use of co.cask.cdap.api.artifact.ArtifactClasses in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ArtifactRepository method addArtifact.
* Inspects and builds plugin and application information for the given artifact, adding an additional set of
* plugin classes to the plugins found through inspection. This method is used when all plugin classes
* cannot be derived by inspecting the artifact but need to be explicitly set. This is true for 3rd party plugins
* like jdbc drivers.
* @param artifactId the id of the artifact to inspect and store
* @param artifactFile the artifact to inspect and store
* @param parentArtifacts artifacts the given artifact extends.
* If null, the given artifact does not extend another artifact
* @param additionalPlugins the set of additional plugin classes to add to the plugins found through inspection.
* If null, no additional plugin classes will be added
* @param properties properties for the artifact
* @throws IOException if there was an exception reading from the artifact store
* @throws ArtifactRangeNotFoundException if none of the parent artifacts could be found
* @throws UnauthorizedException if the user is not authorized to add an artifact in the specified namespace. To add
* an artifact, a user must have {@link Action#WRITE} on the namespace in which
* the artifact is being added. If authorization is successful, and
* the artifact is added successfully, then the user gets all {@link Action privileges}
* on the added artifact.
public ArtifactDetail addArtifact(final Id.Artifact artifactId, final File artifactFile, @Nullable Set<ArtifactRange> parentArtifacts, @Nullable Set<PluginClass> additionalPlugins, Map<String, String> properties) throws Exception {
if (additionalPlugins != null) {
parentArtifacts = parentArtifacts == null ? Collections.<ArtifactRange>emptySet() : parentArtifacts;
CloseableClassLoader parentClassLoader = null;
EntityImpersonator entityImpersonator = new EntityImpersonator(artifactId.toEntityId(), impersonator);
if (!parentArtifacts.isEmpty()) {
validateParentSet(artifactId, parentArtifacts);
parentClassLoader = createParentClassLoader(artifactId, parentArtifacts, entityImpersonator);
try {
ArtifactClasses artifactClasses = inspectArtifact(artifactId, artifactFile, additionalPlugins, parentClassLoader);
ArtifactMeta meta = new ArtifactMeta(artifactClasses, parentArtifacts, properties);
ArtifactDetail artifactDetail = artifactStore.write(artifactId, meta, Files.newInputStreamSupplier(artifactFile), entityImpersonator);
ArtifactDescriptor descriptor = artifactDetail.getDescriptor();
// info hides some fields that are available in detail, such as the location of the artifact
ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = new ArtifactInfo(descriptor.getArtifactId(), artifactDetail.getMeta().getClasses(), artifactDetail.getMeta().getProperties());
// add system metadata for artifacts
writeSystemMetadata(artifactId.toEntityId(), artifactInfo);
return artifactDetail;
} finally {
use of co.cask.cdap.api.artifact.ArtifactClasses in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ArtifactSystemMetadataWriter method getSystemPropertiesToAdd.
protected Map<String, String> getSystemPropertiesToAdd() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> properties = ImmutableMap.builder();
properties.put(ENTITY_NAME_KEY, artifactInfo.getName());
ArtifactClasses classes = artifactInfo.getClasses();
for (PluginClass pluginClass : classes.getPlugins()) {
addPlugin(pluginClass, artifactInfo.getVersion(), properties);
if (!existing) {
properties.put(CREATION_TIME_KEY, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of co.cask.cdap.api.artifact.ArtifactClasses in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ArtifactStore method writeMeta.
