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Example 96 with Xnode

use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ScaForward method propagatePromotion.

 * Propagate possible promotion in assignments statements in the parent
 * subroutine of the function call.
 * @param xcodeml    Current XcodeML program unit.
 * @param translator Current translator to store information between
 *                   transformation.
private void propagatePromotion(XcodeProgram xcodeml, ClawTranslator translator) throws IllegalTransformationException {
    // Get all the assignment statements in the function definition
    FfunctionDefinition parentFctDef = _fCall.findParentFunction();
    // Retrieve information of previous forward transformation in the same fct
    List<String> previouslyPromoted = Utility.convertToList(translator.hasElement(parentFctDef));
    List<Xnode> assignments = parentFctDef.matchAll(Xcode.F_ASSIGN_STATEMENT);
    // Find promotion info that can be used.
    // TODO define how default promotion is encoded in xmod file. For the
    // TODO moment using the first information found in fctType.
    PromotionInfo defaultInfo = Function.readPromotionInfo(_fctType, InsertionPosition.BEFORE);
    for (Xnode assignment : assignments) {
        Xnode lhs = assignment.child(0);
        Xnode rhs = assignment.child(1);
        List<Xnode> varsInRhs = rhs.matchAll(Xcode.VAR);
        for (Xnode var : varsInRhs) {
            // Check if the assignment statement uses a promoted variable
            if (_promotedVar.contains(var.value()) && var.matchAncestor(Xcode.FUNCTION_CALL) == null && Xnode.isOfCode(lhs, Xcode.F_ARRAY_REF)) {
                Xnode varInLhs = lhs.matchDescendant(Xcode.VAR);
                if (varInLhs == null) {
                    throw new IllegalTransformationException("Unable to propagate " + "promotion. Internal error.", _claw.getPragma().lineNo());
                // Declare the induction variable if they are not present
                for (DimensionDefinition dim : defaultInfo.getDimensions()) {
                    if (parentFctDef.getDeclarationTable().get(dim.getIdentifier()) == null) {
                        xcodeml.createIdAndDecl(dim.getIdentifier(), FortranType.INTEGER, XstorageClass.F_LOCAL, parentFctDef, DeclarationPosition.LAST);
                // Generate the do statements and move the assignment statement in
                NestedDoStatement doStmt = new NestedDoStatement(defaultInfo.getDimensions(), xcodeml);
                PromotionInfo promotionInfo;
                if (!previouslyPromoted.contains(varInLhs.value())) {
                    // Perform the promotion on the variable
                    promotionInfo = new PromotionInfo(varInLhs.value(), defaultInfo.getDimensions());
                    Field.promote(promotionInfo, parentFctDef, xcodeml);
                    _promotions.put(promotionInfo.getIdentifier(), promotionInfo);
                } else {
                    promotionInfo = _promotions.get(varInLhs.value());
                // Adapt the reference in the assignment statement
                for (String id : _promotedVar) {
                    Field.adaptArrayRef(_promotions.get(id), assignment, false, xcodeml);
                // If the array is a target, check if we have to promote a pointer
                if (!previouslyPromoted.contains(varInLhs.value())) {
                    Field.adaptPointer(xcodeml, parentFctDef, _promotions, promotionInfo);
                     * if one var in the rhs of the assignment statement was promoted it's enough
                     * and we can switch to the next assignment statement.
    translator.storeElement(parentFctDef, previouslyPromoted);
Also used : Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) FfunctionDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition) IllegalTransformationException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException) PromotionInfo(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.PromotionInfo) NestedDoStatement(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.NestedDoStatement) DimensionDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.DimensionDefinition)

Example 97 with Xnode

use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ScaForward method analyze.

