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Example 1 with ClawTranslator

use of claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ScaCPUvectorizeGroup method analyze.

public boolean analyze(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator) {
    if (!detectParentFunction(xcodeml)) {
        return false;
    if (!_fctType.isElemental()) {
        // Only for non-elemental function/subroutine
        ClawTranslator trans = (ClawTranslator) translator;
        return analyzeDimension(trans.cfg(), xcodeml) && analyzeData(xcodeml, trans);
    return true;
Also used : ClawTranslator(claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)

Example 2 with ClawTranslator

use of claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class Sca method transform.

public void transform(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator, Transformation other) throws Exception {
    ClawTranslator trans = (ClawTranslator) translator;
    final Configuration cfg = trans.cfg();
    final Context context = trans.context();
    // Handle PURE function / subroutine
    if (cfg.isForcePure() && _fctType.isPure()) {
        throw new IllegalTransformationException("PURE specifier cannot be removed", _fctDef.lineNo());
    } else {
        removeAttributesWithWaring(xcodeml, _fctType, Xattr.IS_PURE);
    // Insert the declarations of variables to iterate over the new dimensions.
    insertVariableToIterateOverDimension(cfg, xcodeml);
    // Promote all array fields with new dimensions.
    promoteFields(cfg, xcodeml);
    boolean adaptedNakedArrayRef = context.getTarget() == Target.GPU;
    // Adapt array references.
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.DATA_OVER)) {
        for (String id : _claw.getDataOverClauseValues()) {
            Field.adaptArrayRef(_promotions.get(id), _fctDef.body(), adaptedNakedArrayRef, xcodeml);
    } else {
        for (String id : _arrayFieldsInOut) {
            Field.adaptArrayRef(_promotions.get(id), _fctDef.body(), adaptedNakedArrayRef, xcodeml);
Also used : Context(claw.tatsu.common.Context) Configuration(claw.wani.x2t.configuration.Configuration) IllegalTransformationException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException) ClawTranslator(claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)

Example 3 with ClawTranslator

use of claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ScaForward method transformStd.

