use of ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v16.bst.BSTIteratorAll in project phtree by tzaeschke.
the class PhTree16 method toStringTree.
private void toStringTree(StringBuilderLn sb, int currentDepth, Node node, long[] prefix, boolean printValue) {
String ind = "*";
for (int i = 0; i < currentDepth; i++) {
ind += "-";
sb.append(ind + "il=" + node.getInfixLen() + " pl=" + (node.getPostLen()) + " ec=" + node.getEntryCount() + " inf=[");
// for a leaf node, the existence of a sub just indicates that the value exists.
if (node.getInfixLen() > 0) {
long mask = (-1L) << node.getInfixLen();
mask = ~mask;
mask <<= node.getPostLen() + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
sb.append(Bits.toBinary(prefix[i] & mask) + ",");
currentDepth += node.getInfixLen();
sb.appendLn("] " + node);
// To clean previous postfixes.
BSTIteratorAll iter = node.iterator();
while (iter.hasNextEntry()) {
BSTEntry o = iter.nextEntry();
if (o.getValue() instanceof Node) {
sb.appendLn(ind + "# " + o.getKey() + " +");
toStringTree(sb, currentDepth + 1, (Node) o.getValue(), o.getKdKey(), printValue);
} else {
// post-fix
sb.append(ind + Bits.toBinary(o.getKdKey(), DEPTH_64));
sb.append(" hcPos=" + o.getKey());
if (printValue) {
sb.append(" v=" + o.getValue());
use of ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v16.bst.BSTIteratorAll in project phtree by tzaeschke.
the class TestBST16 method checkEmpty.
private void checkEmpty(Node ht) {
assertEquals(0, ht.getEntryCount());
BSTEntry e = ht.bstGet(12345);
// iterate
BSTIteratorAll iter = ht.iterator();
BSTIteratorMask iterMask = new BSTIteratorMask().reset(ht.getRoot(), 0, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEL, ht.getEntryCount());
BSTEntry e2 = ht.bstRemove(12345, null, null, tree);
use of ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v16.bst.BSTIteratorAll in project phtree by tzaeschke.
the class TestBST16 method runTest.
private void runTest(List<BSTEntry> list, String prefix) {
Node ht = create();
// populate
long l11 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
// if (i%1000 == 0)
// System.out.println("ins=" + i);
// ht.bstPut((Integer)i.getValue(), i);
BSTEntry newBE = ht.bstGetOrCreate((int) i.getValue(), tree);
newBE.set((int) i.getValue(), i.getKdKey(), i.getValue());
// Check
BSTEntry be = ht.bstGet((Integer) i.getValue());
assertEquals((int) i.getValue(), (int) be.getValue());
long l12 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(list.size(), ht.getEntryCount());
// println(ht.getStats().toString());
// lookup
long l21 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
BSTEntry e = ht.bstGet((Integer) i.getValue());
// assertNotNull("i=" + i, e);
int x = (int) e.getValue();
assertEquals(i.getValue(), x);
long l22 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// iterate
long l51 = System.currentTimeMillis();
BSTIteratorAll iter = ht.iterator();
long prev = -1;
while (iter.hasNextEntry()) {
long current = iter.nextEntry().getKey();
assertEquals(prev + 1, current);
prev = current;
assertEquals(prev, list.size() - 1);
long l52 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long l61 = System.currentTimeMillis();
BSTIteratorMask iterMask = new BSTIteratorMask().reset(ht.getRoot(), 0, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEL, ht.getEntryCount());
prev = -2;
while (iterMask.hasNextEntry()) {
long current = iterMask.nextEntry().getKey();
assertEquals(prev + 2, current);
prev = current;
assertEquals(prev, list.size() - 2);
long l62 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// replace some
long l31 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
// ht.bstPut((Integer)i.getValue(), new BSTEntry(i.getKdKey(), -(Integer)i.getValue()));
BSTEntry newBE = ht.bstGetOrCreate((Integer) i.getValue(), tree);
newBE.setValue(-(Integer) i.getValue());
long l32 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(list.size(), ht.getEntryCount());
// remove some
long l41 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
assertEquals(-(Integer) i.getValue(), ht.bstRemove((Integer) i.getValue(), i.getKdKey(), null, tree).getValue());
long l42 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(0, ht.getEntryCount());
println(prefix + "Load: " + (l12 - l11));
println(prefix + "Get: " + (l22 - l21));
println(prefix + "Iter: " + (l52 - l51));
println(prefix + "IterM:" + (l62 - l61));
println(prefix + "Load: " + (l32 - l31));
println(prefix + "Rem : " + (l42 - l41));
use of ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v16.bst.BSTIteratorAll in project phtree by tzaeschke.
