Search in sources :

Example 1 with TbItem

use of cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem in project xmall by Exrick.

the class CartServiceImpl method addCart.

public int addCart(long userId, long itemId, int num) {
    // hash: "key:用户id" field:"商品id" value:"商品信息"
    Boolean hexists = jedisClient.hexists(CART_PRE + ":" + userId, itemId + "");
    // 如果存在数量相加
    if (hexists) {
        String json = jedisClient.hget(CART_PRE + ":" + userId, itemId + "");
        if (json != null) {
            CartProduct cartProduct = new Gson().fromJson(json, CartProduct.class);
            cartProduct.setProductNum(cartProduct.getProductNum() + num);
            jedisClient.hset(CART_PRE + ":" + userId, itemId + "", new Gson().toJson(cartProduct));
        } else {
            return 0;
        return 1;
    // 如果不存在,根据商品id取商品信息
    TbItem item = itemMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(itemId);
    if (item == null) {
        return 0;
    CartProduct cartProduct = DtoUtil.TbItem2CartProduct(item);
    cartProduct.setProductNum((long) num);
    jedisClient.hset(CART_PRE + ":" + userId, itemId + "", new Gson().toJson(cartProduct));
    return 1;
Also used : CartProduct(cn.exrick.manager.dto.front.CartProduct) Gson( TbItem(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem)

Example 2 with TbItem

use of cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem in project xmall by Exrick.

the class ItemServiceImpl method getItemSearchList.

public DataTablesResult getItemSearchList(int draw, int start, int length, int cid, String search, String minDate, String maxDate, String orderCol, String orderDir) {
    DataTablesResult result = new DataTablesResult();
    // 分页执行查询返回结果
    PageHelper.startPage(start / length + 1, length);
    List<TbItem> list = tbItemMapper.selectItemByMultiCondition(cid, "%" + search + "%", minDate, maxDate, orderCol, orderDir);
    PageInfo<TbItem> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(list);
    result.setRecordsFiltered((int) pageInfo.getTotal());
    return result;
Also used : PageInfo(com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo) DataTablesResult(cn.exrick.common.pojo.DataTablesResult) TbItem(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem)

Example 3 with TbItem

use of cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem in project xmall by Exrick.

the class ItemServiceImpl method updateItem.

public TbItem updateItem(Long id, ItemDto itemDto) {
    TbItem oldTbItem = getNormalItemById(id);
    TbItem tbItem = DtoUtil.ItemDto2TbItem(itemDto);
    if (tbItem.getImage().isEmpty()) {
    tbItem.setUpdated(new Date());
    if (tbItemMapper.updateByPrimaryKey(tbItem) != 1) {
        throw new XmallException("更新商品失败");
    TbItemDesc tbItemDesc = new TbItemDesc();
    tbItemDesc.setUpdated(new Date());
    if (tbItemDescMapper.updateByPrimaryKey(tbItemDesc) != 1) {
        throw new XmallException("更新商品详情失败");
    // 同步缓存
    // 发送消息同步索引库
    sendRefreshESMessage("add", id);
    return getNormalItemById(id);
Also used : XmallException(cn.exrick.common.exception.XmallException) TbItemDesc(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItemDesc) TbItem(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 4 with TbItem

use of cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem in project xmall by Exrick.

the class ItemServiceImpl method getItemById.

public ItemDto getItemById(Long id) {
    ItemDto itemDto = new ItemDto();
    TbItem tbItem = tbItemMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(id);
    itemDto = DtoUtil.TbItem2ItemDto(tbItem);
    TbItemCat tbItemCat = tbItemCatMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(itemDto.getCid());
    TbItemDesc tbItemDesc = tbItemDescMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(id);
    return itemDto;
Also used : ItemDto(cn.exrick.manager.dto.ItemDto) TbItemCat(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItemCat) TbItemDesc(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItemDesc) TbItem(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem)

Example 5 with TbItem

use of cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem in project xmall by Exrick.

the class ItemServiceImpl method alertItemState.

public TbItem alertItemState(Long id, Integer state) {
    TbItem tbMember = getNormalItemById(id);
    tbMember.setUpdated(new Date());
    if (tbItemMapper.updateByPrimaryKey(tbMember) != 1) {
        throw new XmallException("修改商品状态失败");
    return getNormalItemById(id);
Also used : XmallException(cn.exrick.common.exception.XmallException) TbItem(cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem) Date(java.util.Date)


TbItem (cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItem)7 XmallException (cn.exrick.common.exception.XmallException)3 TbItemDesc (cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItemDesc)3 Date (java.util.Date)3 DataTablesResult (cn.exrick.common.pojo.DataTablesResult)2 PageInfo (com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo)2 ItemDto (cn.exrick.manager.dto.ItemDto)1 CartProduct (cn.exrick.manager.dto.front.CartProduct)1 TbItemCat (cn.exrick.manager.pojo.TbItemCat)1 Gson (