 * Do the standard transformation for the forward directive. This transformation
 * adapt the function call and replicates any necessary changes to the
 * containing subroutine.
 * @param xcodeml    Current XcodeML file unit.
 * @param translator Current translator.
 * @throws Exception If something goes wrong.
private void transformStd(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator) throws Exception {
    ClawTranslator trans = (ClawTranslator) translator;
    final Context context = trans.context();
    final Configuration cfg = trans.cfg();
    FfunctionDefinition fDef = _claw.getPragma().findParentFunction();
    if (fDef == null) {
        throw new IllegalTransformationException("SCA directive is not " + "nested in a function/subroutine.", _claw.getPragma().lineNo());
    FfunctionType parentFctType = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getFunctionType(fDef);
    if (_fctType.isElemental() || _fctType.getBooleanAttribute(Xattr.WAS_ELEMENTAL)) {
        _flatten = true;
    List<Xnode> params = _fctType.getParameters();
         * Compute the position of the first new arguments. In the case of a type-bound
         * procedure call, the first parameter declared in the procedure is not actually
         * passed as an argument. In this case, we add an offset of one to the starting
         * arguments. TODO the check might be change to fit with the XcodeML/F2008
         * specs. The TODO cont: attribute data_ref will probably be gone and replaced
         * by a TODO cont: FmemberRef element
    int argOffset = 0;
    if (!params.isEmpty() && FortranType.STRUCT.isOfType(params.get(0).getType()) && _fCall.isTbpCall()) {
        argOffset = 1;
    // 1. Adapt function call with potential new arguments
    for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
        Xnode p = params.get(i);
        String varId = p.value();
        String type;
        FbasicType paramType = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getBasicType(p);
        if (!p.getBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_INSERTED)) {
        if (!fDef.getSymbolTable().contains(varId)) {
            if (_flatten && !paramType.getBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_OPTIONAL)) {
                throw new IllegalTransformationException("Variable " + varId + " must be locally defined where the last call to one_column " + "is made.", _claw.getPragma().lineNo());
            // Size variable have to be declared
            FbasicType bt = xcodeml.createBasicType(FortranType.INTEGER, Intent.IN);
            xcodeml.createIdAndDecl(varId, bt.getType(), XstorageClass.F_PARAM, fDef, DeclarationPosition.FIRST);
            type = bt.getType();
            Xnode param = xcodeml.createAndAddParam(varId, type, parentFctType);
            param.setBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_INSERTED, true);
        } else {
            // Var exists already. Add to the parameters if not here.
            type = fDef.getSymbolTable().get(varId).getType();
                 * If flatten mode, we do not add extra parameters to the function definition.
            if (!_flatten && !fDef.getSymbolTable().contains(varId)) {
                Xnode param = xcodeml.createAndAddParamIfNotExists(varId, type, parentFctType);
                if (param != null) {
                    param.setBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_INSERTED, true);
        // Add variable in the function call before the optional parameters
        Xnode arg = xcodeml.createNamedValue(varId);
        arg.append(xcodeml.createVar(type, varId, Xscope.LOCAL));
        Xnode hook = _fCall.arguments().get((i - 1) - argOffset);
        if (hook != null) {
        } else {
    // In flatten mode, arguments are demoted if needed.
    if (_flatten) {
        for (Xnode arg : _fCall.arguments()) {
            if ( && arg.matchDirectDescendant(Arrays.asList(Xcode.INDEX_RANGE, Xcode.ARRAY_INDEX)) != null) {
                List<Xnode> arrayIndexes = arg.matchAll(Xcode.ARRAY_INDEX);
                for (Xnode n : arrayIndexes) {
                    if (_doStatements != null && XnodeUtil.isInductionIndex(n, _doStatements.getInductionVariables())) {
    } else {
        // 2. Adapt function/subroutine in which the function call is nested
        for (Xnode pBase : _fctType.getParameters()) {
            String originalParam = pBase.value();
            if (_fctCallMapping.containsKey(originalParam)) {
                originalParam = _fctCallMapping.get(originalParam);
            Xnode pUpdate = null;
            for (Xnode param : parentFctType.getParameters()) {
                if (originalParam.equals(param.value())) {
                    pUpdate = param;
            if (pUpdate == null) {
                // field is not a parameter but maybe out field
                Xnode d = fDef.getDeclarationTable().get(originalParam);
                if (d != null) {
                    pUpdate = d.matchSeq(Xcode.NAME);
            if (pUpdate != null) {
                if (pUpdate.getType() == null || FortranType.isBuiltInType(pUpdate.getType())) {
                FbasicType typeBase = (_localFct) ? xcodeml.getTypeTable().getBasicType(pBase) : _mod.getTypeTable().getBasicType(pBase);
                FbasicType typeToUpdate = xcodeml.getTypeTable().getBasicType(pUpdate);
                int targetDim = typeBase.getDimensions();
                int baseDim = typeToUpdate.getDimensions();
                // Types have different dimensions
                if (typeBase.getDimensions() > typeToUpdate.getDimensions()) {
                    PromotionInfo promotionInfo = new PromotionInfo(originalParam);
