use of cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Formatter method toString.
* Returns a string representation of the given matrix.
* @param matrix the matrix to convert.
public String toString(ObjectMatrix1D matrix) {
ObjectMatrix2D easy = matrix.like2D(1, matrix.size());
return toString(easy);
use of cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Sorting method sort.
*Sorts the matrix slices according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
*The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
*The algorithm compares two slices (2-d matrices) at a time, determinining whether one is smaller, equal or larger than the other.
*To sort ranges use sub-ranging views. To sort by other dimensions, use dice views. To sort descending, use flip views ...
*// sort by sum of values in a slice
*ObjectMatrix2DComparator comp = new ObjectMatrix2DComparator() {
* public int compare(ObjectMatrix2D a, ObjectMatrix2D b) {
* Object as = a.zSum(); Object bs = b.zSum();
* return as < bs ? -1 : as == bs ? 0 : 1;
* }
*sorted = quickSort(matrix,comp);
*@param matrix the matrix to be sorted.
*@param c the comparator to determine the order.
*@return a new matrix view having slices sorted as specified.
* <b>Note that the original matrix is left unaffected.</b>
public ObjectMatrix3D sort(final ObjectMatrix3D matrix, final ObjectMatrix2DComparator c) {
// indexes to reorder instead of matrix itself
int[] sliceIndexes = new int[matrix.slices()];
for (int i = sliceIndexes.length; --i >= 0; ) sliceIndexes[i] = i;
// precompute views for speed
final ObjectMatrix2D[] views = new ObjectMatrix2D[matrix.slices()];
for (int i = views.length; --i >= 0; ) views[i] = matrix.viewSlice(i);
IntComparator comp = new IntComparator() {
public int compare(int a, int b) {
// return, matrix.viewSlice(b));
return[a], views[b]);
runSort(sliceIndexes, 0, sliceIndexes.length, comp);
// take all rows and columns in the original order
return matrix.viewSelection(sliceIndexes, null, null);
use of cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class DenseObjectMatrix2D method assign.
* Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
* Both matrices must have the same number of rows and columns.
* If both matrices share the same cells (as is the case if they are views derived from the same matrix) and intersect in an ambiguous way, then replaces <i>as if</i> using an intermediate auxiliary deep copy of <tt>other</tt>.
* @param source the source matrix to copy from (may be identical to the receiver).
* @return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>columns() != source.columns() || rows() != source.rows()</tt>
public ObjectMatrix2D assign(ObjectMatrix2D source) {
// overriden for performance only
if (!(source instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D)) {
return super.assign(source);
DenseObjectMatrix2D other = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) source;
// nothing to do
if (other == this)
return this;
if (this.isNoView && other.isNoView) {
// quickest
System.arraycopy(other.elements, 0, this.elements, 0, this.elements.length);
return this;
if (haveSharedCells(other)) {
ObjectMatrix2D c = other.copy();
if (!(c instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D)) {
// should not happen
return super.assign(other);
other = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) c;
final Object[] elems = this.elements;
final Object[] otherElems = other.elements;
if (elements == null || otherElems == null)
throw new InternalError();
int cs = this.columnStride;
int ocs = other.columnStride;
int rs = this.rowStride;
int ors = other.rowStride;
int otherIndex = other.index(0, 0);
int index = index(0, 0);
for (int row = rows; --row >= 0; ) {
for (int i = index, j = otherIndex, column = columns; --column >= 0; ) {
elems[i] = otherElems[j];
i += cs;
j += ocs;
index += rs;
otherIndex += ors;
return this;
use of cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D in project tdq-studio-se by Talend.
the class Formatter method toTitleString.
*Returns a string representation of the given matrix with axis as well as rows and columns labeled.
*Pass <tt>null</tt> to one or more parameters to indicate that the corresponding decoration element shall not appear in the string converted matrix.
*@param matrix The matrix to format.
*@param rowNames The headers of all rows (to be put to the left of the matrix).
*@param columnNames The headers of all columns (to be put to above the matrix).
*@param rowAxisName The label of the y-axis.
*@param columnAxisName The label of the x-axis.
*@param title The overall title of the matrix to be formatted.
*@return the matrix converted to a string.
public String toTitleString(ObjectMatrix2D matrix, String[] rowNames, String[] columnNames, String rowAxisName, String columnAxisName, String title) {
if (matrix.size() == 0)
return "Empty matrix";
String oldFormat = this.format;
this.format = LEFT;
int rows = matrix.rows();
int columns = matrix.columns();
// determine how many rows and columns are needed
int r = 0;
int c = 0;
r += (columnNames == null ? 0 : 1);
c += (rowNames == null ? 0 : 1);
c += (rowAxisName == null ? 0 : 1);
c += (rowNames != null || rowAxisName != null ? 1 : 0);
int height = r + Math.max(rows, rowAxisName == null ? 0 : rowAxisName.length());
int width = c + columns;
// make larger matrix holding original matrix and naming strings
cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D titleMatrix =, width);
// insert original matrix into larger matrix
titleMatrix.viewPart(r, c, rows, columns).assign(matrix);
// insert column axis name in leading row
if (r > 0)
titleMatrix.viewRow(0).viewPart(c, columns).assign(columnNames);
// insert row axis name in leading column
if (rowAxisName != null) {
String[] rowAxisStrings = new String[rowAxisName.length()];
for (int i = rowAxisName.length(); --i >= 0; ) rowAxisStrings[i] = rowAxisName.substring(i, i + 1);
titleMatrix.viewColumn(0).viewPart(r, rowAxisName.length()).assign(rowAxisStrings);
// insert row names in next leading columns
if (rowNames != null)
titleMatrix.viewColumn(c - 2).viewPart(r, rows).assign(rowNames);
// insert vertical "---------" separator line in next leading column
if (c > 0)
titleMatrix.viewColumn(c - 2 + 1).viewPart(0, rows + r).assign("|");
// convert the large matrix to a string
boolean oldPrintShape = this.printShape;
this.printShape = false;
String str = toString(titleMatrix);
this.printShape = oldPrintShape;
// insert horizontal "--------------" separator line
StringBuffer total = new StringBuffer(str);
if (columnNames != null) {
int i = str.indexOf(rowSeparator);
total.insert(i + 1, repeat('-', i) + rowSeparator);
} else if (columnAxisName != null) {
int i = str.indexOf(rowSeparator);
total.insert(0, repeat('-', i) + rowSeparator);
// insert line for column axis name
if (columnAxisName != null) {
int j = 0;
if (c > 0)
j = str.indexOf('|');
String s = blanks(j);
if (c > 0)
s = s + "| ";
s = s + columnAxisName + "\n";
total.insert(0, s);
// insert title
if (title != null)
total.insert(0, title + "\n");
this.format = oldFormat;
return total.toString();
use of cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D in project jAudioGIT by dmcennis.
the class Formatter method toString.
* Returns a string representation of the given matrix.
* @param matrix the matrix to convert.
public String toString(ObjectMatrix1D matrix) {
ObjectMatrix2D easy = matrix.like2D(1, matrix.size());
return toString(easy);