use of co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricDataQuery in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ServiceLifeCycleTestRun method testContentConsumerLifecycle.
public void testContentConsumerLifecycle() throws Exception {
// Set to have one thread only for testing context capture and release
System.setProperty(ServiceHttpServer.THREAD_POOL_SIZE, "1");
try {
ApplicationManager appManager = deployWithArtifact(ServiceLifecycleApp.class, artifactJar);
final ServiceManager serviceManager = appManager.getServiceManager("test").start();
CountDownLatch uploadLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// Create five concurrent upload
List<ListenableFuture<Integer>> completions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
completions.add(slowUpload(serviceManager, "PUT", "upload", uploadLatch));
// Get the states, there should be six handler instances initialized.
// Five for the in-progress upload, one for the getStates call
Tasks.waitFor(6, new Callable<Integer>() {
public Integer call() throws Exception {
return getStates(serviceManager).size();
}, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Finish the upload
Futures.successfulAsList(completions).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify the result
for (ListenableFuture<Integer> future : completions) {
Assert.assertEquals(200, future.get().intValue());
// Get the states, there should still be six handler instances initialized.
final Multimap<Integer, String> states = getStates(serviceManager);
Assert.assertEquals(6, states.size());
// Do another round of six concurrent upload. It should reuse all of the existing six contexts
uploadLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
completions.add(slowUpload(serviceManager, "PUT", "upload", uploadLatch));
// Get the states, there should be seven handler instances initialized.
// Six for the in-progress upload, one for the getStates call
// Out of the 7 states, six of them should be the same as the old one
Tasks.waitFor(true, new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
Multimap<Integer, String> newStates = getStates(serviceManager);
if (newStates.size() != 7) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : states.entries()) {
if (!newStates.containsEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) {
return false;
return true;
}, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Complete the upload
Futures.successfulAsList(completions).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify the result
for (ListenableFuture<Integer> future : completions) {
Assert.assertEquals(200, future.get().intValue());
// Query the queue size metrics. Expect the maximum be 6.
// This is because only the six from the concurrent upload will get captured added back to the queue,
// while the one created for the getState() call will be stated in the thread cache, but not in the queue.
Tasks.waitFor(6L, new Callable<Long>() {
public Long call() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> context = ImmutableMap.of(Constants.Metrics.Tag.NAMESPACE, Id.Namespace.DEFAULT.getId(), Constants.Metrics.Tag.APP, ServiceLifecycleApp.class.getSimpleName(), Constants.Metrics.Tag.SERVICE, "test");
MetricDataQuery metricQuery = new MetricDataQuery(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "system.context.pool.size", AggregationFunction.MAX, context, ImmutableList.<String>of());
Iterator<MetricTimeSeries> result = getMetricsManager().query(metricQuery).iterator();
return result.hasNext() ? : 0L;
}, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} finally {
use of co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricDataQuery in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SparkMetricsIntegrationTestRun method getTotalCounter.
private long getTotalCounter(Map<String, String> context, String metricName) throws Exception {
MetricDataQuery query = new MetricDataQuery(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, metricName, AggregationFunction.SUM, context, new ArrayList<String>());
try {
Collection<MetricTimeSeries> result = getMetricsManager().query(query);
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// since it is totals query and not groupBy specified, we know there's one time series
List<TimeValue> timeValues = result.iterator().next().getTimeValues();
if (timeValues.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// since it is totals, we know there's one value only
return timeValues.get(0).getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
use of co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricDataQuery in project cdap by caskdata.
the class CDAPLoad method collect.
public void collect() throws IOException {
// reset all metrics
long currentTimeSecs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis());
// We want metrics in the last hour
long startTimeSecs = currentTimeSecs - (60 * 60);
// We want to aggregate metrics in a sliding window of the past hour from the time the request is made.
// To do this, query metrics with the minute resolution, so you get 60 points, then aggregate on the client side.
// Not using hourly resolution here, because that wouldn't give aggregated metrics for the past hour, but
// just aggregated metrics for the current hour (if called 15 mins past the hour, it will only give an aggregated
// value for the past 15 mins).
Collection<MetricTimeSeries> metricTimeSeries = metricStore.query(// TODO: CDAP-8207 Have to use this constructor currently, because the default limit does not work
new MetricDataQuery(startTimeSecs, currentTimeSecs, 60, Integer.MAX_VALUE, METRICS, Collections.singletonMap(Constants.Metrics.Tag.NAMESPACE, NamespaceId.SYSTEM.getEntityName()), Collections.<String>emptyList(), null));
for (MetricTimeSeries metricTimeSery : metricTimeSeries) {
switch(metricTimeSery.getMetricName()) {
case "system.request.received":
totalRequests = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
case "system.response.successful":
successful = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
case "system.response.client-error":
clientErrors = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
case "system.response.server-error":
serverErrors = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
case "":
errorLogs = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
case "":
warnLogs = aggregateMetricValue(metricTimeSery);
use of co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricDataQuery in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DataCleansingMapReduceTest method getValidityMetrics.
