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Example 1 with NSPopUpButton

use of ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSPopUpButton in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class MainController method upload.

private boolean upload(final List<Local> files) {
    // Selected bookmark
    Host open = null;
    Path workdir = null;
    for (BrowserController browser : MainController.getBrowsers()) {
        if (browser.isMounted()) {
            open = browser.getSession().getHost();
            workdir = browser.workdir();
            if (1 == MainController.getBrowsers().size()) {
                // If only one browser window upload to current working directory with no bookmark selection
                this.upload(open, files, workdir);
                return true;
    final BookmarkCollection bookmarks = BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection();
    if (bookmarks.isEmpty()) {
        log.warn("No bookmark for upload");
        return false;
    final NSPopUpButton bookmarksPopup = NSPopUpButton.buttonWithFrame(new NSRect(0, 26));
    bookmarksPopup.setToolTip(LocaleFactory.localizedString("Bookmarks", "Browser"));
    for (Host b : bookmarks) {
        String title = BookmarkNameProvider.toString(b);
        int i = 1;
        while (bookmarksPopup.itemWithTitle(title) != null) {
            title = BookmarkNameProvider.toString(b) + "-" + i;
        bookmarksPopup.lastItem().setImage(IconCacheFactory.<NSImage>get().iconNamed(b.getProtocol().icon(), 16));
        if (b.equals(open)) {
    if (null == open) {
        int i = 0;
        for (Host bookmark : bookmarks) {
            boolean found = false;
            // Pick the bookmark with the same download location
            for (Local file : files) {
                if (file.isChild(new DownloadDirectoryFinder().find(bookmark))) {
                    bookmarksPopup.selectItemAtIndex(new NSInteger(i));
                    found = true;
            if (found) {
    if (-1 == bookmarksPopup.indexOfSelectedItem().intValue()) {
        // No bookmark for current browser found
        bookmarksPopup.selectItemAtIndex(new NSInteger(0));
    final Host mount = open;
    final Path destination = workdir;
    final NSAlert alert = NSAlert.alert("Select Bookmark", MessageFormat.format("Upload {0} to the selected bookmark.", files.size() == 1 ? files.iterator().next().getName() : MessageFormat.format(LocaleFactory.localizedString("{0} Items"), String.valueOf(files.size()))), LocaleFactory.localizedString("Upload", "Transfer"), LocaleFactory.localizedString("Cancel"), null);
    final AlertController controller = new AlertController() {

        public void loadBundle() {

        public NSView getAccessoryView(final NSAlert alert) {
            return bookmarksPopup;

        public void callback(int returncode) {
            if (DEFAULT_OPTION == returncode) {
                final String selected = bookmarksPopup.selectedItem().representedObject();
                final Host bookmark = bookmarks.lookup(selected);
                if (bookmark.equals(mount)) {
                    // Use current working directory of browser for destination
                    upload(bookmark, files, destination);
                } else {
                    // No mounted browser
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bookmark.getDefaultPath())) {
                        upload(bookmark, files, new Path(PathNormalizer.normalize(bookmark.getDefaultPath()), EnumSet.of(;
                    } else {
                        upload(bookmark, files, null == destination ? new Path(String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER), EnumSet.of( : destination);

        public boolean validate() {
            return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bookmarksPopup.selectedItem().representedObject());
    return true;
Also used : NSAttributedString( DownloadDirectoryFinder(ch.cyberduck.ui.browser.DownloadDirectoryFinder) NSPopUpButton(ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSPopUpButton) NSInteger( NSImage(ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSImage) NSAlert(ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSAlert) NSRect( AlertController(ch.cyberduck.binding.AlertController)


AlertController (ch.cyberduck.binding.AlertController)1 NSAlert (ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSAlert)1 NSImage (ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSImage)1 NSPopUpButton (ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSPopUpButton)1 NSAttributedString ( DownloadDirectoryFinder (ch.cyberduck.ui.browser.DownloadDirectoryFinder)1 NSInteger ( NSRect (