public boolean analyze(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator) {
    Xnode next = _claw.getPragma().nextSibling();
    if (next == null) {
        xcodeml.addError("Directive is not followed by a valid statement.", _claw.getPragma());
        return false;
    if (Xnode.isOfCode(next, Xcode.EXPR_STATEMENT) || Xnode.isOfCode(next, Xcode.F_ASSIGN_STATEMENT)) {
        _isNestedInAssignment = Xnode.isOfCode(next, Xcode.F_ASSIGN_STATEMENT);
        Xnode fctCallNode = next.matchSeq(Xcode.FUNCTION_CALL);
        if (fctCallNode != null) {
            _fCall = new FunctionCall(fctCallNode);
            return analyzeForward(xcodeml);
    } else if (Xnode.isOfCode(next, Xcode.F_DO_STATEMENT)) {
        _doStatements = new NestedDoStatement(next);
        return analyzeForwardWithDo(xcodeml);
    xcodeml.addError("Directive is not followed by a valid statement.", _claw.getPragma());
    return false;
Also used : Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) NestedDoStatement(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.NestedDoStatement) FunctionCall(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.FunctionCall)

Example 98 with Xnode

use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ScaForward method analyzeForward.

 * Analyze the directive when it is used just before a function call.
 * @param xcodeml Current XcodeML file unit.
 * @return True if the analysis succeed. False otherwise.
private boolean analyzeForward(XcodeProgram xcodeml) {
    final Context context = xcodeml.context();
    if (_fCall == null) {
        xcodeml.addError("Directive is not followed by a fct call.", _claw.getPragma());
        return false;
    detectParameterMapping(context, _fCall);
    _calledFctName = _fCall.getFctName();
    FfunctionDefinition fctDef = xcodeml.getGlobalDeclarationsTable().getFunctionDefinition(_calledFctName);
    FfunctionDefinition parentFctDef = _claw.getPragma().findParentFunction();
    if (parentFctDef == null) {
        xcodeml.addError("SCA directive is not nested in a " + "function/subroutine.", _claw.getPragma());
        return false;
    FmoduleDefinition parentModule = parentFctDef.findParentModule();
    if (_fCall.isTbpCall()) {
             * If type is a FbasicType element for a type-bound procedure, we have to
             * matchSeq the correct function in the typeTable. TODO if there is a rename.
             * TODO generic call
        Xid id = parentModule.getSymbolTable().get(_calledFctName);
        if (id == null) {
            List<Xnode> uses = parentFctDef.getDeclarationTable().uses();
            if (!findInModule(context, uses)) {
                xcodeml.addError("Function definition not found in module ", _claw.getPragma());
                return false;
        } else {
            _fctType = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getFunctionType(id);
    } else {
        if (xcodeml.getTypeTable().isFunctionType(_fCall)) {
            _fctType = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getFunctionType(_fCall);
        } else {
            xcodeml.addError("Unsupported type of XcodeML/F element for the function " + _calledFctName, _claw.getPragma());
            return false;
         * Workaround for a bug in OMNI Compiler. Look at test case claw/abstraction10.
         * In this test case, the XcodeML/F intermediate representation for the function
         * call points to a FfunctionType element with no parameters. Thus, we have to
         * matchSeq the correct FfunctionType for the same function/subroutine with the
         * same name in the module symbol table.
    if (_fctType.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
             * If not, try to matchSeq the correct FfunctionType in the module definitions
        Xid id = (parentModule == null) ? null : parentModule.getSymbolTable().get(_calledFctName);
        if (id == null) {
            // Function is not located in the current module.
            List<Xnode> uses = parentFctDef.getDeclarationTable().uses();
            if (parentModule != null) {
            if (!findInModule(context, uses)) {
                xcodeml.addError(String.format("Function definition %s not found in module.", _calledFctName), _claw.getPragma());
                return false;
        } else {
            _fctType = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getFunctionType(id);
            if (_fctType == null) {
                xcodeml.addError("Called function cannot be found in the same module ", _claw.getPragma());
                return false;
    // end of workaround
    _callingFctName = parentFctDef.getName();
    if (_fctType != null && fctDef != null) {
        _localFct = true;
    } else {
        // Has been found already
        if (_fctType != null && _calledFctName == null) {
            return true;
        // Get all the use statements in the fct and module definitions
        List<Xnode> uses = parentFctDef.getDeclarationTable().uses();
        if (parentModule != null) {
        // Try to locate the fct in the modules defined in use statements
        if (findInModule(context, uses)) {
            return true;
        xcodeml.addError("Function signature not found in the current module.", _claw.getPragma());
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : Context(claw.tatsu.common.Context) Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) Xid(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xid) FfunctionDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition) FmoduleDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FmoduleDefinition)

