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Example 6 with MapleCharacter

use of client.MapleCharacter in project HeavenMS by ronancpl.

the class MesoDropHandler method handlePacket.

public final void handlePacket(SeekableLittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) {
    MapleCharacter player = c.getPlayer();
    if (!player.isAlive()) {
    if (!player.canDropMeso()) {
        player.announce(MaplePacketCreator.serverNotice(5, "Fast meso drop has been patched, cut that out. ;)"));
    int meso = slea.readInt();
    if (meso <= player.getMeso() && meso > 9 && meso < 50001) {
        player.gainMeso(-meso, false, true, false);
        player.getMap().spawnMesoDrop(meso, player.getPosition(), player, player, true, (byte) 2);
Also used : MapleCharacter(client.MapleCharacter)

Example 7 with MapleCharacter

use of client.MapleCharacter in project HeavenMS by ronancpl.

the class PetCommandHandler method handlePacket.

public final void handlePacket(SeekableLittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) {
    MapleCharacter chr = c.getPlayer();
    int petId = slea.readInt();
    byte petIndex = chr.getPetIndex(petId);
    MaplePet pet;
    if (petIndex == -1) {
    } else {
        pet = chr.getPet(petIndex);
    byte command = slea.readByte();
    PetCommand petCommand = PetDataFactory.getPetCommand(pet.getItemId(), (int) command);
    if (petCommand == null) {
    if (Randomizer.nextInt(101) <= petCommand.getProbability()) {
        pet.gainClosenessFullness(chr, petCommand.getIncrease(), 0, command);
    } else {
        chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(MaplePacketCreator.commandResponse(chr.getId(), petIndex, command, false));
        if (chr.getMount() != null)
            chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(MaplePacketCreator.updateMount(chr.getId(), chr.getMount(), false));
Also used : MapleCharacter(client.MapleCharacter) PetCommand(client.inventory.PetCommand) MaplePet(client.inventory.MaplePet)

Example 8 with MapleCharacter

use of client.MapleCharacter in project HeavenMS by ronancpl.

the class PetExcludeItemsHandler method handlePacket.

public final void handlePacket(SeekableLittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) {
    final int petId = slea.readInt();
    MapleCharacter chr = c.getPlayer();
    byte petIndex = (byte) chr.getPetIndex(petId);
    if (petIndex < 0)
    final MaplePet pet = chr.getPet(petIndex);
    if (pet == null) {
    byte amount = slea.readByte();
    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
        chr.addExcluded(petId, slea.readInt());
Also used : MapleCharacter(client.MapleCharacter) MaplePet(client.inventory.MaplePet)

Example 9 with MapleCharacter

use of client.MapleCharacter in project HeavenMS by ronancpl.

the class PetFoodHandler method handlePacket.

public final void handlePacket(SeekableLittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) {
    MapleCharacter chr = c.getPlayer();
    AutobanManager abm = chr.getAutobanManager();
    if (abm.getLastSpam(2) + 500 > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
    abm.setTimestamp(1, slea.readInt(), 3);
    if (chr.getNoPets() == 0) {
    int previousFullness = 100;
    byte slot = 0;
    MaplePet[] pets = chr.getPets();
    for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (pets[i] != null) {
            if (pets[i].getFullness() < previousFullness) {
                slot = i;
                previousFullness = pets[i].getFullness();
    MaplePet pet = chr.getPet(slot);
    if (pet == null)
    short pos = slea.readShort();
    int itemId = slea.readInt();
    Item use = chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE).getItem(pos);
    if (use == null || (itemId / 10000) != 212 || use.getItemId() != itemId) {
    // 50% chance to get +1 closeness
    pet.gainClosenessFullness(chr, (Randomizer.nextInt(101) <= 50) ? 1 : 0, 30, 1);
    MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(c, MapleInventoryType.USE, pos, (short) 1, false);
Also used : Item(client.inventory.Item) MapleCharacter(client.MapleCharacter) AutobanManager(client.autoban.AutobanManager) MaplePet(client.inventory.MaplePet)

Example 10 with MapleCharacter

use of client.MapleCharacter in project HeavenMS by ronancpl.

the class RangedAttackHandler method handlePacket.

