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Example 1 with NSBundle

use of in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class BundleApplicationResourcesFinder method bundle.

public NSBundle bundle() {
    if (cached != null) {
        return cached;
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Loading application bundle resources");
    final NSBundle main = NSBundle.mainBundle();
    if (null == main) {
        cached = null;
    } else {
        final Local executable = new FinderLocal(main.executablePath());
        cached = this.bundle(main, executable);
    return cached;
Also used : NSBundle( FinderLocal(ch.cyberduck.core.local.FinderLocal) FinderLocal(ch.cyberduck.core.local.FinderLocal) Local(ch.cyberduck.core.Local)

Example 2 with NSBundle

use of in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class BundleApplicationResourcesFinder method bundle.

protected NSBundle bundle(final NSBundle main, Local executable) {
    if (!executable.isSymbolicLink()) {
        return main;
    while (executable.isSymbolicLink()) {
        try {
            executable = executable.getSymlinkTarget();
        } catch (NotfoundException e) {
            return main;
    Local folder = executable.getParent();
    NSBundle b;
    do {
        b = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(folder.getAbsolute());
        if (null == b) {
            log.error(String.format("Loading bundle %s failed", folder));
        if (StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER), b.bundlePath())) {
        folder = folder.getParent();
    } while (b.executablePath() == null);
    return b;
Also used : NotfoundException(ch.cyberduck.core.exception.NotfoundException) NSBundle( FinderLocal(ch.cyberduck.core.local.FinderLocal) Local(ch.cyberduck.core.Local)

Example 3 with NSBundle

use of in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class LaunchServicesSchemeHandler method getAllHandlers.

public List<Application> getAllHandlers(final String scheme) {
    final List<Application> handlers = new ArrayList<Application>();
    final NSArray applications = LaunchServicesLibrary.library.LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(NSURL.URLWithString(String.format("%s:/", scheme)), LaunchServicesLibrary.kLSRolesAll);
    NSEnumerator ordered = applications.objectEnumerator();
    NSObject next;
    while (((next = ordered.nextObject()) != null)) {
        final NSURL url = Rococoa.cast(next, NSURL.class);
        final NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(url.path());
        if (null == bundle) {
            log.warn(String.format("Failure loading bundle for path %s", url.path()));
        final Application application = applicationFinder.getDescription(bundle.bundleIdentifier());
        if (applicationFinder.isInstalled(application)) {
    return handlers;
Also used : NSEnumerator( NSObject( NSBundle( NSArray( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NSURL( Application(ch.cyberduck.core.local.Application)

Example 4 with NSBundle

use of in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class LaunchServicesSchemeHandler method getDefaultHandler.

 * See ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h#LSCopyDefaultHandlerForURLScheme
 * @param scheme The protocol identifier
 * @return The bundle identifier for the application registered as the default handler for this scheme
public Application getDefaultHandler(final String scheme) {
    final ObjCObjectByReference error = new ObjCObjectByReference();
    final NSURL url = LaunchServicesLibrary.library.LSCopyDefaultApplicationURLForURL(NSURL.URLWithString(String.format("%s:/", scheme)), LaunchServicesLibrary.kLSRolesAll, error);
    if (url != null) {
        final NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(url.path());
        if (null == bundle) {
            log.warn(String.format("Failure loading bundle for path %s", url.path()));
            return Application.notfound;
        final Application application = applicationFinder.getDescription(bundle.bundleIdentifier());
        if (applicationFinder.isInstalled(application)) {
            return application;
    return Application.notfound;
Also used : NSBundle( NSURL( ObjCObjectByReference(org.rococoa.ObjCObjectByReference) Application(ch.cyberduck.core.local.Application)

Example 5 with NSBundle

use of in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.

the class LaunchServicesApplicationFinder method find.

 * The default application for this file as set by the launch services
 * @param filename Filename
 * @return The bundle identifier of the default application to open the
 * file of this type or null if unknown
public Application find(final String filename) {
    final String extension = Path.getExtension(filename);
    if (!defaultApplicationCache.contains(extension)) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(extension)) {
            return Application.notfound;
        final String path = this.findForType(extension);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) {
            defaultApplicationCache.put(extension, Application.notfound);
        } else {
            final NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(path);
            if (null == bundle) {
                log.error(String.format("Loading bundle %s failed", path));
                defaultApplicationCache.put(extension, Application.notfound);
            } else {
                defaultApplicationCache.put(extension, this.getDescription(bundle.bundleIdentifier()));
    return defaultApplicationCache.get(extension);
Also used : NSBundle(


NSBundle ( Local (ch.cyberduck.core.Local)5 FinderLocal (ch.cyberduck.core.local.FinderLocal)3 NSObject ( NSURL ( NotfoundException (ch.cyberduck.core.exception.NotfoundException)2 Application (ch.cyberduck.core.local.Application)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 NSWorkspace (ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSWorkspace)1 NSArray ( NSDictionary ( NSEnumerator ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)1 ObjCObjectByReference (org.rococoa.ObjCObjectByReference)1