Example 99 with Xnode

use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ClawPragmaTest method analyzeErrors.

private void analyzeErrors(String pragma, int nbExpectedToken) {
    Xnode p = XmlHelper.createXpragma();
    cfg.init(CompilerDirective.OPENACC, Target.GPU);
    context.init(CompilerDirective.OPENACC, Target.GPU, null, 80);
    try {
    } catch (IllegalDirectiveException e) {
        if (nbExpectedToken != 0) {
            assertEquals(nbExpectedToken, e.getExpectedTokens().size());
Also used : Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) IllegalDirectiveException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalDirectiveException)

Example 100 with Xnode

use of claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class FieldTest method performAndAssertPromotion.

 * Perform the promotion transformation and assert its result.
 * @param id         Identifier of the field to be promoted.
 * @param dims       Dimension definitions to use.
 * @param fctDef     Function definition in which the promotion is performed.
 * @param xcodeml    Current XcodeML translation unit.
 * @param base       Number of dimension before the promotion.
 * @param target     Number of dimension after the promotion.
 * @param dimensions Expected dimensions after promotion.
private void performAndAssertPromotion(String id, List<DimensionDefinition> dims, FfunctionDefinition fctDef, XcodeProgram xcodeml, int base, int target, int[] dimensions) {
    try {
        int diff = target - base;
        PromotionInfo promotionInfo = new PromotionInfo(id);
        Xnode decl = fctDef.getDeclarationTable().get(id);
        FbasicType bt;
        if (base != 0) {
            bt = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getBasicType(decl);
            assertEquals(base, bt.getDimensions());
        } else {
            assertEquals(FortranType.REAL, FortranType.fromString(decl.getType()));
        // Perform the promotion
        Field.promote(promotionInfo, fctDef, xcodeml);
        decl = fctDef.getDeclarationTable().get(id);
        bt = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getBasicType(decl);
        assertEquals(target, bt.getDimensions());
        assertEquals(target, dimensions.length / 2);
        assertEquals(target, promotionInfo.getTargetDimension());
        assertEquals(base, promotionInfo.getBaseDimension());
        assertEquals(diff, promotionInfo.diffDimension());
        assertEquals(bt.getType(), promotionInfo.getTargetType().getType());
        if (base > 0) {
            assertEquals(PromotionInfo.PromotionType.ARRAY_TO_ARRAY, promotionInfo.getPromotionType());
        } else {
            assertEquals(PromotionInfo.PromotionType.SCALAR_TO_ARRAY, promotionInfo.getPromotionType());
        for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length / 2; ++i) {
            assertDimension(bt.getDimensions(i), dimensions[i * 2], dimensions[(i * 2) + 1]);
    } catch (IllegalTransformationException itex) {
Also used : Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) IllegalTransformationException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException) PromotionInfo(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.PromotionInfo) FbasicType(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FbasicType)


Xnode (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode)124 Context (claw.tatsu.common.Context)29 IllegalTransformationException (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException)24 Test (org.junit.Test)24 XcodeProgram (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.XcodeProgram)20 TestContext (helper.Utils.TestContext)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 FfunctionDefinition (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition)17 Xblock (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.Xblock)9 FunctionCall (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.FunctionCall)8 Xid (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xid)8 FbasicType (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FbasicType)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)7 PromotionInfo (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.PromotionInfo)6 FfunctionType (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionType)6 NestedDoStatement (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.NestedDoStatement)5 ClawPragma (claw.wani.language.ClawPragma)5 ClawTranslator (claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)5 NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)5 DirectiveGenerator (claw.tatsu.directive.generator.DirectiveGenerator)4