use of cc.hyperium.handlers.handlers.stats.display.StatsDisplayItem in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class MurderMysteryStats method getDeepStats.
public List<StatsDisplayItem> getDeepStats(HypixelApiPlayer player) {
List<StatsDisplayItem> preview = getPreview(player);
JsonHolder stats = player.getStats(GameType.MURDER_MYSTERY);
preview.add(new DisplayLine(""));
preview.add(new DisplayLine("Classic Stats"));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Kills: ", stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_CLASSIC"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Wins: ", stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_CLASSIC"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Deaths: ", stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_CLASSIC"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Bow Kills: ", stats.optInt("bow_kills"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("K/D: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_CLASSIC"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_CLASSIC")))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("W/L: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_CLASSIC"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_CLASSIC")))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(""));
preview.add(new DisplayLine("Hardcore Stats"));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Kills: ", stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_HARDCORE"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Wins: ", stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_HARDCORE"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Deaths: ", stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_HARDCORE"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Bow Kills: ", stats.optInt("bow_kills"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("K/D: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_HARDCORE"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_HARDCORE")))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("W/L: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_HARDCORE"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_HARDCORE")))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(""));
preview.add(new DisplayLine("Assassins Stats"));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Kills: ", stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_ASSASSINS"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Wins: ", stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_ASSASSINS"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Deaths: ", stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_ASSASSINS"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Bow Kills: ", stats.optInt("bow_kills"))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("K/D: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("kills_MURDER_ASSASSINS"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_ASSASSINS")))));
preview.add(new DisplayLine(bold("W/L: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("wins_MURDER_ASSASSINS"), stats.optInt("deaths_MURDER_ASSASSINS")))));
String[] murderMysteryModes = { "All", "Classic", "Assassins", "Hardcore" };
String[] murderMysteryNames = { "", "_MURDER_CLASSIC", "_MURDER_ASSASIANS", "_MURDER_HARDCORE" };
List<String[]> lines = new ArrayList<>();
preview.add(new DisplayLine(""));
lines.add(new String[] { "Mode", "Kills", "Wins", "Deaths", "Hero", "Bow Kills" });
for (int i = 0; i < murderMysteryModes.length; i++) {
String name = murderMysteryModes[i];
String seed = murderMysteryNames[i];
lines.add(new String[] { name, String.valueOf(stats.optInt("kills" + seed)), String.valueOf(stats.optInt("wins" + seed)), String.valueOf(stats.optInt("deaths" + seed)), String.valueOf(stats.optInt("was_hero" + seed)), String.valueOf(stats.optInt("bow_kills" + seed)) });
preview.add(new DisplayTable(lines));
return preview;
use of cc.hyperium.handlers.handlers.stats.display.StatsDisplayItem in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class AbstractHypixelStats method getQuests.
public List<StatsDisplayItem> getQuests(HypixelApiPlayer player) {
JsonHolder quests = null;
try {
quests = Hyperium.INSTANCE.getHandlers().getDataHandler().getQuests().get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
ArrayList<StatsDisplayItem> statsDisplayItems = new ArrayList<>();
totalDaily = 0;
totalWeekly = 0;
completedDaily = 0;
completedWeekly = 0;
process(player, statsDisplayItems, quests.optJSONObject("quests").optJSONArray(getGameType().getQuestName()));
return statsDisplayItems;
use of cc.hyperium.handlers.handlers.stats.display.StatsDisplayItem in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class BlitzStats method getPreview.
public List<StatsDisplayItem> getPreview(HypixelApiPlayer player) {
ArrayList<StatsDisplayItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
JsonHolder stats = player.getStats(GameType.SURVIVAL_GAMES);
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Coins: ", stats.optInt("coins")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Kills: ", stats.optInt("kills")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Deaths: ", stats.optInt("deaths")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Wins: ", stats.optInt("wins")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("K/D: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("kills"), stats.optInt("deaths"))), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
return items;
use of cc.hyperium.handlers.handlers.stats.display.StatsDisplayItem in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class AbstractHypixelStats method getPreview.
public List<StatsDisplayItem> getPreview(HypixelApiPlayer player) {
ArrayList<StatsDisplayItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
GameType gameType = GameType.fromRealName(getName());
if (gameType == null) {
items.add(new DisplayLine("No default preview for " + getName(), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
} else {
JsonHolder stats = player.getStats(gameType);
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Coins: ", stats.optInt("coins")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Kills: ", stats.optInt("kills")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Deaths: ", stats.optInt("deaths")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Wins: ", stats.optInt("wins")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("Losses: ", stats.optInt("losses")), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("K/D: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("kills"), stats.optInt("deaths"))), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
items.add(new DisplayLine(bold("W/L: ", WebsiteUtils.buildRatio(stats.optInt("wins"), stats.optInt("losses"))), Color.WHITE.getRGB()));
return items;
use of cc.hyperium.handlers.handlers.stats.display.StatsDisplayItem in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class PlayerStatsGui method drawScreen.
