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Example 1 with Nullable

use of javax.annotation.Nullable in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelper method createAdb.

   * Creates connection to adb and waits for this connection to be initialized
   * and receive initial list of devices.
private AndroidDebugBridge createAdb(ExecutionContext context) throws InterruptedException {
    try {
        AndroidDebugBridge.init(/* clientSupport */
    } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
    // ADB was already initialized, we're fine, so just ignore.
    AndroidDebugBridge adb = AndroidDebugBridge.createBridge(context.getPathToAdbExecutable(), false);
    if (adb == null) {
        console.printBuildFailure("Failed to connect to adb. Make sure adb server is running.");
        return null;
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (!isAdbInitialized(adb)) {
        long timeLeft = start + ADB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS - System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (timeLeft <= 0) {
    return isAdbInitialized(adb) ? adb : null;
Also used : AndroidDebugBridge( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with Nullable

use of javax.annotation.Nullable in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelper method deviceUninstallPackage.

   * Modified version of <a href="">Device.uninstallPackage()</a>.
   * @param device an {@link IDevice}
   * @param packageName application package name
   * @param keepData  true if user data is to be kept
   * @return error message or null if successful
   * @throws InstallException
private String deviceUninstallPackage(IDevice device, String packageName, boolean keepData) throws InstallException {
    try {
        AdbHelper.ErrorParsingReceiver receiver = new AdbHelper.ErrorParsingReceiver() {

            protected String matchForError(String line) {
                return line.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("failure") ? line : null;
        device.executeShellCommand("pm uninstall " + (keepData ? "-k " : "") + packageName, receiver, AdbHelper.INSTALL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        return receiver.getErrorMessage();
    } catch (AdbCommandRejectedException | IOException | ShellCommandUnresponsiveException | TimeoutException e) {
        throw new InstallException(e);
Also used : ShellCommandUnresponsiveException( AdbCommandRejectedException( IOException( InstallException( TimeoutException( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with Nullable

use of javax.annotation.Nullable in project buck by facebook.

the class ResolveAliasHelper method validateBuildTargetForFullyQualifiedTarget.

   * Verify that the given target is a valid full-qualified (non-alias) target.
static String validateBuildTargetForFullyQualifiedTarget(CommandRunnerParams params, ListeningExecutorService executor, boolean enableProfiling, String target, Parser parser) {
    BuildTarget buildTarget = getBuildTargetForFullyQualifiedTarget(params.getBuckConfig(), target);
    Cell owningCell = params.getCell().getCell(buildTarget);
    Path buildFile;
    try {
        buildFile = owningCell.getAbsolutePathToBuildFile(buildTarget);
    } catch (Cell.MissingBuildFileException e) {
        throw new HumanReadableException(e);
    // Get all valid targets in our target directory by reading the build file.
    ImmutableSet<TargetNode<?, ?>> targetNodes;
    try {
        targetNodes = parser.getAllTargetNodes(params.getBuckEventBus(), owningCell, enableProfiling, executor, buildFile);
    } catch (BuildFileParseException e) {
        throw new HumanReadableException(e);
    // Check that the given target is a valid target.
    for (TargetNode<?, ?> candidate : targetNodes) {
        if (candidate.getBuildTarget().equals(buildTarget)) {
            return buildTarget.getFullyQualifiedName();
    return null;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) TargetNode(com.facebook.buck.rules.TargetNode) BuildTarget(com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget) HumanReadableException(com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException) Cell(com.facebook.buck.rules.Cell) BuildFileParseException(com.facebook.buck.json.BuildFileParseException) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 4 with Nullable

use of javax.annotation.Nullable in project crate by crate.

the class ExpressionAnalyzer method getQuotedSubscriptLiteral.

protected static String getQuotedSubscriptLiteral(String nodeName) {
    Matcher matcher = SUBSCRIPT_SPLIT_PATTERN.matcher(nodeName);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        StringBuilder quoted = new StringBuilder();
        String group1 =;
        if (!group1.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
        String group2 =;
        String group3 =;
        if (!group2.isEmpty() && !group3.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (!group2.isEmpty() && group3.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        return quoted.toString();
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 5 with Nullable

use of javax.annotation.Nullable in project crate by crate.

the class OrderBy method subset.

     * Create a new OrderBy with symbols that match the predicate
public OrderBy subset(Predicate<? super Symbol> predicate) {
    List<Integer> subSet = new ArrayList<>();
    Integer i = 0;
    for (Symbol orderBySymbol : orderBySymbols) {
        if (predicate.apply(orderBySymbol)) {
    if (subSet.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    return subset(subSet);
Also used : Symbol(io.crate.analyze.symbol.Symbol) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)3367 List (java.util.List)383 IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)312 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)301 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)270 File ( Collectors ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)173 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)168 Test (org.junit.Test)137 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)122 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)122 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)120 ImmutableList ( Layer (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Layer)116 Tensor (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Tensor)116 Set (java.util.Set)116 Result (com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.Result)104 Function (