// write a new artifact snapshot and clean up the old snapshot data
private void writeMeta(Table table, Id.Artifact artifactId, ArtifactData data) throws IOException {
ArtifactCell artifactCell = new ArtifactCell(artifactId);
table.put(artifactCell.rowkey, artifactCell.column, Bytes.toBytes(GSON.toJson(data)));
// column for plugin meta and app meta. {artifact-name}:{artifact-version}
// does not need to contain namespace because namespace is in the rowkey
byte[] artifactColumn = new ArtifactColumn(artifactId).getColumn();
ArtifactClasses classes = data.meta.getClasses();
Location artifactLocation = Locations.getLocationFromAbsolutePath(locationFactory, data.getLocationPath());
// write pluginClass metadata
for (PluginClass pluginClass : classes.getPlugins()) {
// write metadata for each artifact this plugin extends
for (ArtifactRange artifactRange : data.meta.getUsableBy()) {
// p:{namespace}:{type}:{name}
PluginKey pluginKey = new PluginKey(artifactRange.getNamespace(), artifactRange.getName(), pluginClass.getType(), pluginClass.getName());
byte[] pluginDataBytes = Bytes.toBytes(GSON.toJson(new PluginData(pluginClass, artifactLocation, artifactRange)));
table.put(pluginKey.getRowKey(), artifactColumn, pluginDataBytes);
// by any other artifact in the same namespace.
if (data.meta.getUsableBy().isEmpty()) {
// Write a special entry for plugin that doesn't have parent, which means any artifact can use it
UniversalPluginKey pluginKey = new UniversalPluginKey(artifactId.getNamespace().getId(), pluginClass.getType(), pluginClass.getName());
byte[] pluginDataBytes = Bytes.toBytes(GSON.toJson(new PluginData(pluginClass, artifactLocation, null)));
table.put(pluginKey.getRowKey(), artifactColumn, pluginDataBytes);
// write appClass metadata
for (ApplicationClass appClass : classes.getApps()) {
// a:{namespace}:{classname}
AppClassKey appClassKey = new AppClassKey(artifactId.getNamespace().toEntityId(), appClass.getClassName());
byte[] appDataBytes = Bytes.toBytes(GSON.toJson(new AppData(appClass, artifactLocation)));
table.put(appClassKey.getRowKey(), artifactColumn, appDataBytes);
use of co.cask.cdap.api.artifact.ArtifactClasses in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DefaultArtifactRepository method inspectArtifact.
private ArtifactClasses inspectArtifact(Id.Artifact artifactId, File artifactFile, @Nullable Set<PluginClass> additionalPlugins, @Nullable ClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws IOException, InvalidArtifactException {
ArtifactClasses artifactClasses = artifactInspector.inspectArtifact(artifactId, artifactFile, parentClassLoader);
if (additionalPlugins == null || additionalPlugins.isEmpty()) {
return artifactClasses;
} else {
return ArtifactClasses.builder().addApps(artifactClasses.getApps()).addPlugins(artifactClasses.getPlugins()).addPlugins(additionalPlugins).build();
use of co.cask.cdap.api.artifact.ArtifactClasses in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ArtifactInspectorTest method inspectAppsAndPlugins.
public void inspectAppsAndPlugins() throws Exception {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
manifest.getMainAttributes().put(ManifestFields.EXPORT_PACKAGE, InspectionApp.class.getPackage().getName());
File appFile = createJar(InspectionApp.class, new File(TMP_FOLDER.newFolder(), "InspectionApp-1.0.0.jar"), manifest);
Id.Artifact artifactId = Id.Artifact.from(Id.Namespace.DEFAULT, "InspectionApp", "1.0.0");
Location artifactLocation = Locations.toLocation(appFile);
try (CloseableClassLoader artifactClassLoader = classLoaderFactory.createClassLoader(ImmutableList.of(artifactLocation).iterator(), new EntityImpersonator(artifactId.toEntityId(), new DefaultImpersonator(CConfiguration.create(), null)))) {
ArtifactClasses classes = artifactInspector.inspectArtifact(artifactId, appFile, artifactClassLoader);
// check app classes
Set<ApplicationClass> expectedApps = ImmutableSet.of(new ApplicationClass(InspectionApp.class.getName(), "", new ReflectionSchemaGenerator(false).generate(InspectionApp.AConfig.class)));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedApps, classes.getApps());
// check plugin classes
PluginClass expectedPlugin = new PluginClass(InspectionApp.PLUGIN_TYPE, InspectionApp.PLUGIN_NAME, InspectionApp.PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, InspectionApp.AppPlugin.class.getName(), "pluginConf", ImmutableMap.of("y", new PluginPropertyField("y", "", "double", true, true), "isSomething", new PluginPropertyField("isSomething", "", "boolean", true, false)));
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(expectedPlugin), classes.getPlugins());