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Example 1 with InstallException

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelper method deviceUninstallPackage.

   * Modified version of <a href="">Device.uninstallPackage()</a>.
   * @param device an {@link IDevice}
   * @param packageName application package name
   * @param keepData  true if user data is to be kept
   * @return error message or null if successful
   * @throws InstallException
private String deviceUninstallPackage(IDevice device, String packageName, boolean keepData) throws InstallException {
    try {
        AdbHelper.ErrorParsingReceiver receiver = new AdbHelper.ErrorParsingReceiver() {

            protected String matchForError(String line) {
                return line.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("failure") ? line : null;
        device.executeShellCommand("pm uninstall " + (keepData ? "-k " : "") + packageName, receiver, AdbHelper.INSTALL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        return receiver.getErrorMessage();
    } catch (AdbCommandRejectedException | IOException | ShellCommandUnresponsiveException | TimeoutException e) {
        throw new InstallException(e);
Also used : ShellCommandUnresponsiveException( AdbCommandRejectedException( IOException( InstallException( TimeoutException( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with InstallException

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelper method uninstallApkFromDevice.

   * Uninstalls apk from specific device. Reports success or failure to console.
   * It's currently here because it's used both by {@link com.facebook.buck.cli.InstallCommand} and
   * {@link com.facebook.buck.cli.UninstallCommand}.
private boolean uninstallApkFromDevice(IDevice device, String packageName, boolean keepData) {
    String name;
    if (device.isEmulator()) {
        name = device.getSerialNumber() + " (" + device.getAvdName() + ")";
    } else {
        name = device.getSerialNumber();
        String model = device.getProperty("ro.product.model");
        if (model != null) {
            name += " (" + model + ")";
    PrintStream stdOut = console.getStdOut();
    stdOut.printf("Removing apk from %s.\n", name);
    try {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String reason = deviceUninstallPackage(device, packageName, keepData);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (reason != null) {
            console.printBuildFailure(String.format("Failed to uninstall apk from %s: %s.", name, reason));
            return false;
        long delta = end - start;
        stdOut.printf("Uninstalled apk from %s in %d.%03ds.\n", name, delta / 1000, delta % 1000);
        return true;
    } catch (InstallException ex) {
        console.printBuildFailure(String.format("Failed to uninstall apk from %s.", name));
        return false;
Also used : PrintStream( InstallException( SuppressForbidden(com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden)

Example 3 with InstallException

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelperTest method testFailedDeviceInstallWithReason.

   * Verify that if failure reason is returned, installation is marked as failed.
public void testFailedDeviceInstallWithReason() {
    File apk = new File("/some/file.apk");
    TestDevice device = new TestDevice() {

        public void installPackage(String s, boolean b, String... strings) throws InstallException {
            throw new InstallException("[SOME REASON]");
    assertFalse(basicAdbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apk, false, false));
Also used : File( InstallException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with InstallException

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelperTest method testFailedDeviceInstallWithException.

   * Verify that if exception is thrown during installation, installation is marked as failed.
public void testFailedDeviceInstallWithException() {
    File apk = new File("/some/file.apk");
    TestDevice device = new TestDevice() {

        public void installPackage(String s, boolean b, String... strings) throws InstallException {
            throw new InstallException("Failed to install on test device.", null);
    assertFalse(basicAdbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apk, false, false));
Also used : File( InstallException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with InstallException

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AdbHelperTest method testQuietDeviceInstall.

public void testQuietDeviceInstall() throws InterruptedException {
    final File apk = new File("/some/file.apk");
    final AtomicReference<String> apkPath = new AtomicReference<>();
    TestDevice device = new TestDevice() {

        public void installPackage(String s, boolean b, String... strings) throws InstallException {
    final List<IDevice> deviceList = Lists.newArrayList((IDevice) device);
    TestConsole console = new TestConsole();
    BuckEventBus eventBus = BuckEventBusFactory.newInstance();
    AdbHelper adbHelper = new AdbHelper(new AdbOptions(), new TargetDeviceOptions(), TestExecutionContext.newInstance(), console, eventBus, true) {

        protected boolean isDeviceTempWritable(IDevice device, String name) {
            return true;

        public List<IDevice> getDevices(boolean quiet) {
            return deviceList;
    boolean success = adbHelper.adbCall(new AdbHelper.AdbCallable() {

        public boolean call(IDevice device) throws Exception {
            return basicAdbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apk, false, true);

        public String toString() {
            return "install apk";
    }, true);
    assertEquals(apk.getAbsolutePath(), apkPath.get());
    assertEquals("", console.getTextWrittenToStdOut());
    assertEquals("", console.getTextWrittenToStdErr());
Also used : BuckEventBus(com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus) IDevice( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) AdbOptions(com.facebook.buck.step.AdbOptions) CmdLineException(org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException) InstallException( TargetDeviceOptions(com.facebook.buck.step.TargetDeviceOptions) TestConsole(com.facebook.buck.testutil.TestConsole) File( Test(org.junit.Test)


InstallException ( File ( Test (org.junit.Test)4 IDevice ( BuckEventBus (com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus)2 AdbOptions (com.facebook.buck.step.AdbOptions)2 TargetDeviceOptions (com.facebook.buck.step.TargetDeviceOptions)2 TestConsole (com.facebook.buck.testutil.TestConsole)2 AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)2 CmdLineException (org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException)2 AdbCommandRejectedException ( ShellCommandUnresponsiveException ( TimeoutException ( SuppressForbidden (com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden)1 IOException ( PrintStream ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1