
								exportFile.renameTo(new File(newExportFileName));
								XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(resultString, exportFile.getAbsolutePath(), true);
					} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_BNGL)) {
						RbmModelContainer rbmModelContainer = bioModel.getModel().getRbmModelContainer();
						StringWriter bnglStringWriter = new StringWriter();
						PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bnglStringWriter);
						RbmNetworkGenerator.writeBngl(bioModel, pw);
						resultString = bnglStringWriter.toString();
					} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_NFSIM)) {
						// TODO: get the first thing we find for now, in the future we'll need to modify ChooseFile 
						//       to only offer the applications / simulations with bngl content
						SimulationContext simContexts[] = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
						SimulationContext aSimulationContext = simContexts[0];
						Simulation selectedSim = aSimulationContext.getSimulations(0);
						//Simulation selectedSim = (Simulation)hashTable.get("selectedSimulation");
						SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(selectedSim, 0, null),0);
						long randomSeed = 0;	// a fixed seed will allow us to run reproducible simulations
						//long randomSeed = System.currentTimeMillis();
						NFsimSimulationOptions nfsimSimulationOptions = new NFsimSimulationOptions();
						// we get the data we need from the math description
						Element root = NFsimXMLWriter.writeNFsimXML(simTask, randomSeed, nfsimSimulationOptions);
						Document doc = new Document();
						XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter();
						resultString = xmlOut.outputString(doc);
					} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_CELLML)) {
						Integer chosenSimContextIndex = (Integer)hashTable.get("chosenSimContextIndex");
						String applicationName = bioModel.getSimulationContext(chosenSimContextIndex.intValue()).getName();
						resultString = XmlHelper.exportCellML(bioModel, applicationName);
						// cellml still uses default character encoding for now ... maybe UTF-8 in the future
					} else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SEDML)) {
						// export the entire biomodel to a SEDML file (for now, only non-spatial,non-stochastic applns)
						int sedmlLevel = 1;
						int sedmlVersion = 1;
						String sPath = FileUtils.getFullPathNoEndSeparator(exportFile.getAbsolutePath());
						String sFile = FileUtils.getBaseName(exportFile.getAbsolutePath());
						String sExt = FileUtils.getExtension(exportFile.getAbsolutePath());
						SEDMLExporter sedmlExporter = null;
						if (bioModel instanceof BioModel) {
							sedmlExporter = new SEDMLExporter(bioModel, sedmlLevel, sedmlVersion);
							resultString = sedmlExporter.getSEDMLFile(sPath);
						} else {
							throw new RuntimeException("unsupported Document Type " + bioModel.getClass().getName() + " for SedML export");
						if(sExt.equals("sedx")) {
							sedmlExporter.createManifest(sPath, sFile);
							String sedmlFileName = sPath + FileUtils.WINDOWS_SEPARATOR + sFile + ".sedml";
							XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(resultString, sedmlFileName, true);
							sedmlExporter.addSedmlFileToList(sFile + ".sedml");
							sedmlExporter.createZipArchive(sPath, sFile);
						} else {
							XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(resultString, exportFile.getAbsolutePath(), true);
				} else {
					// if format is VCML, get it from biomodel.
					resultString = XmlHelper.bioModelToXML(bioModel);
					XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(resultString, exportFile.getAbsolutePath(), true);
        } else if (documentToExport instanceof MathModel) {
            MathModel mathModel = (MathModel) documentToExport;
            // check format requested
            if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_MATLABV6)) {
                // check if it's ODE
                if (mathModel.getMathDescription() != null && (!mathModel.getMathDescription().isSpatial() && !mathModel.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch())) {
                    MathDescription mathDesc = mathModel.getMathDescription();
                    resultString = exportMatlab(exportFile, fileFilter, mathDesc);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Matlab export failed: NOT an non-spatial deterministic model.");
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_PDF)) {
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(exportFile);
                documentManager.generatePDF(mathModel, fos);