// pass true to get the number of invalid records; pass false to get the number of valid records processed.
private long getValidityMetrics(boolean invalid) throws Exception {
String metric = "user.records." + (invalid ? "invalid" : "valid");
Map<String, String> tags = ImmutableMap.of(Constants.Metrics.Tag.NAMESPACE, NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), Constants.Metrics.Tag.APP, DataCleansing.NAME, Constants.Metrics.Tag.MAPREDUCE, DataCleansingMapReduce.NAME);
MetricDataQuery metricQuery = new MetricDataQuery(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, metric, AggregationFunction.SUM, tags, ImmutableList.<String>of());
Collection<MetricTimeSeries> result = getMetricsManager().query(metricQuery);
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// since it is totals query and not groupBy specified, we know there's one time series
List<TimeValue> timeValues = result.iterator().next().getTimeValues();
if (timeValues.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// since it is totals, we know there's one value only
return timeValues.get(0).getValue();
use of co.cask.cdap.api.metrics.MetricDataQuery in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FlowQueuePendingCorrector method run.
* Corrects queue.pending metric for a flowlet.
public void run(FlowId flowId, String producerFlowlet, String consumerFlowlet, String flowletQueue, FlowSpecification flow) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Running queue.pending correction on flow '" + flowId + "' producerFlowlet '" + producerFlowlet + "' consumerFlowlet '" + consumerFlowlet + "' flowletQueue '" + flowletQueue + "'");
Map<RunId, ProgramRuntimeService.RuntimeInfo> runtimeInfos = programRuntimeService.list(flowId);
Preconditions.checkState(runtimeInfos.isEmpty(), "Cannot run tool when flow " + flowId + " is still running");
SimpleQueueSpecificationGenerator queueSpecGenerator = new SimpleQueueSpecificationGenerator(flowId.getParent());
Table<QueueSpecificationGenerator.Node, String, Set<QueueSpecification>> table = queueSpecGenerator.create(flow);
Preconditions.checkArgument(table.contains(QueueSpecificationGenerator.Node.flowlet(producerFlowlet), consumerFlowlet), "Flowlet " + producerFlowlet + " is not emitting to " + consumerFlowlet);
Set<QueueSpecification> queueSpecs = table.get(QueueSpecificationGenerator.Node.flowlet(producerFlowlet), consumerFlowlet);
boolean validQueue = false;
for (QueueSpecification queueSpec : queueSpecs) {
if (queueSpec.getQueueName().getSimpleName().equals(flowletQueue)) {
validQueue = true;
Preconditions.checkArgument(validQueue, "Queue " + flowletQueue + " does not exist for the given flowlets");
QueueName queueName = QueueName.fromFlowlet(flowId, producerFlowlet, flowletQueue);
long consumerGroupId = FlowUtils.generateConsumerGroupId(flowId, consumerFlowlet);
long correctQueuePendingValue;
try {
HBaseQueueDebugger.QueueStatistics stats = queueDebugger.scanQueue(queueName, consumerGroupId);
correctQueuePendingValue = stats.getUnprocessed() + stats.getProcessedAndNotVisible();
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
// OK since flowlet queue exists, but actual queue doesn't exist
// (e.g. when running upgrade tool from 2.8 to 3.0)
correctQueuePendingValue = 0;
Map<String, String> tags = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.NAMESPACE, flowId.getNamespace()).put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.APP, flowId.getApplication()).put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.FLOW, flowId.getProgram()).put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.CONSUMER, consumerFlowlet).put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.PRODUCER, producerFlowlet).put(Constants.Metrics.Tag.FLOWLET_QUEUE, flowletQueue).build();
MetricDataQuery query = new MetricDataQuery(0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1, ImmutableMap.of("system.queue.pending", AggregationFunction.SUM), tags, ImmutableList.<String>of(), null);
Collection<MetricTimeSeries> results = metricStore.query(query);
long queuePending;
if (results.isEmpty()) {
queuePending = 0;
} else {
System.out.println("Got results: " + GSON.toJson(results));
Preconditions.checkState(results.size() == 1);
List<TimeValue> timeValues = results.iterator().next().getTimeValues();
Preconditions.checkState(timeValues.size() == 1);
TimeValue timeValue = timeValues.get(0);
queuePending = timeValue.getValue();
MetricsContext collector = metricsCollectionService.getContext(tags);
collector.gauge("queue.pending", correctQueuePendingValue);
System.out.printf("Adjusted system.queue.pending metric from %d to %d (tags %s)\n", queuePending, correctQueuePendingValue, GSON.toJson(tags));
// stop will flush the metrics