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Example 1 with BlockIgniteEvent

use of cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent in project Nukkit by Nukkit.

the class BlockFire method onUpdate.

public int onUpdate(int type) {
    if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL || type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM) {
        if (!this.isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(this.down()) && !this.canNeighborBurn()) {
            this.getLevel().setBlock(this, new BlockAir(), true);
        return Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL;
    } else if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_SCHEDULED && this.level.gameRules.getBoolean(GameRule.DO_FIRE_TICK)) {
        boolean forever = this.down().getId() == Block.NETHERRACK;
        ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
        if (!this.isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(this.down()) && !this.canNeighborBurn()) {
            this.getLevel().setBlock(this, new BlockAir(), true);
        if (!forever && this.getLevel().isRaining() && (this.getLevel().canBlockSeeSky(this) || this.getLevel().canBlockSeeSky(this.east()) || this.getLevel().canBlockSeeSky(this.west()) || this.getLevel().canBlockSeeSky(this.south()) || this.getLevel().canBlockSeeSky(this.north()))) {
            this.getLevel().setBlock(this, new BlockAir(), true);
        } else {
            int meta = this.getDamage();
            if (meta < 15) {
                this.setDamage(meta + random.nextInt(3));
                this.getLevel().setBlock(this, this, true);
            this.getLevel().scheduleUpdate(this, this.tickRate() + random.nextInt(10));
            if (!forever && !this.canNeighborBurn()) {
                if (!this.isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(this.down()) || meta > 3) {
                    this.getLevel().setBlock(this, new BlockAir(), true);
            } else if (!forever && !(this.down().getBurnAbility() > 0) && meta == 15 && random.nextInt(4) == 0) {
                this.getLevel().setBlock(this, new BlockAir(), true);
            } else {
                int o = 0;
                // TODO: decrease the o if the rainfall values are high
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.east(), 300 + o, meta);
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.west(), 300 + o, meta);
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.down(), 250 + o, meta);
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.up(), 250 + o, meta);
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.south(), 300 + o, meta);
                this.tryToCatchBlockOnFire(this.north(), 300 + o, meta);
                for (int x = (int) (this.x - 1); x <= (int) (this.x + 1); ++x) {
                    for (int z = (int) (this.z - 1); z <= (int) (this.z + 1); ++z) {
                        for (int y = (int) (this.y - 1); y <= (int) (this.y + 4); ++y) {
                            if (x != (int) this.x || y != (int) this.y || z != (int) this.z) {
                                int k = 100;
                                if (y > this.y + 1) {
                                    k += (y - (this.y + 1)) * 100;
                                Block block = this.getLevel().getBlock(new Vector3(x, y, z));
                                int chance = this.getChanceOfNeighborsEncouragingFire(block);
                                if (chance > 0) {
                                    int t = (chance + 40 + this.getLevel().getServer().getDifficulty() * 7) / (meta + 30);
                                    if (t > 0 && random.nextInt(k) <= t) {
                                        int damage = meta + random.nextInt(5) / 4;
                                        if (damage > 15) {
                                            damage = 15;
                                        BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, this, null, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.SPREAD);
                                        if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                                            this.getLevel().setBlock(block, new BlockFire(damage), true);
                                            this.getLevel().scheduleUpdate(block, this.tickRate());
    return 0;
Also used : ThreadLocalRandom(java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom) Vector3(cn.nukkit.math.Vector3) BlockIgniteEvent(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent)

Example 2 with BlockIgniteEvent

use of cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent in project Nukkit by Nukkit.

the class EntityLightning method onUpdate.

public boolean onUpdate(int currentTick) {
    if (this.closed) {
        return false;
    int tickDiff = currentTick - this.lastUpdate;
    if (tickDiff <= 0 && !this.justCreated) {
        return true;
    this.lastUpdate = currentTick;
    if (this.state == 2) {
        this.level.addLevelSoundEvent(this, LevelSoundEventPacket.SOUND_THUNDER, 93, -1);
        this.level.addLevelSoundEvent(this, LevelSoundEventPacket.SOUND_EXPLODE, 93, -1);
    if (this.state < 0) {
        if (this.liveTime == 0) {
            return false;
        } else if (this.state < -ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10)) {
            this.state = 1;
            if (this.isEffect && this.level.gameRules.getBoolean(GameRule.DO_FIRE_TICK)) {
                Block block = this.getLevelBlock();
                if (block.getId() == Block.AIR || block.getId() == Block.TALL_GRASS) {
                    BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, null, this, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.LIGHTNING);
                    if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                        Block fire = new BlockFire();
                        this.level.setBlock(block, fire);
                        this.getLevel().scheduleUpdate(fire, fire.tickRate());
    if (this.state >= 0) {
        if (this.isEffect) {
            AxisAlignedBB bb = getBoundingBox().grow(3, 3, 3);
            bb.setMaxX(bb.getMaxX() + 6);
            for (Entity entity : this.level.getCollidingEntities(bb, this)) {
    return true;
Also used : AxisAlignedBB(cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB) Entity(cn.nukkit.entity.Entity) Block(cn.nukkit.block.Block) BlockIgniteEvent(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent) BlockFire(cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire)

Example 3 with BlockIgniteEvent

use of cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent in project Nukkit by Nukkit.

the class EntityLightning method initEntity.

