use of co.cask.cdap.api.schedule.ScheduleSpecification in project cdap by caskdata.
the class WorkflowHttpHandlerTest method testWorkflowSchedules.
public void testWorkflowSchedules() throws Exception {
// Steps for the test:
// 1. Deploy the app
// 2. Verify the schedules
// 3. Verify the history after waiting a while
// 4. Suspend the schedule
// 5. Verify there are no runs after the suspend by looking at the history
// 6. Resume the schedule
// 7. Verify there are runs after the resume by looking at the history
String appName = AppWithSchedule.NAME;
String workflowName = AppWithSchedule.WORKFLOW_NAME;
String sampleSchedule = AppWithSchedule.SCHEDULE;
// deploy app with schedule in namespace 2
HttpResponse response = deploy(AppWithSchedule.class, Constants.Gateway.API_VERSION_3_TOKEN, TEST_NAMESPACE2);
Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Id.Program programId = Id.Program.from(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, ProgramType.WORKFLOW, workflowName);
Map<String, String> runtimeArguments = ImmutableMap.of("someKey", "someWorkflowValue", "workflowKey", "workflowValue");
setAndTestRuntimeArgs(programId, runtimeArguments);
// get schedules
List<ScheduleDetail> schedules = getSchedules(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, workflowName);
Assert.assertEquals(1, schedules.size());
String scheduleName = schedules.get(0).getName();
// get schedules in backward-compatible ScheduleSpecification form
List<ScheduleSpecification> specs = getScheduleSpecs(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, workflowName);
Assert.assertEquals(1, specs.size());
String specName = specs.get(0).getSchedule().getName();
Assert.assertEquals(scheduleName, specName);
// TODO [CDAP-2327] Sagar Investigate why following check fails sometimes. Mostly test case issue.
// List<ScheduledRuntime> previousRuntimes = getScheduledRunTime(programId, scheduleName, "previousruntime");
// Assert.assertTrue(previousRuntimes.size() == 0);
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Resume the schedule
Assert.assertEquals(200, resumeSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, sampleSchedule));
// Check schedule status
assertSchedule(programId, scheduleName, true, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
List<ScheduledRuntime> runtimes = getScheduledRunTime(programId, true);
String id = runtimes.get(0).getId();
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Expected schedule id '%s' to contain schedule name '%s'", id, scheduleName), id.contains(scheduleName));
Long nextRunTime = runtimes.get(0).getTime();
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Expected nextRuntime '%s' to be greater than current runtime '%s'", nextRunTime, current), nextRunTime > current);
// Verify that at least one program is completed
verifyProgramRuns(programId, "completed");
// Suspend the schedule
Assert.assertEquals(200, suspendSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, scheduleName));
// check paused state
assertSchedule(programId, scheduleName, false, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// check that there were at least 1 previous runs
List<ScheduledRuntime> previousRuntimes = getScheduledRunTime(programId, false);
int numRuns = previousRuntimes.size();
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("After sleeping for two seconds, the schedule should have at least triggered " + "once, but found %s previous runs", numRuns), numRuns >= 1);
// Verify no program running
verifyNoRunWithStatus(programId, "running");
// get number of completed runs after schedule is suspended
int workflowRuns = getProgramRuns(programId, "completed").size();
// verify that resuming the suspended schedule again has expected behavior (spawns new runs)
Assert.assertEquals(200, resumeSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, scheduleName));
//check scheduled state
assertSchedule(programId, scheduleName, true, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify that the program ran after the schedule was resumed
verifyProgramRuns(programId, "completed", workflowRuns);
// Suspend the schedule
Assert.assertEquals(200, suspendSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE2, appName, scheduleName));
//check paused state
assertSchedule(programId, scheduleName, false, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//Check status of a non existing schedule
try {
assertSchedule(programId, "invalid", true, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);;
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
//Schedule operations using invalid namespace
try {
assertSchedule(Id.Program.from(TEST_NAMESPACE1, appName, ProgramType.WORKFLOW, workflowName), scheduleName, true, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);;
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
Assert.assertEquals(404, suspendSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE1, appName, scheduleName));
Assert.assertEquals(404, resumeSchedule(TEST_NAMESPACE1, appName, scheduleName));
verifyNoRunWithStatus(programId, "running");
deleteApp(Id.Application.from(TEST_NAMESPACE2, AppWithSchedule.class.getSimpleName()), 200);
use of co.cask.cdap.api.schedule.ScheduleSpecification in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ScheduleDetail method toScheduleSpec.
* Return an equivalent schedule specification, or null if there is no equivalent one.
public ScheduleSpecification toScheduleSpec() {
RunConstraints constraints = RunConstraints.NONE;
if (getConstraints() != null) {
for (Constraint runConstraint : getConstraints()) {
if (runConstraint instanceof ProtoConstraint.ConcurrencyConstraint) {
constraints = new RunConstraints(((ProtoConstraint.ConcurrencyConstraint) runConstraint).getMaxConcurrency());
Schedule schedule;
if (getTrigger() instanceof ProtoTrigger.TimeTrigger) {
ProtoTrigger.TimeTrigger trigger = ((ProtoTrigger.TimeTrigger) getTrigger());
schedule = new TimeSchedule(getName(), getDescription(), trigger.getCronExpression(), constraints);
} else if (getTrigger() instanceof ProtoTrigger.StreamSizeTrigger) {
ProtoTrigger.StreamSizeTrigger trigger = (ProtoTrigger.StreamSizeTrigger) getTrigger();
schedule = new StreamSizeSchedule(getName(), getDescription(), trigger.getStreamId().getStream(), trigger.getTriggerMB(), constraints);
} else {
return null;
return new ScheduleSpecification(schedule, getProgram(), getProperties());
use of co.cask.cdap.api.schedule.ScheduleSpecification in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ScheduleSpecificationCodec method deserialize.
public ScheduleSpecification deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObj = json.getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement scheduleTypeJson = jsonObj.get("scheduleType");
ScheduleType scheduleType;
if (scheduleTypeJson == null) {
// For backwards compatibility with spec persisted with older versions than 2.8, we need these lines
scheduleType = null;
} else {
scheduleType = context.deserialize(jsonObj.get("scheduleType"), ScheduleType.class);
Schedule schedule = null;
if (scheduleType == null) {
JsonObject scheduleObj = jsonObj.get("schedule").getAsJsonObject();
String name = context.deserialize(scheduleObj.get("name"), String.class);
String description = context.deserialize(scheduleObj.get("description"), String.class);
String cronEntry = context.deserialize(scheduleObj.get("cronEntry"), String.class);
schedule = Schedules.builder(name).setDescription(description).createTimeSchedule(cronEntry);
} else {
switch(scheduleType) {
case TIME:
schedule = context.deserialize(jsonObj.get("schedule"), TimeSchedule.class);
case STREAM:
schedule = context.deserialize(jsonObj.get("schedule"), StreamSizeSchedule.class);
ScheduleProgramInfo program = context.deserialize(jsonObj.get("program"), ScheduleProgramInfo.class);
Map<String, String> properties = deserializeMap(jsonObj.get("properties"), context, String.class);
return new ScheduleSpecification(schedule, program, properties);