                // will take care of writing to the file as well.
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_VCML)) {
                resultString = XmlHelper.mathModelToXML(mathModel);
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_CELLML)) {
                resultString = XmlHelper.exportCellML(mathModel, null);
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_23)) {
                resultString = XmlHelper.exportSBML(mathModel, 2, 3, 0, false, null, null);
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SBML_24)) {
                resultString = XmlHelper.exportSBML(mathModel, 2, 4, 0, false, null, null);
            } else // in simulation, we'll export multiple Smoldyn input files.
            if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_SMOLDYN_INPUT)) {
                Simulation selectedSim = (Simulation) hashTable.get("selectedSimulation");
                if (selectedSim != null) {
                    int scanCount = selectedSim.getScanCount();
                    // -----
                    String baseExportFileName = (scanCount == 1 ? null : exportFile.getPath().substring(0, exportFile.getPath().indexOf(".")));
                    for (int i = 0; i < scanCount; i++) {
                        SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(new SimulationJob(selectedSim, i, null), 0);
                        // Need to export each parameter scan into a separate file
                        File localExportFile = (scanCount == 1 ? exportFile : new File(baseExportFileName + "_" + i + SMOLDYN_INPUT_FILE_EXTENSION));
                        FileCloseHelper localCloseThis = new FileCloseHelper(localExportFile);
                        try {
                            SmoldynFileWriter smf = new SmoldynFileWriter(localCloseThis.getPrintWriter(), true, null, simTask, false);
                        } finally {
                            if (localCloseThis != null) {
        } else if (documentToExport instanceof Geometry) {
            Geometry geom = (Geometry) documentToExport;
            if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_PDF)) {
                documentManager.generatePDF(geom, (closeThis = new FileCloseHelper(exportFile)).getFileOutputStream());
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_VCML)) {
                resultString = XmlHelper.geometryToXML(geom);
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_AVS)) {
                cbit.vcell.export.AVS_UCD_Exporter.writeUCDGeometryOnly(geom.getGeometrySurfaceDescription(), (closeThis = new FileCloseHelper(exportFile)).getFileWriter());
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_STL)) {
                // make sure filename end with .stl
                File stlFile = exportFile;
                if (!exportFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".stl")) {
                    stlFile = new File(exportFile.getParentFile(), exportFile.getName() + ".stl");
                cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.StlExporter.writeBinaryStl(geom.getGeometrySurfaceDescription(), (closeThis = new FileCloseHelper(stlFile)).getRandomAccessFile("rw"));
            } else if (fileFilter.equals(FileFilters.FILE_FILTER_PLY)) {
                writeStanfordPolygon(geom.getGeometrySurfaceDescription(), (closeThis = new FileCloseHelper(exportFile)).getFileWriter());
        if (resultString != null) {
            (closeThis = new FileCloseHelper(exportFile)).getFileWriter().write(resultString);
    } finally {
        if (closeThis != null) {
Also used : MathModel(cbit.vcell.mathmodel.MathModel) SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) VCDocument(org.vcell.util.document.VCDocument) SmoldynFileWriter(org.vcell.solver.smoldyn.SmoldynFileWriter) MathDescription(cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription) DocumentManager(cbit.vcell.clientdb.DocumentManager) SelectorExtensionFilter(org.vcell.util.gui.exporter.SelectorExtensionFilter) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) IOException( ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) MathException(cbit.vcell.math.MathException) Geometry(cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry) Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) ExtensionFilter(org.vcell.util.gui.exporter.ExtensionFilter) SelectorExtensionFilter(org.vcell.util.gui.exporter.SelectorExtensionFilter) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) FileOutputStream( RandomAccessFile( File( SimulationJob(cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationJob)