protected void initEntity() {
    this.state = 2;
    this.liveTime = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(3) + 1;
    if (isEffect && this.level.gameRules.getBoolean(GameRule.DO_FIRE_TICK) && (this.server.getDifficulty() >= 2)) {
        Block block = this.getLevelBlock();
        if (block.getId() == 0 || block.getId() == Block.TALL_GRASS) {
            BlockFire fire = new BlockFire();
            fire.x = block.x;
            fire.y = block.y;
            fire.z = block.z;
            fire.level = level;
            this.getLevel().setBlock(fire, fire, true);
            if (fire.isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(fire.down()) || fire.canNeighborBurn()) {
                BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, null, this, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.LIGHTNING);
                if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                    level.setBlock(fire, fire, true);
                    level.scheduleUpdate(fire, fire.tickRate() + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10));
Also used : Block(cn.nukkit.block.Block) BlockIgniteEvent(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent) BlockFire(cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire)

Example 4 with BlockIgniteEvent

use of cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent in project Nukkit by Nukkit.

the class ItemFlintSteel method onActivate.

public boolean onActivate(Level level, Player player, Block block, Block target, BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz) {
    if (block.getId() == AIR && (target instanceof BlockSolid || target instanceof BlockSolidMeta)) {
        if (target.getId() == OBSIDIAN) {
            int targetX = target.getFloorX();
            int targetY = target.getFloorY();
            int targetZ = target.getFloorZ();
            int x_max = targetX;
            int x_min = targetX;
            int x;
            for (x = targetX + 1; level.getBlock(new Vector3(x, targetY, targetZ)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; x++) {
            for (x = targetX - 1; level.getBlock(new Vector3(x, targetY, targetZ)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; x--) {
            int count_x = x_max - x_min + 1;
            int z_max = targetZ;
            int z_min = targetZ;
            int z;
            for (z = targetZ + 1; level.getBlock(new Vector3(targetX, targetY, z)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; z++) {
            for (z = targetZ - 1; level.getBlock(new Vector3(targetX, targetY, z)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; z--) {
            int count_z = z_max - z_min + 1;
            int z_max_y = targetY;
            int z_min_y = targetY;
            int y;
            for (y = targetY; level.getBlock(new Vector3(targetX, y, z_max)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; y++) {
            for (y = targetY; level.getBlock(new Vector3(targetX, y, z_min)).getId() == OBSIDIAN; y++) {
            int y_max = Math.min(z_max_y, z_min_y) - 1;
            int count_y = y_max - targetY + 2;
            if ((count_x >= 4 && count_x <= 23 || count_z >= 4 && count_z <= 23) && count_y >= 5 && count_y <= 23) {
                int count_up = 0;
                for (int up_z = z_min; level.getBlock(new Vector3(targetX, y_max, up_z)).getId() == OBSIDIAN && up_z <= z_max; up_z++) {
                if (count_up == count_z) {
                    for (int block_z = z_min + 1; block_z < z_max; block_z++) {
                        for (int block_y = targetY + 1; block_y < y_max; block_y++) {
                            level.setBlock(new Vector3(targetX, block_y, block_z), new BlockNetherPortal());
                    return true;
        BlockFire fire = new BlockFire();
        fire.x = block.x;
        fire.y = block.y;
        fire.z = block.z;
        fire.level = level;
        if (fire.isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(fire.down()) || fire.canNeighborBurn()) {
            BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, null, player, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL);
            if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                level.setBlock(fire, fire, true);
                level.scheduleUpdate(fire, fire.tickRate() + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10));
            return true;
        if ((player.gamemode & 0x01) == 0 && this.useOn(block)) {
            if (this.getDamage() >= this.getMaxDurability()) {
                this.count = 0;
            } else {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : Vector3(cn.nukkit.math.Vector3) BlockIgniteEvent(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent)

Example 5 with BlockIgniteEvent

use of cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent in project Nukkit by Nukkit.

the class BlockLava method onUpdate.

public int onUpdate(int type) {
    int result = super.onUpdate(type);
    if (type == Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM && this.level.gameRules.getBoolean(GameRule.DO_FIRE_TICK)) {
        Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
        int i = random.nextInt(3);
        if (i > 0) {
            for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
                Vector3 v = this.add(random.nextInt(3) - 1, 1, random.nextInt(3) - 1);
                Block block = this.getLevel().getBlock(v);
                if (block.getId() == AIR) {
                    if (this.isSurroundingBlockFlammable(block)) {
                        BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, this, null, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.LAVA);
                        if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                            BlockFire fire = new BlockFire();
                            this.getLevel().setBlock(v, fire, true);
                            this.getLevel().scheduleUpdate(fire, fire.tickRate());
                            return Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM;
                        return 0;
                } else if (block.isSolid()) {
                    return Level.BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM;
        } else {
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
                Vector3 v = this.add(random.nextInt(3) - 1, 0, random.nextInt(3) - 1);
                Block block = this.getLevel().getBlock(v);
                if (block.up().getId() == AIR && block.getBurnChance() > 0) {
                    BlockIgniteEvent e = new BlockIgniteEvent(block, this, null, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause.LAVA);
                    if (!e.isCancelled()) {
                        BlockFire fire = new BlockFire();
                        this.getLevel().setBlock(v, fire, true);
                        this.getLevel().scheduleUpdate(fire, fire.tickRate());
    return result;
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) ThreadLocalRandom(java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom) Vector3(cn.nukkit.math.Vector3) BlockIgniteEvent(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent)


BlockIgniteEvent (cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent)6 Vector3 (cn.nukkit.math.Vector3)3 ThreadLocalRandom (java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom)3 Block (cn.nukkit.block.Block)2 BlockFire (cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 Entity (cn.nukkit.entity.Entity)1 BlockBurnEvent (cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent)1 AxisAlignedBB (cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB)1