use of com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelper method startActivity.
public int startActivity(SourcePathResolver pathResolver, HasInstallableApk hasInstallableApk, @Nullable String activity, boolean waitForDebugger) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Might need the package name and activities from the AndroidManifest.
Path pathToManifest = pathResolver.getAbsolutePath(hasInstallableApk.getApkInfo().getManifestPath());
AndroidManifestReader reader = DefaultAndroidManifestReader.forPath(hasInstallableApk.getProjectFilesystem().resolve(pathToManifest));
if (activity == null) {
// Get list of activities that show up in the launcher.
List<String> launcherActivities = reader.getLauncherActivities();
// Sanity check.
if (launcherActivities.isEmpty()) {
console.printBuildFailure("No launchable activities found.");
return 1;
} else if (launcherActivities.size() > 1) {
console.printBuildFailure("Default activity is ambiguous.");
return 1;
// Construct a component for the '-n' argument of 'adb shell am start'.
activity = reader.getPackage() + "/" + launcherActivities.get(0);
} else if (!activity.contains("/")) {
// If no package name was provided, assume the one in the manifest.
activity = reader.getPackage() + "/" + activity;
final String activityToRun = activity;
PrintStream stdOut = console.getStdOut();
stdOut.println(String.format("Starting activity %s...", activityToRun));
StartActivityEvent.Started started = StartActivityEvent.started(hasInstallableApk.getBuildTarget(), activityToRun);
boolean success = adbCall(new AdbHelper.AdbCallable() {
public boolean call(IDevice device) throws Exception {
String err = deviceStartActivity(device, activityToRun, waitForDebugger);
if (err != null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public String toString() {
return "start activity";
}, false);
getBuckEventBus().post(StartActivityEvent.finished(started, success));
return success ? 0 : 1;
use of com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelper method adbCall.
* Execute an {@link AdbCallable} for all matching devices. This functions performs device
* filtering based on three possible arguments:
* -e (emulator-only) - only emulators are passing the filter
* -d (device-only) - only real devices are passing the filter
* -s (serial) - only device/emulator with specific serial number are passing the filter
* If more than one device matches the filter this function will fail unless multi-install
* mode is enabled (-x). This flag is used as a marker that user understands that multiple
* devices will be used to install the apk if needed.
public boolean adbCall(AdbCallable adbCallable, boolean quiet) throws InterruptedException {
List<IDevice> devices;
try (SimplePerfEvent.Scope ignored = SimplePerfEvent.scope(buckEventBus, "set_up_adb_call")) {
devices = getDevices(quiet);
if (devices.size() == 0) {
return false;
int adbThreadCount = options.getAdbThreadCount();
if (adbThreadCount <= 0) {
adbThreadCount = devices.size();
// Start executions on all matching devices.
List<ListenableFuture<Boolean>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
ListeningExecutorService executorService = listeningDecorator(newMultiThreadExecutor(new CommandThreadFactory(getClass().getSimpleName()), adbThreadCount));
for (final IDevice device : devices) {
// Wait for all executions to complete or fail.
List<Boolean> results = null;
try {
results = Futures.allAsList(futures).get();
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
console.printBuildFailure("Failed: " + adbCallable);
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (CancellationException ignored) {
// Rethrow original InterruptedException instead.
throw e;
} finally {
MostExecutors.shutdownOrThrow(executorService, 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new InterruptionFailedException("Failed to shutdown ExecutorService."));
int successCount = 0;
for (Boolean result : results) {
if (result) {
int failureCount = results.size() - successCount;
// Report results.
if (successCount > 0 && !quiet) {
console.printSuccess(String.format("Successfully ran %s on %d device(s)", adbCallable, successCount));
if (failureCount > 0) {
console.printBuildFailure(String.format("Failed to %s on %d device(s).", adbCallable, failureCount));
return failureCount == 0;
use of com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelper method installApk.