                    FbasicType type = _localFct ? Type.duplicateWithDimension(typeBase, typeToUpdate, xcodeml, xcodeml, promotionInfo.getDimensions()) : Type.duplicateWithDimension(typeBase, typeToUpdate, _mod, xcodeml, promotionInfo.getDimensions());
                    Xid id = fDef.getSymbolTable().get(originalParam);
                    if (id != null) {
                    Xnode varDecl = fDef.getDeclarationTable().get(originalParam);
                    if (varDecl != null) {
                    _promotions.put(originalParam, promotionInfo);
                    pBase.copyAttribute(pUpdate, Xattr.PROMOTION_INFO);
        if (!parentFctType.getBooleanAttribute(Xattr.IS_PRIVATE)) {
            // 3. Replicate the change in a potential module file
            FmoduleDefinition modDef = fDef.findParentModule();
            if (modDef != null) {
                Xmod.updateSignature(modDef.getName(), xcodeml, fDef, parentFctType, false);
        } else if (_fCall.matchSeq(Xcode.NAME).hasAttribute(Xattr.DATA_REF)) {
                 * The function/subroutine is private but accessible through the type as a
                 * type-bound procedure. In this case, the function is not in the type table of
                 * the .xmod file. We need to insert it first and then we can update it.
            FmoduleDefinition modDef = fDef.findParentModule();
            if (modDef != null) {
                Xmod.updateSignature(modDef.getName(), xcodeml, fDef, parentFctType, true);
    propagatePromotion(xcodeml, (ClawTranslator) translator);
    Xnode fctCallAncestor = _fCall.matchAncestor(Xcode.EXPR_STATEMENT);
    if (fctCallAncestor == null) {
        fctCallAncestor = _fCall.matchAncestor(Xcode.F_ASSIGN_STATEMENT);
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.CREATE) && context.isTarget(Target.GPU)) {
        List<String> creates = _fCall.gatherArguments(xcodeml, _fctType, _mod, Intent.INOUT, true, false);
        if (_fctType.isFunction()) {
            String returnValue = XnodeUtil.gatherReturnValue(xcodeml, _fCall);
            if (returnValue != null) {
        Xblock fctCallBlock = new Xblock(fctCallAncestor);
        Directive.generateDataRegionClause(xcodeml, Collections.emptyList(), creates, fctCallBlock);
    // Serialization input
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT)) {
        List<String> inFields = _fCall.gatherArguments(xcodeml, _fctType, _mod != null ? _mod : xcodeml, Intent.IN, true, false);
        Serialization.insertImports(cfg, xcodeml, _fCall.findParentFunction());
        if (context.isTarget(Target.CPU)) {
            Serialization.generateWriteSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, fctCallAncestor, _claw.getMetadataMap(), inFields, _claw.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_IN);
        } else {
            Serialization.generateReadSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, fctCallAncestor, _claw.getMetadataMap(), inFields, _claw.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_IN);
    Xnode postHook = fctCallAncestor;
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.UPDATE) && context.isTarget(Target.GPU) && cfg.getBooleanParameter(Configuration.SCA_FORWARD_UPDATE_ENABLED)) {
        // Generate update from HOST TO DEVICE
        if ((_claw.getUpdateClauseValue() == DataMovement.TWO_WAY || _claw.getUpdateClauseValue() == DataMovement.HOST_TO_DEVICE) && cfg.updateAtInput()) {
            List<String> in = _fCall.gatherArguments(xcodeml, _fctType, _mod != null ? _mod : xcodeml, Intent.IN, true, false);
            Directive.generateUpdate(xcodeml, fctCallAncestor, in, DataMovement.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
        // Generate update from DEVICE to HOST
        if ((_claw.getUpdateClauseValue() == DataMovement.TWO_WAY || _claw.getUpdateClauseValue() == DataMovement.DEVICE_TO_HOST) && cfg.updateAtOutput()) {
            List<String> out = _fCall.gatherArguments(xcodeml, _fctType, _mod != null ? _mod : xcodeml, Intent.OUT, true, false);
            if (_fctType.isFunction()) {
                String returnValue = XnodeUtil.gatherReturnValue(xcodeml, _fCall);
                if (returnValue != null) {
            postHook = Directive.generateUpdate(xcodeml, fctCallAncestor, out, DataMovement.DEVICE_TO_HOST);
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.PARALLEL) && context.isTarget(Target.GPU)) {
        Directive.generateParallelRegion(xcodeml, fctCallAncestor, fctCallAncestor);
    // Serialization output
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT)) {
        List<String> outFields = _fCall.gatherArguments(xcodeml, _fctType, _mod != null ? _mod : xcodeml, Intent.OUT, true, false);
        Serialization.insertImports(cfg, xcodeml, _fCall.findParentFunction());
        Serialization.generateWriteSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, postHook, _claw.getMetadataMap(), outFields, _claw.value(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT), SerializationStep.SER_OUT);
Also used : Context(claw.tatsu.common.Context) Configuration(claw.wani.x2t.configuration.Configuration) FfunctionType(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionType) PromotionInfo(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.PromotionInfo) FbasicType(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FbasicType) Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) Xid(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xid) FfunctionDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition) IllegalTransformationException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException) Xblock(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.Xblock) FmoduleDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FmoduleDefinition) ClawTranslator(claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)