the class PhTree16 method toStringPlain.
private void toStringPlain(StringBuilderLn sb, Node node) {
BSTIteratorAll iter = node.iterator();
while (iter.hasNextEntry()) {
BSTEntry o = iter.nextEntry();
// inner node?
if (o.getValue() instanceof Node) {
toStringPlain(sb, (Node) o.getValue());
} else {
sb.append(Bits.toBinary(o.getKdKey(), DEPTH_64));
sb.appendLn(" v=" + o.getValue());
use of ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v16.bst.BSTIteratorAll in project phtree by tzaeschke.
the class TestBST16compute method runTest.
private void runTest(List<BSTEntry> list, String prefix) {
Node ht = create();
// populate
long l11 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
// if (i%1000 == 0)
// System.out.println("ins=" + i);
// ht.bstPut((Integer)i.getValue(), i);
ht.bstCompute((int) i.getValue(), i.getKdKey(), tree, true, (longs, o) -> {
assertSame(i.getKdKey(), longs);
// TODO clone 'i'?
return i.getValue();
// Check
BSTEntry be = ht.bstGet((Integer) i.getValue());
assertEquals((int) i.getValue(), (int) be.getValue());
long l12 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(list.size(), ht.getEntryCount());
// lookup
long l21 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
BSTEntry e = ht.bstGet((Integer) i.getValue());
// assertNotNull("i=" + i, e);
int x = (int) e.getValue();
assertEquals(i.getValue(), x);
long l22 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// iterate
long l51 = System.currentTimeMillis();
BSTIteratorAll iter = ht.iterator();
long prev = -1;
while (iter.hasNextEntry()) {
long current = iter.nextEntry().getKey();
assertEquals(prev + 1, current);
prev = current;
assertEquals(prev, list.size() - 1);
long l52 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long l61 = System.currentTimeMillis();
BSTIteratorMask iterMask = new BSTIteratorMask().reset(ht.getRoot(), 0, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEL, ht.getEntryCount());
prev = -2;
while (iterMask.hasNextEntry()) {
long current = iterMask.nextEntry().getKey();
assertEquals(prev + 2, current);
prev = current;
assertEquals(prev, ((list.size() - 1) & 0xFFFFFFFE));
long l62 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// replace some
long l31 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
// ht.bstPut((Integer)i.getValue(), new BSTEntry(i.getKdKey(), -(Integer)i.getValue()));
ht.bstCompute((Integer) i.getValue(), i.getKdKey(), tree, true, (longs, o) -> -(Integer) i.getValue());
long l32 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(list.size(), ht.getEntryCount());
// remove some
long l41 = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean[] found = new boolean[1];
for (BSTEntry i : list) {
found[0] = false;
ht.bstCompute((Integer) i.getValue(), i.getKdKey(), tree, true, (longs, o) -> {
found[0] = true;
return null;
long l42 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assertEquals(0, ht.getEntryCount());
println(prefix + "Load: " + (l12 - l11));
println(prefix + "Get: " + (l22 - l21));
println(prefix + "Iter: " + (l52 - l51));
println(prefix + "IterM:" + (l62 - l61));
println(prefix + "Load: " + (l32 - l31));
println(prefix + "Rem : " + (l42 - l41));