* Install apk on all matching devices. This functions performs device
* filtering based on three possible arguments:
* -e (emulator-only) - only emulators are passing the filter
* -d (device-only) - only real devices are passing the filter
* -s (serial) - only device/emulator with specific serial number are passing the filter
* If more than one device matches the filter this function will fail unless multi-install
* mode is enabled (-x). This flag is used as a marker that user understands that multiple
* devices will be used to install the apk if needed.
public boolean installApk(SourcePathResolver pathResolver, HasInstallableApk hasInstallableApk, boolean installViaSd, boolean quiet) throws InterruptedException {
Optional<ExopackageInfo> exopackageInfo = hasInstallableApk.getApkInfo().getExopackageInfo();
if (exopackageInfo.isPresent()) {
return new ExopackageInstaller(pathResolver, context, this, hasInstallableApk).install(quiet);
InstallEvent.Started started = InstallEvent.started(hasInstallableApk.getBuildTarget());
if (!quiet) {
File apk = pathResolver.getAbsolutePath(hasInstallableApk.getApkInfo().getApkPath()).toFile();
boolean success = adbCall(new AdbHelper.AdbCallable() {
public boolean call(IDevice device) throws Exception {
return installApkOnDevice(device, apk, installViaSd, quiet);
public String toString() {
return String.format("install apk %s", hasInstallableApk.getBuildTarget().toString());
}, quiet);
if (!quiet) {
AdbHelper.tryToExtractPackageNameFromManifest(pathResolver, hasInstallableApk.getApkInfo());
getBuckEventBus().post(InstallEvent.finished(started, success, Optional.empty(), Optional.of(AdbHelper.tryToExtractPackageNameFromManifest(pathResolver, hasInstallableApk.getApkInfo()))));
return success;
use of com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelper method getDevices.
public List<IDevice> getDevices(boolean quiet) throws InterruptedException {
// Initialize adb connection.
AndroidDebugBridge adb = createAdb(context);
if (adb == null) {
console.printBuildFailure("Failed to create adb connection.");
return Lists.newArrayList();
// Build list of matching devices.
List<IDevice> devices = filterDevices(adb.getDevices());
if (devices != null && devices.size() > 1) {
// Found multiple devices but multi-install mode is not enabled.
if (!options.isMultiInstallModeEnabled()) {
console.printBuildFailure(String.format("%d device(s) matches specified device filter (1 expected).\n" + "Either disconnect other devices or enable multi-install mode (%s).", devices.size(), AdbOptions.MULTI_INSTALL_MODE_SHORT_ARG));
return Lists.newArrayList();
if (!quiet) {
// Report if multiple devices are matching the filter.
console.getStdOut().printf("Found " + devices.size() + " matching devices.\n");
if (devices == null && restartAdbOnFailure) {
console.printErrorText("No devices found with adb, restarting adb-server.");
devices = filterDevices(adb.getDevices());
if (devices == null) {
return Lists.newArrayList();
return devices;
use of com.facebook.buck.annotations.SuppressForbidden in project buck by facebook.
the class AdbHelper method uninstallApkFromDevice.
* Uninstalls apk from specific device. Reports success or failure to console.
* It's currently here because it's used both by {@link com.facebook.buck.cli.InstallCommand} and
* {@link com.facebook.buck.cli.UninstallCommand}.
private boolean uninstallApkFromDevice(IDevice device, String packageName, boolean keepData) {
String name;
if (device.isEmulator()) {
name = device.getSerialNumber() + " (" + device.getAvdName() + ")";
} else {
name = device.getSerialNumber();
String model = device.getProperty("ro.product.model");
if (model != null) {
name += " (" + model + ")";
PrintStream stdOut = console.getStdOut();
stdOut.printf("Removing apk from %s.\n", name);
try {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String reason = deviceUninstallPackage(device, packageName, keepData);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (reason != null) {
console.printBuildFailure(String.format("Failed to uninstall apk from %s: %s.", name, reason));
return false;
long delta = end - start;
stdOut.printf("Uninstalled apk from %s in %d.%03ds.\n", name, delta / 1000, delta % 1000);
return true;
} catch (InstallException ex) {
console.printBuildFailure(String.format("Failed to uninstall apk from %s.", name));
return false;