Example 4 with ClawTranslator

use of claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class ExpandNotation method transform.

 * Transform an assignment using array notation to a do statement.
 * @param xcodeml    The XcodeML on which the transformations are applied.
 * @param translator The translator used to applied the transformations.
 * @param other      Only for dependent transformation. The other transformation
 *                   part of the transformation.
 * @throws Exception If the transformation cannot be applied.
public void transform(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator, Transformation other) throws Exception {
    final ClawTranslator ct = (ClawTranslator) translator;
    final Configuration cfg = ct.cfg();
    // 1. Find the function/module declaration TODO handle module/program ?
    FfunctionDefinition fctDef = _clawStart.getPragma().findParentFunction();
    Xnode from = _clawStart.getPragma();
    Xnode to = _clawEnd != null ? _clawEnd.getPragma() : null;
    List<String> readArrays = XnodeUtil.getReadArraysInRegion(from, to);
    List<String> writtenArrays = XnodeUtil.getWrittenArraysInRegion(from, to);
    Set<String> presents = new HashSet<>(readArrays);
    Xblock doStmtsBlock = null;
    Xblock dataRegionBlock = null;
    if (xcodeml.context().isTarget(Target.GPU)) {
        Xblock crtBlock;
        for (int i = 0; i < _groupedAssignStmts.size(); ++i) {
            crtBlock = generateDoStmtNotation(xcodeml, ct, fctDef, _groupIterationRanges.get(i), _groupedAssignStmts.get(i), from);
            if (doStmtsBlock == null) {
                doStmtsBlock = new Xblock(crtBlock.getStart());
            } else {
        if (doStmtsBlock == null) {
            throw new IllegalTransformationException("Problem occurred during expand transformation", _clawStart.getPragma().lineNo());
        Xblock parallelRegionBlock;
        Xblock updateRegionBlock = null;
        if (_clawStart.hasClause(ClawClause.PARALLEL)) {
            List<String> privates = Collections.emptyList();
            String clauses = _clawStart.hasClause(ClawClause.ACC) ? _clawStart.value(ClawClause.ACC) : "";
            parallelRegionBlock = Directive.generateParallelLoopClause(xcodeml, privates, doStmtsBlock.getStart(), doStmtsBlock.getEnd(), clauses, _groupedAssignStmts.size());
            if (_clawStart.hasClause(ClawClause.UPDATE) && cfg.getBooleanParameter(Configuration.SCA_FORWARD_UPDATE_ENABLED)) {
                updateRegionBlock = generateUpdateClause(cfg, xcodeml, parallelRegionBlock, readArrays, writtenArrays);
            if (updateRegionBlock == null) {
                updateRegionBlock = parallelRegionBlock;
            List<String> presentLst = new ArrayList<>(presents);
            dataRegionBlock = Directive.generateDataRegionClause(xcodeml, presentLst, Collections.emptyList(), updateRegionBlock);
    } else {
        doStmtsBlock = new Xblock(_clawStart.getPragma());
        if (_clawEnd != null) {
        } else {
    if (_clawStart.hasClause(ClawClause.SAVEPOINT) && cfg.getBooleanParameter(Configuration.SCA_SERIALIZATION_ENABLED)) {
        if (dataRegionBlock == null) {
            dataRegionBlock = doStmtsBlock;
        generateSavepoint(cfg, xcodeml, dataRegionBlock, readArrays, writtenArrays);
Also used : Xnode(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode) Configuration(claw.wani.x2t.configuration.Configuration) FfunctionDefinition(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition) IllegalTransformationException(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException) Xblock(claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.Xblock) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ClawTranslator(claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with ClawTranslator

use of claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.

the class Kcaching method applyInitClause.

 * Apply the init clause if it was part of the kcache directive.
 * @param xcodeml    Current program in which the transformation is performed.
 * @param translator Current translator used to store elements information.
 * @param cacheVar   Newly created cache variable that will be used for the
 *                   initialization (rhs of the assign statement). Element will
 *                   be cloned before insertion.
 * @param arrayRef   Array reference to be modified that will be used for the
 *                   initialization (lhs of the assign statement). Element will
 *                   be cloned before insertion.
private void applyInitClause(XcodeProgram xcodeml, Translator translator, Xnode cacheVar, Xnode arrayRef) {
    if (_claw.hasClause(ClawClause.INIT)) {
        ClawTranslator ct = (ClawTranslator) translator;
        Xnode initIfStmt = (Xnode) ct.hasElement(_doStmt);
        if (initIfStmt == null) {
            // If statement has not been created yet so we do it here
            initIfStmt = xcodeml.createIfThen();
            Xnode logEq = xcodeml.createNode(Xcode.LOG_EQ_EXPR);
            // Set lhs of equality
            logEq.append(_doStmt.matchDirectDescendant(Xcode.VAR), true);
            // Set rhs of equality
            logEq.append(_doStmt.matchDirectDescendant(Xcode.INDEX_RANGE).matchDirectDescendant(Xcode.LOWER_BOUND).child(0), true);
            _doStmt.body().insert(initIfStmt, false);
            ct.storeElement(_doStmt, initIfStmt);
        Xnode initAssignment = xcodeml.createNode(Xcode.F_ASSIGN_STATEMENT);
        // set rhs
        initAssignment.append(cacheVar, true);
        // set lhs
        initAssignment.append(arrayRef, true);
        // Add assignment in the "then" body element
Also used : ClawTranslator(claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)


ClawTranslator (claw.wani.x2t.translator.ClawTranslator)10 IllegalTransformationException (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.exception.IllegalTransformationException)6 FfunctionDefinition (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionDefinition)6 Context (claw.tatsu.common.Context)4 Xnode (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xnode)4 Configuration (claw.wani.x2t.configuration.Configuration)4 Xblock (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.Xblock)3 Xid (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.common.Xid)3 FbasicType (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FbasicType)2 FfunctionType (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.xnode.fortran.FfunctionType)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Transformation (claw.shenron.transformation.Transformation)1 Translator (claw.shenron.translator.Translator)1 Target (claw.tatsu.common.Target)1 DataMovement (claw.tatsu.directive.common.DataMovement)1 Directive (claw.tatsu.directive.common.Directive)1 Range (claw.tatsu.primitive.Range)1 FunctionCall (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.FunctionCall)1 HoistedNestedDoStatement (claw.tatsu.xcodeml.abstraction.HoistedNestedDoStatement)1