Example 64 with Simulation

use of cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class BioModelTreeModel method propertyChange.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (5/9/01 8:28:22 AM)
 * @param evt java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    try {
        if (evt.getSource() == getBioModel() && evt.getPropertyName().equals("simulations")) {
            Simulation[] oldSims = (Simulation[]) evt.getOldValue();
            if (oldSims != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < oldSims.length; i++) {
            Simulation[] newSims = (Simulation[]) evt.getNewValue();
            if (newSims != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < newSims.length; i++) {
        } else if (evt.getSource() == getBioModel() && evt.getPropertyName().equals("simulationContexts")) {
            SimulationContext[] oldSCs = (SimulationContext[]) evt.getOldValue();
            if (oldSCs != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < oldSCs.length; i++) {
            SimulationContext[] newSCs = (SimulationContext[]) evt.getNewValue();
            if (newSCs != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < newSCs.length; i++) {
        } else if (evt.getSource() == getBioModel() && evt.getPropertyName().equals("description")) {
            BioModel bioModel = (BioModel) evt.getSource();
            BioModelNode bioModelNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(bioModel);
            BioModelNode annotNode = bioModelNode.findNodeByUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getOldValue()));
            if (annotNode == null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                // must add annotation node (was null string)
                bioModelNode.insert(new BioModelNode(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()), false), 0);
            } else if (annotNode != null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                // change annotation content for annotation node
                annotNode.setUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()));
            } else if (annotNode != null && (evt.getNewValue() == null || ((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals(""))) {
                // delete annotation node
        } else if (evt.getSource() instanceof Simulation) {
            if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("name")) {
                Simulation sim = (Simulation) evt.getSource();
                BioModelNode simNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(sim);
            } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("description")) {
                Simulation sim = (Simulation) evt.getSource();
                BioModelNode simNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(sim);
                BioModelNode annotNode = simNode.findNodeByUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getOldValue()));
                if (annotNode == null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                    // must add annotation node (was null string)
                    simNode.insert(new BioModelNode(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()), false), 0);
                } else if (annotNode != null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                    // change annotation content for annotation node
                    annotNode.setUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()));
                } else if (annotNode != null && (evt.getNewValue() == null || ((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals(""))) {
                    // delete annotation node
        } else if (evt.getSource() instanceof SimulationContext) {
            if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("geometry")) {
                Geometry oldGeometry = (Geometry) evt.getOldValue();
                Geometry newGeometry = (Geometry) evt.getNewValue();
                BioModelNode geoNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(oldGeometry);
            } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("name")) {
                SimulationContext simContext = (SimulationContext) evt.getSource();
                BioModelNode scNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(simContext);
            } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("description")) {
                SimulationContext simContext = (SimulationContext) evt.getSource();
                BioModelNode scNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(simContext);
                BioModelNode annotNode = scNode.findNodeByUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getOldValue()));
                if (annotNode == null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                    // must add annotation node (was null string)
                    scNode.insert(new BioModelNode(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()), false), 0);
                } else if (annotNode != null && evt.getNewValue() != null && !((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals("")) {
                    // change annotation content for annotation node
                    annotNode.setUserObject(new Annotation((String) evt.getNewValue()));
                } else if (annotNode != null && (evt.getNewValue() == null || ((String) evt.getNewValue()).equals(""))) {
                    // delete annotation node
            } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("mathDescription")) {
                SimulationContext simContext = (SimulationContext) evt.getSource();
                BioModelNode scNode = ((BioModelNode) getRoot()).findNodeByUserObject(simContext);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Geometry(cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry) Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)

Example 65 with Simulation

use of cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class BioModelTreeModel method setBioModel.

 * Sets the bioModel property (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) value.
 * @param bioModel The new value for the property.
 * @see #getBioModel
public void setBioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel bioModel) {
    cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel oldValue = fieldBioModel;
    if (oldValue != null) {
        SimulationContext[] SCs = oldValue.getSimulationContexts();
        for (int i = 0; SCs != null && i < SCs.length; i++) {
        Simulation[] sims = oldValue.getSimulations();
        for (int i = 0; sims != null && i < sims.length; i++) {
    fieldBioModel = bioModel;
    if (bioModel != null) {
        SimulationContext[] SCs = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
        for (int i = 0; SCs != null && i < SCs.length; i++) {
        Simulation[] sims = bioModel.getSimulations();
        for (int i = 0; sims != null && i < sims.length; i++) {
    firePropertyChange("bioModel", oldValue, bioModel);
Also used : Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)


Simulation (cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation)195 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)57 BioModel (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel)53 MathDescription (cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription)48 KeyValue (org.vcell.util.document.KeyValue)33 Geometry (cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry)29 MathModel (cbit.vcell.mathmodel.MathModel)27 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)26 DataAccessException (org.vcell.util.DataAccessException)26 File ( ExpressionException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)24 IOException ( SimulationJob (cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationJob)23 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)20 UniformOutputTimeSpec (cbit.vcell.solver.UniformOutputTimeSpec)18 XMLSource (cbit.vcell.xml.XMLSource)18 SimulationTask (cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask)17 TimeBounds (cbit.vcell.solver.TimeBounds)16 BigString (org.vcell.util.BigString)16