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
if (!texturesImage.isEmpty()) {
texturesImage.forEach((s, value) -> {
if (!logos.containsKey(s))
logos.put(s, new DynamicTexture(value));
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
ScaledResolution current = ResolutionUtil.current();
HypixelApiGuild guild = player.getGuild();
if (guild == null) {
GeneralChatHandler.instance().sendMessage("Player not found!");
boolean isInGuild = guild.isLoaded() && guild.isValid();
drawScaledText(player.getDisplayString() + (isInGuild ? " " + guild.getFormatedTag() : ""), current.getScaledWidth() / 2, 30, 2, -1, true, true);
if (focused == null) {
final int blockWidth = 64 + 32;
int blocksPerLine = (int) (current.getScaledWidth() / (1.2D * blockWidth));
if (blocksPerLine % 2 == 1) {
final int startX = ResolutionUtil.current().getScaledWidth() / 2 - (blocksPerLine * blockWidth / 2);
int x = -1;
int y = 0;
hovered = null;
for (AbstractHypixelStats field : fields) {
DynamicTexture dynamicTexture = logos.get(field);
if (x > blocksPerLine) {
x = 0;
if (dynamicTexture != null) {
int y1 = 100 + y * blockWidth - 10 - offset;
if (y1 < 70)
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int y2 = 100 + y * blockWidth - offset;
int x1 = startX + x * blockWidth;
GuiBlock value = new GuiBlock(x1, x1 + blockWidth / 2, y2, y2 + blockWidth / 2);
if (value.isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) {
hovered = field;
location.put(field, value);
GlStateManager.translate(x1, y2, 0);
GlStateManager.scale(.2, .2, .2);
drawTexturedModalRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 128 * 2, 128 * 2);
GlStateManager.translate(startX + x * blockWidth + 24, y1, 0);
drawScaledText(field.getName(), 0, 0, 1.0, Color.RED.getRGB(), true, true);
if (hovered != null) {
List<StatsDisplayItem> preview = hovered.getPreview(player);
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
for (StatsDisplayItem statsDisplayItem : preview) {
width = Math.max(width, statsDisplayItem.width);
height += statsDisplayItem.height;
GuiBlock block = location.get(hovered);
int xOffset = 0;
int yRenderOffset = 16;
int rightSide = block.getRight() + (width + yRenderOffset) * 2;
if (rightSide > current.getScaledWidth()) {
xOffset = rightSide - current.getScaledWidth();
float scale = 1.0F;
GlStateManager.scale(scale, scale, scale);
int left = block.getRight() - xOffset + yRenderOffset - 8;
int top = block.getTop();
int printY = 0;
if (top + height * 2 > current.getScaledHeight()) {
top = current.getScaledHeight() - height * 2 - 50;
RenderUtils.drawRect((left - 3) / scale, (top - 3) / scale, (left + (width + 3) * scale) / scale, (top + (height + 3) * scale) / scale, new Color(0, 0, 0, 220).getRGB());
for (StatsDisplayItem statsDisplayItem : preview) {
statsDisplayItem.draw((int) (left / scale), (int) ((top) / scale) + printY);
printY += statsDisplayItem.height;
GlStateManager.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale, 1 / scale);
} else {
DynamicTexture dynamicTexture = logos.get(focused);
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
GlStateManager.translate((current.getScaledWidth() >> 1) - 24, 80, 0);
GlStateManager.scale(.2, .2, .2);
drawTexturedModalRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 128 * 2, 128 * 2);
drawScaledText(focused.getName(), current.getScaledWidth() / 2, 60, 2.0, Color.RED.getRGB(), true, true);
float scale = 2.0F;
GlStateManager.scale(scale, scale, scale);
GlStateManager.translate(current.getScaledWidth() / 2F / scale - 90 / scale, (73) / scale, 0);
GlStateManager.rotate(180, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
GlStateManager.translate(-16, -16, 0);
drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64, 16, 16, 64, 64);