public final void handlePacket(SeekableLittleEndianAccessor slea, MapleClient c) {
    MapleCharacter chr = c.getPlayer();
    /*long timeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - chr.getAutobanManager().getLastSpam(8);
        if(timeElapsed < 300) {
            AutobanFactory.FAST_ATTACK.alert(chr, "Time: " + timeElapsed);
    AttackInfo attack = parseDamage(slea, chr, true, false);
    if (chr.getBuffEffect(MapleBuffStat.MORPH) != null) {
        if (chr.getBuffEffect(MapleBuffStat.MORPH).isMorphWithoutAttack()) {
            // How are they attacking when the client won't let them?
            chr.getClient().disconnect(false, false);
    if (chr.getMap().isDojoMap() && attack.numAttacked > 0) {
        chr.setDojoEnergy(chr.getDojoEnergy() + ServerConstants.DOJO_ENERGY_ATK);
        c.announce(MaplePacketCreator.getEnergy("energy", chr.getDojoEnergy()));
    if (attack.skill == Buccaneer.ENERGY_ORB || attack.skill == ThunderBreaker.SPARK || attack.skill == Shadower.TAUNT || attack.skill == NightLord.TAUNT) {
        chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, MaplePacketCreator.rangedAttack(chr, attack.skill, attack.skilllevel, attack.stance, attack.numAttackedAndDamage, 0, attack.allDamage, attack.speed, attack.direction, attack.display), false);
        applyAttack(attack, chr, 1);
    } else if (attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_SMASH || attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_FENRIR || attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_TEMPEST) {
        chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, MaplePacketCreator.rangedAttack(chr, attack.skill, attack.skilllevel, attack.stance, attack.numAttackedAndDamage, 0, attack.allDamage, attack.speed, attack.direction, attack.display), false);
        if (attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_SMASH && chr.getCombo() >= 30) {
            chr.setCombo((short) 0);
            applyAttack(attack, chr, 1);
        } else if (attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_FENRIR && chr.getCombo() >= 100) {
            chr.setCombo((short) 0);
            applyAttack(attack, chr, 2);
        } else if (attack.skill == Aran.COMBO_TEMPEST && chr.getCombo() >= 200) {
            chr.setCombo((short) 0);
            applyAttack(attack, chr, 4);
    } else {
        Item weapon = chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11);
        MapleWeaponType type = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getWeaponType(weapon.getItemId());
        if (type == MapleWeaponType.NOT_A_WEAPON) {
        short slot = -1;
        int projectile = 0;
        byte bulletCount = 1;
        MapleStatEffect effect = null;
        if (attack.skill != 0) {
            effect = attack.getAttackEffect(chr, null);
            bulletCount = effect.getBulletCount();
            if (effect.getCooldown() > 0) {
                c.announce(MaplePacketCreator.skillCooldown(attack.skill, effect.getCooldown()));
        boolean hasShadowPartner = chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER) != null;
        if (hasShadowPartner) {
            bulletCount *= 2;
        MapleInventory inv = chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE);
        for (short i = 1; i <= inv.getSlotLimit(); i++) {
            Item item = inv.getItem(i);
            if (item != null) {
                int id = item.getItemId();
                slot = item.getPosition();
                boolean bow = ItemConstants.isArrowForBow(id);
                boolean cbow = ItemConstants.isArrowForCrossBow(id);
                if (item.getQuantity() >= bulletCount) {
                    // Fixes the bug where you can't use your last arrow.
                    if (type == MapleWeaponType.CLAW && ItemConstants.isThrowingStar(id) && weapon.getItemId() != 1472063) {
                        if (((id == 2070007 || id == 2070018) && chr.getLevel() < 70) || (id == 2070016 && chr.getLevel() < 50)) {
                        } else {
                            projectile = id;
                    } else if ((type == MapleWeaponType.GUN && ItemConstants.isBullet(id))) {
                        if (id == 2331000 && id == 2332000) {
                            if (chr.getLevel() > 69) {
                                projectile = id;
                        } else if (chr.getLevel() > (id % 10) * 20 + 9) {
                            projectile = id;
                    } else if ((type == MapleWeaponType.BOW && bow) || (type == MapleWeaponType.CROSSBOW && cbow) || (weapon.getItemId() == 1472063 && (bow || cbow))) {
                        projectile = id;
        boolean soulArrow = chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW) != null;
        boolean shadowClaw = chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SHADOW_CLAW) != null;
        if (projectile != 0) {
