use of claw.wani.language.parser.ClawParser in project claw-compiler by C2SM-RCM.
the class ClawPragma method analyze.
* Analyze a raw string input and match it with the CLAW language definition.
* @param rawPragma A raw pragma statement to be analyzed against the CLAW
* language.
* @param lineno Line number of the pragma statement.
* @return A ClawPragma object with the corresponding extracted information.
* @throws IllegalDirectiveException If directive does not follow the CLAW
* language specification.
private static ClawPragma analyze(String rawPragma, int lineno) throws IllegalDirectiveException {
// Remove additional claw keyword
rawPragma = nakenize(rawPragma);
// Discard the ignored code after the claw ignore directive
if (rawPragma.toLowerCase().contains(IGNORE)) {
rawPragma = rawPragma.substring(0, rawPragma.toLowerCase().indexOf(IGNORE) + IGNORE.length());
// Instantiate the lexer with the raw string input
ClawLexer lexer = new ClawLexer(CharStreams.fromString(rawPragma));
// Get a list of matched tokens
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
// Pass the tokens to the parser
ClawParser parser = new ClawParser(tokens);
parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
try {
// Start the parser analysis from the "analyze" entry point
ClawParser.AnalyzeContext ctx = parser.analyze();
// Get the ClawPragma object return by the parser after analysis.
return ctx.l;
} catch (ParseCancellationException pcex) {
if (pcex.getCause() instanceof InputMismatchException) {
InputMismatchException imex = (InputMismatchException) pcex.getCause();
throw new IllegalDirectiveException(getTokens(imex.getExpectedTokens(), parser), lineno, imex.getOffendingToken().getCharPositionInLine());
} else if (pcex.getCause() instanceof NoViableAltException) {
NoViableAltException nvex = (NoViableAltException) pcex.getCause();
throw new IllegalDirectiveException(nvex.getOffendingToken().getText(), getTokens(nvex.getExpectedTokens(), parser), lineno, nvex.getOffendingToken().getCharPositionInLine());
throw new IllegalDirectiveException(rawPragma, "Unsupported construct", lineno, 0);