use of cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class EntityMinecartAbstract method processMovement.
private void processMovement(int dx, int dy, int dz, BlockRail block) {
fallDistance = 0.0F;
Vector3 vector = getNextRail(x, y, z);
y = (double) dy;
boolean isPowered = false;
boolean isSlowed = false;
if (block instanceof BlockRailPowered) {
isPowered = block.isActive();
isSlowed = !block.isActive();
switch(Orientation.byMetadata(block.getRealMeta())) {
motionX -= 0.0078125D;
y += 1;
motionX += 0.0078125D;
y += 1;
motionZ += 0.0078125D;
y += 1;
motionZ -= 0.0078125D;
y += 1;
int[][] facing = matrix[block.getRealMeta()];
double facing1 = (double) (facing[1][0] - facing[0][0]);
double facing2 = (double) (facing[1][2] - facing[0][2]);
double speedOnTurns = Math.sqrt(facing1 * facing1 + facing2 * facing2);
double realFacing = motionX * facing1 + motionZ * facing2;
if (realFacing < 0) {
facing1 = -facing1;
facing2 = -facing2;
double squareOfFame = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
if (squareOfFame > 2) {
squareOfFame = 2;
motionX = squareOfFame * facing1 / speedOnTurns;
motionZ = squareOfFame * facing2 / speedOnTurns;
double expectedSpeed;
// PlayerYawNegative
double playerYawNeg;
// PlayerYawPositive
double playerYawPos;
double motion;
if (linkedEntity != null && linkedEntity instanceof EntityLiving) {
expectedSpeed = currentSpeed;
if (expectedSpeed > 0) {
// This is a trajectory (Angle of elevation)
playerYawNeg = -Math.sin(linkedEntity.yaw * 3.1415927F / 180.0F);
playerYawPos = Math.cos(linkedEntity.yaw * 3.1415927F / 180.0F);
motion = motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ;
if (motion < 0.01D) {
motionX += playerYawNeg * 0.1D;
motionZ += playerYawPos * 0.1D;
isSlowed = false;
if (isSlowed) {
expectedSpeed = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
if (expectedSpeed < 0.03D) {
motionX *= 0;
motionY *= 0;
motionZ *= 0;
} else {
motionX *= 0.5D;
motionY *= 0;
motionZ *= 0.5D;
playerYawNeg = (double) dx + 0.5D + (double) facing[0][0] * 0.5D;
playerYawPos = (double) dz + 0.5D + (double) facing[0][2] * 0.5D;
motion = (double) dx + 0.5D + (double) facing[1][0] * 0.5D;
double wallOfFame = (double) dz + 0.5D + (double) facing[1][2] * 0.5D;
facing1 = motion - playerYawNeg;
facing2 = wallOfFame - playerYawPos;
double motX;
double motZ;
if (facing1 == 0) {
x = (double) dx + 0.5D;
expectedSpeed = z - (double) dz;
} else if (facing2 == 0) {
z = (double) dz + 0.5D;
expectedSpeed = x - (double) dx;
} else {
motX = x - playerYawNeg;
motZ = z - playerYawPos;
expectedSpeed = (motX * facing1 + motZ * facing2) * 2;
x = playerYawNeg + facing1 * expectedSpeed;
z = playerYawPos + facing2 * expectedSpeed;
// Hehe, my minstake :3
setPosition(new Vector3(x, y, z));
motX = motionX;
motZ = motionZ;
if (linkedEntity != null) {
motX *= 0.75D;
motZ *= 0.75D;
motX = NukkitMath.clamp(motX, -getMaxSpeed(), getMaxSpeed());
motZ = NukkitMath.clamp(motZ, -getMaxSpeed(), getMaxSpeed());
move(motX, 0, motZ);
if (facing[0][1] != 0 && MathHelper.floor(x) - dx == facing[0][0] && MathHelper.floor(z) - dz == facing[0][2]) {
setPosition(new Vector3(x, y + (double) facing[0][1], z));
} else if (facing[1][1] != 0 && MathHelper.floor(x) - dx == facing[1][0] && MathHelper.floor(z) - dz == facing[1][2]) {
setPosition(new Vector3(x, y + (double) facing[1][1], z));
Vector3 vector1 = getNextRail(x, y, z);
if (vector1 != null && vector != null) {
double d14 = (vector.y - vector1.y) * 0.05D;
squareOfFame = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
if (squareOfFame > 0) {
motionX = motionX / squareOfFame * (squareOfFame + d14);
motionZ = motionZ / squareOfFame * (squareOfFame + d14);
setPosition(new Vector3(x, vector1.y, z));
int floorX = MathHelper.floor(x);
int floorZ = MathHelper.floor(z);
if (floorX != dx || floorZ != dz) {
squareOfFame = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
motionX = squareOfFame * (double) (floorX - dx);
motionZ = squareOfFame * (double) (floorZ - dz);
if (isPowered) {
double newMovie = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
if (newMovie > 0.01D) {
double nextMovie = 0.06D;
motionX += motionX / newMovie * nextMovie;
motionZ += motionZ / newMovie * nextMovie;
} else if (block.getOrientation() == Orientation.STRAIGHT_NORTH_SOUTH) {
if (level.getBlock(new Vector3(dx - 1, dy, dz)).isNormalBlock()) {
motionX = 0.02D;
} else if (level.getBlock(new Vector3(dx + 1, dy, dz)).isNormalBlock()) {
motionX = -0.02D;
} else if (block.getOrientation() == Orientation.STRAIGHT_EAST_WEST) {
if (level.getBlock(new Vector3(dx, dy, dz - 1)).isNormalBlock()) {
motionZ = 0.02D;
} else if (level.getBlock(new Vector3(dx, dy, dz + 1)).isNormalBlock()) {
motionZ = -0.02D;