use of cc.hyperium.mods.levelhead.purchases.LevelheadPurchaseStates in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class LevelheadGui method doChat.
private void doChat(DisplayConfig config, Levelhead instance, int editWidth) {
EntityPlayerSP player = mc.thePlayer;
LevelheadPurchaseStates levelheadPurchaseStates = instance.getLevelheadPurchaseStates();
String formattedName = player.getDisplayName().getFormattedText();
IChatComponent component = new ChatComponentTranslation(formattedName + WHITE + ": Levelhead rocks!");
String chatTag = "Some stat";
LevelheadDisplay chatDisplay = instance.getDisplayManager().getChat();
if (chatDisplay != null && levelheadPurchaseStates.isChat()) {
chatTag = chatDisplay.getTrueValueCache().get(player.getUniqueID());
IChatComponent chatComponent = LevelheadChatRenderer.modifyChat(component, chatTag, chatDisplay != null ? chatDisplay.getConfig() : new DisplayConfig());
String fakeChatText = chatComponent.getFormattedText();
int fakeChatTop = height - 200;
drawRect(width / 3 - fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(fakeChatText) / 2, fakeChatTop, width / 3 + fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(fakeChatText) / 2, fakeChatTop + 10, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
drawScaledText(fakeChatText, width / 3, fakeChatTop + 1, 1.0, -1, true, true);
if (!levelheadPurchaseStates.isChat()) {
String text = "Levelhead chat display not purchased!\nPlease purchase to activate and configure.";
int i = 2;
for (String s : text.split("\n")) {
int offset = i * 10;
int stringWidth = fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(s);
int tmpLeft = width / 3 - stringWidth / 2;
fakeChatTop = height - 180;
drawRect(tmpLeft, fakeChatTop + offset, tmpLeft + stringWidth, fakeChatTop + offset + 8, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fontRendererObj.drawString(s, tmpLeft, fakeChatTop + offset, Color.YELLOW.getRGB(), true);
reg(new GuiButton(++currentID, width / 3 - 60, height - 140, 120, 20, YELLOW + "Purchase Chat Display"), button -> attemptPurchase("chat"));
} else {
reg(new GuiButton(++currentID, width - editWidth - 1, 71, editWidth, 20, "Rotate Bracket Color"), button -> incrementColor(config, true));
reg(new GuiButton(++currentID, width - editWidth - 1, 92, editWidth, 20, "Rotate Value Color"), button -> incrementColor(config, false));
use of cc.hyperium.mods.levelhead.purchases.LevelheadPurchaseStates in project Hyperium by HyperiumClient.
the class LevelheadGui method doTab.
private void doTab(Levelhead instance) {
EntityPlayerSP player = mc.thePlayer;
NetworkPlayerInfo playerInfo = mc.getNetHandler().getPlayerInfo(player.getUniqueID());
LevelheadDisplay tab = instance.getDisplayManager().getTab();
if (tab != null) {
String formattedText = player.getDisplayName().getFormattedText();
int totalTabWidth = 9 + fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(formattedText) + getLevelheadWidth(playerInfo) + 15;
int fakeTabTop = height - 200;
int centerOn = width / 3;
int leftStart = centerOn - totalTabWidth / 2;
drawRect(leftStart, fakeTabTop, centerOn + totalTabWidth / 2, fakeTabTop + 8, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
drawRect(leftStart, fakeTabTop, centerOn + totalTabWidth / 2, fakeTabTop + 8, 553648127);
fontRendererObj.drawString(formattedText, leftStart + 9, fakeTabTop, -1, true);
int l2 = 8;
int i3 = 8;
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(leftStart, fakeTabTop, 8.0F, (float) l2, 8, i3, 8, 8, 64.0F, 64.0F);
if (player.isWearing(EnumPlayerModelParts.HAT)) {
int j3 = 8;
int k3 = 8;
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(leftStart, fakeTabTop, 40.0F, (float) j3, 8, k3, 8, 8, 64.0F, 64.0F);
drawPing(leftStart + totalTabWidth, fakeTabTop, playerInfo);
drawPingHook(0, leftStart + totalTabWidth, fakeTabTop, playerInfo);
LevelheadPurchaseStates purchaseStates = instance.getLevelheadPurchaseStates();
if (!purchaseStates.isTab()) {
String text = "Levelhead tab display not purchased!\nPlease purchase to activate and configure.";
int i = 1;
for (String s : text.split("\n")) {
int offset = i * 10;
int stringWidth = fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(s);
int tmpLeft = width / 3 - stringWidth / 2;
fakeTabTop = height - 180;
drawRect(tmpLeft, fakeTabTop + offset, tmpLeft + stringWidth, fakeTabTop + offset + 8, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fontRendererObj.drawString(s, tmpLeft, fakeTabTop + offset, Color.YELLOW.getRGB(), true);
reg(new GuiButton(++currentID, centerOn - 60, height - 140, 120, 20, YELLOW + "Purchase Tab Display"), button -> attemptPurchase("tab"));