            if (!soulArrow && !shadowClaw && attack.skill != 11101004 && attack.skill != 15111007 && attack.skill != 14101006) {
                byte bulletConsume = bulletCount;
                if (effect != null && effect.getBulletConsume() != 0) {
                    bulletConsume = (byte) (effect.getBulletConsume() * (hasShadowPartner ? 2 : 1));
                if (slot < 0)
                    System.out.println("<ERROR> Projectile to use was unable to be found.");
                    MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(c, MapleInventoryType.USE, slot, bulletConsume, false, true);
        if (projectile != 0 || soulArrow || attack.skill == 11101004 || attack.skill == 15111007 || attack.skill == 14101006) {
            // visible projectile sent to players
            int visProjectile = projectile;
            if (ItemConstants.isThrowingStar(projectile)) {
                MapleInventory cash = chr.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.CASH);
                for (int i = 1; i <= cash.getSlotLimit(); i++) {
                    // impose order...
                    Item item = cash.getItem((short) i);
                    if (item != null) {
                        if (item.getItemId() / 1000 == 5021) {
                            visProjectile = item.getItemId();
            } else // bow, crossbow
            if (soulArrow || attack.skill == 3111004 || attack.skill == 3211004 || attack.skill == 11101004 || attack.skill == 15111007 || attack.skill == 14101006) {
                visProjectile = 0;
            byte[] packet;
            switch(attack.skill) {
                // Hurricane
                case 3121004:
                // Pierce
                case 3221001:
                // Rapid Fire
                case 5221004:
                case // KoC Hurricane
                    packet = MaplePacketCreator.rangedAttack(chr, attack.skill, attack.skilllevel, attack.rangedirection, attack.numAttackedAndDamage, visProjectile, attack.allDamage, attack.speed, attack.direction, attack.display);
                    packet = MaplePacketCreator.rangedAttack(chr, attack.skill, attack.skilllevel, attack.stance, attack.numAttackedAndDamage, visProjectile, attack.allDamage, attack.speed, attack.direction, attack.display);
            chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, packet, false, true);
            if (effect != null) {
                int money = effect.getMoneyCon();
                if (money != 0) {
                    int moneyMod = money / 2;
                    money += Randomizer.nextInt(moneyMod);
                    if (money > chr.getMeso()) {
                        money = chr.getMeso();
                    chr.gainMeso(-money, false);
            if (attack.skill != 0) {
                Skill skill = SkillFactory.getSkill(attack.skill);
                MapleStatEffect effect_ = skill.getEffect(chr.getSkillLevel(skill));
                if (effect_.getCooldown() > 0) {
                    if (chr.skillIsCooling(attack.skill)) {
                    } else {
                        c.announce(MaplePacketCreator.skillCooldown(attack.skill, effect_.getCooldown()));
                        chr.addCooldown(attack.skill, System.currentTimeMillis(), effect_.getCooldown() * 1000);
            if (chr.getSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(NightWalker.VANISH)) > 0 && chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT) != null && attack.numAttacked > 0 && chr.getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT) != 9101004) {
            } else if (chr.getSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getSkill(WindArcher.WIND_WALK)) > 0 && chr.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.WIND_WALK) != null && attack.numAttacked > 0) {
            applyAttack(attack, chr, bulletCount);
Also used : Item(client.inventory.Item) MapleCharacter(client.MapleCharacter) Skill(client.Skill) MapleWeaponType(client.inventory.MapleWeaponType) MapleStatEffect(server.MapleStatEffect) MapleInventory(client.inventory.MapleInventory)


MapleCharacter (client.MapleCharacter)163 Point (java.awt.Point)32 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)22 Item (client.inventory.Item)21 Connection (java.sql.Connection)15 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)15 MapleMonster ( MapleMapObject (server.maps.MapleMapObject)15 DatabaseConnection (tools.DatabaseConnection)15 MapleMap (server.maps.MapleMap)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Skill (client.Skill)12 SpawnPoint ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)11 MapleInventory (client.inventory.MapleInventory)10 World ( MapleStatEffect (server.MapleStatEffect)10 MapleInventoryType (client.inventory.MapleInventoryType)9 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)9 MapleItemInformationProvider (server.MapleItemInformationProvider)9