use of cn.nukkit.math.Vector3 in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class ObjectDarkOakTree method placeLeafAt.
private void placeLeafAt(ChunkManager worldIn, int x, int y, int z) {
Vector3 blockpos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
int material = worldIn.getBlockIdAt(blockpos.getFloorX(), blockpos.getFloorY(), blockpos.getFloorZ());
if (material == Block.AIR) {
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, blockpos, DARK_OAK_LEAVES);
use of cn.nukkit.math.Vector3 in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class ObjectJungleBigTree method generate.
public boolean generate(ChunkManager level, NukkitRandom rand, Vector3 position) {
int height = this.getHeight(rand);
if (!this.ensureGrowable(level, rand, position, height)) {
return false;
} else {
this.createCrown(level, position.up(height), 2);
for (int j = (int) position.getY() + height - 2 - rand.nextBoundedInt(4); j > position.getY() + height / 2; j -= 2 + rand.nextBoundedInt(4)) {
float f = rand.nextFloat() * ((float) Math.PI * 2F);
int k = (int) (position.getX() + (0.5F + MathHelper.cos(f) * 4.0F));
int l = (int) (position.getZ() + (0.5F + MathHelper.sin(f) * 4.0F));
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 5; ++i1) {
k = (int) (position.getX() + (1.5F + MathHelper.cos(f) * (float) i1));
l = (int) (position.getZ() + (1.5F + MathHelper.sin(f) * (float) i1));
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(level, new Vector3(k, j - 3 + i1 / 2, l), this.woodMetadata);
int j2 = 1 + rand.nextBoundedInt(2);
int j1 = j;
for (int k1 = j - j2; k1 <= j1; ++k1) {
int l1 = k1 - j1;
this.growLeavesLayer(level, new Vector3(k, k1, l), 1 - l1);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < height; ++i2) {
Vector3 blockpos = position.up(i2);
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt((int) blockpos.x, (int) blockpos.y, (int) blockpos.z))) {
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(level, blockpos, this.woodMetadata);
if (i2 > 0) {
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos.west(), 8);
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos.north(), 1);
if (i2 < height - 1) {
Vector3 blockpos1 = blockpos.east();
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt((int) blockpos1.x, (int) blockpos1.y, (int) blockpos1.z))) {
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(level, blockpos1, this.woodMetadata);
if (i2 > 0) {
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos1.east(), 2);
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos1.north(), 1);
Vector3 blockpos2 = blockpos.south().east();
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt((int) blockpos2.x, (int) blockpos2.y, (int) blockpos2.z))) {
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(level, blockpos2, this.woodMetadata);
if (i2 > 0) {
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos2.east(), 2);
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos2.south(), 4);
Vector3 blockpos3 = blockpos.south();
if (this.canGrowInto(level.getBlockIdAt((int) blockpos3.x, (int) blockpos3.y, (int) blockpos3.z))) {
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(level, blockpos3, this.woodMetadata);
if (i2 > 0) {
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos3.west(), 8);
this.placeVine(level, rand, blockpos3.south(), 4);
return true;
use of cn.nukkit.math.Vector3 in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class DarkOakTreePopulator method populate.
public void populate(ChunkManager level, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NukkitRandom random) {
this.level = level;
int amount = random.nextBoundedInt(this.randomAmount + 1) + this.baseAmount;
Vector3 v = new Vector3();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
int x = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkX << 4, (chunkX << 4) + 15);
int z = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkZ << 4, (chunkZ << 4) + 15);
int y = this.getHighestWorkableBlock(x, z);
if (y == -1) {
new ObjectDarkOakTree().generate(level, random, v.setComponents(x, y, z));
use of cn.nukkit.math.Vector3 in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class JungleTreePopulator method populate.
public void populate(ChunkManager level, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NukkitRandom random) {
this.level = level;
int amount = random.nextBoundedInt(this.randomAmount + 1) + this.baseAmount;
Vector3 v = new Vector3();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
int x = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkX << 4, (chunkX << 4) + 15);
int z = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkZ << 4, (chunkZ << 4) + 15);
int y = this.getHighestWorkableBlock(x, z);
if (y == -1) {
new NewJungleTree(4 + random.nextBoundedInt(7)).generate(level, random, v.setComponents(x, y, z));
use of cn.nukkit.math.Vector3 in project Nukkit by Nukkit.
the class MushroomPopulator method populate.
public void populate(ChunkManager level, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NukkitRandom random) {
this.level = level;
int amount = random.nextBoundedInt(this.randomAmount + 1) + this.baseAmount;
Vector3 v = new Vector3();
for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
int x = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkX << 4, (chunkX << 4) + 15);
int z = NukkitMath.randomRange(random, chunkZ << 4, (chunkZ << 4) + 15);
int y = this.getHighestWorkableBlock(x, z);
if (y == -1) {
new BigMushroom(type).generate(level, random, v.setComponents(x, y, z));